STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity


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6 squares are treated as having been activated this round; in effect, they skip their turns. Eachpotentially affected character can avoid this effect with a save.Surprise Move: (1 FP) After initiative is determined, a character can immediately use this Forcepower to move up to 6 squares before any other character activates. (This does not count as anactivation.) This character can use this Force power only once per round.Unleash the Force 60: (4 FP) Replaces attacks; usable only after an ally with a Force rating isdefeated; 60 damage to all other characters within 6 squares; save 11 to reduce damage to 30.Use the Force: (3 FP) This character's next attack is a critical hit.*Whirlwind Attack: (1 FP) Instead of taking its normal turn, a character using this Force powercan make two attacks against each enemy adjacent to it.Dark Side Special AbilitiesBetrayal: If an enemy's attack roll against this character is a natural 1, that enemy comes underthis character's control until the end of the battle. It can take no further actions this turn, even if itcan make additional attacks.Black Sun: If a character whose name contains Xizor or Vigo is in the same squad, thischaracter gains Grenades 10 [Replaces attacks; range 6; 10 Damage to target and to eachcharacter adjacent to that target; save 11].Blaster Barrage: (1 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using thisforce power can attack every legal target once. Determine legal targets before making the firstattack roll. If several enemies are tied for nearest, all of them are legal targets for this specialability.*Dark Armor: When this character takes damage, he reduces the damage dealt by 10 with asave of 11. Adjacent enemies with lightsabers ignore this special ability.Dark Inspiration: At the start of a battle, choose one allied character with a Force rating. Thatcharacter gains the Lightsaber Duellist special ability for the remainder of the battle.Dark Master: At the start of a battle, choose one allied character. That character can spend thischaracter's Force Points as if they were its own. The chosen ally doesn't need to have a ForceRating, but if it does, it cannot spend both its own and this character's Force Points in a singleturn.*Disintegration: If a character with this ability rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll, the targetcharacter is defeated regardless of its Hit Points. This effect takes place even if the target avoidsdamage with a special ability or Force power. If another figure becomes the target of the attack(through the Bodyguard ability, for example), that figure is Disintegrated instead.*Disruptive: Suppress enemy commander effects within 6 squares.Dominate: Instead of taking its normal turn, this character can take control of a target non-Droidcharacter, even one who has already been activated this round. This does not count as activating.The target character takes an immediate turn but cannot move. It can resist this effect with aSave. Determine legal targets normally for enemy figures; any allied figure in line of sight can betargeted.11

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