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Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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egathonally said about the eyes of males. See also male blindness.) See how Willy is looking at that dog? He’s got hisbeer goggles on!begathon n. a televised appeal for contributions, especiallyas conducted by U.S. public television stations. It seems like this station is one long begathon all yearlong.beige [beZ] mod. boring; insipid. (California. See alsovanilla.) This day is way beige! Bag it!belch [bEltS] n. beer, especially bad beer. Pass the belch.Anything’s good on a hot day.belcher [“bEltS#] 1. n. a beer drinker. Look at the bellyon that belcher! 2. n. a hard drinker; a drunkard. Acouple of belchers wandered in about midnight. Otherthan that, the night is dead.belly fiddle n. a guitar. Listen to that guy play that bellyfiddle!bench 1. tv. to take someone out of a ball game. Thecoach benched Jim, who injured his arm. 2. tv. to retiresomeone; to withdraw someone from something. Themanager benched the entire sales staff for cheating ontheir expense reports.bench jockey n. a player who sits on the bench and callsout advice. The coach told all the bench jockeys to shutup.bend the law tv. to cheat a little bit without breakingthe law. (Jocular.) I didn’t break the law. I just bent thelaw a little.16

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