Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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eer gogglesbeat box n. the person who provides the (verbal) rhythmicbeat in a rap song. What makes him sound so goodis his beat box?beat one’s gums tv. to waste time talking a great dealwithout results. I’m tired of beating my gums aboutthis stuff.beat the rap tv. to evade conviction and punishment(for a crime). The police hauled Tom in and chargedhim with a crime. His lawyer helped him beat the rap.beats me tv. [the answer is] not known to me. (Theemphasis is on me.) I don’t know the answer. Beats me!beaut [bjut] n. someone or something excellent, not necessarilybeautiful. This is a beaut of a day!bedroom eyes n. seductive eyes. Beware of bedroomeyes. They mean trouble.beema n. a beemer; a BMW automobile. (Pop gangsta.) Who’s holding the kizzle to my beema?been around (the block) phr. sexually experienced. He’s just a kid. He hasn’t been around the block yet.been bobbing for fries phr. [has] a really ugly face. (Asif badly burned.) Look at that face. Been bobbing forfries, I guess.beer 1. in. to drink beer. Fred and Tom sat in therewatching the game and beering and belching like two oldwhales. 2. tv. to get oneself drunk on beer. I beeredmyself, but good.beer goggles [...”gaglz] n. imaginary lenses (associatedwith too much beer) worn by someone for whom allpersons of the opposite sex look very attractive. (Usu-15

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