Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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anchrage in. to party; to celebrate. (Collegiate.) Fred andMary were raging over at the frat house last weekend.rainbow n. a bowlegged person. (Also a rude term ofaddress.) Ask that rainbow if he has to have specialtrousers made.raisin ranch n. a retirement community; an old folkshome. (Refers to wrinkles.) You won’t get me into oneof those raisin ranches. I like my independence.rally [“rAli] 1. n. get-together of some kind; a party, usuallyinformal, possibly spontaneous. There’s a rallyover at Tom’s tonight. 2. in. to hold a get-together ofsome kind; to party. (Collegiate.) Let’s rally tonightabout midnight.ralph and rolf [rAlf and rOlf] in. to empty one’s stomach;to vomit. (Teens and collegiate.) She went homeand ralphed for an hour.rambo(ize) [“rAmbo(aIz)] tv. to (figuratively) annihilatesomeone or something; to harm someone or something.(Collegiate. From the powerful film characterRambo.) The students ramboed the cafeteria, and thecops were called.rammy [“rAmi] mod. sexually excited or aroused. (Refersto the ram, a symbol of arousal.) Fred was looking alittle rammy, so I excused myself and left.ranch 1. n. semen. (Alludes to Ranch [salad] dressing.Objectionable if understood.) God! There’s ranch onthe bathroom floor! 2. in. to ejaculate. (Objectionableif understood.) Just looking at her makes me want toranch.175

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