Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.

Download File - JOHN J. HADDAD, Ph.D.


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Give me (some) skin!ghost turd n. a wad of lint, as found under a bed. (Usecaution with turd.) There’s a lot of ghost turds underthe bed.gibber-gabber [“dZIb#dZAb#] n. nonsense; gossip andchatter. There sure is a lot of gibber-gabber comingfrom your room, Jimmy.giffed [gIft] mod. alcohol intoxicated. (From TGIF =Thank God it’s Friday. Said of people who celebrate theend of the workweek with liquor.) He left the tavernpretty giffed.giggle goo [“gIgl gu] n. liquor. Can I pour you a littleof that giggle goo?giggling n. going to clubs and bars. We spent the wholenight giggling, but never got really, totally drunk.gimp [gImp] 1. n. a lame person. (Originally underworld.Rude and derogatory.) Lefty tried to mug an old gimpwith a cane. 2. in. to limp about. I’ll gimp over thereas soon as I can. It’ll take a while on these crutches.girked mod. intoxicated with heroin. He shot himself upand was girked in no time.girl thing n. something that women do; something thatappeals to women. You wouldn’t understand. It’s a girlthing.Give me a rest! exclam. Lay off!; That is enough! Haven’t I told you everything you need to know? Give mea rest.Give me (some) skin! and Give me five!; Slip mefive! exclam. Shake my hand! (A request for some form91

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