Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects

Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects

Introduction to Sparse Matrices In Scilab - Projects


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lufactlusolvelugetludelchfactchsolvegmrespcgqmrsparse lu fac<strong>to</strong>rizationsparse linear system solverextraction of sparse LU fac<strong>to</strong>rsutility function used with lufactsparse Cholesky fac<strong>to</strong>rizationsparse Cholesky solverGeneralized Minimum RESidual methodprecondioned conjugate gradientquasi minimal resiqual method with preconditioningFigure 2 – Direct and iterative functions <strong>to</strong> solve sparse linear equations.3 Solving sparse linear equations<strong>Scilab</strong> provide direct and iterative methods <strong>to</strong> solve linear systems ofequations. The figure 2 presents these methods.3.1 <strong>Sparse</strong> LU decompositionThe sparse LU decomposition available in <strong>Scilab</strong> is based on the <strong>Sparse</strong>package written by Kenneth S. Kundert and Alber<strong>to</strong> Sangiovanni-Vincentelli[4]. This package is available in Netlib [3].<strong>Sparse</strong> is a flexible package of subroutines written in C used <strong>to</strong> quicklyand accurately solve large sparse systems of linear equations. The package isable <strong>to</strong> handle arbitrary real and complex square matrix equations. Besidesbeing able <strong>to</strong> solve linear systems, it is also able <strong>to</strong> quickly solve transposedsystems, find determinants, and estimate errors due <strong>to</strong> ill-conditioning in thesystem of equations and instability in the computations. <strong>Sparse</strong> also providesa test program that is able read matrix equations from a file, solve them, andprint useful information about the equation and its solution.<strong>Sparse</strong> is generally as fast or faster than other popular sparse matrixpackages when solving many matrices of similar structure. <strong>Sparse</strong> does notrequire or assume sym- metry and is able <strong>to</strong> perform numerical pivoting <strong>to</strong>avoid unnecessary error in the solution. It handles its own memory allocation,which allows the user <strong>to</strong> forgo the hassle of providing adequate memory. Italso has a natural, flexi- ble, and efficient interface <strong>to</strong> the calling program.<strong>Sparse</strong> was originally written for use in circuit simu- la<strong>to</strong>rs and is parti-10

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