Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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dynamitedumbski [“d@mski] 1. n. a stupid person. He’s not thedumbski he seems to be. 2. mod. stupid; dumb. It isnot a dumbski idea!Dump it. tv. throw it away. We don’t need it. Get rid ofit! Dump it!durge n. a moron; a jerk. You incredible durge! Whatwere you thinking?duster n. the buttocks. (See also rusty-dusty.) She felldown right on her duster.dust-up n. a fight. There was a dust-up at the party thatruined the evening for everyone.dweeb [dwib] 1. n. an earnest student. (Collegiate.) Don’t call Bob a dweeb! Even if he is one. 2. n. a strangeor eccentric person; a nerd. This place is filled withdweebs of all sizes.dynamic duo [daI”nAmIk “duo] n. a very special pair ofpeople or things. (From the Batman television program.Used mostly for humor.) The dynamic duo,Beavis and Fred, showed up late and without the beer.dynamite 1. n. anything potentially powerful: a drug,news, a person. The story about the scandal was dynamiteand kept selling papers for a month. 2. mod. excellent;powerful. I want some more of your dynamiteenchiladas, please.67

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