STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity


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Role-PlayingDespite its simplicity, this is an <strong>RPG</strong>, so it needs some role-playing elements. These come inthree flavors.First is straight-up role-playing. If there's a GM, then he can take the role of NPCs to talk andinteract with the PCs between gunslinging encounters the same as in any other <strong>RPG</strong>.Second is problem solving. This game emphasizes simplicity, and the simplest thing to do is justtalk to the players. Describe the situation, and when the players come back with a course ofaction, decide for yourself whether it succeeds, fails, or something in between.Third is Saves. Each character has a Save stat, and it pretty much covers everything that isn't anattack. Need to locate the computer access code to open the docking bay doors on an Imperialspace station? Make a save. Need to talk your way past an Imperial Stormtrooper patrol? Make asave. Need to leap through the blast doors before they slam shut in your face? Make a save.Career skills play a big part in this process, and this, too, involves some thought on the part ofthe GM (or whoever's running the game). Benefits that characters get from career skills aren'tdefined, but situations where they might apply are suggested. It's up to individual players torationalize why their characters should get bonuses in specific situations. For example, in thecase of searching for the docking bay code, a character with the skills Diplomat and Soldierwon't be much help. A character with the Bureaucrat or Law Enforcement skill probably has atleast some idea where such a code might be hidden in the computer system. An Engineer orComputer Expert could be a big help.As with any save, a roll of 20 always succeeds and a roll of 1 always fails.If there's a GM involved, he can assign any bonus or penalty to the save that he thinks isappropriate. In general, use these guidelines.-8 Task is nearly impossible, the ship is disintegrating, or the character is on fire.-4 Task is difficult, someone is shooting at you, or the character is wearing handcuffs.-2 Task is tricky, alarm bells are going off near your head, or the character is wounded.0 Normal difficulty.+2 Task is simple, the character has done similar things before, or the character has a relatedcareer skill.+4 Task is routine, there's plenty of time, or the character has a directly related career skill.+8 Task has been done many times by this character, it's his specialty, or he has the instructionmanual open to the correct page.Fleshing Out CharactersYour character's race and gender have no effect on his, her, or its stats but may come up in roleplaying(remember that nonhumans are second-class citizens in the Empire).Everyone is assumed to have a blaster (Fringers) or lightsaber (Jedi). Any other equipment canbe haggled for with the GM.14

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