Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects

Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects

Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects


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umf licenseumf ludelumf lufactumf lugetumf luinfoumf lusolveumfpackdisplay the umfpack licenseutility function used with umf lufactlu fac<strong>to</strong>risation of a sparse matrixretrieve lu fac<strong>to</strong>rs at the scilab levelget information on LU fac<strong>to</strong>rssolve a linear sparse system given the LU fac<strong>to</strong>rssolve sparse linear systemFigure 6 – Functions from the umfpack module.3 0 4 0 6;0 -1 -3 2 0;0 0 1 0 0;0 4 2 0 1];A = sparse ( Afull )b = [8 ; 45; -3; 3; 19];h = umf_lufact (A);x = umf_lusolve (h,b)umf_ludel (h);The previous script produces the following output.-->x = umf_lusolve (h,b)x =<strong>In</strong> the previous script, the variable h is a matrix handle, which containsinformations related <strong>to</strong> the sparse matrix. This is why it is necessary <strong>to</strong>explicitely delete the matrix with the umf_ludel function. <strong>In</strong>deed, if we donot delete the matrix handle, there is a loss of memory.7 The TAUCS packageThe TAUCS package provide several direct algorithms <strong>to</strong> compute Choleskydecompositions of sparse matrices. This package only manage symmetricpositive definite matrices. The algorithms also solve sparse linear systems18

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