OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...

OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ... OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System - Stanford Research ...


30 Melt Screen Chapter 2OptiMelt users can choose to display the results of a melt as (1) a Range, or (2) a Singlenumber or (3) Both. Single melting point temperatures are sometimes associated with themeniscus point, but more often to the clear point of the melt. If a Single melting pointnumber display is preferred, please specify whether it is the clear or meniscus point andmatch the automated and manual determinations accordingly.The single melting point is sometimes used to represent the meniscus point and displayedalong with the melting range of substances to provide a more thorough description of themelt.Consult the Camera Thresholds Adjustments section in Chapter 4 for additional details.Chemical NameEnter a name for the chemical substance being analyzed.The chemical name is (1) included in the final Test Report, (2) displayed in the MeltInstruction area, and (3) is used as the filename when saving/restoring/deleting analysismethods.Chemical Batch NumberEnter the batch/lot number for the sample being analyzed.The batch number is included in the Report and displayed in the Melt Instruction area.SaveSave the current analysis method using the Chemical Name as filename. The analysismethod includes all the information required to exactly reproduce the melting pointdetermination at a later time. This includes: Start and Stop temperatures, heating Rate,Detector, Onset%, Single%, Clear%, Chemical name and ThermoCF. Use stored analysismethods to configure repetitive determinations.Batch memory can store up to 24 different analysis methods.RestoreRestore an analysis method from batch memory. The analysis method includes all theinformation required to exactly reproduce a determination at any time. Use storedanalysis methods to configure repetitive determinations.Batch memory can store up to 24 different analysis methods.DeleteDelete an analysis method. Select the method to be deleted by simply touching itsfilename on the list.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Chapter 2 Melt Screen 31Options MenuTouch Options in the Melt Screen to display the Options menu.Melt > OptionsFigure 20. Melt Options SubMenu.Use the Options menu to select common melting point measurement preferences for thedisplay and printout of results, audio feedback and thermodynamic and statisticalcalculations.Changes performed within the Options menu are just user preferences and will not affectyour melting point results.DisplayOptions: MP range (default), Single MP and BothSelect a melting point display format for the automated results.Select MP Range if you prefer to display a temperature range as the final result of theautomated determination. The MP range is determined by OptiMelt as the temperaturespan bracketing the onset and clear stages of the melt. The onset and clear points arecalculated by the Digital Image Processor from the Melt Graph, based on the Onset% andClear% threshold values. No single melting point is calculated or displayed in this case.This selection provides the most popular presentation of results for melting pointdeterminations.Select Single MP if you prefer to report a single temperature as the result of an automatedmelt point determination. The single point is calculated from the Melt Graph by theDigital Image Processor based on the Single% threshold. If a Single MP display ispreferred, please specify whether it is the clear or meniscus point. Single melting pointreports are often used in quality control labs for routine determinations.Select Both if you prefer to calculate and display both the melting point range and thesingle melting point at the end of the analysis. The single point result is often associatedto the meniscus point and listed along with the melting range of the substance to providea more thorough description of the melt.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Chapter 2 Melt Screen 31Options MenuTouch Options in the Melt Screen to display the Options menu.Melt > OptionsFigure 20. Melt Options SubMenu.Use the Options menu to select common melting point measurement preferences for thedisplay and printout of results, audio feedback and thermodynamic and statisticalcalculations.Changes performed within the Options menu are just user preferences and will not affectyour melting point results.DisplayOptions: MP range (default), Single MP and BothSelect a melting point display format for the automated results.Select MP Range if you prefer to display a temperature range as the final result of theautomated determination. The MP range is determined by <strong>OptiMelt</strong> as the temperaturespan bracketing the onset and clear stages of the melt. The onset and clear points arecalculated by the Digital Image Processor from the Melt Graph, based on the Onset% andClear% threshold values. No single melting point is calculated or displayed in this case.This selection provides the most popular presentation of results for melting pointdeterminations.Select Single MP if you prefer to report a single temperature as the result of an automatedmelt point determination. The single point is calculated from the Melt Graph by theDigital Image Processor based on the Single% threshold. If a Single MP display ispreferred, please specify whether it is the clear or meniscus point. Single melting pointreports are often used in quality control labs for routine determinations.Select Both if you prefer to calculate and display both the melting point range and thesingle melting point at the end of the analysis. The single point result is often associatedto the meniscus point and listed along with the melting range of the substance to providea more thorough description of the melt.<strong>OptiMelt</strong> <strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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