Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects

Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects

Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects


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Read sparse doubles matrices in gatewaysget<strong>Sparse</strong>MatrixR. a sp. mat.getComplex<strong>Sparse</strong>MatrixR. a complex sp. mat.readNamed<strong>Sparse</strong>MatrixR. a named sp. mat.readNamedComplex<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix R. a named complex sp. mat.Write sparse doubles matrices in gatewayscreate<strong>Sparse</strong>MatrixW. a sp. mat.createComplex<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix W. a complex sp. mat.createNamed<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix W. a named sp. mat.createNamedComplex<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix W. a named complex sp. mat.Read/Write sparse boolean matrices in gatewaysgetBoolean<strong>Sparse</strong>MatrixR. a boolean sp. mat.readNamedBoolean<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix R. a named boolean sp. mat.createBoolean<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix W. a boolean sp. mat.createNamedBoolean<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix W. a named boolean sp. mat.Figure 8 – The sparse API, <strong>to</strong> be used in gateways.The following read_sparse function is a sample example of some of thefunctions which may be used in gateways which manage sparse matrices. Thisexample is extracted from the help pages of <strong>Scilab</strong>.The read_sparse function takes a sparse matrix of doubles as input argumentand prints its content in the console. The sparse matrix may be realor complex, which is taked in<strong>to</strong> account in the gateway, based on the outpu<strong>to</strong>f the isVarComplex function. If the matrix is complex, we call the getComplex<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix,which sets the data structures of the sparse matrix. Thedata structures associated with sparse matrices are presented in the section2.2 :– iRows : the number of rows,– iCols : the number of columns,– iNbItem : the number of nonzero entries,– piNbItemRow : the number of nonzeros on each row,– piColPos : the column index of each nonzero entry,– pdblReal : the real part of the nonzero entry,– pdblImg : the imaginary part of the nonzero entry.The get<strong>Sparse</strong>Matrix function has the same effect on real matrices, but onlythe pdblReal array is set.20

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