STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity


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Satchel Charge: Replaces attacks; designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for therest of the skirmish and cannot be closed.Savage: This character is wild and difficult to control. It must end its move adjacent to an enemyif it can (if it can’t reach an enemy, it moves normally). If it starts its turn adjacent to an enemy,it can move 0 squares and thus “end its move” adjacent to that enemy. In this case, if it defeatsthat enemy, the Savage character does not have to move adjacent to another enemy. A Savagecharacter is not subject to commander effects. This ability must be taken when your character iscreated, and it can be taken for free. Selecting it allows you to spend one additional point onspecial abilities.Sidestep: If this character moves only 1 square, it does not draw attacks of opportunity and canmake a full attack.Sniper: This character ignores characters other than the target enemy for purposes of cover.Ignore intervening characters when determining both whether that enemy is a legal target andwhether it gains the +4 bonus to its Defense from cover. This ability does not allow the attackingcharacter to ignore terrain that provides cover.Sonic Attack: An enemy attacked by this character cannot use Force powers for the remainderof this turn, whether or not the attack hits.**Sonic Stunner: Replaces attacks; range 6; living target and each living character adjacent tothat target are considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger charactersignore this special ability.Speed 8: This character can move 8 squares and attack during its turn or move 16 squareswithout attacking.Spotter 10: If this character combines fire against a target within 6 squares, the attackingcharacter gets +10 Damage against that target.*Stealth: If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for choosing targetsif the attacker is more than 6 squares away. If this character would be the nearest enemy, thenext-nearest enemy counts as the nearest instead. Follow the normal rules for cover if thecharacter with Stealth is within 6 squares of the attacker.**Strafe Attack: Characters with Flight can also have Strafe Attack. As this character moves, itcan attack each enemy whose space it enters. Roll each attack just before this character entersthat enemy’s space. This character cannot attack any enemy twice in the same turn, and it cannotmove directly back into a space it has just left. A character with Strafe Attack can still make anormal attack on the turn it moves, as long as it moves 6 squares or less.Synchronized Fire: When another character combines fire with this character, it grants a +6bonus to Attack instead of +4.**Triple Attack: On its turn, this character can make three attacks, but it can’t move if it doesso. Each attack can be against the same target or different targets. The attacker does not have todecide which enemy will be the target of other attacks until after the first attack is done. Itdoesn’t even have to decide whether to make another attack until after making the first one; itcould move instead. Since this special ability works only on its turn, this character still makesonly a single attack when making an attack of opportunity.7

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