CIMA Report 2009.pdf - Universidade do Algarve

CIMA Report 2009.pdf - Universidade do Algarve

CIMA Report 2009.pdf - Universidade do Algarve


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2009RELATÓRIO CIENTIFICOwww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ualg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>2INDICEGeneral InformationObjectives & Achievements ...................................................................................... 5Unit Description ............................................................................................................ 5General Objectives ........................................................................................................ 5Main Achievements during the year of 2009 ............................................................... 7Activities .................................................................................................................. 7Integrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year of 2009 .................................. 7Outreach activities during the year of 2009 ................................................................. 8Funding .................................................................................................................... 9General Indicators .................................................................................................... 9Researchers Hired ......................................................................................................... 9Technical Personnel Hired ............................................................................................ 9Research Groups(RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2320) - Research Objective I - Marine ProcessesFunding, source, dates ............................................................................................ 11Objectives & Achievements .................................................................................... 11Objectives ................................................................................................................... 11Main Achievements .................................................................................................... 12Group Productivity ................................................................................................. 13Publications in peer review Journals .......................................................................... 13Other publications International ................................................................................ 13Book Chapters: ............................................................................................................ 13Other publications National ........................................................................................ 14Oral Communications: ................................................................................................ 14Master and Ph.D. thesis completed ............................................................................ 16Organization of conferences ....................................................................................... 17Industry contract research .......................................................................................... 17www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>3Internationalization .................................................................................................... 18Future Research ..................................................................................................... 18Objectives ................................................................................................................... 18Funding, source, dates ................................................................................................ 19(RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2321)Research Objective II - Marine Morfosedimentary ProcessesFunding .................................................................................................................. 20Objectives & Achievements .................................................................................... 20Objectives ................................................................................................................... 20Main Achievements .................................................................................................... 21Group Productivity ................................................................................................. 22Publications in peer review Journals .......................................................................... 22Other publications International ................................................................................ 23Other publications National ........................................................................................ 24Master and Ph.D. thesis completed ............................................................................ 25Internationalization .................................................................................................... 25Future Research ..................................................................................................... 25Objectives ................................................................................................................... 25Funding, source, dates ................................................................................................ 26(RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2324)Research objective III - Large Scale Geological ProcessesFunding, source, dates ............................................................................................ 27Objectives & Achievements .................................................................................... 27Objectives ................................................................................................................... 27Main Achievements .................................................................................................... 28Group Productivity ................................................................................................. 28Publications in peer review Journals .......................................................................... 28Other publications International ................................................................................ 30www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>4Books edited ............................................................................................................... 29Organization of conferences ....................................................................................... 31Internationalization .................................................................................................... 31Future Research ..................................................................................................... 32Objectives ................................................................................................................... 32Funding, source, dates ................................................................................................ 33RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2325)Research Objective IV - Impact of Environmental ProcessesFunding, source, dates ............................................................................................ 33Objectives & Achievements .................................................................................... 34Objectives ................................................................................................................... 34Main Achievements .................................................................................................... 35Group Productivity ................................................................................................. 36Publications in peer review Journals .......................................................................... 36Other publications International ................................................................................ 37Other publications National ........................................................................................ 39Master and Ph.D. thesis completed ............................................................................ 39Organization of conferences ....................................................................................... 39Internationalization .................................................................................................... 40Government/Organization contract research ............................................................ 41Future Research ..................................................................................................... 41Objectives ................................................................................................................... 41Funding, source, dates ............................................................................................ 42www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>5General InformationObjectives & AchievementsUnit DescriptionThroughout the year 2009 the strategicdecision-making in <strong>CIMA</strong> was based onregular (10) meetings of the scientificcommission complemented by currentaffair management assured by thecoordination. More specific subjects werediscussed and decisions taken in ResearchGroups organized around the 4 mainResearch Objectives (RO's). In Novemberthe Scientific commission elected TomaszBoski as the coordinator of <strong>CIMA</strong> foranother 3 years term. It was decided alsothat executive committee composed by thegeneral coordinator and the leaders of 4Research Objectives would assure thescientific management of the unit. Theplenary meetings of the Centre areorganized trimestrialy. After a long perio<strong>do</strong>f internal discussions and negotiationswith the hosting institution, a veryimportant moment occurred in the life ofCentre, which was the occupation of newlaboratory facilities in Gambelas,concluded in May 2009.The internal scientific discussion andexchange of information were promotedduring <strong>CIMA</strong> advanced seminars - 18organized throughout the past year.Year 2009 was the first in which <strong>CIMA</strong>received a lower annual financing,according to the result of evaluation“good” for the period 2003 -2006. <strong>CIMA</strong>did not accept the result of the evaluationand asked for re-evaluation. To ourdisappointment and surprise thearguments presented (mostly inquantitative form) were not answered.According to the chairman of theevaluation panel the decision of notchanging the original notation was takenby the “unanimous decision of majority ofthe evaluation panel”. We considered thatsuch a statement had not been serious.Following this answer, several members of2 research groups which, during thetriennial 2003-2006 evaluation receivedthe notation “good” decided to quit <strong>CIMA</strong>.General Objectives<strong>CIMA</strong> has 4 general objectives: I - research, II - training, III - editing of digital application and IV- expert servicesI. RESEARCH4 research objectives (RO’s) are defined together with 14 associated tasks/lines:1) MARINE PROCESSESDescription of the dynamics of water masses and currents in the Atlantic Ocean off the S.Iberia combined with chemical characterization is seen as necessary condition for a properassessment of primary productivity of shelf waters. The approach to these phenomena isbased on both modeling and observation.a) Models and measurements of transfer phenomena in the ocean,b) Chemical dynamics in the ocean,c) Marine microbial dynamics and foodwebs.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>7- transfer of R&D results to the governance and coastal stakeholder groups- analytical services : bacteriology, XRD analysis, erosion assessmentMain Achievements during the year of 2009The reported year saw increase in terms ofoverall of scientific productivity: 50 SCIcontracting the remaining 3 researcherswill be overcome in 2010. CIMP'Faro09 andquoted papers, start-up of 7 newly VII REQUI international meetings wereapproved R&D projects, organization of 2scientific meetings of international level,growing internationalization of researchand continuation of advanced training. Thenew laboratory facilities became fullyoperational and permitted accommodationhighly appreciated by tens of our foreigncolleagues. The 6FP SPICOSA project localteam work was very highly prized and theGuadiana study site was considered as oneof 5 model system approach cases. Thanksto the efforts of RO II team (Marineof <strong>CIMA</strong> staff in one building, opening way Morfosedimentary Processes) theto the new synergies and collaborations.Especially positive was the transfer ofOlhão CIACOMAR laboratories to the newGambelas facilities. In terms of humanmultisensory buoy SIMPATICO remainedfully operational for almost entire periodand the first acquired datasets wereinterpreted and internationally published.potential development, the Centre In terms of internationally publishedintegrated new 9 BII grants and contractedthird post-<strong>do</strong>c level researcher in theframework of CIENCIA 2007 program. Wearticles, the Objective IV - IMPACTS OF THEENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES revealed thehighest productivity in <strong>CIMA</strong>.hope that the institutional deadlock inActivitiesIntegrative/multidisciplinary activities during the year of 2009The activities within <strong>CIMA</strong> which help to create a true added value based on the integration ofnearly 100 individuals took several forms throughout the reported year:a) - <strong>CIMA</strong> Advanced Seminars (http://cima.ualg.pt/eventos/semi_avanca<strong>do</strong>s.htm ) – during2009, 18 sessions were organized in which the average participation was about 30 persons.The topics presented by local and invited researchers embraced a very broad thematicspectrum and very frequently led to lively/hot discussions.b) - Formulation and execution of projects based on sharing of complementary technical knowhowand on sharing of common facilities (laboratories, small boats and library), equipment andfull secretarial support. Indeed the elaboration of successful project proposals and thesubsequent execution of these projects involved researchers and technicians from up to 3 RO'sof <strong>CIMA</strong>. The modeling know-how, currently is probably the most interdisciplinary and unifyingskill. Laser granulometer, lyophilizer, microscopes, GPS and several instruments used inchemical analysis are the most commonly shared equipments. The EU VI FP “SPICOSA” Projectis probably the most emblematic example of the actually implemented interdisciplinarity.<strong>CIMA</strong> group composed of 4 young researchers backed by senior reserchers developed a trulyinterdisciplinary systemic model of Guadiana Estuary - study site11 in EU .www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>8c) - <strong>CIMA</strong> and CIEO - Centro de Investigação Sobre o Espaço e as Organizações decided to movecloser in order to associate the environmental research with socioeconomic research. For thatpurpose two joint sessions were organized and cross participation in seminars took placed) - Several newly proposed projects involved archaeologists and historians namely fromCEPESE - Centre for the Study of Population, Economy and Society in Oporto. This initiative arean important sign of recognition that human activities acted as a significant environmentimpacting factor in a much longer time-scale that is usually thought, i.e. throughout millenniabefore present.Outreach activities during the year of 20095. Outreach activities during the year of 2009 (3000 ca.) Science and Society/generalpublic/schools, etc.There is a growing perception among the researchers about the need of maintaining closerlinks with society and with the educational sector in particular. Several initiatives aiming at thetransfer of academic knowledge to the public <strong>do</strong>main took place in diverse forms:a) - Promotion of marine & environmental science in secondary schools and through openlearning; <strong>CIMA</strong> is maintaining close links with several regional schools and sign the cooperationagreements with them. As a result, the pupils from these schools initiate their research in<strong>CIMA</strong> labs and <strong>CIMA</strong> researchers deliver thematic seminars in these schools. The mostsuccessful cooperation was developed with Loulé secondary school. Several seminars werealso organized in Ciência Viva Centre in Tavira. Moreover during the “open week” at<strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> <strong>CIMA</strong> research laboratories involved the pupils in “hands-onactivities”. Within the framework of open learning actions like “Holiday geology” guided toursin the environmentally sensible sites like the Ria Formosa Barrier Islands or Guadiana RiverEstuaries.b) - Participation in regional events promoting marine and environmental activities; every year<strong>CIMA</strong> maintained its own stands in annual fairs like EXPOMAR (Olhão). The continuingpresentation of the miniature models of physical phenomena and geological features like forinstance internal waves, coastal aquifers, luminescent sands coastal barriers and livemicroscope identification of microfauna and minerals in marine sediments were verysuccessful sessions and attracted wide public interest.c) - Development of multimedia applications for education;MIRONE an educational Win<strong>do</strong>ws MATLAB-based framework tool that allows the display andmanipulation of a large number of grid/images providing the end-users with an easy-to-usegraphical interface became an a<strong>do</strong>pted educational tool in several local schools.GUADID and MONDID the educational Macromedia - Flash applications intended to supportnatural science teaching at school level and ecology teaching at undergraduate level becamewell established resources in several schools and at UALG.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>10Research GroupsRG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2320Research Objective I - Marine Processes(Paulo José Relvas Almeida)RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2321Research Objective II - Marine Morfosedimentary Processes(Óscar Manuel Fernandes Cerveira Ferreira)RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2324Research objective III - Large Scale Geological Processes(Tomasz Boski)RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2325Research Objective IV - Impact of Environmental Processes(Maria Joao Anunciação Franco Bebianno)www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>11(RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2320) - Research Objective I -Marine ProcessesFunding, source, dates2009-Ongoing: Avaliação <strong>do</strong> Esta<strong>do</strong> Ecológicos das Massas de Água costeiras e de transição e<strong>do</strong> potencial ecológico das massas de água fortemente modificadas (EEMA). (2009 - 2011).2008-Ongoing: European Space Agency “Technical Assistance for the Validation of MERISMarine Products at Portuguese and Oceanic and Coastal Sites” ESA contract number (ContractNº 21464/708/I-OL - CALL ID 1048228) Coordinator for this project.(FP7-ENV-2008-1 - 2009-: Water Bodies in Europe: Integrative systems to assess ecologicalstatus and recovery (WISER) -).2009-Ongoing: Knowledge-based Sustainable Management for Europe´s seas (KnowSeas) – (FP7- ENV 226675). Post <strong>do</strong>ctoral Representative for IMAR.144627-TEMPUS-2008-EG-JPCR) “Technology Management & Integrated Modeling in NaturalResources: A University-Enterprise Win-Win Partnership”SST-234096-FP7-2008-RTD-1 ARGOMARINE) “Automatic Oil-Spill Recognition andGeopositioning integrated in a Marine Monitoring Network – ARGOMARINE”.PTDC/AAC-CLI/103348/2008) “Whole-system metabolism and CO2 fluxes in a coastal lagoon<strong>do</strong>minated by saltmarsh and seagrass mea<strong>do</strong>ws”Objectives & AchievementsObjectivesChemical Characterization of the main Oceanographic processes in the South Portuguese Coastand in the Gulf of Cadiz (A. Cravo)Main objectives of the marine microbial ecology group (A. Barbosa, H. Galvão, R. Domingues,T. Anselmo) have been in terms of projects goals in the last 6-7 years:a) Ecotoxicolgy:- environmental factors which determine cyanobacteria pre<strong>do</strong>minance in rivers and estuaries- cyanotoxin occurrence and fractionation in natural waters- impact of predation and viral lysis on cyanotoxin biodegradationb) Microbial dynamics off the Southern Portuguese Coastwww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>12- coupling between bacterioplancton and phytoplankton processes- trophic status relative to heterotrophic and autotrophic biomass and production- microbial variability under different hydrodynamic regimes (upwelling, river plumes, coastalcounter-currents)Main objective in Physical Oceanography are to Improve the knowledge about thehydrodynamics and sediment transport in coastal areas and estuaries: field studies;mathematical and numerical modelling of flows, suspended sediment and bed-load transportsand bed-form dynamics; dynamics and climate of waves in coastal areas; tidal inlet dynamicsand mass exchange between coastal lagoons and the ocean (J. Jacob).Main AchievementsChemical Oceanographic characterizationof South Portuguese Coast and in the Gulfof Cadiz including: i) Subsurface processes:Upwelling, coastal countercurrents,Variation of CO2 and Alcalinity in the Gulfof Cadiz and ii) at deep levels, the influenceof the Mediterranean Water (A. Cravo)Main achievements of the marinemicrobial ecology group has been topursue a continuous monitoring program(1997- 2010) in the Guadiana estuary withrespect to micial dynamics andcyanobacteria blooms and associatedtoxins. This database was analysed and willbe published in 2010 as a long-term seriesanalysis of phytoplankton, namely“Environmental forcing of phytoplankton ina Mediterranean estuary (GuadianaEstuary, southwestern Iberia): a decadalstudy of anthropogenic and climaticinfluences”. Barbosa A.B, Domingues R.B,Galvão H.M. Estuaries and Coasts (inpress). Another achievement was thecollection of an extensive microbial database during several cruises along theSouthern Coast of Portugal which are nowbeing analysed for future publication.Main achievements in PhysicalOceanography was to study the net massexchange and dynamics of nutrients,chlorophyll-a and particulate matterbetween Formosa lagoon (south ofPortugal) and the ocean, through theAncão inlet, as a function of hydrodynamic,meteorological and other environmentalconditions: two in 2007 under neap andspring tide conditions and the other in2009 under spring tide conditions.Preliminary results were presented in theXIV Seminario Ibérico de Química Marina inSeptember 2008 and the results of thethird campaign were presented at the XVSeminario Ibérico de Química Marina inFebruary 2010.Another important result was tocharacterize the dynamics and the climateof waves in coastal areas implementing thephase averaging spectral wave propagationmodel SWAN (Simulating WAvesNearshore). The SWAN model was used tostudy and characterize the wave climate inthe nearshore region of the Tróia-Sinesembayed coast (TSEC) (southwest ofPortugal) during and between stormevents. The SWAN model was also appliedto study the erosion of the rocky coast ofthe <strong>Algarve</strong> (south of Portugal) under theinfluence of the waves. A paper waspublished, another was submitted, two arein preparation, a poster was presented atthe ICS2009 in April 2009 and twopresentations, one oral and a poster, willbe made at the ICCCM10 in April 2010.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

Group ProductivityPublications in peer review JournalsBarbosa, A.B., 2009 Dynamics of living phytoplankton: implications for paleoenvironmentalreconstructions, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 5 012001 (12pp). <strong>do</strong>i:10.1088/1755-1307/5/1/012001.Brito, A., Newton, A., Tett, P and T. F. Fernandes 2009. “Sediment and water nutrients andmicroalgae in a coastal shallow lagoon, Ria Formosa (Portugal): Implications for the WaterFramework Directive.” Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12, 318 DOI: 10.1039/b909429fBrito, A., Newton, A., Tett, P., Fernandes T. F., 2009. Understanding the implications ofsdeiments to water quality in shallow coastal lagoons. Journal of Coastal Research SI56, 381-384.Cristina,S., Goela, P., Icely,.J., Newton, A., Fragoso, B., 2009. Assessment of the opticalproperties of the ocean and coastal waters using MERIS satellite products in Sagres off thesouth west coast of Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research SI56, 1479-1483.Ferreira, J.G.; Sequeira, A.; Hawkins, A.; Newton, A.; Nickell, T.; Pastres, R.; Forte, J.; Bo<strong>do</strong>y, J.;Bricker, S. 2009Analysis of coastal and offshore .aquaculture: application of the FARM modelto multiple systems and shellfish species. Aquaculture, 289, 32-41.Fragoso, B., Icely,J., 2009. Upwelling events and recruitment patterns of the major foulingspecies on coastal aquaculture (Sagres, Portugal). Journal of Coastal Research SI56, 419-423.Goela,P., Newton, A., Cristina,S., Fragoso,B., “Water Framework Directive implementation:intercalibration exercise for biological quality elements- a case study for the south coast ofPortugal.” Journal of Coastal Research SI56, 1214-1218.Martins, F., Janeiro, J., Gabriel, S. & Neves, R., 2009. Integrated monitoring of South Portugalwater bodies: a metho<strong>do</strong>logy towards WFD, Water Science & Technology 60(8):1979-1988.Newton, A., Oliveira, P. S., Icely J.D., Foster, P.A., 2009. Monitoring of oxygen condition in theRia Formosa coastal lagoon, Portugal Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12, 355 DOI:10.1039/b914015h.Other publications InternationalBook ChaptersBarbosa, A.B. & Domingues, R.B. 2009. Grazing impact of microzooplankton uponphytoplankton. In: Practical Experiments Guide for Ecohydrology, Eds.: L Chícharo, I Wagner, MChícharo, M Lapinska & M Zalewski, UNESCO, 41-46 pp.

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>14Domingues, R.B & Barbosa, A.B. 2009. Effects of nutrient and light enrichment onphytoplankton growth. In: Practical Experiments Guide for Ecohydrology, Eds.: L Chícharo, IWagner, M Chícharo, M Lapinska & M Zalewski, UNESCO, 27-30 pp.Newton, A. and Hsu, A. 2009 EU collaboration with China in environmental capacity buildingChapter 3 in Xuhui Lee, Ed. “Lectures on China’s Environment.” <strong>Report</strong> to Yale School ofForestry & Environmental Studies.Santos, A. M. P., Macha<strong>do</strong> P.B. & Relvas P. 2009. Applications of satellite remote sensing andGIS to oceanography and fisheries: Case studies in the Western Iberia. Chapter 4 inGeoinformatics for Natural Resource Management, P.K. Joshi, P. Pani, S.N. Mohapartra & T.P.Singh, eds, Nova Science Publisher, New York, USA.Other publications NationalOral CommunicationsAnselmo T.P., Domingues R.B., Sousa V., Teixeira M., Barbosa A. & Galvão, H. "Cianobacteriaand microcystin distribution on Guadiana Estuary". Iberian congress of microcystin, Porto,Portugal, June 2009.Cristina,S., Goela,P., Icely, J., Newton, A., Fragoso,B., “Assessment of the optical properties ofthe ocean and coastal waters using MERIS satellite products in Sagres off the south west coastof Portugal.” ICS 2009 10th International Coastal Symposium Lisbon, Portugal 13-18th April2009Fragoso, B., Icely, J., “Upwelling events and recruitment patterns of the major fouling specieson coastal aquaculture (Sagres, Portugal).” ICS 2009 10th International Coastal SymposiumLisbon, Portugal 13-18th April 2009Domingues R., Barbosa A. & Galvão H. "Effects of N, P and Si enrichment onphytoplanktoncomposition and growth in the Guadiana estuary (SW Iberia)". ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting,January 2009, Nice France.Domingues R.B., Anselmo T.P., Barbosa A.B, Sommer U. & Galvão H.M. “Nutrient enrichmentpromotes the development of the harmful dinoflagellate Kryptoperidinium foliaceum in theGuadiana estuary”.Encontro Ibérico de Fitoplâncton Tóxico e Biotoxinas, Lisbon, 12-15 May2009Icely J., (Invited speaker for LOICZ session) “Reflecting with hindsight on coastal problemsrelated to biomass extraction and biomass.”Weissbach,A., Rudstrom,M., Olofsson,M., Icely,.J., Tillman, U., Legrand,C., “Microbial food webinteractions in the presence of the allelopathic dinoflagellate Alexandriumtamarensis.”American Society for Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic SciencesMeeting at Nice, France 25-30th January 2009www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>15Icely, J., Cristina, S., Goela, P., Fragoso, B., Newton, A., with contributions from Kostianoy,A.,Caetano, S., Costa,C., Gladkick, A. “Validation of MERIS marine products at Portuguese oceanicand coastal sites.” MERIS Validation Team Meeting at Faro, Portugal 2nd -5th March 2009Icely,J., Newton, A. “WISER phytoplankton and the Rio Mondego.” WISER Kick-off Meeting atPalma de Mallorca, Spain 9th-13th March 2009Icely J.,(Invited topic leader), Newton, A. “Assessement of eutrophication in Coastal Lagoonsusing the ASSETS screening model.” LOICZ 2009 1st Crosscuting Workshop on Coastal Lagoonsat Rabat , Morocco 11th -15th May 2009Icely, J. “(Invited keynote speaker on Aquaculture) “Potential for offshore aquaculture with‘long-lines’: An example from Portugal.”VII Jornadas Nacionale de Ciências del Mar, Bahia Blanca Argentina, 30th November -4thDecember 2009.Jacob, J., Gama, C., Salga<strong>do</strong>, R., Liu, J. & Silva, A. “Sha<strong>do</strong>wing Effects on BeachMorphodynamics During Storm Events on Tróia-Sines Embayed Coast, Southwest Portugal”.10th International Coastal Symposium, ICS2009, Lisbon, 13-18 April 2009.Goela,P., Newton, A., Cristina,S., Fragoso,B., “Water Framework Directive implementation:intercalibration exercise for biological quality elements- a case study for the south coast ofPortugal.”ICS 2009 10th International Coastal Symposium Lisbon, Portugal 13-18th April 2009Monteiro, C.; Cardeira, S.; Relvas, P.; Cravo, A.; Bebianno, M. J. 2009. “ZN, CD AND PBCONCENTRATIONS DURING AN UPWELLING EVENT AT CAPE SÃO VICENTE, SW IBERIA”. Spain-China Symposium on Geophysical & Geochemical Geosystems (SG3). Zaragoza, Spain.Newton A. (Chairperson for the Workshop) "Drivers, Pressures, State, Impact and Responseframework for coastal lagoons”.Newton A. (Invited keynote speaker on Global Change) “DPSIR framework and global change ofthe coast”Newton, A., (Invited speaker) “Global change and the coastal zone" Erasmus Mundus Alumniconference on Climate Change at Budapest, Hungary, 26th -28th February 2009Newton, A. and Kramer, H. (Invited speaker) “ESA Requirements from the LOICZ project”European Space Agency (ESA) workshop on Coastal Colour, Cork, Galway Ireland, 19th -20thMarch 2009Newton, A., (Invited speaker) “Remote sensing of land-ocean interactions in the coastal zone.”Expert group meeting on Ocean Colour TOPC/OOPC/AOPC workshop "Global climate observingsystem" , EU Joint Research Centre at Ispra, Italy 2nd-5th June 2009Newton, A. (Invited speaker) “SPICOSA in a Global Context”SPICOSA project Public RoundtableRome, Italy 8th-12th June 2009,Newton, A. (Chairperson talk) “Fractal coastal futures” LOICZ workshop, Kjeller, Norway, 15th-19th June 2009,www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>16Newton, A. (Invited speaker) "Eutrophication and GES Good Environmental Status". VrieUniversity of Amsterdam , Holland, October 1, 2009Newton, A. (Invited speaker)"Quantification of climate change impacts on the Arctic economy”University of Southern Denmark, 13th November 2009Rodrigues M., Oliveira A., Queiroga H., Guerreiro M., Fortunato A., Cravo A., Freitas M.C.,Menaia J. & Dodkins I. “Dynamic modeling of dissolved oxygen in the Aljezur coastal stream(Portugal)”. ISEM 2009.Master and Ph.D. thesis completedAna Cristina Florin<strong>do</strong> de Brito: PhD awarded 2009- Thesis:“The Development of an AssimilativeCapacity Model for the Sustainable Management of Nutrients Within the Ria Formosa.”ERASMUS PhD student UAlg: Cosupervisior A.NewtonA.C. Pereira – Thesis: “Avaliação de desempenho operacional de estações de tratamento deáguas residuais como instrumento associa<strong>do</strong> à reutilização da água na rega de campos degolfe.” 2009. Master´s degree in Environmental Engineering, UAlg. Co-supervisor: A. CravoÂngela Nascimento – Thesis: “Campanha MPDO para sardinha (IPIMAR, 2009). Caracterizaçãohidrográfica sobre a plataforma continental Ibérica. Aplicação <strong>do</strong>s da<strong>do</strong>s de perfis detemperatura à datação de ovos de sardinha, efeitos sobre a estimativa de produção de ovos”(2009) Master´s degree in Oceanography, <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong> (Ualg). Supervisor: P. RelvasAstrid Meija - Thesis: Study of water consumption by the international tourism sector inSouthwest Europe. A case study in the <strong>Algarve</strong>, Portugal. MSc Water and Coastal Management,UAlg: A.NewtonClaudio Silva-Thesis: “Modelling of productivity, water quality effects and profit optimizationof Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) farms: application of farm model in the Valdivia estuary ofChile.” MSc Water and Coastal Management, UAlg: Co-supervisor A.NewtonCristina Ruzene Nespoli - Thesis: "Ecologia microbiana de halófilas extremas isoladas emsalinas da Ria Formosa." 26 June 2009. Master´s degree in Marine Biology, UAlg. Supervisor: H.GalvãoFrancisco Miguel Sansana Silva – Thesis: “Calibração e Validação <strong>do</strong> Modelo Espectral dePrevisão da Agitação Marítima SWAN em Zonas Costeiras”, Master´s degree in Oceanography,Ualg., November 2009. Supervisor: J. Jacob.Jeffrey Rempell – Thesis: “Sustainability in coastal tourism using DPSIR with communityperception to manage complexity in an adaptive social-ecological system.” MSc Water andCoastal Management, UAlg: Co-supervisor A.NewtonKitima Inthisang-Thesis: “Beach litter management: plastic litter in Mu Ko Chang MNPs, TRAT,Thailand.”MSc Water and Coastal Management, UAlg: Co-supervisor A.Newtonwww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>17Lea Roseli- PhD awarded 2009- Thesis: “Spatial and temporal variability in transitional waterecosystems. Hydrological conditions, nutrient dynamics and water quality of twoMediterranean coastal lagoons (Lesina and Varano, Italy).”ERASMUS PhD UAlg: CosupervisiorA.NewtonMiguel Cane<strong>do</strong> Arguelles- PhD awarded 2009- Thesis: “Ecology of macroinvertebratecommunities in transitional waters.”ERASMUS PhD. UAlg: Cosupervisior A.NewtonS. Ribeiro. Thesis: “Acreditação <strong>do</strong>s méto<strong>do</strong>s de amostragem em laboratórios de águas. “Master´s degree in Water Quality Analyses, UAlg. December 2019. Supervisor: A. Cravo.Shimeles M. Kebede –Thesis: “DPSIR framework application supported by integratedwatershed modeling for irrigated agriculture from Alqueva Dam (Portugal) on Guadiana riverestuary.” MSc Water and Coastal Management, UAlg: Supervisor: T.BoskiYunjun Xu. Thesis: “Eutrophication assessment in China´s coastal waters.”MSc Water andCoastal Management, UAlg: A. NewtonOrganization of conferencesJohn Icely & Alice Newton organized the MERIS Validation Team Meeting for the EuropeanSpace Agency at Faro, Portugal 2nd -5th March 2009.John Icely & Tomasz Boski begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlightingorganized a <strong>CIMA</strong> workshop for the SPICOSA project on the 18th November 2009 “ How canresults from SSAs (Node 3) be used for Training (Node 5) and the legacy of SPICOSA: examplesfrom Portugal and Africa.”Alice Newton: Co-chair of a Topical session “LOICZ: Land-Ocean Interactions in the CoastalZone” ASLO (American Society of Limnology and Oceanography) conference Nice, France,January 2009.Alice Newton & John Icely organized 1-2 September 2009, University of <strong>Algarve</strong>, Portugal.Organizer of SPICOSA project Workshop “Application of the KERCOAST deliberation tool inconflict management in the coastal zone”Alice Newton on Science Steering Committee & Chairperson for Session 10 Management andGovernance objectives for coastal lagoon conservation, with special reference to Europeandirectives on 4th European Conference on Coastal Lagoon Research and Management for theConservation of Coastal Lagoon Ecosystems, South - North comparisons. 14-18th December2009, Montpelier, FranceIndustry contract research2006-Ongoing: Consultant on the management of the stalk barnacle fishery along the CapeSaint Vincent to the Junta de Freguesia de Vila <strong>do</strong> Bispo and the Associação de Marisqueiros deVila <strong>do</strong> Bispo, <strong>Algarve</strong>, Portugal. J. Icelywww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>182008–Ongoing: Field trial on behalf of TRADA (Timber Research and Development Association)UK and the Environment Agency UK concerning “Identifying novel hardwood timbers that areresistant to marine wood borer attack”. J. Icely2008-Ongoing: Consultant and partner with Finistera Lda on “long-line” aquaculture forbivalves at Sagres. J. IcelyInternationalizationH. Galvão - ICES- WGHAB (Working Group in Harmful Algae Blooms). As a nationalrepresentative of this group H. Galvão attended the annual meeting March 30 – April 4 2009 inPunta Umbria, Spain.Icely, J., - Collaboration with a field trip to the <strong>Algarve</strong> by the University of Glamorgan, Wales.21st -27th February 2009 (9 Master students)Icely, J., - Collaboration with a field trip to the <strong>Algarve</strong> by the University of Ulster, N. Ireland.26th April-1st May 2009 (18 undergaduate students)Newton A.,- Chairperson of LOICZ- Land Ocean Interactions with the Coastal Zone (LOICZ)Science Steering Committee http://www.loicz.org/ LOICZ is a core project of the IGBP-IHDPProgrammes of the International Council for Science (ICSU) http://www.icsu.org/index.phpNewton A.,- Member of International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)http://www.igbp.net/ Science Steering Committee as core Project ChairpersonNewton A.,- Member of International Human Dimensions Programme on Global EnvironmentalChange (IHDP) http://www.ihdp.unu.edu/Science Steering Committee as core projectChairpersonP. Relvas , -Intensive course in Physical Oceanography invited by the Centro de Estudios delMar y Acuicultura, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala during July 2009. Supported bySCOR Visiting Scholar.Future ResearchObjectivesChemical Oceanographic characterizationof the South Iberia included in the Gulf ofCadiz in comparison with other EasternBoundary Upwelling Systems and effects ofClimate Change in terms of the OceanOxygenation (A. Cravo).The Marine Microbial Ecology group hasplanned to develop future expertise inpredicting phytoplankton variability in theSouthern coast of Portugal throughsatellite image analyses and in studinynggenetic diversity and microbial dynamics ofextreme halophile communities in RiaFormosa saltponds. Funding for thisresearch is partly dependent on 3 projectproposals submitted to the F.C.T December2009 call for projects.During the coming year the <strong>CIMA</strong> team willfinish the systemic model of GuadianaEstuary according to the SAF metho<strong>do</strong>logywww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>20(RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2321)Research Objective II - Marine MorfosedimentaryProcessesFundingPTDC/CTE-GEX/70448/2006. BISHOP (Bioerosion and bioprotection …),120 000 € (70.000 € –UAlg).PTDC/CTE-GEX/66893/2006, 01-09-2007 till 31-08-2010,BAYBEACH (Evolution andManagement of Embayed Beaches ..), 120.000,00 € (97.944,00 € – UALG)PTDC/CTE-GEX/71357/2006, 01-09-2007 till 31-08-2010, MORFEA (Morphological features inthe <strong>Algarve</strong> rocky coast: first order factors on their genesis), 80.000,00 € .PTDC/ECM/67411/2006 01-03-2008 till 28-02-2011, BRISA, 155.000,00 € (47.317,00 € - UAlg).PTDC/AMB/73169/2006, 01-01-2008 till 31-12-2010, INSHORE (Integrated system for highoperational resolution in shore monitorization), 90 900 € (39.528,00 € - UAlg),PTDC/CLI/66393/2006, 01-06-2008 till 31-05-2011, CIRCO (Climate changes from isotopic …),155.225,00 €PTDC/MAR/65585/2006, 01-10-2008 till 30-09-2011, DETI (Dynamics of ephemeral tidal inlets),176.846,00 € (32.107,00 € - UAlg).7th EU FP, MICORE, 01-06-2008 till 01-05-2011, (Morphological impacts and coastal risks ..),Project 202798, 3.499.954,00 € (300.914,00 € - UAlg).EU 6th SPICOSAFP2009-01-02-2007 - 31-01-2011. : Science and policy integration for coastalsystems assessment – ”Budget (Total/UALG-<strong>CIMA</strong>): 217.720,00 €.Objectives & AchievementsObjectivesTo improve knowledge about the complex interactions between variables controlling rockycoasts’ evolution, among them, wave climate, lithology, freshwater discharge, morphologicalinheritance and bioerosion;To quantify coastal cliffs’ erosion in the centre <strong>Algarve</strong> since the Last Glacial Maximum;To quantify vertical erosion produced by borer organisms into shore platforms.To define the morphological evolution of backbarrier beaches at medium-term scale (monthsto years) and their association to forcing agents.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>21To understand the role of nearshore morphology in overwash occurrence and overwashthreshold conditions and sediment dynamics in gravel barriers.Definition of a threshold for morphological changes as a function of wave height on a sandyexposed beach;Establish the present and past hydrodynamics and sediment transport at a multiple inletsystem (Ria Formosa, Portugal)Development of video monitoring systems for coastal dynamicsReview the hydrodynamics prevailing at the Guadiana estuary before dam closure and tocompare pre- and post-dam periods.Study of overwash regime at Praia de Faro (Ria Formosa, <strong>Algarve</strong>).Definition of the patterns of sediment transport (rates and constrains) in a low energy beachbetween spring-neap tides.Analysis of morphodynamic behaviour and evaluation of planform stability and evolution ofembayed beaches in Southern PortugalDevelop the analysis of sediments isotopic composition, to determine paleotemperature andpaleoproductivity changes in the continental shelf associated to the Holocene environmentalchanges.Investigate the paleoenvironmental changes occurred in the continental shelf off GuadianaRiver, in three distinct areas of sedimentary deposition, associated with climatic and antrophicimpact.Provide analytical and modelling tools for the implementation of ICZMMain AchievementsRocks mechanical strength, lithologicalfacies variation, bio and chemokarst arethe first order factors on the centre <strong>Algarve</strong>rocky coast evolution.Shore platforms are protective structuresagainst waves assailing onto the cliffs’ footby reducing waves energy. However, thisprotective role was only observed toincoming waves higher than 1.00m,whereas to the lowest ones, shoreplatforms are ineffective.Bioerosion was responsible for verticalerosion up to 2.00mm/yr.A new method for hazard assessment onrocky coasts was developed an applied tothe <strong>Algarve</strong>.Storm risk assessment in Europe is notuniform between studied countries(MICORE project) and general commonguidelines should be made available. Realtime warning systems for storm impacts <strong>do</strong>not exist at an European level, with fewexceptions.Overwash vulnerability methods weredeveloped and applied to the Ria Formosa.A summary of the factors leading tooverwash formation and destruction waswww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>22made with worldwide potentialapplication.SIMPATICO system (an autonomousmonitoring system) data was used todetermine the hydrodynamiccharacteristics of Guadiana estuary. Asynthesis of the historical hydrodynamicbehavior of Guadiana estuary was alsodetermined.The inner shelf paleoenvironmental(Holocene) evolution in the vicinity of theGuadiana River was established andland/ocean interactions deducted.The hydrodynamics and potentialequilibrium of a Multiple-Inlet System wasobserved taking as baseline the RiaFormosa system. Multi-inlets can co-exist ifthe inlets <strong>do</strong>minate over a water body withlimited contact.The hydrochemical and economic modulesof SAF Guadiana model becameoperational. An intesive course onParticipatory Methods was oreganized .Group ProductivityPublications in peer review JournalsCarrasco, A.R., Ferreira, Ó., Freire, P., Dias, J.A. (2009). Morphological Changes in a Low-energyBackbarrier. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 173-177.Ferreira, Ó., Ciavola, P., Armaroli, C., Balouin, Y., Benavente, J., Del Río, L., Deserti, M., Esteves,L.S., Furmanczyk, K., Haerens, P., Matias, A., Perini, L., Taborda, R., Teref, P., Trifanova, E.,Trouw, K., Valchev, N., van Dongeren, A., van Koninsveld, M., Williams, J.J. (2009). Coastalstorm risk assessment in Europe: examples from 9 study sites. Journal of Coastal Research, SI56, 1632-1636.Gabriel, S., Martins, F., 2009. First results of a long term morphodynamic process based model.Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56: 952-955.Garel, E., Nunes, S., Neto, J.M., Fernandes. R., Neves R., Marques J.C., Ferreira, Ó. (2009). Theautonomous Simpatico system for real-time continuous water-quality and current velocitymonitoring: examples of application in three Portuguese estuaries. Geo-Marine Letters 29:331-341Garel E., Pinto L., Santos A., Ferreira Ó. (2009). Tidal and river discharge forcing upon waterand sediment circulation at a rock-bound estuary (Guadiana estuary, Portugal). EstuarineCoastal and Shelf Science, 84 (2), 269-281.Guerreiro, C., Rosa, F., Oliveira, A., Cachão, M., Fatela, F., Rodrigues, A. (2009). CalchareousNannoplankton and Benthic Foraminifera assemblages of the Nazaré Canyon(W off Portugal).IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, on-line publication.Loureiro, C.; Ferreira, Ó.; Cooper, J.A.G. (2009). Contrasting Morphologic Behaviour atEmbayed Beaches in Southern Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research. SI 56, 83-87.Martins, F., Janeiro, J., Gabriel, S., Venâncio, A., Neves, R. 2009. Integrated monitoring of SouthPortugal water bodies: a metho<strong>do</strong>logy towards WFD. Water Science and Technology, 60 (8):1979-1988.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>23Matias, A., Ferreira, Ó., Vila-Concejo, A., Morris, B., Dias, J.A. (2009). Foreshore factorsgoverning overwash. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 636-640.Matias, A., Vila-Concejo, A., Ferreira, Ó., Dias, J.A. (2009). Sediment dynamics of barriers withfrequent overwash. Journal of Coastal Research, 25(3), 768-780.Nunes, M.; Ferreira, Ó.; Schaefer, M.; Clifton, J.; Baily, B.; Moura, D.; Loureiro C. (2009). Hazardassessment in rock cliffs at Central <strong>Algarve</strong> (Portugal): a tool for coastal management. Ocean&Coastal Management, 52, 506-515.Nunes M., Ferreira Ó., Luís J. (2009). Tsunami Vulnerability Zonation in the <strong>Algarve</strong> Coast(Portugal). Journal of Coastal Research SI 56, 876 - 880.Pacheco, A., Williams, J.J., Ferreira, Ó., Dias, J.A. (2009). Evaluation of shear stress computationat a tidal inlet using different methods. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 1385-1389.Williams, J.J., Masselink, G., Buscombe, D., Turner, I., Matias, A., Ferreira, Ó., Metje, N.,Bradbury, A., Albers, T., Pan, S. (2009). BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment): taking thebeach into the laboratory. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 158-162.Other publications InternationalAchab, M., Dias, J.A., Ferreira, Ó. (2009). Caractéristiques granulométriques et morphologiquesdes plages du système lagunaire de Ria Formosa (Sud-Portugal): impact des aménagements surleur évolution. 5th International Symposium on Sandy Beach, Rabat, Morroco.Almeida, L. P., Ferreira, Ó., Pacheco, A.,2009.Thresholds for morphological changes on anexposed sandy beach as a function of wave height. 4th SCACR - International Short Conferenceon Applied Coastal Research, Barcelona, Spain.Ferreira, Ó., Ciavola, P., Armaroli, C., Balouin, Y., Benavente, J., Del Río, L., Deserti, M., Esteves,L.S., Furmanczyk, K., Haerens, P., Matias, A., Perini, L., Taborda, R., Teref, P., Trifanova, E.,Trouw, K., Valchev, N., van Dongeren, A., van Koninsveld, M., Williams, J.J. (2009). Coastalstorm risk assessment in Europe: examples from 9 study sites. 10th International CoastalSymposium, Lisbon, 13 -18 April 2009.Garel, E., Pacheco, A., Ferreira, Ó. (2009). Tidal currents and bedload transport at the mouth ofa rock-bound estuary during low river discharge conditions (Guadiana Estuary, Portugal).European Geological Union (EGU).Garel, E., Bonne, W., Collins, M.B. (2009). Offshore Sand and Gravel Mining. In: Encyclopedia ofOcean Sciences. Academic Press, Oxford, pp 4162-4170.Loureiro, C., Ferreira, Ó., Cooper, J.A.G. (2009). Contrasting Morphologic Behaviour atEmbayed Beaches in Southern Portugal. 10th International Coastal Symposium, Lisbon, 13 -18April 2009.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>24Loureiro, C.; Ferreira, Ó.; Cooper, J.A.G..Contrasting Morphologic Behaviour at EmbayedBeaches in Southern Portugal. 10th International Coastal Symposium. E-Geo, New University ofLisbon (PT). 13 -18 April 2009.Matias, A., Ferreira, Ó., Vila-Concejo, A., Morris, B., Dias, J.A. (2009). Foreshore factorsgoverning overwash. 10th International Coastal Symposium, Lisbon, 13 -18 April 2009.Mendes, I., Dias, J.A., Schönfeld, J., Rosa, F., Ferreira, Ó., 2009. Evolução paleoambiental nocorpo lo<strong>do</strong>so da plataforma continental adjacente ao Rio Guadiana, durante os últimos ca.11500 anos. VII Reunião <strong>do</strong> Quaternário Ibérico, 5 a 9 de Outubro, Faro, Portugal, 106-111.Mendes, I., Dias, J.A., Schönfeld, J., Rosa, F., Ferreira, Ó., 2009. Evolução paleoambiental nocorpo lo<strong>do</strong>so da plataforma continental adjacente ao Rio Guadiana, durante os últimos ca.11500 anos. VII Reunião <strong>do</strong> Quaternário Ibérico, 5 a 9 de Outubro, Faro, Portugal.Nunes, M., Ferreira Ó., Luís J. Tsunami Vulnerability Zonation in the <strong>Algarve</strong> Coast (Portugal).10th International Coastal Simposium. Lisbon, 13 -18 April 2009.Oliveira, A., Fortunato, A.B., Guerreiro, M., Bertin, X., Bruneau, N., Rodrigues, M., Taborda, R.,Andrade, C., Silva, A.M., Antunes, C., Freire, P., Pedro, L.S., Dodet, G., Loureiro, C., Mendes, A.,(accepted). Effect of inlet morphology and wave action on pollutant pathways and sedimentdynamics in a coastal stream. Proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Estuarineand Coastal Modelling. Seatle, USA. ASCE.Pacheco, A., Williams, J.J., Ferreira, Ó., Dias, J.A. (2009). Evaluation of shear stress computationat a tidal inlet using different methods. 10th International Coastal Symposium, Lisbon, 13 -18April 2009.Rodrigues, B., Matias, A., Ferreira, Ó. (2009). The Ancão Peninsula vulnerability to overwashevents. 4th SCACR - International Short Conference on Applied Coastal Research, Barcelona,Spain.Rosa, F., Rufino, M., Ferreira, Ó., Matias, A., Brito, A.C., Gaspar, M. Coastal Dynamics andsediment distribution in inner shelf environments: The <strong>Algarve</strong> (Southern Portugal) case study.27th IAS Meeting of Sedimentologists, Alghero (Sardinia, Italy), 2009.Williams, J.J., Masselink, G., Buscombe, D., Turner, I., Matias, A., Ferreira, Ó., Metje, N.,Bradbury, A., Albers, T., Pan, S. (2009). BARDEX (Barrier Dynamics Experiment): taking thebeach into the laboratory. 10th International Coastal Symposium, Lisbon, 13 -18 April 2009.Other publications NationalAlmeida, L. P., Oliveira, A. M., António, N. M., Martins, B. H., Marques, A., Monteiro, J. P.,2009. Análise da distribuição espacial da densidade de drenagem à escala regional no<strong>Algarve</strong>.7º Encontro Nacional de utiliza<strong>do</strong>res ESRI, Lisboa, Portugal.Gabriel, S., Moura, D., Viegas, J., Veiga-Pires, C., 2009. O futuro das costas rochosas no <strong>Algarve</strong>.Influência da herança geomorfológica. In: Boski, T., Moura. D., Gomes, A.,(Eds), 2009. O futurowww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>25<strong>do</strong> Ambiente da Península Ibérica-As lições <strong>do</strong> passa<strong>do</strong> geológico recente, VII Reunião <strong>do</strong>Quaternário Ibérico, Faro, 50-53.Gabriel, S., Martins, F., Venâncio, A., Lopes, J., Neves, R. 2009. Monitorização da qualidade daágua na Ria Formosa usan<strong>do</strong> uma meto<strong>do</strong>logia combinada de amostragem clássica emodelação in: Actas <strong>do</strong> 2º Seminário Sistemas Lagunares Costeiros, Vila Nova de Santo André,42-50.Moura, D., Boski, T., Veiga-Pires, C., Mariano, J., 2009. Fronteira Pliocénico-Plistocénico:Estu<strong>do</strong> de caso nas formações detríticas <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>. In: Boski, T., Moura. D., Gomes, A.,(Eds),2009. O futuro <strong>do</strong> Ambiente da Península Ibérica-As lições <strong>do</strong> passa<strong>do</strong> geológico recente, VIIReunião <strong>do</strong> Quaternário Ibérico, Faro, 46-49.Moura, D., Boski, T., 2009. Fronteira neogénico-Quaternário: Afloramento de Olhos de Água.In: Gomes, A., Boski, T., Moura, D., 2009- VII reunião <strong>do</strong> Quaternário Ibérico- O futuro <strong>do</strong>ambiente da Península Ibérica: As lições <strong>do</strong> passa<strong>do</strong> geológico recente - Field Guide, 30-34.Master and Ph.D. thesis completedRodrigues, B. (2009) .The Ancão Peninsula Vulnerability to Overwash Events .MSc thesis, 56pp.Supervisor: O.FerreiraHaerens, P. (2009). Seasonal and storm induced morphological variations at Praia de Faro,Península <strong>do</strong> Ancão, Southern Portugal. MSc thesis, 95 pp. Supervisor: O.FerreiraJuan Terradez Mas, (2009).“Simulation of Economic benefits achieved by water qualityimprovement for recreational and professional users, within the SPICOSA SSA 11 - GuadianaEstuary ecosystem . Supervisor: T.BoskiShimeles M. Kebede (2009). “DPSIR framework application supported by integrated watershedmodeling for irrigated agriculture from Alqueva Dam (Portugal) on Guadiana river estuary.”MSc Water and Coastal Management, UAlg: Supervisor: T.BoskiInternationalizationEuropean Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research-COST: COST Action oc-2008-2-2687. Submerged Prehistoric landscapes and archaeology of the continental shelf-SPLASH.Future ResearchObjectiveswww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

To determine which feature, shoreplatform or sandy beach is more efficienton cliffs’ protection and, to quantify thethreshold of both shore platform andsandy beaches’ slope and width tomaintain the dynamic equilibrium oncliffed coasts.- To analyze the role of soft cliffs erosion assediment source to the nearby beaches.- To characterize the continental shelfevolution since Last Glacial maximum.- To determine sediment transport at inletsand their relationship with differentcrosssection areas.- To define the detailed sediment transportat backbarrier beaches and its associationto the forcing agents (wind, wave,currents)- To determine sediment transport atestuarine mouths induced by tidal flow andriver flow.- To define thresholds for beach erosionand for coastal damage.- To study the storminess evolution at the<strong>Algarve</strong>.- To define beach recovery for beacheswith different morphodynamics.- To detail the Holocene evolution offGuadiana river, namely for the most recentperiods.- To study the behavior of embayedbeaches and response (erosion/recovery)to storms.Funding, source, datesContinuation of the existing projects previously mentioned and starting of a new one (MARINAPlatform funded by the 7th Framework Program – EC). There will be 10 funded projects for2010, including 8 national projects and 2 European funded (FP7). The overall funding fromprojects is about 300,000 euros/year for this Research Objective (RO). Also a large number ofindividual grants (namely 6 FCT grants for PhD thesis and 2 post-<strong>do</strong>c research grants) andintegrated in projects will allow the continuity of the group researchers.(RG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2324)Research objective III - Large Scale GeologicalProcesses

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>27Funding, source, datesProject POCTI/CTE-GEX/60278/2004 PROVENANCE – 2004 – 2009.Project POCTI/CTE-GIN/56450/2004 PYBE " 2004 – 2009.Project PTDC/CTE-GEX/72694/2006 - Hydrocarbon source-rock potential of the <strong>Algarve</strong> Basin -Southern Portugal. Main researcher. 2009 – 2011. €75000Project PTDC/CLI/68488/2006 (EVEDUS) 2008-2011 total 154 000 EURPTDC/MAR/70249/2006) 2009 - 2012 (~160 k€2009 – 2010 Luso-French Pessoa Project “Impact des eaux usées vis à vis des eauxcontinentales et littorales : cas des micropolluants » , funded by GRICES, ~ 3 k€.5 ONGOING Phd grantsObjectives & AchievementsObjectivesThe objectives specified below refer to the tasks 3a and 3c.To pursue the study of sea-level and climatic proxies (micropaleontological, geochemical,palynological ) in the Southern Iberia integrating the observational science with modeling. Wepretend incorporate this findings into the long term strategies of coastal mangement.To characterize continental groundwater discharge through the coastal sea-bed and theircontribution through nutrient fluxes into the Ria Formosa, based on the use of actinides,namely Radium and Ra<strong>do</strong>n.To pursue the study of biostratigraphy of the Mesozoic <strong>Algarve</strong> Basin based on dinoflagellatecysts, Or<strong>do</strong>vician and Silurian biostratigraphy of the Central Iberian and Ossa Morena Zonesbased on acritachs and cryptospores.To achieve the first assessment and characterization of the hydrocarbon source-rock potentialof the Mesozoic <strong>Algarve</strong> Basin,To establish the stable isotope chemostratigraphy based and its links to global climate eventsin the Jurassic and in the frontier between the Or<strong>do</strong>vician – Silurian (Late Or<strong>do</strong>vicianGlaciation).www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>28Main AchievementsWork task 3a. Sea-level and climate changeSubstantial progresses were made inmodeling of the past and projected sealevelchanges in the area of GuadianaEstuary by means of behavior oriented anddeterministic models. The forecastmodeling was <strong>do</strong>ne according to IPCCscenarios. The full description of thelongest borehole in Guadiana Estuary , theCM6 was concluded. <strong>CIMA</strong> organized theVII REQI or Reunião <strong>do</strong> Quaternário Ibéricoattended by ca 80 researchers from 9countries. Sea level change was one of theleading topicsWork task 3b. Numerical modelling oflithospheric processes.Numerous contributions to GMT weremade, including the ps2raster front-end forsimpler conversion of PostScript to rastersand for the experimental support of GDALinput. Translation of the original FORTRANcode of the comprehensive model CM4into C and integrated it the mgd77 GMTsupplement.Creation of a new magnetic compilation forthe North Atlantic by recalculating themagnetic anomalies with the new CM4comprehensive model. As a result of thiswork we were invited to integrate a teamthat is preparing a candidate for the nextgeneration World Digital MagneticAnomaly Model.Two new versions (1.4 and1.5) versions of the Mirone package werereleased.The investigation of the strike-slip/thrustfault interference in the Horseshoe AbyssalPlain and the geodynamic evolution of theentire Gulf of Cadiz regionbroought highquality results which were publishedWork task 3c Marine & Coastalgeochemical processes and the fate ofOM.in the large spectrum of time scalesOraganic markers studied were continuedin the pos-glacial sedimentary sequence ofGuadiana Estuary and published togetherwith IRNAS (Spain) collaborating team.The first field campaign allowed to identifythe main geographical sources ofsubmarine groundwater discharges intothe Ria Formosa and to collect samples fornutrient analyses.First record of the dinoflagellatebiostratigraphy of the <strong>Algarve</strong> Basin,Toarcian to Kimmeridgian.First account of Or<strong>do</strong>vician cryptospores ofthe Barrancos Schist of the Ossa MorenaZone.Preliminary characterization of thehydrocarbon source potential of theMesozoic <strong>Algarve</strong> Basin.Group ProductivityPublications in peer review JournalsConnor, S.E. 2009. Human impact – the last nail in the coffin for ancient plants? Journal ofBiogeography, 36: 486-486. http://dx.<strong>do</strong>i.org/10.1111/j.1365-2699.2008.02084.xMarc-André Gutscher, Stephane Dominguez, Graham K. Westbrook, Pascal Gente, NathalieBabonneau,Thierry Mulder, Eliane Gonthier, Rafael Bartolome, Joaquim Luis, Filipe Rosas,Pedro Terrinha and The Delila and DelSis Scientific Teams, Tectonic shortening andgravitational spreading in the Gulf of Cadiz accretionary wedge: Observations from multi-beamwww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>29bathymetry and seismic profiling. Marine and Petroleum Geology Volume 26, Issue 5, May2009, Pages 647-659Neves, M.C. & R. G. M. Neves (2009). Flexure and seismicity across the ocean–continenttransition in the Gulf of Cadiz. Journal of Geodynamics, Vol. 47, Issues 2-3: 119-129,<strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.jog.2008.07.002Neves, M.C., Paiva, L.T., Luis, J. (2009), Software for slip-tendency analysis in 3D: A plug-in forCoulomb Computers & Geosciences 35 (12), pp. 2345-2352.Neves, M.C., Terrinha, P., Afilha<strong>do</strong>, A., Moulin, M., Matias, L. & Rosas, F, (2009). Response of amulti-<strong>do</strong>main continental margin to compression: study from seismic reflection - refractionand numerical modelling in the Tagus Abyssal Plain, Tectonophysics (Special Issue: role ofmagmatism), 468: 113-130, <strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.05.008.P. Terrinha, L. Matias, J. Vicente, J. Duarte, J. Luís, L. Pinheiro, N. Lourenço, S. Diez, F. Rosas, V.Magalhães, V. Valadares, N. Zitellini, C. Roque, L. Mendes Víctor and MATESPRO Team (2009),Morphotectonics and strain partitioning at the Iberia–Africa plate boundary from multibeamand seismic reflection data. Marine Geology, Volume 267, Issues 3-4, 15 December 2009,Pages 156-174.PEREIRA, Z., MATOS, J., FERNANDES, P., OLIVEIRA, J.T., 2007. Devonian and Carboniferouspalynostratigraphy of the South Portuguese Zone, Portugal - An overview. ComunicaçõesGeológicas, tomo 94, pp. 53-79.Polvillo O., González-Pérez J.A., Boski T. , Gonzalez-Vila J.F., (2009) - Structural features ofhumic acids from a sedimentary sequence in the Guadiana estuary (Portugal-Spain border).Organic Geochemistry. 40, 20-28 <strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.orggeochem.2008.09.010Relvas,P., J. Luis, and A. M. P. Santos (2009), Importance of the mesoscale in the decadalchanges observed in the northern Canary upwelling system, Geophys. Res.Lett.,36,L22601,<strong>do</strong>i:10.1029/2009GL040504.Rodrigues B., D. Moura, N. Macha<strong>do</strong> & C. Veiga-Pires (2009). Variability of detrital zircons frombeaches and rivers in the western <strong>Algarve</strong> region – South Portugal. Thalassas 25 (2), 41-46.Books editedBoski T., Moura D., Gomes A., O futuro <strong>do</strong> ambiente da Península Ibérica: as lições <strong>do</strong> passa<strong>do</strong>geológico recente. Livro de resumos. VII Reunião <strong>do</strong> Quaternário Ibérico, Livro de Resumos,<strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Faro, 5-9 October 2009, 317p. ISBN 978-989-95636-4-3Gomes A.,Boski T., Moura D., Field Guide of the VII Iberian Quaternary Meeting. <strong>Universidade</strong><strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Faro, 5-9 October 2009, 74 p. ISBN 978-989-95636-4-3Oliveira, J.T., Fernandes, P., Pereira, Z. & Borges, M. (Eds.)CIMP Faro'09 II Joint Meeting ofSpores/Pollen and AcritarchSubcommissions, 2009. Palynostratigraphy contributions tounderstandthe Southwest Portugal and the <strong>Algarve</strong> Basin Geology, Portugal. PostMeetingField-Trip.. 57 p.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>30Paulo Fernandes, Zélia Pereira, José Tomás Oliveira, Geoffrey Clayton& Reed Wicander (Eds.),2009. Book of abstracts. CIMP Faro'09 II Joint Meeting of Spores/Pollen and AcritarchSubcommissions. 94 p.Other publications InternationalBoski T., Angulo R. J.,. de Souza M. C. Relação entre as idades de formação <strong>do</strong>s espo<strong>do</strong>ssolos eda barreira progradante holocênica de Volta Velha, Itapoá, sul <strong>do</strong> Brasil. VII Reunião <strong>do</strong>Quaternário Ibérico, Livro de Resumos, <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Faro, 5-9 October 2009, pp.211-215.Connor, S.E. and Boski, T. 2009. Late Quaternary temperature and precipitation changes inPortugal: a first attempt at quantitative reconstruction from pollen records. VII Reunião <strong>do</strong>Quaternário Ibérico, Livro de Resumos, <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Faro, 5-9 October 2009, pp.133-137.Connor, S.E. and Kvavadze, E.V. 2009. Modern pollen maps for Georgia, Caucasus. In: S.Panjiotidis and E. Syropoulou (eds.) Pollen Monitoring Programme 7th International MeetingBook of Abstracts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Taxiarchis, 22-27 April 2009. pp. 46-47.Fernandes. P., Pereira, Z., Oliveira, J. T., Chayton, G. & Wicander,R. (Eds.) CIMP Faro'09 II JointMeeting of Spores/Pollen and Acritarch Subcommissions. pp. 75-78.Kvavadze, E.V, Connor, S.E., Chichinadze, M. and Martkoplishvili, I. 2009. Long-distancetransportedpollen in trap material from the Lagodekhi Reservation, Georgia. In: S. Panjiotidisand E. Syropoulou (eds.) Pollen Monitoring Programme 7th International Meeting Book ofAbstracts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Taxiarchis, 22-27 April 2009. pp. 22-25.Lopes, G., Pereira, Z., Fernandes, P., Piçarra, J. M. & Oliveira, J.T., 2009. Silurian to LowerDevonian Palynomorphs from the Barrancos region, Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal. In:Fernandes. P., Pereira, Z.,Oliveira, J. T., Chayton, G. & Wicander, R. (Eds.) CIMP Faro'09 II JointMeeting of Spores/Pollen and Acritarch Subcommissions. pp. 63-68.Monteiro, C., Neves, M.C., Rosas, F., Terrinha, P., Matias, L., Numerical modelling of theinteraction between the allochthonous unit and thrust faulting in the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain,Gulf of Cadiz. First Spain-China Symposium on Geophysical & Geochemical Geosystems (SG3).Zaragoza, 22-25 june, 2009.Neves, M.C., Monteiro, Matias, L C., Rosas, F., Terrinha, P., Cenozoic evolution of the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary west of Strait of Gibraltar: mechanical models based on kinematicconstraints. Plate Motion and Plate Boundaries (G11) ID709600, AGU Fall Meeting, SanFrancisco, 14-18 December, 2009Pereira, Z., Matos, J., Fernandes, P., Jorge, R. & Oliveira, J. T.,2009. New Lower Givetian ageMiospores of the Phyllite-Quartzite Group (São Francisco da Serra Anticline, Iberian Pyrite Belt- Portugal. In:Pereira, Z., Matos, J., Fernandes, P., Oliveira, T., 2008. New data onthe late Famennianmiospore assemblage of the Cercal Anticline (westernmost Iberian Pyrite Belt area), Portugal.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>31Abstract Volume of12th International Palynological Congress (IPC-XII 2008) and 8thInternational Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference (IOPC-VIII2008), Bonne, 219-220.Sacadura M. J., Boski T. . Balanço da Preservação de Carbono Orgânico na Ria Formosa, usan<strong>do</strong>Cartografia de Unidades Geo-Ambientais .VII Reunião <strong>do</strong> Quaternário Ibérico, Livro deResumos, <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Faro, 5-9 October 2009, pp. 285-290.Sampath, D.M.R., Loureiro, C., Boski, T., Gomes, A. I., 2009, MORPHOLOGICAL Evolution Of TheGuadiana Estuary Under Changing Sea Level: Consideration Of Past Trends For FutureEvolution Forecast. Vii Reunião Do Quaternário Ibérico. 5-9 October, 2009, Faro, PortugalSampath, DMR., Boski., T., 2009. An integrated assessment for delimiting set-back lines forcoastal erosion hazards for the coastline adjacent to the Guadiana Estuary, Portugal/Spainborder, 5th Young Coastal Scientists and Engineers Conference, 26-28 March, 2009.Silva P. L., Gabriel S., Martins F.. Aplicação e um modelo matemático para a Evoluçãomorfodinâmica de Estuários a Longo Prazo Associada ass Alterações Climáticas. VII Reunião <strong>do</strong>Quaternário Ibérico, Livro de Resumos, <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>, Faro, 5-9 October 2009, pp.291-296.Veiga-Pires C. & G. St-Onge, Eds (2009). 1st METECH workshop – From deep-sea to coastalzones: Methods and Techniques for studying Palaeoenvironments. 1st METECH Proceedings.IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 5. <strong>do</strong>i: 10.1088/1755-1315/5/1/011001,http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/eesVeiga-Pires C. & N. Mestre (2009). Is it possible to use "twin cores" as a unique sedimentaryrecord? An experimental design based on sediment color. In 1st METECH workshop – Fromdeep-sea to coastal zones: Methods and Techniques for studying Palaeoenvironments. 1stMETECH Proceedings. IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 5 . <strong>do</strong>i: 10.1088/1755-1315/5/1/012001, http://www.iop.org/EJ/journal/eesOrganization of conferences5 - 9th October 2009 <strong>CIMA</strong> organized the VII REQI or Reunião <strong>do</strong> Quaternário Ibérico attendedby ca 80 researchers from 9 countries. Sea level change was one of the leading topics. Theconference was followed by 2 day fieldtrip along the <strong>Algarve</strong> and Alentejo Coastal Zone.Attended by 82 researchers from 9 countries20 – 24, September <strong>CIMA</strong> organized the international meting CIMP Faro’09 – II Joint Meetingof the Spore/Pollen and Arcitach subcommissions. Attended by 48 reserchers from 10countriesInternationalizationUniversité de Bordeaux (France) and Université du Québec à Trois Rivières (Canada) throughthe joint development of an e-learning program based on study cases for the UniversitéVirtuelle en Environnement et Développement Durable (UVED).www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>32EPOCH research Center (France) through the Luso-French project on metal contaminants.GEOTOP research center (Canada) and Université du Québec à Rismouski (Canada) through theedition of the proceedings of the 1st METECH workshop.Trinity College Dublin (Ireland) through the Project on Submarine groudwater discharges.Involvement in international scientific projectsIGCP Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea and Caspian Biomes (director: Prof. Sandy Harrison,Bristol University). See http://www.bridge.bris.ac.uk/projects/EMBSECBIOPollen Monitoring Programme (director: Dr Sheila Hicks, University of Oulu). Seehttp://pmp.oulu.fiGlobal PalaeoFire Working Group (directors: Prof. Sandy Harrison and Dr Mitchell Power). Seehttp://www.bridge.bris.ac.uk/projects/QUEST_IGBP_Global_Palaeofire_WG/Initiation of collaborative research with Brazilian Universities of Natal and CuritibaContinuation of collaboration with Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese GeologicalSurvey. Tomasz Boski begin_of_the_skype_highlighting end_of_the_skype_highlighting wasErasmus Mundus visiting scholar of these institutions and delivered 4 invited conferences onsea-level change and Carbon cycle.Collaboration with the Department of Geology of the University of Dublin – Trinity College(Profs Geoffrey Clayton, Dave Chew and Dr. Robbie Goodhue). Collaboration with Dr. JimRiding from the British Geological Survey and Dr. Hartmut Jager from the Georesources,University of Heidelberg, Germany.MACOMA - consortium (I, RU, S, PT) of universities for Erasmus Mundus joint PhD course.Future ResearchObjectivesWe expect to conclude the sea-level risemodeling for Guadiana Estuary by the en<strong>do</strong>f the current year and depending on theoutcome of the proposed projects(DRIMCOAST and SIHER to extend themetho<strong>do</strong>logy to other sectors of <strong>Algarve</strong>Coast and NE Brazilian coast. The latter wilbe effectively implemented in theframwork of the approved bilateralexchange project. New sea-levelreconstruction tool aiming in theestablishment of transfer functions will bedeveloped through the study ofcontemporaneous and fossil diatomsPaleoclimatic pollen-based studies for thethe reconstruction of Late Quaternary andHolocene climates in Iberia will be reinitiatedin the Alentejo coastal fringe,while the search for are suitable site in<strong>Algarve</strong> will continue within the projectSWIRL. Also the paloclimatic studies will becontinued in Black Sea & MediterraneanBasins.Use the actinides radio-isotopes and waterstable isotopes for 1) identifying andquantifying the submarine Groundwaterdischarges and 2) reconstruct last ~200kyrs paleoclimate in the <strong>Algarve</strong> region.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>33In terms of long term geological scale thelow temperature thermochronologyresearch effort will pursued and applied tothe Cenozoic Bassins of S. Iberia.Special efforts will be mase to publish theobtained results in international journals(4-5 papers expected)Funding, source, datesEVEDUS - 45 000 EUR remaining for executionProject PTDC/CTE-GEX/72694/2006 - Hydrocarbon source-rock potential of the <strong>Algarve</strong> Basin -Southern Portugal. 2009 – 2011. €75000.Newly approved:(PTDC/AAC-CLI/100916/2008), 2010 – 2013 “Temperatura, regime de precipitação e condições<strong>do</strong> solo no Su<strong>do</strong>este da Península Ibérica num clima mais quente - ìndices <strong>do</strong> passa<strong>do</strong>”, fundedby Fundação para a Cência e Tecnologia ~ 180 k€PTDC/AAC-CLI/108518/2008, The southwest Iberian record of land vegetation and climateduring the Quaternary SWIRL - 40 000 EURRG-<strong>Algarve</strong>-350-2325)Research Objective IV - Impact of EnvironmentalProcessesFunding, source, datesFISHEST - PTDC/MAR/64982/2006 - Spatial and temporal variability of fish assemblages indifferent estuarine habitats: dependence, adaptive plasticity and resilience, coordinatorinstitute: FCL (2008-2010), FCT, 185.950 euros.MADYCOS – PTDC/ECM/66484/2006, Análise multidisciplinar integrada da dinâmicasedimentar e da contaminação fecal em sistemas costeiros de regime intermitente, 7592euros, coordinator institution: LNEC (2008-2010), FCTRISE – Rede de Investigação <strong>do</strong> Su<strong>do</strong>este Europeu – INTEREG – (2009-2011) - 11000€Membrane technology to treat effluents with metal nanoparticles - PTDC/ECM/102244/2008 –FCT - (2010-2012) – 136351€www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>34PORTO NOVO: WATER QUALITY IN HARBOURS- Atlantic Area Programme - approvedNovember 2009 (2010-2012) – 142188€.FP7-PEOPLE-2009-IRSES – 247559 MARIE CURIE ACTIONS (2010-2012) - GENERA ApprovedDecember 2009 – 54000€:Objectives & AchievementsObjectivesa) Assessment of contaminants and multibiomarker approachThis research line aims to assess environmental quality of marine resources and establish ifthere are adverse biological responses associated to different sources of anthropogeniccontamination.b) Passive samplers to assess contaminant load in aquatic environmentsApplication of Polar Organic Compounds Integrative Sampler (POCIS) and diffusive gradient inthin film technique (DGTs) were used in close collaboration with the University of Bordeaux -to evaluate active pharmaceutical ingredients and metals respectively in water and sedimentloads.c) Proteomic and genomic approach to study the effects of contaminantsThis research line aims to understand the mechanisms of molecular and subcellularinteractions with pollutants using the proteomic approach. M. galloprovincialis were exposedto several single contaminants Benzopyrene (BaP) and Cu) as well as to binary mixtures of BaPand different Cu concentrations, changes in the proteome were studied by classical silverstaining proteomic and bioinformatics. Furthermore, this approach was also applied to fieldstudies, especially in the clam Scrobicularia plana and the worm Nereis diversicolor collectedfrom the Ria Formosa lagoon and Guadiana Estuary. Differently expressed proteins will beidentified by mass spectrometry aiming to develop new biomarkers of exposure.d)Evaluation of emergent contaminants (nanoparticles and pharmaceutical compounds)This research aims to determine the effects of metallic nanoparticles on the mussel M.galloprovincialis using several biomarkers of exposure and damage, including DNA damage,alterations in enzymatic defenses, lipid peroxidation, metallothionein induction, proteinoxidation and proteomic modification, in two tissues, the digestive gland and gills.Additionally, the accumulation of Cu and Ag NPs will be studied through time in mussels, aswell as their distribution in tissues. Drugs or active pharmaceutical ingredients are anotherclass of emergent contaminants studied within this line of research. The impact of activepharmaceutical ingredients (ibuprofen) was studied in M. galloprovincialis in severalcontamination experiments.e)Evaluation of contaminants in human healthThis research line aims to describe the degree of individual prenatal exposures toenvironmental polluting agents and the internal <strong>do</strong>ses of these polluting agents duringwww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>35gestation to birth, a pilot survey of the effects of metals in newborn children, whose motherslive in areas with distinct environmental susceptibilities in the <strong>Algarve</strong>.Health impact evaluation included the assessment of different contaminants in samples ofumbilical cord blood that were collected during birth.Data were related to a predesigned questionnaire that included general personal data; generalhealth status; data on the newborn; data on occupational and/or environmental sources ofmetal exposure; potential sources of recent environmental exposure; dietary history; smokinghabits.Main Achievements3. Main Achievements (4000 ca.)a) Assessment of contaminants andmultibiomarker approachThe application of a battery of biomarkerswere able to differentiate spatial andseasonal responses of several species(mussels, clams and worms) along thesouth coast of Portugal showing thatcontamination is not homogeneous,reflecting not only different competition,origin and intensity of contamination, butalso different environmental conditions.Based in this study, it was possible to selectthe most suitable biomarkers,contaminants and sites to study the effectof contaminants. This is very important forfuture toxicological monitoring studies onPortuguese coastal environments.b) Passive samplers to assess contaminantload in aquatic environmentsPOCIS analysis indicate a large presence ofdifferent active pharmaceutical ingredientsin Portuguese rivers, where as observedArade river presents a higher diversity andconcentrations comparing to Guadianariver, the APIs most detected were theantiasmatic teofiline, the analgesicibuprofen (Arade) and Paracetamol(Guadiana) and antiepilepticcarbamazepinec) Proteomic and genomic approach tostudy the effects of contaminantsProtein expression signatures werecharacterized in the clam Ruditapesdecussates after Cd and nonylphenolexposure. Results demonstrate that bothcontaminants interfere with thecytoskeletal structure/function, cellmaintenance and stress response,metabolism and signal transduction. Theresults also confirmed that bothcontaminants generate ROS in R.decussatus. The distinct patterns wereobtained for ubiquitination andcarbonylation after exposure to thesepollutants.The proteomic approach was able toidentify changes at protein level of severalcontaminants (BaP, Cu and binarymixtures) and which are present inanthropogenic impacted coastalenvironments or chemical species presentin extreme environments (hydrothermalvents).After application of proteomic analysis tomussels exposed to nanocopper, significantdifferences were found in proteinexpression profiles of gills and digestivegland, according to different tissuefunction and contaminant accumulation,with several induced and inhibited spots.d) Evaluation of emergent contaminants(nanoparticles and pharmaceuticalcompounds)www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>36Concerning the pharmaceutical Ibuprofen(IBU) exposure treatment major resultsshow that IBU acts as a pro-oxidant agent,inducing oxidative stress on mussels’ gillsand digestive gland after 7 days IBUexposure. SOD and GR enzymes aresignificantly enhanced after the first weekcomparing to controls, followed by asignificant decrease until the end of theexperiment.e) Evaluation of contaminants in humanhealthRegarding the study of contaminants inhuman matrices, a new sampling campaignwere carried out with the collaboration ofthe Hospital Distrital de Faro, where newand improved questionnaires weredeveloped, to better correlate the dataobtained and the exposure pathways.Group ProductivityPublications in peer review JournalsAhmad I., Maria V.L., Pacheco M., Santos, M.A. (2009). Juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labraxL.) enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant responses following 17β-estradiol exposure.Ecotoxicology 18 (8):974-82. Doi: 10.1007/s10646-009-0369-3 (Impact Factor: 2.355).Azeve<strong>do</strong>, J. S; Serafim, M.A; R., Company; Braga, E. S; Fávaro, D. I; Bebianno, M. J. 2009.Biomarkers of exposure to metal contaminantion and lipid peroxidation in the benthic fishCathorops spixii from two estuaries in South America, Brazil. Ecotoxicology 18, 8: 11001 - 1010.(Impact Factor: 2.355).Bebianno, M. J; Barreira, L.. 2009. "Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons concentrations andbiomarker responses in the clam Ruditapes decussatus transplanted in the Ria Formosalagoon", Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 72, 10: 1849 - 1860. <strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2009.03.016 (Impact Factor: 2.590).Chora S., Starita-Geribaldi M., Guigonis JM, Samson M., Roméo M. and Bebianno MJ, 2009.“Effect of cadmium in the clam Ruditapes decussatus assessed by proteomic analysis”. AquaticToxicology, 94(4): 300-308. <strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.aquatox.2009.07.014, (Impact Factor: 3,517).Cravo, A.; Lopes, B.; Serafim, M.A; R., Company; Barreira, L.; Gomes, T.; Bebianno, M. J. 2009."A multibiomarker approach in Mytilus galloprovincialis to assess", Journal of EnvironmentalMonitoring 11, 1: 1673 - 1686.DOI: 10.1039/b909846a. (Impact Factor: 1.989).Fernandes, D.; Bebianno, M. J; Porte, C. 2009. Assessing pollutant exposure in cultured andwild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) from the Iberian Peninsula, Ecotoxicology 18, 8: 1043 -1050. (Impact Factor: 2.355).Fonseca, V., A. Serafim, R. Company, M.J. Bebianno & H. Cabral (2009). Effect of copperexposure on growth, condition indices and biomarker response in juvenile sole Soleasenegalensis. Scientia Marina, 73(1): 51-58. <strong>do</strong>i: 10.3989/scimar.2009.73.n1051 (impact factor:1.075)Gomes, T.; Gonzalez-Rey, M.; Bebianno, M. J. (2009). Incidence of intersex in male clamsScrobicularia plana in the Guadiana Estuary (Portugal). Ecotoxicology. 18: 1104–1109. DOI10.1007/s10646-009-0359-5 (impact factor: 2.355)www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>37Maria V.L., Santos M.A., Bebianno M.J. (2009). Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress and Genotoxicityin Mytilus galloprovincialis Cross transplanted at Ria Formosa Lagoon (Southern, Portugal).Ecotoxicology. 18 (8): 1018-28. Doi:10.1007/s10646-009-0361-y (Impact Factor: 2.355).Maria V.L., Santos M.A., Bebianno, M.J. (2009). Contaminant Effects in Shore Crabs (Carcinusmaenas) from Ria Formosa Lagoon. Comparative Biochemistry and Pharmacology, part C 150(2):196-208. <strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.cbpc.2009.04.013 (Impact Factor: 2.530).Maria, V.L., Ahmad, I., Oliveira, M., Serafim, A., Bebianno, M.J., Pacheco, M., Santos, M.A.(2009). Wild Juvenile Dicentrarchus labrax L. Liver Antioxidant and Damage Responses atAveiro Lagoon –Portugal. Ecotoxicology Environmental and Safety 72 (7):1861-70.<strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2009.06.001 (Impact Factor: 2.590).Oliveira M., Maria V.L., Ahmad I, A. Serafim, M.J. Bebianno, Pacheco M., Santos M.A. (2009)Environmental Contamination Assessment combining Non Enzymatic and Enzymatic Defenseswith Peroxidative and Genetic Damage in gill of Liza aurata – A Case Study of Ria de Aveiro(Portugal). Environmental Pollution 157(3):959-67. <strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.envpol.2008.10.019 (ImpactFactor: 3.135).Oliveira, M., Ahmad, I., Maria, V.L., Pacheco, M., Santos, M.A. (2009). Monitoring pollution ofcoastal lagoon using Liza aurata kidney oxidative stress and genetic endpoints: an integratedbiomarker approach. Ecotoxicology. Doi:10.1007/s10646-009-0436-9 (Impact Factor: 2.355).Oliveira, M., Ahmad, I., Maria, V.L., Serafim, A., Bebianno, M.J., Pacheco, M., Santos, M.A.(2009). Hepatic metallothionein concentrations in the golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) -relationship with environmental metal concentrations in a metal-contaminated coastal systemin Portugal. Marine Environmental Research 157 (3): 959-967.<strong>do</strong>i:10.1016/j.marenvres.2009.10.012 (Impact Factor: 2.032).Serafim, A. & Bebianno, M.J. (2009). Metallothionein role in the kinetic model of copperaccumulation and elimination in the clam Ruditapes decussatus. Environmental Research,109(4):390-399. <strong>do</strong>i; 10.1016/j.envres.2009.03.001 (Impact Factor: 3.038)Other publications InternationalChora S.,; Bebianno, M. J; M., Roméo. 2009. Analysis of Proteins from Marine Molluscs. InMethods in Molecular Biology, Two Dimensional Electrophoresis Protocols,, ed. David Sheehanand Raymond Tyther , 6 - 12. . New York: Humana Press, a part of Springer Science BusinessMedia, LLC. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-59745-281-6_12Chora S., Starita-Geribaldi M., Guigonis JM, Samson M., Roméo M. and Bebianno MJ. «Changes in protein expression profiles in the clam Ruditapes decussatus exposed to cadmiumand nonylphenol” - 15th PRIMO, France, Bordeaux, 17-20 May 2009.Chora S., Starita-Geribaldi M., Guigonis JM, Samson M., Roméo M. and Bebianno MJ. “Effect ofcadmium and nonylphenol in the clam Ruditapes decussatus assessed by proteomics”. 1stICAP-ProCura joint meeting - Sep 30-Oct 3, 2009 – Caparica, Portugalwww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>38Company, R., Serafim, A., Antúnez, O., Torreblanca, A., Cajaraville, M. & Bebianno, M.J. (2009).2-D Difference Gel Electrophoresis (DIGE) evaluation of hydrothermal vent musselsBathymodiolus azoricus exposed to cadmium. 5th Congress of the Portuguese PreoteomicsNetwork (PROCURA) and 1st International Congress on Analytical Proteomics (ICAP). 30September – 3 October. Costa de Caparica (Portugal).Company, R, Serafim, A. Bebianno, M.J., Cajaraville, M., Antúnez, O., Torreblanca, A. (2009).Effect of different hydrothermal vent conditions in the proteome of vent musselBathymodiolus azoricus. 6-10 September, Innsbruck (Finland).Company, R., Serafim, S., Antunez, O., Torreblanca, A., Cajaraville, M. & Bebianno, M.J. (2009).Effects of cadmium in protein expression profiles in the hydrothermal vent musselBathymodiolus azoricus. 15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in MarineOrganisms (PRIMO 15). 17-29 May. Bordeaux (France).Company, R., Felícia, H., Serafim, A., Almeida, A.J., Biscoito, M. & Bebianno, M.J. (2009). Metalconcentrations and metallothionein levels in deep-sea fishes from Mid-Atlantic Ridgehydrothermal vents. 15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in MarineOrganisms (PRIMO 15). 17-29 May. Bordeaux (France).Gomes, T., Gonzalez-Rey, M., Chora, S., Bebianno M. J. “Application of proteomic analysis toassess the effects of metals in the clam Scrobicularia plana and the polychaete Nereisdiversicolor”. “15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms”.17-20 May, Bordeaux (France).Gomes, T., Bebianno M. J. “Effects of copper nanoparticles in Mytilus galloprovincialis”. “15thInternational Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms”. 17-20 May, Bordeaux(France).Gomes, T., Chora, S., Bebianno, M. J.. “Proteomic analysis of the effects of coppernanoparticles in Mytilus galloprovincialis”. “5th Congress of the Portuguese ProteomicsNetwork – ProCura and 1st International Congress on Analytical Proteomics - ICAP”. 30September to 3 October. Costa da Caparica (Portugal).Maria V.L., Santos M.A., Bebianno M.J. Contaminant Effects in Shore Crabs (Carcinus maenas)from Ria Formosa Lagoon. 46th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology fromSeptember 13th to 16th, 2009 in Dresden, Germany; http://www.eurotox2009.org/home.aspPereira, C. Gomes, T. Car<strong>do</strong>so, C. Pereira R., Cravo, A. Bebianno M. J. (2009). “En<strong>do</strong>crinedisruption and oxidative stress in Ruditapes decussates”. Poster apresenta<strong>do</strong> no “15thInternational Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms”, 17-20 May, Bordeaux(France).Pereira, C., Gomes, T., Car<strong>do</strong>so, C., Pereira, R., Almeida, A., Cravo, A. Bebianno, M. J. (2009).“Assessment of environmental quality in the Ria Formosa Lagoon using Ruditapes decussatus”.“15th International Symposium on Pollutant Responses in Marine Organisms”. 17-20 May,Bordeaux (France).Rocha, T. L., Gomes, T. C., Car<strong>do</strong>so, C., Pereira, R., Pereira, C., Cravo, A., Bebianno, M. J. (2009).Variação Sazonal na Actividade da Acetilcolinesterase em Ruditapes decussatus da Riawww.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>39Formosa, Portugal. XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Toxicologia, 10 – 14 Outubro, Belo Horizonte,Brasil.Serafim, A., Company, R., Rosa, J., Alves, J. & Bebianno, M.J. (2009). Assessment of Metals andMetal Exposure Biomarkers in umbilical chord blood of newborn infants from South Portugal.14th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment. August 30 to September 4, Metz(France).Serafim, A., Company, R., Lopes , B., Fonseca, V.F., Bebianno, M.J., Cabral, H.N. (2009).Biomarkers response in three fish species from two polluted impacted estuaries (Tejo andAveiro) in Portugal. 14th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment. August 30 toSeptember 4, Metz (France).Other publications NationalSerafim, A., Company, R., Rosa, J., Alves, J., Bebianno, M.J. (2009). Avalição de metais e debiomarca<strong>do</strong>res metálicos no sangue <strong>do</strong> cordão umbilical de recém-nasci<strong>do</strong>s na zona <strong>do</strong><strong>Algarve</strong>. 2º Congresso Ibérico de Tabacologia, 21-23 May, Lisboa (Portugal).Master and Ph.D. thesis completedBelisandra Maria Martins Lopes, “Avaliação da contaminação por hidrocarbonetos <strong>do</strong> petróleoem mexilhões Mytilus galloprovincialis da costa Sul de Portugal. O sistema MFO comobiomarca<strong>do</strong>r de contaminação”. PhD in Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Area ofAquatic Environment, University of <strong>Algarve</strong> University, 2009 – M. J. Bebianno (supervisor).Suze Chainho Chora, Study of the effects of contaminants in a sentinel species, the clamRuditapes decussatus, through protein expression analysis: Application to marine environmentmonitoring. PhD in Environmental Sciences and Technologies, Area of Aquatic Environment,University of <strong>Algarve</strong> University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 2009 – M. J. Bebianno (Supervisor forthe University of <strong>Algarve</strong> & M. Roméo (supervisor for the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis).Catarina Alexandra Guerreiro Pereira, Master thesis completed: “Estu<strong>do</strong> de ALP comoBiomarca<strong>do</strong>r de Disrupção Endócrina em Mytilus galloprovincialis”, Msc Thesis on Marine andCostals Studies (EMAC)I University of <strong>Algarve</strong>, 2009- A. Cravo (supervisor).Almeida , A. C. (2009). DNA damage in two bivalve species Mytilus galloprovincialis andRuditapes decussatus from the south coast of Portugal”. Msc Thesis on Marine and CostalsStudies (EMAC)I University of <strong>Algarve</strong>, 2009- A. Cravo (supervisor).Organization of conferences15th International Symposium on Pollutants Responses in Marine Organisms, University ofBordeaux, and University of Le Havre, Bordeaux, 17-20 Maio 2009 – M. J. Bebianno (ScientificCommitee).www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>40II Internacional Amonet Meeting - Women Empowerment in Science, Amonet; CalousteGulbenkian Foundation,Lisbon 12-13 Outubro 2009 – M. J. Bebianno (Organizing & ScientificCommittee.InternationalizationCollaboration of M. J. Bebianno with:Dr. M. Roméo (ISOMER), University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis on the joint PhD theses of S.Chora.Dr A. Torreblanca Department if Biology of University of Valencia, C. Minier University ofBordeaux, M. Cajaraville University of the Bask Country and Dr D. Sheehan University of Corkas co-supervision of R. Company Pos-DocCooperation with Prof. Jose-luis Gomez Arisa from the University of Huelva and Julian Blascofrom CSIC of Cadiz under the RISE projectCooperation with Prof Philipe le Coutoumier and Prof Helene Budzinski of the University ofBordeaux under the bilateral agreement Pessoa Funded by FCT.Msc SupervisionMara-Abu Raya – Assessment of metal contamination in gastropods, Strombus latus, fromPorto Grande Bay of Saint Vincent Island, Cape Verde – Proteomic Approach - MsC on MarineResources and Coastal Management – M. J. Bebianno (supervisor).Neusa Pinheiro – Assessment of PAHs contamination in fish from Porto Grande Bay of SaintVincent Island, Cape Verde – Proteomic Approach - MsC on Marine Resources and CoastalManagement – M. J. Bebianno (supervisor)Participation in PhD vivas and other international committeesAourell Mauffret . Destino y efecto de tensioactivos en el medio marino, 2009. PhD Theses imMarine Sciences, University of Cadiz (Spain) - M. J. Bebianno.Julie Letendre - Effets combinés de l'intertidalité et de la contamination chimique chez Mytilusedulis: Mécanismes enzymatiques anti-oxydants et approche protéomique, 2009. PhD Theseson Biology of organisms. Ecotoxicology-Ecophisiology - Université du Havre (France) - M. J.Bebianno.Sara Tedesco. Re<strong>do</strong>x proteomic investigation of the mussel Mytilus edulis in Ecotoxicology,2009. PhD Theses on Biochemistry - University College Cork (Ireland) - M. J. Bebianno.Erkuden Perez Carrera. Distribución y reactividad de contaminantes orgânicos regula<strong>do</strong>s yemergentes en sistemas hydricos superficiales y subterrâneos , 2009. PhD Theses on Chemistry– Physics <strong>Universidade</strong> de Cadiz (Spain) - M. J. Bebianno.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>41Soren Nors Nielsen, 2009 – Agregation at the Department of Zoology of the University ofCoimbra (Portugal) - M. J. Bebianno.Member of the Panel to select a Full Professor in the Area of Chemistry- Physics of the Facultyof Marine and Environmental Sciences of the University of Cadiz (Spain) - - M. J. Bebianno.Government/Organization contract researchCâmara de Olhão – contract research to access the impact of sewage in the Ria FormosalagoonCâmara de Portimão – contract research to support MsC theses of the University of CapeVerde.Future ResearchObjectivesThe future research of the EEC groupwithin scientific objective IV of <strong>CIMA</strong> willremain focused on aquatic problematicareas but making use of state of the arttechnologies available such as proteomicand genomic approaches. Future researchwill also comprise innovative fields ofecotoxicology such as emergent pollutantslike nanoparticles and pharmaceuticalcompounds introduced in aquaticenvironments whose effects remain largelyunknown in aquatic organisms. This groupwill continue expanding its research tostudying the impact of contaminantspresent in the environment on the humanhealth. Also Effects of en<strong>do</strong>crine disruptorand of genotoxic compounds in marineinvertebrate organisms in marineinvertebrate organisms will be developed.Future research will focus toxicologicaleffects evaluation in mussel Mytilusgalloprovincialis, when exposed to distinctconcentrations and/or mixtures of threeAPIs, followed by their respective detectionon hospital and <strong>do</strong>mestic effluents. Thestudy will focus on the effects regardingthe balance between antioxidant and prooxidantagents (antioxidant enzymesactivities or substrates levelsinduction/increase or inhibition/depletion); gene and protein expression upand <strong>do</strong>wn-regulation. DNA region or genespecific oligonucleotides immobilization inordered matrix allows attaining DNAmicroarrays or chips. On the other hand, aholistic proteome (all proteins comprisedin the genome) expression will also allowprotein (or their respective encodinggenes) identification; since each proteininvolved in whichever molecular processescaused by API action can be comparedthrough their expression before and afterexposure. Effects of en<strong>do</strong>crine disruptorcompounds in marine invertebrateorganisms as well as effects of genotoxiccompounds in marine invertebrateorganisms will be investigated.www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

<strong>CIMA</strong> – Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da <strong>Universidade</strong> <strong>do</strong> <strong>Algarve</strong>42Also, the specific adaptations ofhydrothermal vent organisms to extremeenvironmental conditions are still undermuch debate. Future research will focus onproteomic and genomic tools to investigateboth proteins and genes involved in theresistance of hydrothermal vent organismsto naturally high levels of contaminants inMid Atlantic Ridge hydrothermal vents. It isproposed to apply 2D DIGE technology tofurther investigate protein expressionprofiles of B. azoricus in response to metalcontamination. On the other hand, q-RT-PCR technology can efficiently quantify thegene expression in organisms exposedlikewise to different environmentalcharacteristics or also as a response to thepresence of contaminants. Because thedetoxification mechanisms ofhydrothermal vent mussels are still poorlyunderstood, it will also proposed to studythe localization of metal granules in thedigestive gland of B. azoricus usingautometallography, both in naturalpopulations of B. azoricus from MAR ventsites and in metal exposed mussels. Alsoimmunohistochemistry techniques will beused to identify in situ several antioxidantenzymes (SOD, CAT and GPx).Funding, source, datesRISE – Rede de Investigação <strong>do</strong> Su<strong>do</strong>este Europeu – INTEREG – (2009-2011) - 11000€Impact des micropolluants des eaux usées en milieu continental et côtier – BilateralAgreement between University of Bordeaux and University of <strong>Algarve</strong> (2009- 2010)– 3600€Membrane technology to treat effluents with metal nanoparticles - PTDC/ECM/102244/2008 –FCT - (2010-2012) – 136351€PORTO NOVO : WATER QUALITY IN HARBOURS- Atlantic Area Programme - approvedNovember 2009 (2010-2012) – 142188€.Pending funded requested at national (FCT- 5 projects) and EU level (2 projects) – 2 760 000€www.cima.ualg.ptcima@ulg.pt

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