Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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coyote-uglycop a tube tv. to catch a perfect tubular wave. (Surfers.) Mark—as drunk as all get out—said he was gonna goout and cop a tube.cop onto sth in. to understand or become aware of something. I think I’m copping onto the significance of thisat last.a copy n. a piece, as with an item produced. We sell thetoy at $14 a copy.cords n. a basketball net. They cut the cords down afterthe game.corn n. money. I need some corn to pay the rent.corn squabble n. a fight. (Perhaps referring to chickensfighting over corn.) Stop this silly corn squabble andlet’s try to talk this through.cornfed mod. rural; backward; unsophisticated. I enjoyher honest, cornfed humor.couch potato n. a lazy, do-nothing television watcher.(See also sofa spud.) If there was a prize for the bestcouch potato, my husband would win it.cow n. a fat or ugly woman. (Cruel.) Wouldn’t you thinka cow like that would go on a diet?cowboy n. a reckless and independent man; a recklessdriver. (Also a term of address.) Come on, cowboy,finish your coffee and get moving.coyote-ugly [“kaIot “@gli or “kaIoti “@gli] mod. extremelyugly. (Crude, cruel, and potentially offensive. Said ofpeople. Supposedly, if one woke up and found one’sarm around a coyote-ugly person, one would chew offone’s arm—in the manner of a coyote escaping from a49

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