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Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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celestial transfercelestial transfer n. death. (Hospital, cruel, jocularword play.) He’s circling the drain. Almost ready for acelestial transfer.cellular Macarena n. the activity seen when a cell phonerings in public. Beethoven’s Fifth rang out and sevenpeople started playing cellular Macarena.chain(saw) tv. to destroy something; to cut somethingup severely. The senatorial committee tried to chainsawthe nominee, but the full senate voted for confirmation.change the channel tv. to switch to some other topicof conversation. Let’s change the channel here beforethere is a fight.channel surfer n. a person who practices channel hopping. My husband is a confirmed channel surfer. I can’tunderstand why he does it.chapped mod. angry; annoyed. I was chapped. Therewas no way to get around it.Charles 1. n. cocaine. (Drugs.) Is there a house whereI can buy some Charles somewhere close? 2. n. a Caucasian.(Black. Not necessarily derogatory.) And whatis Charles gonna say about what you did to his car?chart n. a musical score. (Musicians. See also map.) Come on, man! Look at the chart! You’re making clinkerslike hot cakes.chas and chez [tSAz and tSEz] n. matches. (Collegiate.A clipping of matches.) You got a couple of chez?cheapie n. a cheaply made article. (See also el cheapo.) It broke. I guess it was a cheapie.40

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