Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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drag ass arounddrag ass around in. to go around looking very sad anddepressed. (Usually objectionable.) Why do you dragass around all the time, Tom?dragged out mod. exhausted; worn-out. I feel sodragged out. I think I need some iron.drain the bilge tv. to empty one’s stomach; to vomit. Fred left quickly to drain the bilge.drain the dragon tv. [for a male] to urinate. Bobby?He went to drain the dragon.the drink n. the water of the ocean, lake, pond, etc. Stayaway from the edge of the boat unless you want to fall inthe drink.drinkage n. drinking; drinks. The school tried to outlawdrinkage on campus but failed.drinkies n. drinks; liquor. Okay, kids, it’s drinkies allaround.dro and hydro n. hydroponically grown marijuana. He raises hydro in his basement. He’s got some kickin’dro. Want a piece?droid [droId] n. a robot-like person; a nerd. (Fromandroid.) Beavis is as close to a droid as we’ll ever see.droob and drube [drub] n. a dullard; an oaf. Who’s thedroob standing by the punch bowl?drool-proof mod. can withstand idiots who drool. (Ofwell-written software that even drooling idiots canoperate without crashing.) This software package isdrool-proof. Even my grandmother could use it.64

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