Work Hard, Play Hard - Gordie Center, U.Va.

Work Hard, Play Hard - Gordie Center, U.Va. Work Hard, Play Hard - Gordie Center, U.Va.
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<strong>Work</strong> <strong>Hard</strong>, <strong>Play</strong> <strong>Hard</strong>The Game Plan for aSafe Spring Break

Staying Safe1.Travel Safety2.Traveling Abroad3.General Safety4.Alcohol Safety5.Safer Sex

Tips for Safe Travel

Before You Leave• Lock up valuables.• Lock doors AND windows.• Hold your mail.• Set light and TV timers.• Don’t leave “away”messages on

Driving Safety• Get a tune-up and do anymaintenance.• Check your spare tire• Keep an emergency kit:• Tools (duct tape, screw driver)• Fire extinguisher• Jumper cables• First aid kit• Flashlight• Is car registration andinsurance informationcurrent?

State Department Notifications• Review these now and in thedays preceding trip:– Long Term Travel Warnings– Short Term Travel Alerts• For more information contact:– Email:•– Toll Free (US):• 1-888-407-4747– Toll Free (non US):• 1-202-501-4444

Country Specific Information• Click here• Provides information about:– Location of US Embassy– Whether you need a Visa– Crime and SecurityInformation– Health and MedicalConditions– Drug Penalties

U.S. Customs• Travel News• Bringing food into US• Registering Itemsbefore leaving US• Traveler Entry Forms• Restricted/ProhibitedGoods• Airport Wait Times

Airline Safety• Make sure luggage tags have currentinformation• Know which items are prohibited.• Be aware your surroundings and anysuspicious persons or activity.U.S. Department of State

General Safety• Always carry an ID• Never travel alone• Stay with friends• Be aware of yoursurroundings• Be familiar with localemergency numbers

General Safety• Stay hydrated• Use plenty of sunscreen• Stay nourished• Wear sunglasses ratedfor UVA and UVBprotection• Know fire exits of hotel

Alcohol Safety1.Standard Drink2.Factors Affecting Intoxication3.Signs of Alcohol Poisoning4.Helping Friends

Images © UVA <strong>Gordie</strong> <strong>Center</strong> for Substance Abuse PreventionOn average, it takes nearly 3 hours for m ost peopleto elim inate the alcohol in 2 drinks.

Standard Drinks in a Solo Cup

Factors that can affect aperson’s BAC:Body Size• In general, larger peoplebecome impaired moreslowly since they havemore body fluid to dilutealcohol• If two people are the sameweight, the person withmore muscle (vs. fat) willbecome intoxicated more

Factors that can affect a person’s BAC:Empty stomach• The best foods to eat toslow the absorption ofalcohol into thebloodstream are thosehigh in protein:– meat– peanut butter– nuts– cheese– pizza– tofu

Factors that can affect a person’s BAC:Rate of drinking•Drinking quickly, especiallyseveral drinks in a row, willincrease a person’s BAC to ahigher level than if the drinksare consumed over a longerperiod of time•Most cases of alcoholoverdose are caused bydrinking too much too quickly

Factors that can affect a person’s BAC:Illness and FatigueWhen you’re sleepdeprived or ill,alcohol leaves thebody more slowly

Factors that can affect a person’s BAC:Other drugs• Even over-the-counterdrugs can cause problems• A person with a .05 BACwho consumesantihistamines (e.g.,Benadryl) could be impairedto the level of .08 BAC• Caffeine can mask theeffects of alcohol

• This interactive website simulates adrinking experience in a “virtual bar” tosee how the same amount of alcohol canresult in different BAC levels based onweight, sex and rate of drinking• Click here to enter the program. You willneed access to the internet

Free charts are available at Student Health (400 Brandon Avenue) & the<strong>Gordie</strong> <strong>Center</strong> for Substance Abuse Prevention (170 Rugby Road - groundlevel)Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)These charts illustrate the impact of sex and weight on BAC

Tips for Handling anIntoxicated Friend• Do not encourage theperson to eat or drink (evenwater) as this can inducevomiting• Do not encourage theperson to walk around tosober up. A fall could causeinjuries• Do not try to restrain theperson without soberassistance• The only thing that works istime

Guidelines for Immediate Care• BAC continues to rise after a person stopsdrinking.• While waiting for help to arrive, place the personin the Bacchus position (see next slide)• Make sure the airway remains open in case ofvomiting. If possible, prop something behind theperson to prevent rolling over• Check on anyone who is severely intoxicated atleast every 10-15 minutes• Most people who die of alcohol overdosewere left alone

Other Alcohol Safety Tips• Have a designated driver• Alternate alcoholic drinkswith nonalcoholic• Count your drinks• Be aware of alcoholcontent of drinks• Never leave your drinkunattended

Safer Sex Tips

Communicate with yourpartnerKeep it consensual

Always use protectionUse a new condom every time

Any questions?

For More Information• Visit the following websites– <strong>Gordie</strong> <strong>Center</strong> For Substance AbusePrevention– Elson Student Health <strong>Center</strong>• Contact ADAPT–• Contact PHEs 434-924-1509• Contact 1 in 4

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