Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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Walla!Walla! and Wala!; Wallah!; Viola! [wa “la] exclam.And there you have it! (All versions are misspellings ormisunderstandings of the French Voila! The Viola! is awell-meant spelling error.) And walla! There it is.Cooked just right!wallet n. a college student’s parents and financial source. My wallet won’t send me another penny this semester.wampum [“wamp@m] n. money. (From an AmericanIndian word.) I don’t have enough wampum to swingthe deal.wana [“wan@] n. marijuana. (Drugs.) How much is thiswana, man?wand waver and wagger an exhibitionist. The copspicked up a wand waver on Main Street.war paint n. a woman’s makeup. She’ll be ready whenshe gets on her war paint.warchalking n. making a mark in a location where awireless interconnection is available. Since more andmore Wi-Fi hot spots are available, warchalking hasbecome rare.wardrobing n. the practice of buying clothing, wearingit once, and returning it for a refund. The companyput a stop to wardrobing by making customers mail theirreturns to a central warehouse.washboard abs n. heavily marked abdominal muscles,divided into six equal sections. If I work out hardenough I can build those washboard abs.228

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