Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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candlelight(Drugs.) You may not get the call on this stuff fortwenty minutes or more.call hogs tv. to snore really loudly. Mike was callinghogs all night long and I got hardly a wink of sleep.call so out tv. to challenge someone to a fight. Maxwanted to call him out but thought better of it.camel toes n. a woman’s vulva as it appears through bluejeans, especially jeans that have been pulled up tootight. There’s nothing attractive about camel toes.campi [“kAmpaI] n. campuses. (The Latin plural of campus= field.) I’ll see you about the campi. Ciao!can 1. n. the head. Jerry landed one on Frank’s can.Frank crumpled. 2. n. toilet. Restroom? Hell, I ain’ttired! Where’s the can? 3. n. the buttocks. (Usuallyobjectionable.) The guy slipped on the ice and fell onhis can. 4. n. jail. (Usually with the.) I had to spendthe night in the can, but it wasn’t too bad. 5. tv. to dismisssomeone from employment. The jerk cannedeverybody who played a part in the gag. 6. n. a car. That’s a good-looking can he’s driving. 7. n. a breast.(Usually objectionable. Usually plural.) Man, look atthe cans on that dame! 8. n. a measurement of marijuana.(Drugs.) How much do you want for a can?cancel so’s Christmas tv. to kill someone; to destroysomeone. (Underworld. The dead person will missChristmas.) If he keeps bugging me, I’m gonna cancelhis Christmas.candlelight n. dusk; dawn. I’ll see you along about candlelight.37

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