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104 OptiMelt Remote Programming Appendix DMelting Point Determination CommandsINIT (?) (x}FINT (?) (x}FRRA (?) {x}MPBP (?) {i}MPST?Start TemperatureThe INIT command sets (queries) the Start Temperature in degrees C.The Start Temperature must be lower than the Stop Temperature. The commandwill be ignored if x is greater than the Stop Temperature.ExampleINIT?INIT 105Returns the Start Temperature.Sets the Start Temperature to 105ºC.Stop TemperatureThe FINT command sets (queries) the Stop Temperature in degrees C.The Stop Temperature must be higher than the Start temperature. The commandwill be ignored if x is less than the Start Temperature.ExampleFINT?FINT 125Returns the Stop Temperature.Sets the Stop Temperature to 125ºC.Rate/minuteThe FRRA command sets (queries) the ramping Rate/minute in degrees C perminute.ExampleFRRA?FRRA 1.5Returns the ramping rate.Sets the ramping rate to 1.5ºC/minute.BeepThe MPBP command sets (queries) the Melting Point Beep. The parameter ispecifies On (1) or Off (0).If enabled the instrument will beep when it reaches its temperature target.ExampleMPBP?MPBP 1Returns the Beep state (on or off).Turns the Beep on.Melting Point StateThe MPST? query returns the state of the melting point determination, i,according to the table below.i state0 Not performing a melt, neither fan nor heater on1 Heating up to the start temperature2 Holding at the start temperature, waiting to start melt3 Capillary thermal stabilization (a very short state)4 Melting, ramping to the stop temperature5 Cooling down to the start temperature via fan6 Cooling down to room temperature via fan7 Slowly cooling to the start temperature without the fanOptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Appendix D OptiMelt Remote Programming 105Automated Determination CommandsAMDE (?) {i}OPTP (?) {n}CPTP (?) {n}SPTP (?) {n}AOPT? {i}ACPT? {i}DetectionThe AMDE command sets (queries) the Melting Point Determination Mode toCamera (i=1) or Visual Only (i=0).ExampleAMDE?AMDE 1Returns the determination mode (camera or visual).Sets the determination to camera (automatic).Onset Point ThresholdThe OPTP command sets (queries) the Onset Point Threshold percentage. Theinteger n is the percentage from 0 to 100.ExampleOPTP? Returns the onset point threshold percentage.OPTP 70 Sets the onset point threshold to 70%.Clear Point ThreholdThe CPTP command sets (queries) the Clear Point Threshold percentage. Theinteger n is the percentage from 0 to 100.ExampleCPTP? Returns the clear point threshold percentage.CPTP 10 Sets the clear point threshold to 10%.Single Melting Point ThresholdThe SPTP command sets (queries) the Single Melting Point Thresholdpercentage. The integer n is the percentage from 0 to 100.ExampleSPTP? Returns the single melting point threshold percentage.SPTP 50 Sets the single melting point threshold to 50%.Read the Onset PointThe AOPT? {i} query returns the onset point from the most recent determinationin degrees C. The index I is 0, 1 or 2 for the left, center or right capillary. Thevalue returned is in SRS internal integer format, with a conversion factor of4096. To obtain the temperature value, divide the reading by 4096. If a reading of-819200 is returned, then no onset point was determined.ExampleAOPT? 1 Returns 966656 for the center capillary. Divide by 4046 toobtain a temperature reading of 236 degrees C.Read the Clear PointThe ACPT? {i} query returns the clear point from the most recent determinationin degrees C. The index I is 0, 1 or 2 for the left, center or right capillary. Thevalue returned is in SRS internal integer format, with a conversion factor ofOptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

104 <strong>OptiMelt</strong> Remote Programming Appendix D<strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> Determination CommandsINIT (?) (x}FINT (?) (x}FRRA (?) {x}MPBP (?) {i}MPST?Start TemperatureThe INIT command sets (queries) the Start Temperature in degrees C.The Start Temperature must be lower than the Stop Temperature. The commandwill be ignored if x is greater than the Stop Temperature.ExampleINIT?INIT 105Returns the Start Temperature.Sets the Start Temperature to 105ºC.Stop TemperatureThe FINT command sets (queries) the Stop Temperature in degrees C.The Stop Temperature must be higher than the Start temperature. The commandwill be ignored if x is less than the Start Temperature.ExampleFINT?FINT 125Returns the Stop Temperature.Sets the Stop Temperature to 125ºC.Rate/minuteThe FRRA command sets (queries) the ramping Rate/minute in degrees C perminute.ExampleFRRA?FRRA 1.5Returns the ramping rate.Sets the ramping rate to 1.5ºC/minute.BeepThe MPBP command sets (queries) the <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> Beep. The parameter ispecifies On (1) or Off (0).If enabled the instrument will beep when it reaches its temperature target.ExampleMPBP?MPBP 1Returns the Beep state (on or off).Turns the Beep on.<strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> StateThe MPST? query returns the state of the melting point determination, i,according to the table below.i state0 Not performing a melt, neither fan nor heater on1 Heating up to the start temperature2 Holding at the start temperature, waiting to start melt3 Capillary thermal stabilization (a very short state)4 <strong>Melting</strong>, ramping to the stop temperature5 Cooling down to the start temperature via fan6 Cooling down to room temperature via fan7 Slowly cooling to the start temperature without the fan<strong>OptiMelt</strong> <strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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