STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity

STAR WARS Miniatures Ultra-Simple RPG - Max Velocity


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<strong>STAR</strong> <strong>WARS</strong> <strong>Miniatures</strong><strong>Ultra</strong>-<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>RPG</strong><strong>Max</strong> <strong>Velocity</strong>, Flyer for Hire, and his partner Yuz ZiffThe <strong>Ultra</strong>-<strong>Simple</strong> <strong>STAR</strong> <strong>WARS</strong> <strong>RPG</strong> is based on the <strong>STAR</strong> <strong>WARS</strong> <strong>Miniatures</strong> game. All rules fromthat game are assumed to be in effect except as noted in these rules.To create your character, decide whether he, she, or it will be a Fringer (covers all types of'regular' characters) or a Jedi. There are no qualifications for either choice; you can freely pickwhichever you prefer. Fringers can choose their special abilities only from the Generic list butcan make ranged attacks. Jedi have access to Force powers in addition to Generic special abilitiesbut are limited to melee attacks.The choice of character type is made when the character is created and can never be changed.1

*Ambush: Can move and then make all its attacks against 1 enemy who has not activated thisround.Avoid Defeat: When reduced to 0 or fewer hit points, make two saves. If both saves aresuccessful, the character remains in play with 10 hit points.Bodyguard: If an adjacent ally would take damage from an attack, this character can take thedamage instead.Careful Shot +4: On its turn, if a character with this special ability doesn’t move, it gets a +4bonus to Attack. Because this special ability works only on the character’s turn, it doesn’t helpwith attacks of opportunity.Charging Assault +10: Replaces turn; Can move up to 12 squares, then make an attack at +10Damage against an adjacent enemy.Charging Fire: Instead of taking its normal turn, a character with this special ability can moveup to 12 spaces and then make an attack on the same turn.Cleave: Once per turn, if this character defeats an adjacent character by making an attack, it canmake an immediate attack against another adjacent enemy. Cleave works even when thecharacter is making an attack of opportunity.Crowd Fighting: This character gets a +2 bonus to Attack against an adjacent target for everyadjacent figure other than its target.*Cunning Attack: A character with this special ability gets a +4 bonus to Attack and +10 bonusto Damage against an enemy who has not yet activated this round.Cyborg: A Cyborg character counts as both a Droid and a non-Droid. It benefits from effectsthat target Droids (such as Repair) in addition to other kinds of effects (such as Heal). A Cyborgcharacter is also subject to harmful effects that don't normally affect Droids (such as critical hits)as well as those that specify Droids only (such as Ion Gun 20). Cyborgs can be affected byCommander Effects.Deadeye: On its turn, if a character with this special ability doesn’t move, it gets a +10 bonus toDamage. Because this special ability works only on the character’s turn, it doesn’t help withattacks of opportunity.Deadly Attack: A character with this special ability scores a critical hit on a roll of natural 19 or20 instead of only on 20.Demolish: Ignores Damage Reduction of adjacent targets.*Disruptive: Suppress enemy commander effects within 6 squares.Door Gimmick: At the end of its turn, this character can designate one door within line of sightas open. The door remains open until the end of this character's next turn or until the end of aturn in which this character is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points. The gimmicked door can beclosed only with the Override special ability. Door Gimmick doesn't work on doors being heldclosed with Override.*Double Attack: On its turn, if this character attacks without moving first, it then has the optioneither to move normally or to make an extra attack. The extra attack can be against the same3

Grenades 10: Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, this character can target an enemyup to 6 squares away. This follows all the usual rules for choosing a target. The target and allcharacters adjacent to it (enemies and allies alike) take 10 points of damage. Each character canavoid the damage with a save. Using this special ability is not an attack and does not require anattack roll. You cannot target an empty square with Grenades.Gunner: This character can combine fire with an adjacent ally who has the Mounted Weaponspecial ability.Heal 10: Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, this character removes 10 points ofdamage from an adjacent character or itself. Heal can’t raise a character’s Hit Points above itsstarting amount. It does not affect Droid characters.Heavy Weapon: This character can’t attack and move in the same turn. It can make attacks ofopportunity as normal. Its Damage increases by 20.Improved Initiative: After rolling initiative, this character can alter his roll by +/- 4 points.Impulsive Savagery: If a Unique allied character is defeated, for the remainder of the skirmishthis character has the Savage special ability. This special ability must be taken when yourcharacter is created, and it can be taken for free. Taking it allows you to spend one additionalpoint on your character's basic stats.Impulsive Shot: Once per turn, this character can make an immediate attack when a Uniqueallied character is defeated.Impulsive Sweep: Once per turn, when a Unique ally is defeated, this character can immediatelyattack each adjacent enemy once.Industrial Repair 10: Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, this character removes 10points of damage from an adjacent character with the Mounted Weapon special ability. IndustrialRepair can’t raise a character’s Hit Points above its starting amount.**Intuition: Once per round, after initiative is determined, this character can immediately moveup to 6 squares before any other character activates.Ion Gun 20: This character gets a +20 bonus to Damage against Droid enemies.It's a Trap!: Enemies with Stealth within 6 squares lose Stealth.Lightsaber: This character uses a lightsaber instead of a blaster when attacking adjacentenemies.*Lightsaber Duelist: This character gets a +4 bonus to Defense when attacked by an adjacentcharacter with a Force rating.Lightsaber Resistance: This character gets a +2 bonus to Defense when attacked by an adjacentcharacter with a Force rating.Loner: This character gets a +4 bonus to Attack if no allies are within 6 squares.Melee Attack: This character can attack only enemies adjacent to it.Mettle: If this character spends 1 Force point to reroll, add +4 to the result.Micro-Vision: +4 Attack against targets within 6 squares (nonhumans only).5

Mighty Swing 10: On its turn, if this character doesn’t move any distance, it gets a +10 bonus toDamage against adjacent enemies. Since this special ability works only on this character’s turn, itdoesn’t help with attacks of opportunity.Mobile Attack: This character can move both before and after attacking, up to a total of 6squares. It is subject to attacks of opportunity as normal.Momentum: If this character has moved any distance during its turn, it gets a +4 bonus toAttack and a +10 bonus to Damage against adjacent enemies. Since this special ability worksonly on this character’s turn, it doesn’t help with attacks of opportunity.Nimble: This character gains +2 Attack and +10 Damage against Large and Huge characters.*Opportunist: +4 Attack and +10 Damage against an enemy who has activated this round.Mounted Weapon: Only allied characters with the Mounted Weapon special ability or adjacentallies with the Gunner special ability can combine fire with this character.**Override: At the end of its turn, this character can designate one door that it can see as openor closed. The door remains open or closed until the end of this character’s next turn, or until theend of a turn in which this character is defeated. Other characters can’t open or close that doorunless they use the Override special ability themselves.**Paralysis: If this character hits, target is considered activated this round; save 11.*Parry: When hit by a melee attack, this character takes no damage with a save of 11.Penetration 10: Enemies' Damage Reduction is reduced by 10 against this character's attacks.Programmed Target: After setup, choose any 1 enemy. This character gets +4 attack andAccurate Shot [Can attack an enemy in cover even if it's not the nearest enemy] against thechosen enemy.Quick Reactions: This character gets a +6 bonus to Attack when making attacks of opportunity.Recon: If this character has line of sight to an enemy, roll twice when making this character'sinitiative check and take either result.**Regeneration 10: If this character does not move any distance on its turn, it removes 10points of damage from itself at the end of its turn. Regeneration can’t raise this character’s HitPoints above its starting amount.Rend 20: This special ability applies to characters who can make more than one attack againstan adjacent enemy. If two of the character’s attacks hit the same adjacent enemy, the second hitgets a +20 bonus to Damage.Repair: Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, this character removes the listed amountof damage from an adjacent Droid character. Repair can’t raise a character’s Hit Points above itsstarting amount. It does not affect non-Droid characters.*Rolling Cleave: Once per turn, if this character defeats an adjacent enemy by making an attack,it can immediately move 1 square and then make an attack against another adjacent enemy. Thismove does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Rolling Cleave works even when this characteris making an attack of opportunity.6

Satchel Charge: Replaces attacks; designate 1 adjacent door as open; it remains open for therest of the skirmish and cannot be closed.Savage: This character is wild and difficult to control. It must end its move adjacent to an enemyif it can (if it can’t reach an enemy, it moves normally). If it starts its turn adjacent to an enemy,it can move 0 squares and thus “end its move” adjacent to that enemy. In this case, if it defeatsthat enemy, the Savage character does not have to move adjacent to another enemy. A Savagecharacter is not subject to commander effects. This ability must be taken when your character iscreated, and it can be taken for free. Selecting it allows you to spend one additional point onspecial abilities.Sidestep: If this character moves only 1 square, it does not draw attacks of opportunity and canmake a full attack.Sniper: This character ignores characters other than the target enemy for purposes of cover.Ignore intervening characters when determining both whether that enemy is a legal target andwhether it gains the +4 bonus to its Defense from cover. This ability does not allow the attackingcharacter to ignore terrain that provides cover.Sonic Attack: An enemy attacked by this character cannot use Force powers for the remainderof this turn, whether or not the attack hits.**Sonic Stunner: Replaces attacks; range 6; living target and each living character adjacent tothat target are considered activated this round; save 11 negates. Huge and larger charactersignore this special ability.Speed 8: This character can move 8 squares and attack during its turn or move 16 squareswithout attacking.Spotter 10: If this character combines fire against a target within 6 squares, the attackingcharacter gets +10 Damage against that target.*Stealth: If this character has cover, it does not count as the nearest enemy for choosing targetsif the attacker is more than 6 squares away. If this character would be the nearest enemy, thenext-nearest enemy counts as the nearest instead. Follow the normal rules for cover if thecharacter with Stealth is within 6 squares of the attacker.**Strafe Attack: Characters with Flight can also have Strafe Attack. As this character moves, itcan attack each enemy whose space it enters. Roll each attack just before this character entersthat enemy’s space. This character cannot attack any enemy twice in the same turn, and it cannotmove directly back into a space it has just left. A character with Strafe Attack can still make anormal attack on the turn it moves, as long as it moves 6 squares or less.Synchronized Fire: When another character combines fire with this character, it grants a +6bonus to Attack instead of +4.**Triple Attack: On its turn, this character can make three attacks, but it can’t move if it doesso. Each attack can be against the same target or different targets. The attacker does not have todecide which enemy will be the target of other attacks until after the first attack is done. Itdoesn’t even have to decide whether to make another attack until after making the first one; itcould move instead. Since this special ability works only on its turn, this character still makesonly a single attack when making an attack of opportunity.7

*Twin Attack: Whenever this character attacks, it makes 1 extra attack against the same enemy.*Vaapad-Style Fighting: This character scores a critical hit on a roll of natural 18,19, or 20instead of only on 20.Vicious Attack: This character deals triple damage on a critical hit instead of double.*Wall Climber: This character ignores difficult terrain, enemy characters, low objects, and pitsas long as a square he occupies and a square he is moving into are bordered by a wall.Jedi Special AbilitiesForce User: A Force User rolls 1d3 before every fight (not once per game session). The result ishow many Force points the character has to spend in that combat. The die can be rerolled once,but the second roll has a -1 penalty and its result must be used.Lightsaber: All special abilities that apply to lightsabers apply to this character.Melee Attack: A character with this special ability can attack only enemies adjacent to it.Absorb Energy: (2 FP) When hit by a nonmelee attack, this character takes no damage with asave of 11; Remove damage from this character equal to the prevented damage.Anticipation: (1 FP) After initiative is determined, a character using this Force power allowshimself and all of his allies to reroll their initiative rolls if they choose to. The second result mustbe used, even if it is worse. Initiative can be rerolled only once per round, regardless of thenumber of allied characters using Anticipation. If another special ability or Force power allowsyou to roll twice for initiative, you can reroll both dice using Anticipation.Battle Meditation: (2 FP) Replaces attacks; For the rest of the skirmish, this character gains thefollowing commander effect [Allies who combine fire grant an additional +2 Attack and enemycharacters cannot combine fire].Force Absorb: (2 FP) A character using this Force power cancels the effect of a Force powerused by an adjacent character. You must decide whether to use Force Absorb immediately afterthe other Force power is declared but before it takes effect. That Force power is still consideredto have been used that turn, and the affected character still spends the Force points.Force Alter: (1 FP) Range 6; 1 enemy rerolls its last attack.Force Ascetic: Cannot spend Force points to reroll or move faster. This special ability must betaken when the character is created. It is free, and taking it allows you to spend one additionalpoint on your character's basic stats.*Force Burst: (2 FP) Replaces turn; 10 damage to all other characters within 6 squares.*Force Defense: (3 FP) A character using this Force power cancels the effect of a Force powerused by a character within 6 squares. You must decide whether to use Force Defenseimmediately after the other Force power is declared but before it takes effect. That Force poweris still considered to have been used that turn, and the affected character still spends the Forcepoints.Force Empathic 10: Takes 10 damage whenever an ally is defeated. This special ability must betaken when the character is created. It is free, and taking it allows you to spend one additionalpoint on special abilities or force abilities.8

Force Heal 10: (1 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using thisForce power removes 10 points of damage from an adjacent wounded character or itself. ForceHeal can’t raise a character’s Hit Points above its starting amount. It does not affect Droidcharacters.*Force Heal 20: (2 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using thisForce power removes 20 points of damage from an adjacent wounded character or itself. ForceHeal can’t raise a character’s Hit Points above its starting amount. It does not affect Droidcharacters.Force Leap: (1 FP) For the remainder of this turn, a character using this Force power can movethrough enemy characters. In addition, this character does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Itdoesn’t take any time to use Force Leap; this character can still move and attack normally thisturn.*Force Renewal 1: Whenever a character with this Force power activates, roll 1d3. If the resultis greater than the character's current number of Force points, the character gains 1 Force pointimmediately.Force Sense: (1 FP) Usable only on this character's turn; Enemy characters lose Stealth for therest of the round.Force Spirit 8: If a character with this Force power is defeated, immediately add 8 Force pointsto an allied character with a Force rating. The allied character can now spend Force points oneextra time per turn for the rest of the skirmish. If there is no allied character with a Force rating,this Force power has no effect.Force Strike: (1 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using this Forcepower deals 30 points of damage to one enemy Droid or one enemy with Mounted Weaponwithin 6 squares. Using Force Strike is not an attack and does not require an attack roll.Force Stun: (1 FP) Usable only on this character's turn; range 6; target living enemy isconsidered activated this round; save 11*Force Thrust: (1 FP) Replaces attacks; A character using this Force power deals 20 points ofdamage to one enemy within 6 squares. The target character can reduce the damage to 10 pointswith a save. Using Force Thrust is not an attack and does not require an attack roll.Force Valor: (2 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using this Forcepower gains the following commander effect for the rest of the skirmish: Allied characters within6 squares get a +2 bonus to Attack and +2 bonus to Defense. This is in addition to any existingcommander effect.*Force Whirlwind: (2 FP) Replaces attacks; range 6; 20 damage to target and each characteradjacent to that target; save 11.Jedi Mind Trick: (1 FP) Usable only on this character's turn; range 2; target living enemy isconsidered activated this round and cannot make attacks of opportunity this turn; save 11.Knight Speed: (1 FP) On its turn, a character using this Force power can move an additional 4squares.9

Lightsaber Assault: (1 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using thisForce power makes two attacks against an adjacent enemy (these can target different enemies). Acharacter can move normally on the turn that it uses this Force power.Lightsaber Block: (1 FP) When a character using this Force power is hit by a melee attack, itcan avoid the damage with a save. You must decide whether to use this Force powerimmediately after the attack hits.Lightsaber Deflect: (1 FP) When a character using this Force power is hit by a nonmelee attack,it can avoid the damage with a save. You must decide whether to use this Force powerimmediately after the attack hits.Lightsaber Precision: (1 FP) A character using this Force power gets a +10 bonus to Damageon its next attack. You must decide whether to use this Force power immediately before makingthe attack roll. Lightsaber Precision works even when the character is making an attack ofopportunity.*Lightsaber Reflect: (2 FP) When a character using this Force power is hit by a nonmeleeattack, it can avoid the damage with a save. If this character avoids damage in this way, theattacker takes 10 points of damage unless it makes a save. You must decide whether to use thisForce power immediately after the attack hits.Lightsaber Riposte: (1 FP) When a character using this Force power is hit by a melee attack, itcan make an immediate attack against that attacker. You must decide to use this powerimmediately after the attack hits.Lightsaber Sweep: (1 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using thisForce power can make one attack against each enemy adjacent to it. A character can movenormally on the turn that it uses this Force power.*Master of the Force 2: A character with this Force power may spend Force points twice in asingle turn. This character can also spend Force points more than once to take the same action(such as moving an additional 2 squares or rerolling an attack).**Master of the Force 3: A character with this Force power may spend Force points up to threetimes in a single turn. This character can also spend Force points more than once to take thesame action (such as moving an additional 2 squares or rerolling an attack).*Master Speed: (1 FP) On its turn, a character using this Force power can move an additional 6squares.Overwhelming Force: (1 FP) This character's attacks cannot be prevented or redirected thisturn.Recovery 20: (1 FP) Instead of taking its normal turn, a character using this Force powerremoves 20 points of damage from itself. Recovery can’t raise this character’s Hit Points aboveits starting amount.*Shatterpoint: (1 FP) Replaces turn; range 6; Choose 1 target enemy; For the rest of theskirmish, this character's first attack each round against that enemy is a natural 20.*Shockwave: (2 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using this Forcepower can temporarily stun characters around it. All characters (enemies and allies alike) within10

6 squares are treated as having been activated this round; in effect, they skip their turns. Eachpotentially affected character can avoid this effect with a save.Surprise Move: (1 FP) After initiative is determined, a character can immediately use this Forcepower to move up to 6 squares before any other character activates. (This does not count as anactivation.) This character can use this Force power only once per round.Unleash the Force 60: (4 FP) Replaces attacks; usable only after an ally with a Force rating isdefeated; 60 damage to all other characters within 6 squares; save 11 to reduce damage to 30.Use the Force: (3 FP) This character's next attack is a critical hit.*Whirlwind Attack: (1 FP) Instead of taking its normal turn, a character using this Force powercan make two attacks against each enemy adjacent to it.Dark Side Special AbilitiesBetrayal: If an enemy's attack roll against this character is a natural 1, that enemy comes underthis character's control until the end of the battle. It can take no further actions this turn, even if itcan make additional attacks.Black Sun: If a character whose name contains Xizor or Vigo is in the same squad, thischaracter gains Grenades 10 [Replaces attacks; range 6; 10 Damage to target and to eachcharacter adjacent to that target; save 11].Blaster Barrage: (1 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using thisforce power can attack every legal target once. Determine legal targets before making the firstattack roll. If several enemies are tied for nearest, all of them are legal targets for this specialability.*Dark Armor: When this character takes damage, he reduces the damage dealt by 10 with asave of 11. Adjacent enemies with lightsabers ignore this special ability.Dark Inspiration: At the start of a battle, choose one allied character with a Force rating. Thatcharacter gains the Lightsaber Duellist special ability for the remainder of the battle.Dark Master: At the start of a battle, choose one allied character. That character can spend thischaracter's Force Points as if they were its own. The chosen ally doesn't need to have a ForceRating, but if it does, it cannot spend both its own and this character's Force Points in a singleturn.*Disintegration: If a character with this ability rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll, the targetcharacter is defeated regardless of its Hit Points. This effect takes place even if the target avoidsdamage with a special ability or Force power. If another figure becomes the target of the attack(through the Bodyguard ability, for example), that figure is Disintegrated instead.*Disruptive: Suppress enemy commander effects within 6 squares.Dominate: Instead of taking its normal turn, this character can take control of a target non-Droidcharacter, even one who has already been activated this round. This does not count as activating.The target character takes an immediate turn but cannot move. It can resist this effect with aSave. Determine legal targets normally for enemy figures; any allied figure in line of sight can betargeted.11

**Drain Life Energy: Whenever he defeats an adjacent living enemy, remove all damage fromthis character.*Force Burst: (2 FP) Instead of taking its normal turn, a character using this Force power deals10 points of damage to all characters (enemies and allies alike) within 6 squares. Line of sight isnot needed, but you can’t trace a path through a wall (count around it instead).Force Grip 10: (1 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using thisForce power deals 10 points of damage to an enemy within line of sight. This follows all theusual rules for choosing a target. Using Force Grip is not an attack and does not require an attackroll.*Force Lightning 30: (2 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character usingthis Force power deals 30 points of damage to one target enemy and two characters adjacent tothat target, if any (enemies and allies alike, including the acting character if there aren’t enoughothers). The first enemy must be a legal target (for example, you can target an enemy with coveronly if it is the nearest) and must be within 6 squares, but the adjacent characters don’t need tobe. Using Force Lightning is not an attack and does not require an attack roll.Force Storm: (2 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using this Forcepower deals 20 points of damage to all characters (enemies and allies alike) adjacent to it.Hand of the Emperor: In addition to spending its own Force points once per turn, this charactercan spend Force points from Emperor Palpatine once per turn. Emperor Palpatine must be yourally in this battle to use this ability.*Jedi Hunter: This character gets a +4 bonus to Attack and a +10 bonus to Damage againstenemies with Force ratings.**Kouhun Infestation: Instead of taking its normal turn, this character deals 60 points ofdamage to one enemy within 12 squares. Line of sight is not needed, but you can’t trace a paththrough a wall (count around it instead). The target can avoid the damage with a save.Pawn of the Dark Side: (1 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character usingthis Force power chooses a non-Unique allied character it can see. The chosen character mayimmediately take a turn, even if it has already activated this round. (This does not count as anactivation.) At the end of this immediate turn, the chosen character takes 10 points of damage.*Sith Grip: (2 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using this Forcepower deals 20 points of damage to an enemy within line of sight. This follows all the usual rulesfor choosing a target. Using Sith Grip is not an attack and does not require an attack roll.*Sith Lightning 30: (2 FP) Instead of making its normal attack or attacks, a character using thisForce power deals 30 points of damage to one enemy within 6 squares. Using Sith Lightning isnot an attack and does not require an attack roll.Sith Rage: (1 FP) A character using this Force power gets a +10 bonus to Damage on all itsattacks until the end of the turn. Sith Rage works even when the character is making an attack ofopportunity.12

Special Combat RulesInitiative: Each player rolls his or her own initiative each round. NPCs get a single initiative rolland all activate together (not two at a time -- large groups may be broken into smaller groups,each with its own roll). Characters act in descending initiative order. A character can delay itsaction but only in order to combine fire at a later point in the initiative countdown.Injured, Defeated, and Dead: A character who has lost any Hit Points is considered injured. At0 Hit Points or less, a character is defeated. At exactly 0 Hit Points, however, a Unique charactercannot attack and has Speed 2. At -10 Hit Points, a Unique character is unconscious and can't doanything. At -20 Hit Points or less, the character is dead. Make a new one.Career SkillsCharacters also have career skills. Select two from the following list. These are not preciselydefined, but each has suggested uses. If you can rationalize why a career skill should give you anadvantage in a situation, then the GM should reward you with an advantage.Academiclibrary or computer research, general knowledge of everythingBounty Hunter tracking people, paying bribes, weapons, underworld contactsBureaucratspeeding applications and licenses, circumventing regulationsComputer/A.I. Expert using and repairing electronic data systems and droidsCriminalbypassing security, underworld contacts, hideouts, evading pursuitDiplomatnegotiating with aliens, protocol, government contactsDoctorhealing, surgery, medical equipment, diagnosing illnessesEngineer/Mechanic understanding and maintaining any machinery, including starshipsEntertainerkeeping an audience entertained, disguises, impersonationExplorer/Hunter wilderness survival, tracking animals, avoiding natural dangersJournalistcommunication systems, getting information from peopleLaw Enforcer local and interstellar law, interrogation, weapons, tracking peopleMerchantbuying and selling, negotiating with aliens, business contactsNobleprotocol, etiquette, contacts with other nobility and leadersPiratestarship systems, remote worlds, pirate contactsPoliticiancontacts everywhere -- government, law enforcement, EmpireScientistscientific research, knowledge of all branches of scienceSmugglerblockade running, concealment, underworld contacts, hideoutsSoldierweapons, tactics, defensive systems, military doctrine, military contactsSpacefarerall things starship -- piloting, navigation, weapons, basic maintenance13

Role-PlayingDespite its simplicity, this is an <strong>RPG</strong>, so it needs some role-playing elements. These come inthree flavors.First is straight-up role-playing. If there's a GM, then he can take the role of NPCs to talk andinteract with the PCs between gunslinging encounters the same as in any other <strong>RPG</strong>.Second is problem solving. This game emphasizes simplicity, and the simplest thing to do is justtalk to the players. Describe the situation, and when the players come back with a course ofaction, decide for yourself whether it succeeds, fails, or something in between.Third is Saves. Each character has a Save stat, and it pretty much covers everything that isn't anattack. Need to locate the computer access code to open the docking bay doors on an Imperialspace station? Make a save. Need to talk your way past an Imperial Stormtrooper patrol? Make asave. Need to leap through the blast doors before they slam shut in your face? Make a save.Career skills play a big part in this process, and this, too, involves some thought on the part ofthe GM (or whoever's running the game). Benefits that characters get from career skills aren'tdefined, but situations where they might apply are suggested. It's up to individual players torationalize why their characters should get bonuses in specific situations. For example, in thecase of searching for the docking bay code, a character with the skills Diplomat and Soldierwon't be much help. A character with the Bureaucrat or Law Enforcement skill probably has atleast some idea where such a code might be hidden in the computer system. An Engineer orComputer Expert could be a big help.As with any save, a roll of 20 always succeeds and a roll of 1 always fails.If there's a GM involved, he can assign any bonus or penalty to the save that he thinks isappropriate. In general, use these guidelines.-8 Task is nearly impossible, the ship is disintegrating, or the character is on fire.-4 Task is difficult, someone is shooting at you, or the character is wearing handcuffs.-2 Task is tricky, alarm bells are going off near your head, or the character is wounded.0 Normal difficulty.+2 Task is simple, the character has done similar things before, or the character has a relatedcareer skill.+4 Task is routine, there's plenty of time, or the character has a directly related career skill.+8 Task has been done many times by this character, it's his specialty, or he has the instructionmanual open to the correct page.Fleshing Out CharactersYour character's race and gender have no effect on his, her, or its stats but may come up in roleplaying(remember that nonhumans are second-class citizens in the Empire).Everyone is assumed to have a blaster (Fringers) or lightsaber (Jedi). Any other equipment canbe haggled for with the GM.14

ExperienceCharacters earn 2 XPs per adventure or play session. The GM can bump this to 3 if playersperform especially well or drop it to 1 if they do badly. XPs can be saved or spent to improveyour character as follows:• +1 Defense costs XPs equal to one-fifth of the new Defense score, rounded up.• +1 Attack costs XPs equal to one-fifth of the new Attack score, rounded up.• +10 Hit Points cost XPs equal to one-tenth the new Hit Points score.• +10 Damage costs one-half of the new Damage score.• New special abilities cost 5 XPs each plus 3 XPs per asterisk.• New career skills cost 3 XPs x (the number of career skills you already have).• +1 bonus Force point for Force Users costs 3 XPs x (the number of bonus Force pointsyou'll have, counting this one -- i.e.,3 XPs for the first bonus FP, 6 XPs for the second,and so on). Bonus Force points are added to your 1d3 roll at the beginning of each battle.• +1 bonus Force Point for Force Sensitives costs 3 XPs x (the number of Force pointsyou'll have, counting this one). Force Sensitives get their Force points, including bonuses,at the start of the play session and don't regenerate any until the end of the game.Players' NotesThis game isn't meant to be anything more than a vehicle for putting together customized SWMcharacters and then dropping them into combat situations. Of course, the interactions that getcharacters into those tight spots in the first place can also be a lot of fun, but they are purposelykept rules-light and breezy. If you want to play with loads of stats, modifiers, lists, and tables,you have plenty of games to choose from, and this isn't one of them. The idea here is to get infast and shoot it out with the bad guys. Then, when your back's against the wall, pull a miracleout of your belt and make the narrowest escape imaginable. If you can't complete an adventure infour to six hours, you're investing too much thought in the process.A basic character is worth 8 to 10 points in the standard SWM point scheme before fleshing out.Once 10 points are allotted to improve the basic scores, the character is worth 16-20 points.(Battle Droids make good opponents for the first few adventures!) If the GM hands out frequentbonus XPs, characters will become powerful pretty quickly. In most cases, characters earnenough XPs to at least bump up a lagging basic stat after a night of gaming. Reserve the bonusesfor really stellar performance (i.e., if you think they did well enough to deserve a new specialability, then give them the points to buy one!).Written by Steve Winter, 2006Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.15

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