Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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eco freak The upstart ABC Computer Company is eating IBM’slunch.eco freak and eco nut [“iko frik and “iko n@t] n. someonewith strong concerns about the environment andconservation. (Mildly derogatory. From ecology.) Theycall me an eco freak, which is okay by me. The eco nutsare protesting the tree trimming.eddress n. an electronic address. Please tell me youreddress so I can send you some e-mail.effing and F-ing mod. fucking. (Usually objectionable.) What an effing stupid idea! Who is that F-ing idiot.egg-beater 1. n. an outboard boat motor. My eggbeaterhas been acting up, so I didn’t go out on the laketoday. 2. n. a helicopter. The egg-beater landed on thehospital roof.egg-sucker n. a flatterer; a sycophant. The guy is achronic egg-sucker. Ignore him.the eighty-eight n. a piano. (Pianos have eighty-eightkeys.) Sam can really beat the eighty-eight.electrified mod. alcohol intoxicated. Her eyes were staringstraight ahead, and I knew she was electrified.elevated mod. alcohol intoxicated; tipsy. Sam was elevatedfrom the drinking he did.equalizer n. a gun; a pistol. (Underworld.) Rocko carriedan equalizer but wouldn’t dream of using it.eternity-box n. a coffin. When I’m in my eternity-box,then you can have my stereo.70

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