Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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comma-countercomma-counter n. a pedantic person; a pedantic copyeditor. When you need a proofreader, you need acomma-counter.company man n. a man who always sides with hisemployers. Ken’s a company man—he’ll always takemanagement’s side.conehead 1. n. a fool; an oaf. You can be pretty muchof a conehead yourself sometimes, you know. 2. n. anintellectual; a pointy-head. They build fences arounduniversities to keep the coneheads in.cones n. the breasts; female breasts. She ain’t much inthe cones department.confuckulated mod. confused and messed up. (Usuallyobjectionable.) I’m so confuckulated! Let me think thisthrough.cookie pusher 1. n. a bootlicker; someone who flattersother people for self-serving motives. When you’ve gota whole office full of cookie pushers, there’s always someoneto take you to lunch. 2. n. a lazy do-nothing. I’mjust looking for a cookie pusher to fire today.cool so out tv. to calm someone; to appease someone. The manager appeared and tried to cool out everybody,but that was a waste of time.cooler n. jail. (Usually with the.) Do you want to talk,or do you want to spend a little time in the cooler?coolth mod. coolness. (Old. The mate to warmth.) Closethe door! You’re letting all the coolth out of the fridge.48

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