Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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duck-squeezercommonly written or printed.) Our address is dubdub-dubdot reindeer dot com.duck-squeezer n. someone with strong concerns aboutthe environment and conservation, especially rescuingoil-covered ducks. Some duck-squeezers were complainingabout what the new dam might do.dude (oneself) up tv. to dress in fancy or stylish clothing. Why don’t you dude yourself up so we can go outtonight?dude up in. to dress up. (Possibly as in doo-ed up.) Let’sget all duded up and go out.dudette [“dudEt] n. a young woman; the feminine ofdude. The place was filled with good-looking dudettes,just waiting for the right guy to come along.dudical [“dudIkl] mod. really good. (Derived from dude.) It is truly dudical to see you here, Dave.duky [“duki] n. feces. (Originally black and primarilyjuvenile. Possibly from the juvenile euphemism duty =job = bowel movement.) Mommy, there’s duky inJimmy’s diaper.dullsville [“d@lzvIl] 1. n. a dull place. This place is justdullsville! 2. n. something dull. When each movie I seeturns into dullsville, I want to give up seeing them.dumbshit 1. n. a very stupid person. (Rude and derogatory.) He’s a dumbshit. He can’t do any better thanthat. 2. mod. stupid; dumb. (Usually objectionable.) That was really a dumbshit thing to do.66

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