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Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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jerkwaterjerkwater mod. rural; backwoodsy; insignificant. I’mfrom a little jerkwater town in the Midwest.Jesus boots n. sandals. (Use caution with Jesus in profanesenses.) Jesus boots are okay in the summer.jet in. to leave a place rapidly; to go somewhere fast. Let’sjet. It’s late.jiggered 1. mod. damned. Well, I’ll be jiggered! 2. mod.alcohol intoxicated. Todd was more than just a littlejiggered.jillion [“dZIlj@n] n. an enormous, indefinite number. I’vegot a jillion things to tell you.jimmy cap n. a condom. (Streets.) You better get ajimmy cap on that.jism and chism; gism; gizzum; jizz; jizzum n. semen.(Usually objectionable.) This weird doctor took a sampleof my gizzum and put it on a microscope slide.jive turkey n. a stupid person. What jive turkey madethis mess?Joe Six-pack n. the average guy who sits around drinkingbeer by the six-pack. Joe Six-pack likes that kindof television program.johnson 1. n. a thing. (A general or generic name for anunknown person or thing. See also jones.) Hand methat little johnson. 2. n. a penis. (Again, a thing. Usuallyobjectionable.) Zip up, or your johnson’ll get out.joined at the hip mod. closely connected; as thick asthieves. (As Siamese twins are joined.) Those two arejoined at the hip. They are always together.120

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