Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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licorice sticklicorice stick [“lIkrIS stIk] n. a clarinet. (Jazz musicians.) Man, can he play the licorice stick.like death warmed over mod. horrible; deathlike. Atall, black-garbed gentleman lay there, looking like deathwarmed over.Like I care. phr. You are telling me this news like it mattersto me. (Nonchalant and sarcastic.) So, there’sproblems in South America. Like I care.Like I really give a shit! and LIRGAS exclam. & comp.abb. I really don’t care. (Usually objectionable.) Youare telling me this why? LIRGAS!limpdick n. a weak or ineffective male. Stand up foryourself. Don’t be such a limpdick.line 1. n. a story or argument; a story intended to seducesomeone. (See also lines.) Don’t feed me that line. Doyou think I was born yesterday? 2. and rail n. a doseof finely cut cocaine arranged in a line, ready for insufflationor snorting. Let’s you and me go do some lines,okay? The addict usually “snorts” one or two of these“rails” with some sort of a tube.lines n. words; conversation. (See also line.) We tossedsome lines back and forth for a while and then split.linkrot n. the gradual fading away of URL links in a webpage. (The URLs are replaced by newer addresses orsimply are deleted.) After a month or two, linkrot setsin and your links become deadends, one by one.lip gloss n. lies; deception; exaggeration; BS. (From thename of a lipstick-like cosmetic.) Everything he saysis just lip gloss. He is a liar at heart.130

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