Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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ust (some) sudsburb [b#b] n. a suburb. (Usually plural.) I’ve lived inthe burbs all my life.burger-flipper n. a lowly hamburger cook in a fast-foodrestaurant. If you drop out of school now, you’ll end upbeing a burger-flipper for the rest of your life.burn artist n. someone who cheats or harms someoneelse; an informer. (Underworld.) Never trust a knownburn artist.burn so down tv. to humiliate someone. You just wantto burn down everybody to make yourself seem better.burned 1. mod. cheated; betrayed. Man, did I getburned in that place! 2. mod. disappointed; humiliated;put down. Ha! You’re burned! 3. and burned upmod. very angry. I’ve never been so burned up at anyone. I am really burned! Totally burned!burrnips mod. cold. (Cold enough to make nipplesharden.) It’s really cold, burrnips cold.bush bitch and bush pig n. an ugly or unpleasantfemale. (Derogatory.) Tom’s been dating some bush pigfrom Adamsville. Shut your shitty mouth, you skankybush bitch!bust a grub tv. to eat a meal. Man, I’m starved. Let’sgo bust a grub.bust a move tv. to leave (a place). Let’s bust a move.Lots to do tomorrow.bust (some) suds 1. tv. to drink some beer. Let’s goout and bust some suds. 2. tv. to wash dishes. You getinto that kitchen and bust some suds to pay for your meal!33

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