STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity


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*Ambush: Can move and then make all its attacks against 1 enemy who has not activated thisround.Avoid Defeat: When reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, make two saves. If both saves aresuccessful, the character remains in play with 10 hit points.Bodyguard: If an adjacent ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take thedamage instead.Careful Shot +4: On its turn, if a character with this special ability doesn’t move, it gets a +4bonus to Attack. Because this special ability works only on the character’s turn, it doesn’t helpwith attacks of opportunity.Charging Assault +10: Replaces turn; Can move up to 12 squares, then make an attack at +10Damage against an adjacent enemy.Charging Fire: Instead of taking its normal turn, a character with this special ability can moveup to 12 spaces and then make an attack on the same turn.Cleave: Once per turn, if this character defeats an adjacent character by making an attack, it canmake an immediate attack against another adjacent enemy. Cleave works even when thecharacter is making an attack of opportunity.Crowd Fighting: This character gets a +2 bonus to Attack against an adjacent target for everyadjacent figure other than its target.*Cunning Attack: A character with this special ability gets a +4 bonus to Attack and +10 bonusto Damage against an enemy who has not yet activated this round.Cyborg: A Cyborg character counts as both a Droid and a non-Droid. It benefits from effectsthat target Droids (such as Repair) in addition to other kinds of effects (such as Heal). A Cyborgcharacter is also subject to harmful effects that don't normally affect Droids (such as critical hits)as well as those that specify Droids only (such as Ion Gun 20). Cyborgs can be affected byCommander Effects.Deadeye: On its turn, if a character with this special ability doesn’t move, it gets a +10 bonus toDamage. Because this special ability works only on the character’s turn, it doesn’t help withattacks of opportunity.Deadly Attack: A character with this special ability scores a critical hit on a roll of natural 19 or20 instead of only on 20.Demolish: Ignores Damage Reduction of adjacent targets.*Disruptive: Suppress enemy commander effects within 6 squares.Door Gimmick: At the end of its turn, this character can designate one door within line of sightas open. The door remains open until the end of this character's next turn or until the end of aturn in which this character is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points. The gimmicked door can beclosed only with the Override special ability. Door Gimmick doesn't work on doors being heldclosed with Override.*Double Attack: On its turn, if this character attacks without moving first, it then has the optioneither to move normally or to make an extra attack. The extra attack can be against the same3

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