Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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hurtinghurting 1. mod. very ugly; in pain from ugliness. (Similarto hurt.) That dog of yours is something to behold.It’s really hurting. 2. mod. seriously in need of something,such as a dose of drugs. (Drugs.) Gert is hurting.She needs something soon.hush-hush ["h@S"h@S] 1. mod. secret; undercover. Thematter is so hush-hush I can’t talk about it over the phone.2. mod. secretly. They did it so hush-hush that no oneknew for a long time.husky [“h@ski] n. a strong man; a thug. A couple ofhuskies helped me get my car unstuck.hut n. a house. I’ve got to go to my hut and pick up somebills.hype artist n. someone who produces aggressive promotionalmaterial for a living. She is a hype artist fora public relations firm.hyped (up) 1. mod. excited; stimulated. She said shehad to get hyped before the tennis match. 2. mod. contrived;heavily promoted; falsely advertised. I justwon’t pay good money to see these hyped up movies.3. mod. drug intoxicated. (Drugs.) Here comes anotherhyped up musician.114

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