Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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isonpertaining to anything having to do with arrogance.(Usually objectionable.) Take your bigass ideas and goback where you came from. 4. mod. really big. Did yousee that bigass SUV hit the little Honda?biggie 1. n. something or someone important. As problemsgo, this one’s a biggie. 2. n. copulation. (Usuallywith the.) But I don’t think I’m ready for the biggie.big-ticket mod. having to do with something expensive. In a survey taken last month, heads of families saidthey were unwilling to put big-ticket items at the bottomof their shopping lists.bike boys n. cops; the police. Look out! Here come thebike boys.bimbo [“bImbo] 1. n. a clownlike person. If that bimbodoesn’t keep quiet, I’ll bop him. 2. n. a giddy woman; asexually loose woman. Now that bimbo is a star in themovies!bio break n. a toilet break. (Contrived and euphemistic.) She out of pocket for a bio break.bird watcher n. a girl watcher; someone, usually a man,who enjoys watching women go by. You bird watchersshould just mind your own business!birdturd 1. n. an obnoxious person. (Rude and derogatory.) You silly birdturd. Wake up! 2. mod. stupid;obnoxious; lousy; worthless. (Usually objectionable.) Of all the stupid, underhanded, birdturd tricks—thistakes the cake! 3. n. bird dung, especially if dried. (Usuallyobjectionable.) There’s birdturd on your shoe.bison in. to vomit. (Probably a play on yak.) He steppedaside to bison in the bushes.19

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