15 (UK) PSYOPS Group Annual Report - PsyWar.Org

15 (UK) PSYOPS Group Annual Report - PsyWar.Org

15 (UK) PSYOPS Group Annual Report - PsyWar.Org


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Target Audience AnalysisThe bedrock underpinning effective <strong>PSYOPS</strong> isTarget Audience Analysis (TAA) linked to timelyintelligence support. TAA involves the systematicstudy of people in order to enhance our understandingof a military psychological environment.TAA is crucial to the <strong>PSYOPS</strong> Estimate processand aims to: identify Target Audience attitudes,vulnerabilities and susceptibilities, developinglines of persuasion, key communicators and appropriatesymbology and media to exploit a line ofpersuasion.Tactical <strong>PSYOPS</strong> Teams (TPTs)TPTs enable the tactical commander to directlycommunicate and empathise with Target Audiences.Although usually found from appropriatelytrained soldiers within each Battlegroup, TPTstake their <strong>PSYOPS</strong> direction from the PSE andare a useful adjunct for gathering and assessingatmospherics and other relevant intelligence.In addition to providing <strong>PSYOPS</strong> advice to unitcommanders, TPTs engage with the Target Audience,gather information and disseminate PSY-OPS products and assess <strong>PSYOPS</strong> effects.

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