Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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high upshell around in. to go around making trouble or noise. Who are those kids who are out there helling aroundevery night?hella mod. (a) hell of (a) (Streets.) That’s a hella longway to Vegas.hellacious [hEl”eS@s] 1. mod. terrible. The heat was hellacious,and the mosquitoes wouldn’t leave us alone.2. mod. wild; excellent. (Use caution with hell.) Whata hellacious good time we had!Hello? exclam. Did you hear me?; Are you aware that Iam talking to you? A: I don’t want any of that. B: Here,have some. A: Hello? No, I don’t want any.hellpig n. a fat and ugly girl or woman. (Derogatory.) Comb your hair. You look like some hellpig!Here’s the deal. tv. This is the plan, scheme, or proposition. Okay, here’s the deal. You pass the ball to Bob,and I’ll run in the opposite direction.herped up mod. infected with the herpes simplex virus. Why do all the boys treat me like I was herped up orsomething?heteroflexible mod. bisexual. (Contrived. A blend ofheterosexual + flexible.) He has preferences, but basically,he’s heteroflexible.hiddy and hidi [“hIdi] 1. mod. hideous. That skirt isjust hiddy! Get a life! 2. mod. hideously drunk; verydrunk. Fred was totally hidi. He fell asleep under thetable.high ups and higher ups n. the people in charge. Oneof the higher ups is coming down to talk to you.107

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