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108 OptiMelt Remote Programming Appendix DNoteEvery line of this response must be read before issuing any more querycommands.MPRS (?) (n)MPRC1Choose Melting Point ReportThe MPRS command sets (queries) which melt report to return with the MPRG?query. The index n=0 specifies the most recent report, n=1 the next most recent,and so forth.Clear Melting Point ReportsClear all 8 melt reports.Backlight CommandsBLEN (?) {i}BLIT (?) {i}BLOF (?) {n} {s}Backlight Saver EnableThe BLEN command sets (queries) the Backlight Saver. The parameter i selectsDisabled (0) or Enabled (1).ExampleBLEN?BLEN 1Returns 1 if the Backlight Saver is Enabled, or 0 if Disabled.Enables the Backlight Saver.Backlight On/OffThe BLIT command sets (queries) the state of the LCD screen backlight. Theparameter i selects On (1) or Off (0).ExampleBLIT?BLIT 1Returns 1 if the backlight is On, or 0 if Off.Turns the screen backlight On.Backlight Turn-Off TimeThe BLOF command sets (queries) the Backlight Turn-Off Time of day. Theparameter n is the time of day in milliseconds from midnight or the string s is thetime in the format "9:30PM". Do not use both n and s in the command. TheBLOF? query returns the value n in ms.ExampleBLOF?BLOF 9:30pmBLOF 77400000Returns the Turn-Off Time in ms.Sets the Turn-Off Time to 9:30 PM.Sets the Turn-Off Time to 77,400,000 ms after midnight(9:30PM).OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Appendix D OptiMelt Remote Programming 109BLON (?) {n} {s}BLTD (?) {n}Backlight Turn-On TimeThe BLON command sets (queries) the Backlight Turn-On Time of day. Theparameter n is the time of day in milliseconds from midnight or the string s is thetime in the format "9:30PM". Do not use both n and s in the command. TheBLON? query returns the value n in ms.ExampleBLON?BLON 9:30pmBLON 77400000Returns the Turn-On Time in ms.Sets the Turn-On Time to 9:30 PM.Sets the Turn-On Time to 77,400,000 ms (9:30PM).Backlight DelayThe BLTD command sets (queries) the Backlight Saver Delay. The parameter nis the Delay in milliseconds.ExampleBLTD?BLTD 300000Returns the Backlight Saver Delay in ms.Sets Delay to 5 minutes (300,000 ms).OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

108 <strong>OptiMelt</strong> Remote Programming Appendix DNoteEvery line of this response must be read before issuing any more querycommands.MPRS (?) (n)MPRC1Choose <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> ReportThe MPRS command sets (queries) which melt report to return with the MPRG?query. The index n=0 specifies the most recent report, n=1 the next most recent,and so forth.Clear <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> ReportsClear all 8 melt reports.Backlight CommandsBLEN (?) {i}BLIT (?) {i}BLOF (?) {n} {s}Backlight Saver EnableThe BLEN command sets (queries) the Backlight Saver. The parameter i selectsDisabled (0) or Enabled (1).ExampleBLEN?BLEN 1Returns 1 if the Backlight Saver is Enabled, or 0 if Disabled.Enables the Backlight Saver.Backlight On/OffThe BLIT command sets (queries) the state of the LCD screen backlight. Theparameter i selects On (1) or Off (0).ExampleBLIT?BLIT 1Returns 1 if the backlight is On, or 0 if Off.Turns the screen backlight On.Backlight Turn-Off TimeThe BLOF command sets (queries) the Backlight Turn-Off Time of day. Theparameter n is the time of day in milliseconds from midnight or the string s is thetime in the format "9:30PM". Do not use both n and s in the command. TheBLOF? query returns the value n in ms.ExampleBLOF?BLOF 9:30pmBLOF 77400000Returns the Turn-Off Time in ms.Sets the Turn-Off Time to 9:30 PM.Sets the Turn-Off Time to 77,400,000 ms after midnight(9:30PM).<strong>OptiMelt</strong> <strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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