2/2012 - Fingrid

2/2012 - Fingrid 2/2012 - Fingrid


A GOOD SERVANTbut a poor masterThe man cage of a personnel hoist is ascending underneath an electricity transmission line. Theominous music in the background and the coffin awaiting in the hearse make the viewer anticipatethat the man holding an iron bar in the man cage is not in for anything good. The videos of a recentcampaign induce people to pay attention to the dangers of electricity.Text by Suvi Artti | Photographs by GoodMood, Juhani Eskelinen and Valtteri KantanenThe undertaker played by the actorVille Virtanen has plenty ofcustomers in the videos of thecampaign “BEWARE BEFORE ACTIONnear electrical networks”: Felling of atree next to a power line does not govery well. The bucket of an excavatorhits an underground cable, and an electricshock kills a man standing besidethe pit. A farmer concentrating on findinghis mobile phone drives his tractoragainst a transmission line tower withdisastrous consequences. The videoson the campaign website at www.hengenvaara.fiindicate in a harsh mannerwhat implications the neglecting ofsafety instructions can have.According to the accident statisticsof Tukes, the Finnish Safety TechnologyAuthority, there have been as manyas 42 serious accidents when workingclose to overhead power lines or undergroundcables during the period of 2000to 2011. Fatal accidents resulting fromelectricity work have decreased significantlysince the 1970s, but one to twofatal accidents still happen in Finlandannually.Goal: zeroelectricity accidentsThe campaign stems from a concernshared by the entire electricity industryregarding the safety of work conductednear transmission networks. “In recentyears, there have been many near misssituations and also unfortunately someoccupational accidents, which are oftencaused by sheer thoughtlessness,” saysFingrid’s Marcus Stenstrand, whoworks as the Project Manager of thecampaign.Work sites located close to powerlines are commonplace. In addition toelectricity professionals, many otherpeople work close to transmission lines:civil engineering contractors, homeowners, forest workers and farmers.Typical hazards comprise the casespresented in the videos, where a treeis felled on a transmission line, a workmachine reaches too close to a powerline, or an excavator bucket hits anFINGRID 2/2012 | 18

“All accidents can be prevented,” saidFingrid’s Executive Vice President KariKuusela in the press conference of thecampaign. He pointed out that electricitycompanies and Fingrid welcome anyobservations of abnormalities concerningelectricity networks.Campaign shared by the electricity industryThe website of the campaign “BEWARE BEFORE ACTION near electricalnetworks” at www.hengenvaara.fi contains basic informationabout how to take an electricity network into account at work sites,and instructions for situations where a power line is damaged.The campaign material also covers a pocket-sizesafety brochure and training materials in Power-Point format.The two-year campaign launched in May2012 is backed by ten electricity companiesand organisations: Elenia Verkko Oy, FinnishEnergy Industries, EPV AlueverkkoOy, Fingrid Oyj, Fortum Sähkönsiirto Oy,Helen Sähköverkko Oy, INFRA ry, aconsortium of electricity companiesin Eastern Finland, Tukes, and VantaanEnergia Sähköverkot Oy.TIEDÄENNEN KUIN TOIMITsähköverkon läheisyydessäunderground cable. Blasting work tooclose to lines as well as constructionand storage in the power line right-ofwayare also prohibited as dangerousoperations.Undertaker on amuddy fieldThe startling videos on the campaignwebsite have been designed and filmedby the video production companyGoodMood. Instead of direct bans, thevideos wish to show what can happenif you work contrary to the safety instructions.“From the outset, we thought of unconventionalways to make safety videos,”says Otto Hietaharju of Good-Mood. The idea of the undertaker cameabout as a result of creative brainstorming.“There are plenty of prohibitions,commands and orders in Finland. Maybepeople have become accustomed tothinking in the lines of: ‘OK, there is aprohibition sign, but that’s quite alright,nothing has happened to me before’.”The videos were directed by TeemuNikki, who has previously directed muwww.hengenvaara.fiFINGRID 2/2012 | 19

A GOOD SERVANTbut a poor masterThe man cage of a personnel hoist is ascending underneath an electricity transmission line. Theominous music in the background and the coffin awaiting in the hearse make the viewer anticipatethat the man holding an iron bar in the man cage is not in for anything good. The videos of a recentcampaign induce people to pay attention to the dangers of electricity.Text by Suvi Artti | Photographs by GoodMood, Juhani Eskelinen and Valtteri KantanenThe undertaker played by the actorVille Virtanen has plenty ofcustomers in the videos of thecampaign “BEWARE BEFORE ACTIONnear electrical networks”: Felling of atree next to a power line does not govery well. The bucket of an excavatorhits an underground cable, and an electricshock kills a man standing besidethe pit. A farmer concentrating on findinghis mobile phone drives his tractoragainst a transmission line tower withdisastrous consequences. The videoson the campaign website at www.hengenvaara.fiindicate in a harsh mannerwhat implications the neglecting ofsafety instructions can have.According to the accident statisticsof Tukes, the Finnish Safety TechnologyAuthority, there have been as manyas 42 serious accidents when workingclose to overhead power lines or undergroundcables during the period of 2000to 2011. Fatal accidents resulting fromelectricity work have decreased significantlysince the 1970s, but one to twofatal accidents still happen in Finlandannually.Goal: zeroelectricity accidentsThe campaign stems from a concernshared by the entire electricity industryregarding the safety of work conductednear transmission networks. “In recentyears, there have been many near misssituations and also unfortunately someoccupational accidents, which are oftencaused by sheer thoughtlessness,” says<strong>Fingrid</strong>’s Marcus Stenstrand, whoworks as the Project Manager of thecampaign.Work sites located close to powerlines are commonplace. In addition toelectricity professionals, many otherpeople work close to transmission lines:civil engineering contractors, homeowners, forest workers and farmers.Typical hazards comprise the casespresented in the videos, where a treeis felled on a transmission line, a workmachine reaches too close to a powerline, or an excavator bucket hits anFINGRID 2/<strong>2012</strong> | 18

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