Turnstone Furniture Specification Guide

Turnstone Furniture Specification Guide

Turnstone Furniture Specification Guide


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Seating MatrixFor a surface materials listingof individual product lines, seeSurface Materials at the endof each product chapter:c Kick System, page 128c Kick FreestandingMetal Desk, page 154c Storage, page 180c Seating, page 241c Classic Payback, page 302c Executive Payback,page 334c Reply, page 380c <strong>Turnstone</strong> Metal Desk,page 394c Smoke, page 422c Groupwork, page 434à la carteSurprise!Let’s BUnoJacketJenny318 LeatherCrushed CanSpringboardSpringboard GuestSonataSweeperReply Seat CushionPedetstal Seat CushionClassics CollectionBuzz2 Price Group 1AAAAZANAAAAAAACanzone Price Group 2AAAAZANAAAAAAACavalcade Price Group 2 AAAAZANAAAAAAACricket Price Group 2AAAAZANAAAAAAAHampstead Price Group 3 AAAAZANAAAAAAAJacks Price Group 1AAAANANAAAAAAALink Price Group 1AAAAZANAAAAAAARegis Price Group 2AAAAZANAAAAAAASpyder Price Group 2AAAANANAAAAAAASweepstakes Price Group 2 AAAANANAAAAAAALeatherNNNNZANNNNNNNNSeating Vinyl Price Group 1 XAXANANANAAAAAZoe Price Group 3AAAAZANAAAAAAAOptions CollectionCroquet Price Group 4AAAANANANNNXAADomino Price Group 4AAAAZANAAANAAAFrisbee Price Group 5AAAAZANANANXAAHopscotch Price Group 3 AAANNANANANAAAInfield Price Group 5AAAANANANANAAARook Price Group 4AAAANANAAANXAASkittles Price Group 4AAANNANAAANAAATivoli Price Group 4AAAANANAAANXAAWobble Price Group 4AAAANANAANNXAAOther Upholstery<strong>Turnstone</strong> LeatherNNXNANANNNNNNNPolar FleeceNNNNANNNNNNNNNDesigntex Environmental Impact CollectionBee Price Group 2AAAAZNNAAAAAAALagoon Price Group 3ANANNANAAANAAAPrairie Price Group 3ANAAZANAAANAAAReed Stripe Price Group 3 AAAANANANAAAAALegend˜ = Not availableÅ = Available˛ = Available with exceptions¸ = COM approvedc See Surface Materials andSpecifying pages.Products that aremissing from the matrixare not available withthese surface materials.450 <strong>Turnstone</strong> <strong>Specification</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>

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