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100 OptiMelt Remote Programming Appendix DUsing CommandsCommand FormatCommunications with the OptiMelt uses ASCII characters. Commands may be in eitherUPPER or lower case. A command to the OptiMelt consists of a four character commandmnemonic with optional ?, a parameter if necessary, and a command terminator. Thecommand, arguments and terminator may be separated by spaces. The terminator must bea linefeed or carriage return . No command processing occurs until a terminatoris received.Multiple commands may be sent on one command line by separating them withsemicolons (;). In this case, no commands are executed until a terminator is received.There is no need to wait between commands. The OptiMelt has a 256 character inputbuffer and processes commands in the order received. Similarly, the OptiMelt has a 256character output buffer to store output until the host computer can receive it.The present value of a particular parameter may be determined by querying the OptiMeltfor its value. A query is formed by appending a question mark '?' to the commandmnemonic and omitting the desired parameter from the command. Values returned by theOptiMelt are sent as a string of ASCII characters terminated by a carriage return . Ifmultiple query commands are sent on one command line (separated by semicolons, ofcourse), the answers will be returned individually, each with a terminator.Examples of CommandsINIT 86.5 Set the Start Temperature to 86.5 °CINIT? Query the Start Temperature*IDN? Query the Device Identification StringCommand SyntaxThe four letter mnemonic (shown in CAPS) in each command sequence specifies thecommand. The rest of the sequence consists of parameters. Parameters shown in { } arenot always required. Generally, parameters in { } are required to set a value in theOptiMelt. Multiple commands may be sent on one command line by separating them withsemicolons (;).The present value of a parameter may be determined by sending a query command.• Commands that MAY be queried show a question mark in parentheses (?) after themnemonic.• Commands that are ONLY queries have a '?' after the mnemonic, with noparentheses.• Commands that MAY NOT be queried have no '?'.A query is formed by including the question mark ? after the command mnemonic andomitting the queried parameter from the command. The query parameters shown in { }OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Appendix D OptiMelt Remote Programming 101are NOT sent with a query. The query returns the value of these parameters. Values arereturned as a string of ASCII characters (unless otherwise noted).Do NOT send ( ) or { } as part of the command.For example, the command sequence INIT (?) {x} is used as follows.INIT 86.5INIT ?Variables are defined as follows.i, d, n integersxreal numberstext stringsSet the Start Temperature to 86.5 °C.Query the Start Temperature.All numeric variables may be expressed in integer, floating point or exponential formats(i.e. the number five can be either 5, 5.0, or 0.5E1). Strings are sent as a sequence ofASCII characters.USB Queue DisplayTo help find program errors, the OptiMelt can display the USB buffer on the screen. Thisscreen is accessed by touching USB Q in the System tab. The Queue display may slowdown communications and should be displayed only when testing or debugging a hostprogram. Press Done to exit from this display.The upper half of the Queue display is the Receive Queue. These are the most recentcharacters which have been received by the OptiMelt (displayed in all UPPER case).Commands which have already been executed are shown in normal text. Commandswhich have not yet been executed are shown with a gray background. Command errorsare shown in inverse text.The lower half of the Queue display is the Transmit Queue. These are the most recentcharacters which have been placed in the output buffer. Characters which have alreadybeen sent over the interface are shown in normal text. Characters which are waiting to besent are shown with a gray background.OptiMelt Automated Melting Point System

Appendix D <strong>OptiMelt</strong> Remote Programming 101are NOT sent with a query. The query returns the value of these parameters. Values arereturned as a string of ASCII characters (unless otherwise noted).Do NOT send ( ) or { } as part of the command.For example, the command sequence INIT (?) {x} is used as follows.INIT 86.5INIT ?Variables are defined as follows.i, d, n integersxreal numberstext stringsSet the Start Temperature to 86.5 °C.Query the Start Temperature.All numeric variables may be expressed in integer, floating point or exponential formats(i.e. the number five can be either 5, 5.0, or 0.5E1). Strings are sent as a sequence ofASCII characters.USB Queue DisplayTo help find program errors, the <strong>OptiMelt</strong> can display the USB buffer on the screen. Thisscreen is accessed by touching USB Q in the <strong>System</strong> tab. The Queue display may slowdown communications and should be displayed only when testing or debugging a hostprogram. Press Done to exit from this display.The upper half of the Queue display is the Receive Queue. These are the most recentcharacters which have been received by the <strong>OptiMelt</strong> (displayed in all UPPER case).Commands which have already been executed are shown in normal text. Commandswhich have not yet been executed are shown with a gray background. Command errorsare shown in inverse text.The lower half of the Queue display is the Transmit Queue. These are the most recentcharacters which have been placed in the output buffer. Characters which have alreadybeen sent over the interface are shown in normal text. Characters which are waiting to besent are shown with a gray background.<strong>OptiMelt</strong> <strong>Automated</strong> <strong>Melting</strong> <strong>Point</strong> <strong>System</strong>

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