Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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viciousto give the vics a chance at employment where they won’tbe treated badly.vicious [“vIS@s] mod. great; excellent. Man, this burgeris really vicious.vicked [vIkt] mod. cheated; victimized. (See also vic.) I feel so vicked when I see where my taxes are spent.vines n. clothing. (Black.) Good-looking vines on thatguy, right?vivor [“vaIv#] n. a survivor; a street person who managesto survive. (Streets. Compare this with vic.) Harry’sa vivor, and I like him.viz [vaIz] n. Levis; blue jeans. Those viz are too tight forher.vújà day mod. describes the feeling of never having beenin a place before or having never had the current experiencebefore. (A play on déjà vu.) I was lost! I lookedaround, and a feeling of vújà day crept over me!226

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