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Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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stud-muffinstreet cred n. credibility on the streets. (Streets.) If Idrove a ride like that, I’d lose my street cred.street people n. people who live in the streets; homelesspeople. There are a lot of cold street people at thistime of the year.street smart mod. wise in the ways of urban life; wisein the ways of tough neighborhoods. Bess wasn’t streetsmart enough to survive by herself.street smarts n. the knowledge and ability to survive onthe urban street. If you don’t have street smarts, youwon’t last long out there.street sweeper n. a machine gun. In my neighborhood,the sound of street sweepers is about as common as thesound of horns honking.streeter n. an urban street person. These streeters haveto be bright and clever just to survive.strung-out shape n. a tired and exhausted condition. They were sort of in strung-out shape, tired and readyfor the sack.strunk mod. stoned and drunk. (Contrived.) He’s toostrunk to stand up.stubby mod. cool; good-looking. Man, you’re stubby.Nice kicks!studly mod. a virile and attractive male. I had no ideayou were going to bring along such a studly guy!stud-muffin n. a really good-looking guy; a stud. Who’sthe stud-muffin with Sally?205

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