Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects

Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects

Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects


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The solver argument is designed so that we can cus<strong>to</strong>mize the linear equationsolver which we want <strong>to</strong> use. For example, if we want <strong>to</strong> use the sparsebackslash opera<strong>to</strong>r, all we have <strong>to</strong> do is <strong>to</strong> create the mysolverBackslashfunction as below.function u= mysolverBackslash (N, b)A = scibench_poissonA (N);u = A\b;endfunctionThe following script solves the Poisson equation with N = 50.scf ();scibench_poisson (50 , %t , %t , mysolverBackslash );The previous script produces the following output, where h is the dimensionnalspacee step and enorminf is the value of the infinite norm of the error.-> scibench_poisson (50 , %t , %t , mysolverBackslash );N = 50h = 1.9607843137254902 e -002h^2 = 3.8446751249519417 e -004enorminf = 1.2634082165868810 e -003C = enorminf / h^2 = 3.2861247713424775 e +000wall clock time = 0.15 secondsThe previous script also produces the plot in the figure 13.It is then easy <strong>to</strong> use the pcg function built in <strong>Scilab</strong>, which uses a preconditionnedconjugate gradient algorithm. We use the scibench_poissonAufunction, which computes the A*u product without actually s<strong>to</strong>ring the matrixA.function u= mysolverPCG (N, b)<strong>to</strong>l = 0.000001;maxit = 9999;u = zeros (N ^2 ,1);[u,flag ,iter , res ] = ..pcg ( scibench_poissonAu ,b,<strong>to</strong>l , maxit ,[] ,[] ,u);endfunctionscf ();[ timesec , enorminf ,h] = ..scibench_poisson (50 , %f , %t , mysolverPCG );30

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