Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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whoopie cakeswhoopie cakes n. female buttocks. You put thosewhoopie cakes back down in that chair and listen to me!Whuhap? interrog. Hello.; What’s new? (Black. A greetinginquiry.) Whuhap? Where’s the action?wicked mod. excellent; impressive; cool. (Also in compounds,wicked smart, wicked cool, etc.) Now this iswhat I call a wicked guitar.wicked bad mod. really quite good. (Bad has a long historyof being used as an intensifier. Wicked here is asynonym of the intensifier bad.) Man, this stuff iswicked bad.wicky mod. wicked; excellent. Whose wicky red convertibleis parked in front of the house?wiener nose [“win#...] n. a simpleton. (Also a derogatoryterm of address.) Look, wiener nose, mind yourown business.Wilma [“wIlm@] n. a stupid woman. (From the Flintstonescharacter. Also a term of address.) She is such aWilma! What a twit!wino [“waIno] 1. n. wine. How about a little more wino?2. n. a wine drunkard. I gave the wino some money tohelp him stop the shakes.with it mod. up-to-date; contemporary. Come on, chum.Get with it.within spitting distance mod. close by. The houseyou’re looking for is within spitting distance, but it’s hardto find.wombat [“wambAt] n. a strange person; a geek. (Collegiate.) Who’s the wombat in the 1957 Chevy?232

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