Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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(It) works for me.an issue with my car this morning. It wouldn’t start. Youare late again! Do you have an issue with our officehours?(It) works for me. and WFM sent. & comp. abb. It worksfor me.; This proposal works well enough for me andI see no reason to try anything else. (With stress onworks and me.) WFM. YMMV (Your mileage mayvary.)It’s been. phr. a phrase said on leaving a party or someother gathering. (A shortening of It’s been lovely orsome similar expression.) Well, it’s been. We really haveto go, though.(It’s) not my dog. phr. It’s not my problem. So what!It doesn’t matter! Not my dog.(It’s) showtime! exclam. (It’s) time to start! (Said ofbeginning anything exciting or challenging.) Are youready for action? Okay. It’s showtime!I’ve been there. sent. I know from experience what youare talking about. I’ve been there. You don’t need tospell it out for me.ivory tower n. an imaginary location where aloof academicsare said to reside and work. Why don’t you comeout of your ivory tower and see what the world is reallylike?118

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