Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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canecane and caine n. cocaine. (Drugs.) Even the kids canafford to buy cane now. The social problems of thetwenty-first century are starting right here.cannon n. a gun; a revolver. (Underworld.) Rocko pulledout his cannon and aimed it at Marlowe’s throat.can-shaker n. a fund-raiser. (As if a person were holdinga can for the solicitation of coins from passersby.) Fred was a professional can-shaker for a museum.Maybe he has some ideas as to how we can raise somemoney.caper [“kep#] 1. n. any stunt or event; a trick or a scam. That little caper the kids did with the statue from thetown square was a dandy. 2. n. a criminal job: theft,kidnapping, blackmail, etc. (Underworld.) The blackand whites pulled up right in the middle of the caper.capital n. cash; money. I’m a little short of capital rightnow.capper [“kAp#] n. the climax or clincher of something. The capper of the evening was when the hostess gotlathered before midnight and couldn’t celebrate the NewYear.carcass [“kark@s] n. one’s body; a large or heavy body. Put your carcass on a chair, and let’s chew the fat.carded and proofed mod. [of an ID card] examined todetermine whether one has reached the legal drinkingage. Dave got carded at the party even though he isthirty and looks it. As soon as we were proofed, we gotin and got some brews.carebear n. a nice person who is against violence anddisputes. (Especially in the domain of computer games.38

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