Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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Llabel mate n. someone who records on the same label(as the speaker). (Record industry.) Frank Duke is mylabel mate, and we like to get together and gossip aboutthe record industry.labonza [l@”banz@] 1. n. the buttocks. Good grief, whata gross labonza! 2. n. the pit of the stomach. Thatkind of beautiful singing really gets you right in thelabonza. 3. n. the belly. I feel the effects of last night’scelebration in my wallet and in my labonza.lacy mod. feminine; effeminate. The hotel lobby is a littlelacy, but it’s clean.lame and laine; lane 1. mod. inept; inadequate; undesirable. That guy’s so lame, it’s pitiful. 2. n. a squareperson. (Streets. Underworld.) Let’s see if that lameover there has anything we want in his pockets. 3. n. aninept person. The guy turned out to be a lame, and wehad to fire him.lamp tv. to look at someone or something. (The “lamps”are the eyes.) Here, lamp this tire for a minute. It’s low,isn’t it?lamps n. the eyes. (Crude.) His lamps are closed. He’sasleep or dead.Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.Click here for terms of use.127

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