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ISSN 1823-9625 | PPK380/03/2011(029247)Sarawak • Borneo • MalaysiaVOL.19 JAN-MAR 2011Kuchingtotally<strong>Spectacular</strong>HighlightSarawak

Yang Berhormat Datuk Amar HajiMohamad Morshidi Bin Haji Abdul GhaniSARAWAK State SecretarySarawak -Your choicefor visit,stay andinvestmentsThe New Year 2011 is much happilyanticipated by most people inMalaysia as there are signs that theworld’s economy has recoveredfrom the financial crisis, whichwill lead to brighter outlook forthe tourism industry worldwide.Sarawak too looks forward towelcoming more visitors fromaround the world, like Europe,Asian, Australian and Americancontinents. As always, the eversmilingfaces, vast choices of foodvarieties and places for adventure, culture and nature make Sarawak anatural attraction for many and return visits too.Investors too will find Sarawak a good choice for many types ofindustries, especially with the implementation of Sarawak Corridorof Renewable Energy (SCORE), which will see rapid developmentstretching from Tanjung Manis to Samalaju in Bintulu utilising theabundant energy from hydropower. Strong, efficient, responsiveand stable government in the state adds to the lure of Sarawak as itembarks on the vision to become a developed state by 2020. With welldeveloped ICT capabilities and reach, the state government machineryis poised to provide the necessary administrative capabilities to assistforeign and local investors realise their dream investments here.Sarawak has achieved a fine balance of development of the maincities and towns with visionary planning for each over the years whichmeans there are clear divisions of areas designated for the varioustypes of industries, agriculture, township and green spaces in everycity or town. This has allowed for spatial development in each areaand result in less congestions and unhealthy living conditions plaguingmajor cities around the world. As proof of these, Kuching, Miri andBintulu have received international and national awards for their townplanning and cleanliness as well as green city tags.On this note, I wish every reader of Borneo Talk a “Happy New Yearand welcome to Sarawak!”Thank youDatuk Amar Haji Mohamad Morshidi Bin Haji Abdul GhaniJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 3

SarawakSarawakKuching NorthGarden City of Charms, Leisure and more…SESCO HeadquarterSarawak State Library (PUSTAKA)Wisma Bapa Malaysia Menara Pelitaof the surrounding city below is also one of the bestreasons to visit and also being spruce up with beautifullandscapes all the way from the city centre.From the headquarters of DBKU, visitors can then go tointeresting venues like Timber Museum at the SarawakTimber Industries Development Corporation (STIDC), theworld class State Library complete with worldwide cyberconnectivity, the State Mosque as well as the SarawakGolf and Country Club. With just another 10 kilometersout of the city are the natural and beautiful beachesof Damai, in legendary Santubong where sun, sea andfun welcomes everyone. The living museum dubbed“Mini Sarawak”, the Sarawak Cultural Village, -a cultureand adventure showcase is another interesting tourismproduct. Over the years, this has been the main venue forthe famous Rainforest World Music Festival, a great eventin the tourism calendar of Sarawak.STIDCSTIDC Timber MuseumBaitulmakmur BuildingDamai Beach ResortAs most of the government agencies and departmentsare located within the Kuching North area like WismaBapa Malaysia, the State Ministries Complex, WismaBaitulmal Makmur, Menara Pelita, Sarawak ElectricityCorporation (SESCO) Headquarters, STIDC andothers, it has protocol roads which are always busywith commuters and traffic well mitigated. The statestadiums are also located here for both indoor andoutdoor sports and cultural events while MalaysiaHandicraft Development Corporation Sarawak Branchis also an interesting venue for visitors to witness themaking of batiks, wooden products, and weaving ofnative textiles to list a few.Damai Golf & Country ClubCity of Kuching North (DBKU)Commission of the City of Kuching North or Dewan BandarayaKuching Utara (DBKU), which covers a governance area of369.48km square presently is one of the local authorities keepingthe city prime and adorable for everyoneWelcome to Kuching, the capital city of Sarawak,Land of the Hornbills!Being the most populous city in Sarawak, Kuchingemerged as one of the most vibrant and unique citiesin the region, and the largest city on the Malaysianpart of Borneo.Syariah CourtBorneo Convention CenterAnother prominent icon of the state landmark inKuching North is the impressive State Legislativebuilding, located both on a hill and by the riversidejust next to the Astana (the palace and officialresidence of the Head of State). For visitors wholove orchids, they can just pop over to DBKU’s OrchidGarden located just next to the legislative building,to admire the various species of Borneo jungle andhybrid orchids. Take your time to smell and takepictures of some of these exotic blooms as you enjoythe leisurely pace of life in the city.Stadium at Petra JayaSarawak Cultural VillageMasjid Jamek SarawakPopularly known as Cat city (‘kucing’ in Malay meanscat), it is a city with two mayors and administered bytwo city authorities Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utaraand Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan.New CourthouseCat MuseumOrchid GardenDBKU headquarters is a majestic building located ontop of Bukit Siol, one of the landmarks for the city.Other than just being an administrative centre, thebuilding also hosts the famous Cat Museum, a mustvisitdestination for tourists to the city as it has modelsof many interesting cats artifacts from abroad as wellas local species. There are various souvenirs of cats’related memorabilia for all ages and even millennial catmummies in the museum. It is open from Tuesdays toSundays 9am to 5pm. In addition, the fantastic viewState LegislativeAstanawww.dbku.gov.my4 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 5

SarawakSarawakSarawak Museum, which was established duringthe Brooke Regime. Tun Abdul Razak Museum isjust across the road linked by a bridge, the IslamicMuseum is adjacent and not too far off along MainBazaar Road is the Chinese Museum.Square Tower (front) , Clock Tower and Brooke Memorial (back)The newly opened Borneo Convention Centeris another pride of the city, where internationalexhibitions and conferences are held.The Kuching Waterfront, which is just on the oppositebank of the Sarawak River is the most recognisableaspect of the city and with numerous internationalhotels located nearby such as the Hilton, RiversideMajestic and Grand Magherita, the esplanade is anatural place for visitors to walk, jog or even practice‘tai chi’ in the early morning. Visitors can also join theriver cruise, which gives a good view of the city froman unusual angle. The Malay traditional villages alongthe river are distinctive scenery too.Museum SarawakTun Abdul Razak MuseumIslamic MuseumSatokThe Padang Merdeka, the Independence MemorialGround, lies in the centre of the city where theMerdeka Palace Hotel & Suites is situated. Nearby is theGeneral Post Office; another heritage building of theBrooke Regime while across the road is the old CourtHouse turned Tourist Information Center. The IndiaStreet Mall, situated nearby is a famous bargaining andtextile trading spot since the olden days.Twice theDBKU Mayor Mohd. Atei presented the awardto Chief Minister Pehin Sri Haji Abdul TaibMahmud at new State Legislative AssemblyComplex, Petra Jayahappiness!Once again, Kuching NorthCity Hall or commonly known as DBKU was declared the nationalwinner of the prestigious Sustainable City Award 2009/2010Kuching General Post OfficeSarawak Museum GardenPadang MerdekaIndia StreetOn weekends, the Sunday market located at Satok,which operates from Saturday afternoon is a must forvisitors to explore. It is a large market selling ampleproducts ranging from food to clothes, household,hardware, pets, plants and local fresh jungle produce.Check out the Sunday Market and be surprised by therange of things offered.A large portion of the City’s economic activities witha major Industrial Estate, Demak Laut is located justapproximately 30 minutes from DBKU Headquarters.Here you will find large industries involving oil and gas,food processing, wood-based factories, steel factories,and Kuching’s Port - Port Senari, thus depicting theeconomic vibrancy of Kuching North. The ever-popularSarawak layered cake industries are also easily foundalong Jalan Astana and the neighbouring kampung.Museum enthusiasts would be happy to know thatKuching North hosts one of the oldest museums inthe State dating back to more than a century, theFor food delights in Kuching North, the food court atKubah Ria, and Boyan Gersik offers varieties of localdelicacies. Evening meals are best had at the famousKuching Waterfront, with the colonial styled Astanaas the backdrop and the city’s central business districton the other side with their bright lights and neondazzles. The bonus here is that after dinner, one cantake a leisurely experience on the sampan (river taxis)across the river and join in the festivity of pubs andnightspots on the opposite side!Kuching North is also a Medical and Health “hub”whereby the General Hospital with specialist clinics andprivate hospital like Normah Medical Specialist Centerequipped with modern and state-of-the-art facilitiesserved the population and at the same time attractpatients from the neighbouring states and countries.Kuching, the gateway to Sarawak and also theSarawak Corridor for Renewable Energy is a cleanand green garden city as it has won awards for theseattributes and the local authorities strive to maintainthe image for everyone here.Both local and foreign investors would also be keen tonote that both DBKU and MBKS authorities can help tofacilitate investors investing into the SCORE projects.Medan NiagaKubah RiaDBKU Mayor Mohd. Atei receiving theaward from Minister of Natural Resourcesand Environment, Datuk Seri Douglas UggahEmbas at PUTRAJAYAKuching City folks can be justifiablyproud of DBKU as it has for thesecond time been adjudged as thewinner of the biennial Sustainable CityAward (2009/2010) at the NationalEnvironmental Awards recently.Competing against all other cities inMalaysia, DBKU has again achievedthe feat of being the most sustainablecapital city, the same won for theprevious award 2007/2008 at nationaland ASEAN levels, proving that it hasmaintained its lead and is consistent inmaking Kuching a livable city.“It is indeed an honor to have wonthis national and hopefully theregional award, for two consecutivetimes and it certainly bears a lot thatKuching’s residents’ environmentalawareness is ever prevailing whichalso contributes to the winning ofthe award,” DBKU Mayor said ofthe achievement. “When we wonit previously, we were certainly verysurprised and ecstatic; now winningit for two cycles consecutively provedthe effectiveness of our sustainabilityprograms all along!” the Mayoradmitted. “Efforts in sustainability isone of our core programme to meetour target annually and the awardcomes as a bonus” he added.Based on the criteria for theawarding of points, DBKUwas pronounced as havingmany innovations and markedimprovement in environmentalconservation as well as recyclingefforts. In addition, DBKU was alsocommended for the increase in thenumber and efficient maintenanceof recreational venues for residents,easing of traffic congestion withinthe city, and mitigation measures.DBKU was also notching up pointsfor its Sarawak River cleaning efforts,efficient integrated solid wastemanagement and the numerouslandscape beautification initiativeswithin the Garden City’s areas.Community involvement in our effortwas the plus factor. Much of thecollective efforts had paid off for thepride and honour of all Kuchingites.Visitors as well as seminars andconventions participants are oftenecstatic of greenery and clean stateof the city.Congratulations Kuching folks!Together we have made it happen andwe can make it even better!Kuching North City Council (DBKU), Bukit Siol, Jalan Semariang, Petra Jaya,Kuching North City Council (DBKU), Bukit Siol, Jalan Semariang, Petra Jaya,For further information, please contactFor further information, please contact93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 446688 Fax: +6082 446414 <strong>Website</strong>: www.dbku.gov.my93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 446688 Fax: +6082 446414 <strong>Website</strong>: www.dbku.gov.my6 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011 Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 7

SarawakInsidewww.borneotalk.comCover StoryCity of Kuching North(4 – 7)Map (40)Kuching (Sarawak)Sarawak(9 – 29)Samarahan • Padawan • Chief MinisterDepartment • Sarikei • Sarawak Women’sBureau • Ministry of Social Development &Urbanisation • Sarawak Health Department• Bumiputera Entrepreneur Development Unit(UPUB) • Sarawak Timber Industry DevelopmentCorporation (STIDC) • Ministry Of Tourism &Heritage • Sarawak Tourism Board • SarawakForestry Corporation • Permai Rainforest ResortHotel(31 – 37)Grand Margherita Hotel • Riverside MajesticHotel • Tanahmas Hotel Sibu • The RegencyRajah Court Hotel Kuching • The RegencyPlaza Hotel Bintulu • 360 Urban Resort Hotel •360Xpress City Center • The Paramount Hotel• RH Hotel • Borneo Tropical Rainforest ResortShopping(38 – 45)The Summer Shopping Mall • Star Mega Mall •WHB Furniture • Home & Living (HLR) • IDE OfficeSystem Sdn Bhd • ELK Furniture • Asia StarCover storyEndorsed byMinistry Of Tourism & HeritageSarawak8 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011SIGNED, SEALED, DELIVERED,Food(46 – 58)Merdeka Palace Hotel & Suites • PullmanKuching • Seven On Seven • Bukit MataSeafood • Secret Recipe • ALOHA delicatessenbakery • Nansang Kopitiam • Ayiko FoodCentre • Pizza Hut • KFC • Little ItalyInfo(59 – 61)Adventure In Weightloss • Brunei DarussalamEducation(62 – 69)Centre For Modern Managemnet (CMM) •Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) •Sarawak State Library (PUSTAKA) • MPHPeopleSarawak Tourism Board(71 – 73)Lo Khere Chiang • Steve Ng • Edric OngMovie & ETC(74 – 75)Star Cineplex • Somerset Gateway • Sushi Tiep52p28<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> is published by Bumi Serasi. The contents of the magazine may not be reprinted orreproduced without prior written permission. The publisher is not liable for statements made andopinions expressed in the publication.Editor-In-Chief Ivy Pan Executive Editor S C Goh Marketing Ivy Pan, Jasmine Wong,Nancy Shukri Administration Ribena Noh Contributors Margaret Law, S C Goh, S I Ten, MarkJacobson, Japri B Masli, A. Chua, Vicky Fong, Ann Appleton, Design & Art Direction Steven Yap,Photography David Joseph, Jasmine Wong, Mark Jacobson, Sarawak Information Department,Brunei Tourism, Sarawak Forestry, Sarawak Tourism Board, Front Cover Image Kuching Northby SK Chin, LBIPP, Printer Teknik Print Sdn Bhd, MalaysiaWrite to us at <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>, 242E, Lorong 3, Jalan Green, 93150 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 427423, 238968, Fax: +6082 235152 email: ivypan.bumiserasi@gmail.comThe next issue of <strong>BorneoTalk</strong> will be out in April 2011.To Advertise In This Publication Call 6 082 427423Samarahan Anew!The Division in Sarawak is well known for its learningcentres and its diverse developmentSamarahan District Council OfficeIn almost every big cities there are specific areaswhere educational centres and facilities are themain focus for that community. In Sarawak,Malaysia, Samarahan Division is the educationalhub for the state. Designated as such since theearly development of the greater city boundarythat stretches all the way to this district, thearea has since then seen rapid developments ofcomplementary developments to cater to thefast changing landscape where agriculture wasformerly dominant.“While education centres play an importantrole in the development of the division, thereare also many other types of developmentshere that some people may have overlookedwhen talking about Samarahan’s new andemerging face,” Frederick Bayoi, Chairman ofSamarahan District Council, pointed out duringan interview. “It is only natural that whenthere are centres of education like universitiesand colleges, the number of housing estatesas well as shopping and entertainmentcentres too see dramatic rise in the area tomeet growing demands and expectations.Hence many people are quite surprised thatSamarahan is actually no longer just anagricultural centre though there are still vastareas under crops and orchards. In fact, manychoose to drive along our scenic country-styleroads for leisure and pleasure, stopping atroadside stalls for small purchases of freshvegetables and fruits,” he said smilingly.“In this way, there is actually a blend of thetraditional and new developments within thedivision, which is actually one of the largest inthe greater Kuching surroundings,” he pointedout. “We are indeed grateful that these newchanges taking place here will enable locals toenjoy even better facilities and amenities now.On our part, as the main agency responsiblefor the administration of the division, thedistrict council has to also upgrade our servicesand expand on the services offered withthe changing expectations. These we havebeen providing on an ever increasing pace intandem with the developments taking placehere,” he revealed. He added that the councilhas been upgrading the skills of the staff andalso their numbers to cope with the increasingdemands, which will lead to greater numberof skilled people in various capacities in futurewhich augurs well for the state and nation.In addition to the education centres andshopping facilities, Samarahan divisionis also home to many cottage industriessupplying to the main cities and towns inthe state and also abroad. The vast land andvarieties of vegetables, fruits and other cropsmake possible large-scale plantations here,including aquaculture and lucrative bird’s nestscultivation. The tourism aspects are mainlyriverine related like canoeing and upriver scenictours but is certainly the best place to getfresh coconut whenever you feel thirsty or sinkyour teeth into freshly dissected pineapples,oranges or durians when in season.Samarahan District Council94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 671023, 671024, 671025 Fax: +6082 671342www.samarahandc.sarawak.gov.myClean and Green CompetitionSALCRASummer Shopping MallUniversiti Malaysia SarawakTun Abdul Razak Teachers CollegeUniversiti Teknologi MARADesa IlmuJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 9

SarawakGrowing InSarawakWealthof Residential, Tourism and Business VenturesMatang Family ParkKubah National ParkBorneo HighlandTelaga Aircontinue to give people newexperiences like homestay and jungletrekking, canoeing down the river andmountain climbing activities whichmeans that they will bring revenue andconservation of the environment byresponsible travel guides.”The Chairman also noted that thePadawan area is fast becoming thechoice residential district for manycity folks as can be seen by the rapiddevelopment.The OldBatu Kawa BazaarDown memory laneOne of Kuching city’s frequentvisited spot for families and friendsis the Taman Jubilee Mas, just besidethe famous Red Bridge, some 12miles along Matang road. Theclear flowing stream is cool andrefreshing, suitable for everyoneand the pebbles bed makes it evenTaman Jubilee MasAnnah Rais Longhousemore invigorating for picnickers.Most visitors though are obliviousto the fact that this scenic spotcomes under the jurisdiction of thePadawan Municipal Council, just likeother relaxing spots in Matang likeTelega Air and its idealistic kampungby the water or Kubah National Parkand Matang Wildlife Centre.“In fact, many shoppers frequentingthe E-Mart in Matang too are notaware that the area comes under ourpurview,” Chairman Lo Khere Chiangsaid smilingly. “Most people arefamiliar with our other famous sites likeSemenggoh Wildlife Centre, AnnahRais Longhouse, Borneo HighlandResort and our Pitcher Plant and WildOrchid Garden which daily drawsin visitors, both locals and foreign”.“We are happy that these attractionsPADAWAN MUNICIPAL COUNCILKota Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 615566 Fax: +6082 611832Email: mpp@tm.net.my <strong>Website</strong>: www.mpp.gov.my10 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011“I believe that most choose Padawanbecause the environment andsurroundings here are still greenand pristine which appeal to manyhealth conscious people. Here,we ensure that development areproper and within the designatedzones as we want to preserve asmuch of the natural surroundingsas possible,” Lo added. The shortdrive to and from the city is usuallysmooth and congestion free whilethe upcoming bus depot will furtherreduce the number of vehicles on theroad and also bring more businessto the Padawan Bazaar and itssurroundings.Shoppers too will get to experiencemodern shopping in the upcomingmega mall here. It will bring togetherall the conveniences of dailyshopping in a one-stop centre asthe mall is expected to have retail,hyper-market, eateries and servicesto serve the surrounding population.Whichever way you look at it,Padawan Municipal Council area ofjurisdiction is certainly a place that isgrowing and still retains its charms ofbeing green and refreshing.MatangKuching city folks are familiar with themodern Batu Kawah New Townshiplocated in Batu Kawah area, PadawanMunicipality as this is where almostevery amenities for modern living canbe found. Ultra modern apartments,high end residential estates andshophouses dominate the Batu KawahTownship, making it a self sustainingarea, inclusive of schools, clinics,government agencies and host ofprivate enterprises selling everythingunder the sun!Just mere kilometers from the BatuKawah township lies an even moreintriguing town, the old Batu KawaBazaar, the right turn just after thebridge when coming from MJC.Foremost to drivers will be the newrows of shophouses facing the mainroad, an extension of the old bazaar.The short winding road leading intothe Bazaar will take you right intothe heart of the old town with itstypical two rows of shophouses.The only difference here is that anumber of the old shops have beenreplaced by new modern ones butPADAWAN MUNICIPAL COUNCILKota Padawan, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 615566 Fax: +6082 611832Email: mpp@tm.net.my <strong>Website</strong>: www.mpp.gov.myremain essentially where they wereonce originally. Towards the end ofthe Bazaar are the few remaining oldshops, each thriving nonchalantly inthis modern age. A primary schooland clinic occupies one side of theend of the town while one of theoldest city temple sits on the otherend of the street, facing the river.The temple is an icon of the townas this is where worshippers cometo pay homage to deities for aprosperous life.At the centre of the end of the mainstreet lies the community hall, arelatively new building in comparisonto the rest of the town. Folks here arelaid back and ever smiling to visitorsas they have seen thousands passingby over the years! Most of them arecity folks, usually visiting the townfor its famous pork-meat balls. Thepork-meat balls can be cooked withvegetables and soup for a refreshingbut not over-fulfilling lunch or youcan have noodles with the pork-meatballs. Stall No. 36 ‘Poh Yak’ is reputedto have started the business earliestin the old town as they can attest toselling pork-meat balls even before thecoming of the Japanese during theSecond World War! Now, there are anumber of other pork-meat ball shopsaround the bazaar and some havediversified into fried noodles with porkmeatballs and other variations in theirmeat ball dishes.For the more adventurous types, onthe opposite side of the town, acrossthe river (a road leads here with theleft turn from the bridge) are wholecommunities of farmers and also fishfarms. Driving along the windingroads here will give you the pleasureof experiencing country style livingwith farm houses, gardens and plotsof farming all along the way. There arecertainly many old charms that makesBatu Kawa Bazaar, the place for goingdown memory lane!Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 11

SarawakSarikeiNaturally!The proudpineapple townhas grown withdevelopmentsin surroundingareasAnywhere you go in Sarawak,everyone will tell you that the bestpineapples are found in Sarikei; sofamous are these that they havebecome the benchmark by whichpeople compare any pineapplein the state! Often referred to asthe pineapple town of Sarawak,Sarikei has since changed into oneof the fastest developing townsin the Rejang basin area in thecentral region. The main impetusfor the growth is definitely the riseof Tanjung Manis and its relatedactivities like halal hub, fishing port,export centre as well as airport withSarikei being the main town fromwhich most of the supplies comefrom and also banking services,water and labour force.“The Sarawak Corridor of RenewableEnergy (SCORE) that stretches fromTanjung Manis to Bintulu has spurredmuch development in the surroundingareas, including Sarikei, whichincidentally is the closest town to itand hence the main supply centre formost of the area’s needs,” expressedResident of Sarikei Division MichaelDawi Alli. “Previously, the town wasmostly dependent on agriculture andalso the main administrative centrefor the surrounding communities andnow it is also an important food andservices supplier to the growth areaof Tanjung Manis. It is also a colourfuland peaceful town with multi-ethnicand religious groups of population whowork together as a team for the goodof everyone.”With some 130,000 people to serve,the Resident’s Office makes it apoint to engage with the people byinteracting closely with them on a dailybasis as well as providing easy accesslike website and also efficient staff tohandle their needs and expectations.By pursuing clients’ charter in theirwork ethics and dedication, theResident’s Office, Sarikei successfullyprovided the level of services expectedand has even won state awards fortheir efforts over the years.“Most visitors to Sarikei would goto Tanjung Manis for a look at therapid development there while intown they can visit the agriculturedeer farm, lake garden, and thescenic river with its colourful array ofboats. The Sebangkoi Country parkis one area we are particularly proudof as it has activities for visitors likejungle trekking in the lush forest,river fishing, evening barbequebelow the high level rest house andretiring for the night with soothingjungle sounds and waking to earlyanimal songs and calls,” the Residentoffered. “When leaving for home,you must take back our pineapplesto your friends as they will all expectthat from you as Sarikei has the bestpineapples in the state. Try them outand you will soon know why!”For further information, please contact Sarikei Resident’s Office, 10 th Floor, Wisma JubliMutiara, Jalan Bersatu, 96100 Sarikei, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6084 651963 Fax: +6084 653204www.sarikeiro.sarawak.gov.myJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 13

SarawakPointing theway to successfor womenSarawak Women’s Bureau strives to give womeneverywhere the opportunity to rise to the top14 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011and contribution to the state’s wealthand productive workforce. Whilemajority of them are still rural based,nevertheless the number indicates thatwomen can contribute positively tothe prosperity of the state if properlytapped for their skills and tenacityin working for the welfare of theirfamilies. Hence education and othernecessary support when given to allrural based women can lead to veryproductive and skillful force in theSarawak Women’s Bureau atChief Minister of Sarawak house (Bulan Puasa 2010)I-KIT Sarawak Programme 2010 • Creative Craft Programme 2010 • • bsma LPPKN Exibition, Dewan MUC SibuChief Minister of Sarawak (centre) withthe women ministersstate, especially at the time when it isexpected to be moving at full steamtowards achieving developed statusby 2020.“It is obvious that women in Malaysiaas a whole has come a long wayand today many share the samepinnacle of success as their malecounterparts in many fields, especiallyin the academic and scientific fieldsas well as in businesses,” said PuanNorjanah Haji Razali, Director of theSarawak Women’s Bureau. “Theirsuccess show that women here haveevery opportunity to achieve whatthey want in life as long as theystrive for it and education is the maingateway by which any woman canbe just as successful and capable asmen. That’s why we at the Bureaustress on education for every womenorganization within our group toensure that everyone can look forwardto a better life in future. The Bureauwas formed in 1988 with the aimof having a government agencyexpressively looking after the affairsof women in the stateand towards this aim, wehave always presentedour views, proposals andsupport for initiativesthat will promote greaterparticipation for womenin the state and nation’seconomy, legislative andadministrative capacities.”“Currently we have94 different womenNon GovernmentalOrganisations (NGOs)registered with theBureau and so the scopeof interest and reach isquite large and far,” sherevealed. “Our emphasisis always similar; we try our best toensure that these NGOs are wellrepresented in various governmentactivities and programmes that reachout to society so that everyone ofthem will have the opportunity tofully participate in the process ofstate and nation building. In thisprocess, there is no regards to race,religion, economic status, age orother factors as our aim is for allwomen to be successful one day.When women become successful,often their families also becomesuccessful and so we will have morehappy families and this is the bestway forward for a multi-cultural,religious state like Sarawak,” theDirector assuredly stated.Puan Norjanah also revealed thatapart from being actively involvedwith women NGOs in the state, theBureau is also active in the largercontext of national participation. Itrepresents these NGOs at the nationallevel and often have representativesfrom related organizations jointhe national meetings on issuesrelating to women. The Bureau isalso well connected to the Borneoncounterparts in Sabah, Brunei andIndonesian Kalimatan on numerousprogrammes affecting women andtheir roles in the modern worldby participating in these regionalmeetings.“Regardless of where we are orwhere we come from, women ingeneral are often the ones whoface the most hardships in thesecountries and so it is ideal if we canall group together and work forthe common good and welfare ofwomen within our own region,”she reasoned. “At these regionalmeetings, our achievements maydiffer on some issues but overallour aims and means are similar andwherever we can assist each other,it is good for all those women inthe many different areas. Manywomen in rural areas still needassistance in countless fields and weall strive to give them the necessaryexposure and experience to beable to compete effectively as theMeeting the people session with Yang BerhormatSenator Dato’ Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (7 May 2009)Hilton KuchingSarawakadvent of ICT has made it easierand effective for women to matchtheir male counterparts. Previously,men had the advantage of beingmore mobile and can travel alone forsales and other promotions while itis much more difficult for a womanto go out in the market, especially ifshe has children and older folks totake care of. Now, it doesn’t reallymatter when it comes to providingservices as long as you can get ontothe Net and the whole world is atyour disposal and at your own pace.I think it has made the competitionmore fair to women!” she quipped.On the political front,Puan Norjanah saidthat Malaysian womenare also being givenprominence at boththe federal and statelevels with full ministersand assistant ministers,indicating that thenation and state areacknowledging theircontribution. Familiarnames like Dato’ SeriRafidah Aziz, DatukNg Yen Yen, Dato SeriSharizat, Datin FatimahAbdullah, Dato SriEmpiang Jabu andDatuk Rohani Karimimmediately springs to the mind. Theyhave made considerable contributionson the political scene in the nation andstate. On the part of the Bureau, it isessentially a non-political organizationand does not seek politicalachievements for its office bearers asa reflection of its success. Rather, theBureau congratulates all those withinthe organizations who have achievedsuccess in the various political arenasas a sign of women being given theopportunities to also lead in variousgovernment agencies.Welcoming our first lady Yang Amat Berbahagia DatinPatinggi Rosmah Mansor (right) with YB Datin Fatimah(2 nd right) and Dato Sri Empiang Jabu (3 rd right)Women make up about 50 percentof the total population in Sarawak, anindication of their strength in numbers Sarawak Women’s Bureau • Jalan Bakti off Jalan Sultan Tengah, Semariang, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6086 446980, 446178 Fax: +6086 447937Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 15

SarawakSarawakSocial contract for aThe Ministry of Social Developmentand Urbanisation (KPSU) is easilyone of the most active in the stateas it is involved in sports, culture andyouth activities and programmes.Interestingly, in Sarawak, these threeseemingly distantly related areas arevery much co-related mainly due tothe multi-ethnic, religious and culturalaspects of the state. Sports activitieshave always been an important partof school programmes among thedifferent races studying there andgrowing up in such environment, it isonly natural that these strong bondsbetween the people continue whenthey join the workforce. Hence theKPSU is always the focus and centreof attention when it comes to youths,culture and sports as all three are verymuch related to one another.bonding spirit picked up from an earlyage brings about the unique harmonyamongst the races here, regardlessif you are in the rural or urbansetting; the unity is unpretentiousand sincere which makes the state atruly 1Malaysia champion! In a wayit could be said that KPSU is oneof the main agencies responsiblefor the development of humanresources here as it enables thedifferent groups of people to freelymix and develop their potential fromchildhood through their activities andprogrammes.As it is the agency in charge ofstadiums, civic centres and youthcamps as well as main sports agency,KPSU makes full use of these venueswhen carrying out their activities. Basedon the disciplined and organised natureof their activities, especially in sports,the ministry has achieved considerablesuccess, often posing strong challengeto the established sports powerhousein the SUKMA or youth sports eventswhere every state takes part toshowcase their young and emergingathletes from various disciplines.One way the ministry has managedto identify the issues relating tosocial and youth problems in thestate has been through carrying outsurveys and projects analysing andaccessing the issues while workingout workable solutions to theseproblems. Amongst the notableones include studies on youths andparents perception of vocationaltraining programmes, single mothersin lower social economic strata inthe state, impact of housing onresidents in various areas, study onsocial economic survey in the cities,gender equity, ageing, domesticviolence, influence of tobacco andalcohol usage, early childhoodlearning programmes evaluation,youths in traditional music and sportsdevelopment master plan study. Allthese and other studies attemptto unlock the social problems andstigma of various issues relating tothe social factors in the state whichcan lead to greater awareness ofthe problems, their solutions andeven elimination by involving publicsupport and participation.Pemadam (Malaysia drug preventionagency) is a non-governmental bodywith the aim of making the countryfree from drug menace. KPSU worksclosely with the agency to ensurethat those affected and involvedin drug activities are providedcounselling and programmes toguide them to become useful citizensfree from the clutches of drugs. Theirproactive programmes and activitiesare designed to give these formerdrug addicts the opportunity tochange their lifestyle and opt for abetter future without drugs.brightersocietyMinistry of Social Developmentand Urbanisation (KPSU) sloganis “We Care” and it reallylives up to this!Sarawak’s population is essentiallymulti-cultural and ethnicity in almostall the major towns and sportsactivities has always been the unifyingfactor for young children whenin schools. The shared values andunderstanding from an early age inmixing with diverse range of peoplesfrom different origins have enabledpeople here to freely engage withforeigners from all over the worldand one of the main reasons whySarawakians always have a readysmile when meeting visitors here. Thewww.kpsu-sarawak.net16 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Ministry of Social Development & Urbanisation (KPSU)Tingkat 3, Bangunan Baitul Makmur, Petra Jaya 93050, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 440441, 444857 Fax: +6082 312531Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 17

SarawakSarawakAchieving anEnhanced Qualityof LifeAs an integral part of thegovernment of Malaysia, the Ministryof Health (MOH) has continuouslyprovided Malaysians with tophealthcare services through constantupgrading of personnel, equipmentand delivery system.Various healthcare facilities such ashospitals, poly and community clinics,outpatient, maternal, child health,dental clinics as well as health centresare available throughout the country tocater to the needs of Malaysians.In Sarawak, the Sarawak HealthDepartment provides healthcareservices that centralise on the basicprinciples of health promotion,preventive measures of diseases, earlytreatment/referral and rehabilitationthrough a network of 290 healthfacilities throughout the state.The strategies to achieve thecountry’s vision of a nation of healthyindividuals, families and communitiesthrough developing a quality andinnovative health system promotingindividual responsibility andcommunity participation towardsan enhanced quality of life by theyear 2020, are implemented underthe Medical Care (Hospital), PublicHealth, Oral Health and Pharmacyprogrammes.Medical Care services in the state areprovided through 22 hospitals locatedin major towns throughout Sarawakwhich comprises the Sarawak GeneralHospital in Kuching, three districtshospitals with specialist services namelySibu, Miri and Bintulu Hospital, 16district hospitals without specialistservices and two special institutions- Sentosa Hospital and Rajah CharlesBrooke Memorial Hospital.Sarawak has a two-tier referralsystem where cases requiring furthertreatment are referred from clinics tohospitals. For patients who requirespecialist care, they are referred tospecialist clinics in the larger hospitals.Meanwhile, the backbone of thegovernment health care delivery systemhere is the static health facilities, whichcover about 70% of the populationand the mobile units, which haveincreased access to almost 90%.There are currently 187 rural healthclinics that function as ‘one-stop’family health centres, providing anintegrated service comprising maternal& childcare, general outpatient careand environmental sanitation, all ofwhich are equipped with rest beds andbirthing facilities to encourage safedelivery among rural mothers.In addition to the established publichealth clinics, the department alsohas mobile clinics comprising VillageHealth Teams and the Flying DoctorService who constantly visit rural andout-of-reach communities, travellingto their destination by road, river, onfoot or by helicopter, depending on theaccessibility of the areas they serve.The Flying Doctor Service, which wasintroduced in 1973, covers a total of173 locations in the remote areas ofthe state, tending to approximately70,000 outpatients, children andantenatal mothers annually.basic healthcare to the villagers andprovide regular reports on the types ofillnesses they tended to staff from thenearest health facility.Since the programme was introducedin 1983 by the department, thereare approximately 2956 volunteersthroughout the state serving a total of271,182 people from 1664 villages.Another unique feather of the state’smedical care services is the use of‘home-based’ medical records, whichconsist of child-health card, antenatalcard and outpatient card. This systemprovides the medical history ofeach patient for easy reference andensures continuity of care for thepatient, especially in children, whereimmunisation records are connected.Other healthcare services by thedepartment include the OralHealth Division, which renders oralhealthcare to Sarawakians through acomprehensive network of main dentalclinics, specialist dental clinics, schooldental clinics and mobile dental teamsthroughout the state.Comprising a medical officer,a medical assistant and twocommunity nurses, the servicealso provides medical emergencyevacuation (MEDEVAC) of seriouslyill patients from the locality to thenearest appropriate rural healthclinics or hospital.Aimed at continuously enhancing theoral health status of the populationthrough the provision of promotive,preventive, curative and rehabilitativeoral health services, the Oral HealthDivision gives priority to schoolchildren, preschool children, antenatalmothers, the elderly and clientswith special needs.On the other hand, basic healthcare isalso provided to those living in remoteareas by community health volunteerswho are trained under the VillageHealth Promoter (VHP) programme.Two volunteers from each participatingvillages would undergo three weeksof structured training on a variety ofhealth-related topics such as healthpromotion, providing first-aid andlearn how to detect signs of diseaseslike tuberculosis or malaria from bloodsamples. Once they have completedthe training, they are able to provideFinally, the Pharmaceutical Serviceof the department is responsible forenforcing the poisons, drugs andpharmacy legislations, provisionof pharmaceutical services andprovision of drugs and non-drugspharmaceutical supplies.In order to achieve the vision of ahealthy nation, the Sarawak HealthDepartment will continuously striveto promote good health, ensureeasy access to good and affordablehealthcare and pursue medicalexcellence to the people of Sarawak.For further enquiries, please callSarawak Health Department at Jalan Tun Abang Haji Openg,93590 Kuching, Sarawak. Tel: +6082 256566 Fax: +6082 424959Email: sarawakhealth@moh.gov.my18 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011jknsarawak.moh.gov.myJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 19

SarawakYB Tuan Hj Mohd Naroden bin Hj Majais, Assistant Minister in the Chief Minister Office (centre)and YBhg Datu Abdul Ghafur bin Shariff, Deputy State Secretary II (2 nd left)Raising the number and quality ofentrepreneurs in new, strategic andhigh impact sectors while promotingentrepreneurship as a way of life amongthe general public are considered criticalto achieving the Unit’s vision. The highimpact and strategic sectors beingfocused on include eco tourism, swifletranching and birds nest processing,growing and processing gaharufor the high end market as well asthe biotechnology sector especiallyin cosmetic, herbal or nutritionalsupplements. The Director, Puan HajahSutin Sahmat also hopes that theUnit’s initiative to develop a nucleusof entrepreneurs in content industrysuch as producing documentaries,animations, games etc will attract thecooperation and participation from allinterested parties to push the high valueindustry in the State.Bumiputera Entrepreneur Development Unit togetherwith YB Hj Mohd Naroden Hj Majais (centre)YB Datuk Hj Fadillah bin Yusof, Deputy Minister Of Science,Technology and Innovation (centre) at 1nita Programme,Businesses through Internet for Women EntrepreneursSarawakBringing upcreative & innovativeentrepreneursSarawak’s Bumiputera Entrepreneur Development Unit leads in the processThe Bumiputera EntrepreneurDevelopment Unit, (Unit PembangunanUsahawan Bumiputera), establishedin late 2007 under the Sarawak ChiefMinister’s Department, functions asthe main coordinating body in theState to uplift entrepreneurs, especiallyamong the Bumiputera community.Envisioning to lead the transformationof entrepreneurship developmentgearing towards the establishmentof an inclusive, integrated andsustainably high income world classbusiness community, the Unit’s missionis to facilitate the development ofinnovative, dynamic, competitive andresilient entrepreneurs.20 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Festival Bubur Lambok Ramadan 2010Dato’ Noharuddin Nordin, CEO Matrade (3 rd left), Puan Hajah Satin Sahmat, Director UPUB(3 rd right) and entrepreneurs at the 7 th CAEXPO 2010 (China Expo) at Nanning, ChinaThe Unit’s modus operandi of workingin smart partnership with all relevantgovernment agencies at both theState and Federal level, NGOs,entrepreneurs and the private sectorgives credence to the development ofan inclusive and integrated businesscommunity in the State. Policy,strategy formulation and coordinationin relation to entrepreneurshipdevelopment, capacity developmentthrough seminars, courses andworkshop, market promotions, productdevelopment and consultation areamong its primary functions.Active participation in programmessuch as ‘Majlis Pemimpin BersamaRakyat – Sejiwa Senada’ in all Divisionsat the State level and Satu Daerah SatuIndustri programme and at the nationallevel exposes the Unit and the localentrepreneurs to the local and nationalmarket. Joining MATRADE in trademission overseas including to Brunei,London, Japan, China and Vietnamhelps to promote awareness andacceptance of Sarawak’s SME productsincluding kek lapis Sarawak, sagobased and ikan keli based products aswell as local handicrafts.The launching of the first BumiputeraEntrepreneurs Directory 2010 on 21 stDecember 2010 by YB Haji MohdNaroden Haji Majais, Assistant Ministerin the Chief Minister’s Department(Entrepreneur Development) highlightsthe Unit’s role in facilitating a businessSejiwa Senada Mukah Programme (Government With Citizen))friendly environment with better accessto information on the entrepreneursand their products.Close cooperation among all businesssegments, smart partnership amongdynamic partners and with supportfrom a facilitative and business friendlypublic sector at both the State andFederal level is expected to help createa vibrant business environment inSarawak.Malaysia Innovative Carnival 2010 at the Waterfront Kuching.The 18 meters long 1Malaysia “kek lapis” has been recorded asthe longest “kek lapis” in the Malaysia’s Book Of RecordBUMIPUTERA ENTREPRENEUR DEVELOPMENT UNIT (UPUB)Chief Minister Office, 12 th Floor, Wisma Bapa Malaysia, 93502 Petra Jaya, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 441957 Fax: +6082 449079<strong>Website</strong>: www.usahawan-sarawak.gov.myJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 21

SarawakSarawak Timber IndustryDevelopment Corporation (STIDC/PUSAKA), committed to excellence intimber industries and related activitiesPUSAKA aimsfor highly skilledWORK-FORCESarawak Timber IndustryDevelopment Corporation (STIDC/PUSAKA) is a government agencyformed in 1973 to expand the reachof timber and its related activitiesin the state. Today it is the leadingagency for all timber related activitiesin the state. From licensing andtimber grading, it is now diversifiedfrom Bintulu to Tanjung Manis intoa thriving and sustainable belt withindustries and related projects.On human capacity building, PUSAKAis committed to develop skilled labourforce within the timber industries andthe related activities to propel thestate’s economy. The developmentof skilled labour force must be inaccordance with the current trendof the timber sector. Input from localand foreign experts is therefore vital.Through this effort, PUSAKA is poisedto draw a bigger pool of labour forits expanded activities, especiallyin the downstream industries.Gradually, this dependency onforeign labour is crucial in view thattimber trade in Sarawak is a regulatedand sustainable industry subject tostringent rules and regulations toensure its long-term survival.Of note is the emphasis onentrepreneur developmentprogrammed by PUSAKA, whichis aimed at establishing a poolof business savvy Bumiputerabusinessmen in the timber industry.The programme is in line withthe state and national policy ofbuilding up skilled and enterprisingentrepreneurs amongst theBumiputera with the expandingeconomic wealth of the nation.into many different fields withinthe timber fraternity industries,forging partnerships and building onexpertise in the various disciplines.Among the notable achievementsto date for PUSAKA includes thedevelopment of the Tanjung ManisHalal Hub, which is envisioned to bethe biggest of such centre in eastMalaysia with integrated supportfacilities and townships to supportthe project. The project which is partof Sarawak Corridor of RenewableEnergy (SCORE) is in line withthe state government’s vision totransform the whole area stretchingwww.sarawaktimber.org.myFor more information, please contact Sarawak Timber Industry Development Corporation (STIDC), Wisma Sumber Alam, Jalan Stadium,Petra Jaya, 93050 Kuching, P.O. Box 194, 93702 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 443477 Fax: +6082 442691 Email: stidc@pusaka.gov.my22 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011

InfoSarawakwww.sarawaktourism.comTourismCalendar of Events January to June 2011PestaLimauBintangor20 Mayat:Various locations in Miri City Centre, MiriInfoWorld HarvestFestival28 – 29 MAYat:Sarawak Cultural Village, Kuching(Note: Event dates are subject to change without prior notice) For further enquiries, please contact:Sarawak Tourism Board (STB) Tel: +6082 423600 • Kuching North City Hall (DBKU) Tel: +6082 446688 • Kuching South City Council (MBKS) Tel: +6082 242311Padawan Municipal Council Tel: +6082 615566 • Miri City Council Tel: +6085 424111 • Sibu Municipal Council Tel: +6084 333411Little ChinaTown1 Jan – 5 Febat:Tun Jugah, KuchingChinese New Yearpromotions. Acrobaticand lion dance by theLion Dance Group fromChinese Associations.29 Jan – 2 Febat:Along High Street& Kingsway Road, MiriOrganised annually during the first weekbefore Chinese New Year to boost thefestive mood and also to give opportunityto the public to buy various goods such asfood, clothes and decorative material.Gong Xi Fa ChaiBazaar 201115 – 21 MAYat:BintangorActivities include tradefair, futsal matches, watersport fireworks, streetparades and lanterncompetition.Betong GawaiCarnivalMAYat:BetongMiri acquired its city status on 20 th May 2005. Miri CityCouncil organised various kinds of programmes tocommemorate Miri City Day. Miri has obtained one recordin Malaysia Book of Records on its main event held inyear 2007 and five records in year 2010. Miri City DayCelebration Programmes have been well received by boththe locals and visitors.Miri City Day CelebrationSamarahan Fest –Samarahan RegattaMAYat:Tambirat Asajaya, SamarahanIn conjunction with Sarawak Gawai Festival(Harvesting), Sarawak Cultural Village willorganized World Harvest Festival, wherethe highlights includes theme play basedon the Bidayuh Community, Internationalconcerts and workshops by local and invitedinternational cultural group, Ngabang orhouse visit session at Iban, Bidayuh and OrangUlu Longhouse, Grand Final of Ethnic BeautyPageant “Miss Fair & Lovely WHF” and GrandFinal of Ironman WHF competition.Mukah KaulFestival27 Apr – 1 MAYat:Pantai Kala Dana, MukahKaul is a traditional festivalcelebrated by the Melanaucommunity living along the coastof central Sarawak region. Thefestival is a ritual of purificationand thanksgiving to the spiritof the sea as well as one of thepropitiations for good fortune.JubliPerak Run8 MAYat:Taman Jubli Bukit Aup, JalanKuari SibuSafari Rakit Balleh9 – 10 Aprat:KapitOrganised since 2002. Open toparticipants from Sarawak. Theevent include categories for men/ women open, men / womenveteran open and men / womenjunior open.24 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011A two days rafting competitionwhere participants get the chanceto manoeuvre the raft, once usedby riverine communities, and toexperience the rich Iban culture intheir most natural environment.SelangauFestival30 Apr – 1 MAYat:Pekan Selangau, SibuBorneo JazzFestivalKampung Boyan-Gersik-Sourabaya Nostalgia Fiesta14 – 19 MaRat:Kampung Boyan, Gersik& Sourabaya, KuchingEvent that include foodfair, nostalgic exhibition,demonstration of traditionalgame and “perahu tambang”show. This event is to createawareness and appreciate thetraditional lifestyle of Sarawakriverbank folks.Activities include blow-pipe competition, reading andcolouring contest, karaoke, sport and beauty contest.13 – 14 MAYat:Parkcity Everly Hotel, MiriThe festival aims to be theleading tourism-drivenmusic festival in this region,assembling internationallyrecognized jazz musiciansand showcasing Miri as acosmopolitan city with relaxinglifestyle.Sibu Cub Prix 20111 – 2 MAYat:Litar Jalan Pulau / DataranBandar SibuOrganised since 2008 and open toparticipants from Sarawak.Miri CityBike Week13 – 15 MAYat:Tanjung Bay, MiriThe Biggest Motorcycle Event inSarawak. A Gathering For BikersAnd Motorcycle Lovers. ComeAnd Join Us. Support Our LocalMotorcycle Events.Activities include blow pipe competition,Pekit Kumang & Keling (beauty contest),Iban song karaoke competition, PekitNgajat (Iban dance) and also GawaiBetong Gathering.Puffer FishFestivalMAYat:Kampung Manggut, SpaohOrganised to promote harmonyamong the community in Betong, thepeople take part in various categoriesof puffer fish catching. Part of thefestival’s programme includes amini-expo, football matches for bothmen and women, Gendang Melayu(traditional musical), ketupat weavingand a mini-regatta.Gawai CarnivalRedeem /Birumuh Fiesta25 – 26 JunEat:Kampung Apar, Singai Bau“Birumuh” means farming in Bidayuhdialect and is usually associated withplanting rice. However, as the Bidayuh’sachieved progress and modernizationover the years, it also came to meangaining education and knowledge.Batang Kayan –Batang Sadong RaftSafari, SerianJunEat:Batang Kayan, Pekan Tebakang and BatangSadong, Bandar SerianThese bamboo rafting competitions consist of 3 to5 persons in a team and is open to the locals andtourists to participate.This event is organise every two yearfeaturing boat race, wide variety offood stalls and cultural performances.Buffalo Race Festival3 – 5 JunEat:Kampung Batu Danau, LimbangBabulang Festival is a buffalo racefestival which is significant to the Bisayacommunity in Limbang.BalauCarnivalJunEat:Stadium PerpaduanDalatTo promote palm-basedproducts.Miri May FestMAYat:MiriSebuyauFestivalThis annual programme startedin year 1989 and is now knownas Miri May Fest. 50 events werelined up in year 2010 and manymore events are planned for2011. It has become the mainattractions of activities for Miriin May every year.Irau Aco LunBawang Fiesta31 MAY – 2 JunEat:LawasThis festival is traditionally a celebrationof the rice harvest but now it showcasesa variety of Lun Bawang culture andevents such as Ruran Ulung (beautypageant contest) and nguip suling(bamboo musical instrument band)JunEat:Pekan Sebuyau, SimunjanProgrammes include boat race,heritage art, trade exhibition andothers.Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 25

SarawakSarawakAdopt anorang utantoday!These iconic cuties needyour support to survive in theirnatural habitatOrangutan rehabilitation programsare expensive and require dedicatedpersonnel. As such, we are offeringpublic involvement in our rehabilitationprograms by introducing theOrangutan Adoption Program thataims to raise funds for conservation andrehabilitation, extend ownership of theprogram to citizens of the world anddisseminate information on orangutanconservation efforts in Sarawak.for 20 pax. It is also inclusive ofcomplimentary single use of facilitiese.g. auditorium, meeting rooms, etcat Matang and Semenggoh WildlifeCentres.SWEETHEARTSOF SARAWAKThe individual package (from RM200)include adoption of a specific orangutanin the centres, quarterly updates onnews of your adopted orangutan inour wildlife centre via email or website,an orangutan adoption certificate andorangutan soft toy.The plight of the orangutans asiconic species has touched thehearts of many over the world. Thisintelligent creature, sharing 97%of the similar DNA as human isendemic to Malaysia and Indonesiaand regarded as highly endangeredspecies due to their habitatdestruction, indiscriminate huntingand animal trade.26 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011In Sarawak, active conservationprograms including rehabilitationof orphaned and displacedorangutan are implemented.The State’s conservation effortsinvolve conserving and protectingtheir natural range habitat, publiceducation and rehabilitationprograms at the Semenggoh andMatang Wildlife Centres. Incredibly,these two centres have foundthemselves on the world map!The adoption fund include projectson orangutan conservation,educational program to promoteawareness on orangutanconservation and food andmedication for orangutan in ourorangutan rehabilitation centres.SARAWAK FORESTRY welcomescaring individuals and corporatebodies to participate in theOrangutan Adoption Program andsponsorship packages are corporateand individual packages.Corporate package (from RM10,000)include adopting a specificorangutan in the centres, a profile ofyour adopted orangutan, quarterlyupdates on news of your adoptedorangutan in our wildlife centrevia email or website, an orangutanadoption certificate, orangutansoft toy, media announcementon your adoption, co-brandingopportunities in the wildlife centre, a10-R framed photo of your adoptedorangutan and complimentaryparticipation in Heart 2 Heart withOrangutan program at wildlifecentres in Matang and SemenggohFor more information, please contact Corporate Communications SARAWAK FORESTRY Corporation Sdn. Bhd.,Lot 218, KCLD, Jalan Tapang, Kota Sentosa, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 610088 Fax: +6082 610099 Email: info@sarawakforestry.comwww.sarawakforestry.comAdopters are required to bear thecharges for cheque clearance or interbankfund transfer and certificatesare to be collected at SARAWAKFORESTRY Corporate Office orMatang Wildlife Centre. Scannedcertificates can be sent by e-mailwith no extra charge, but those whorequire the certificates to be courieredwill need to bear the cost.Adopting an orangutan is rewardingand can help us make a real difference.SARAWAK FORESTRY Corporationhas recently launched a coffee tablebook - the ‘SWEETHEARTS OFSARAWAK’ aimed to promotepublic awareness and to raise fundsfor orang utan conservation inSarawak. The book introduces theamazing characters and pictorialpresentation of the orang utansin wildlife centres of Matang andSemenggoh in Kuching. Getacquainted with these fabuloussweethearts and get ready to fallin love with them. Priced at RM99a copy, the proceeds from saleof this book will be channeledfor improving the rehabilitationand conservation of orangutans.‘SWEETHEARTS OF SARAWAK’is available at the Park Shop, locatedin national parks in Sarawak or atthe SARAWAK FORESTRY CorporateOffice and Regional Offices inKuching, Sibu, Bintulu and Miri. Forfurther info, please visit our websiteat www.sarawakforestry.com oremail to info@sarawakforestry.com /contact +6082 629335.h2h.sarawakforestry.com (Facebook)Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 27

SarawakSarawakPermaiRainforestResortNature retreat &Adventure trainingPermai Rainforest Resort in Kuching, Sarawakis a unique place as it caters to different nichegroups – the high adrenalin type of adventuretraining or the great nature adventure withmodern comforts. Located at Santubongpeninsula it is just the perfect venue for theseactivities as proven by being the choice locationfor the 2006 Amazing Race Asia Final Challengeas well as featured in other TV shows.On the team building and trainingaspect, Permai easily has the mostfacilities like obstacle course, rafts,kayaks, jungle tracks, high ropescourse, climbing wall, Via Ferrata,abseiling, low ropes course, variousinitiative games, tree top towers,orienteering, bridge building andrope making among the numerouschoices available. Paramount for theinstructors is safety when it comes totraining for professionals, civil servicepersonnel, private sector teams orstudents and with a combined totalof 45 years experience under theirbelt, participantsare assured thatthey are in verysafe hands and willbenefit much fromtheir exposure. Everyteam for training iscarefully assessedbased on needsand expectations aswell as capabilitiesto ensure that theywill gain the bestresult from theirparticipation.by the exotic location to begin withand the close contact with naturewhen on trips here. The recreationalfacilities include bird watching towers,snorkeling trips, dolphin watching,mangrove cruises, kayak expedition,night walks, canopy challenge, bicyclerental, boogey boarding, skimboarding,surf kayaking, volleyball, beach soccerand Frisbee to name some. The dolphinwatch is for the Irrawaddy Dolphinsthat make their presence around thepeninsula when feeding while keepinga lookout for turtles too. SnorkelingFor further information, please contact:Teluk Penyu, The Santubong Peninsula, Kuching, Sarawak, MalaysiaTel: +6082 846487 Fax: +6082 846486 Email: reserve@permairainforest.comManaged by Damai Rainforest Resort Sdn. Bhd. (Company No. 83086-P)In addition to the outdoor facilities,Permai too has excellent indoor oneswith three conference rooms, and hallwith full amenities like LCD projectors,flip charts, white boards, overheadprojectors, PA system and tea breaks.A point to note is that wifi services isavailable at the reception lobby, cafeand conference rooms. What manyparticipants remember most fromexperience is the food; the meals are ofgood quality and the exotic locationslike on remote beach, in secluded cove,under forest canopy and theme dinnersall make for exciting and memorabletimes while at the peninsula basedresort.Visitors who come for a relaxingeco-adventure are equally thrillednear Satang island will reward you withthe colourful world of corals under theclear water and their abundant fish andother creatures.Kayaking is fun as it involves tripsalong the coastal areas and thegreat sunshine and sea breeze whileenjoying the scenery of the beachfront. Evening trips are rewardedwith the sparkling bio-luminescentplankton glowing in the water, asight that has to be experienced toget the thrill! Equally exciting is theevening mangrove trips to catch aglimpse of the bright red spots on thewater’s edge indicating the presenceof crocodiles and the evening grandfinale, the light show by fireflies restingalong the mangrove canopy which isjust spectacular.Living some 20feet above theground in the resort’s Treehouseaccommodation is an experience byitself too. These specially built fullyfurnished homes come with all theamenities you expect from any hotelroom and more, especially the greatview from the comfort of your room!Group sharing cabin accommodationis also available at Permai resortand also comes with full range ofamenities for a comfortable andenjoyable stay.Another notable point about theresort is that it tries as much aspossible to go green when it comesto refuse like recycling, reuse andcomposing of food waste. It even hasvegetable farms using the composedmaterials as part of their efforts whilethe lightings used are all energysavings type. The staff voluntarily goon rubbish collection at the nearbywalking tracks and all woodenfurniture used are from certifiedsourced materials suppliers. So, allthose who stay at Permai Resortdirectly and indirectly contributesto the efforts of sustainability andecological awareness in making theworld a better place for everyone,now and for the future.www.permairainforest.com28 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 29

TanahmasHotelSibu’s prideandvisitors’ havenHotelOne thing that strikes guests at Tanahmas Hotel Sibu is the frequentvisits by locals to the hotel’s food outlets and also cheese cakestake-aways. Pepper Café located on the ground floor of the hotelis usually teeming with locals out for their favourite meals, rightin the heart of the bustling town! Now to add to all those sparks,Tanahmas has opened its Chinese Restaurant serving halal Chinesefood for the eating pleasure of all Malaysian. To top it off the new KPop Karaoke Lounge, trendy and cosy in design, comes with privaterooms and excellent sound systems makes the evening complete whenentertaining at Tanahmas Hotel.Tanahmas’ towering stance is visible from anywhere in the town due toits central locality and it also towers over others with its excellent roomsand services. With 120 newly furnished rooms guests are assured ofthe best accommodation as the hotel spares no effort in ensuring theircomfort and experience when staying here. Large beds, clean roomswith all the modern amenities for daily convenience makes stayinghere always a pleasure, either for business or family vacation. Withits own refreshing swimming pool for relaxing poolside reading orsunbathing or a dip with the children, Tanahmas Hotel comes with thefacilities that you’ll expect from a five-star hotel!For the business traveller or seminar participants, the hotel isequipped with conference and meeting rooms, depending on yourchoice, all equipped with amenities and accessories for a successfulbusiness event. The newly refurbished Grand Ballroom, which canaccommodate up to 50 tables banquet style is another attractive pointto host your functions here. Tanahmas Hotel is experienced in handlingsuch events and can even assist visitors with their setting up and otherdetails as WiFi and internet connections too are available. Participantsand guests need not worry about transportation as the surroundingsare government offices, eateries, convenience shops and retail outlets.The Gym Club, which offer free gym facilities for all in-house guestspackaged Tanahmas Hotel as a one stop Hotel for all your meetings,incentives, conference, and exhibitions (MICE) requirements.Lot 277, Block 5, Jalan Kampung Nyabor,P.O. Box 240 96007 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.Fax: 6 084 333288 Tel: 6 084 333188Email: tanahmas@streamyx.comwww.tanahmas.com.myTanahmas Hotel is also accessible through its website,www.TANAHMAS.com.my. Bookings too can be done at the site.As one of the most established hotels in Sibu, be assured thatTanahmas Hotel is poised to satisfy your every need.Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 31

HotelHotelThe New YearCelebrations starts here!Exciting and refreshing array of dishesawait patrons at The Regency RajahCourt Hotel for the coming ChineseBunny New Year where familyreunions are enjoyed by everyone inthe fine dining atmosphere of thenewly renovated restaurant. Plan toenjoy this once a year affair by lettingthem treat you to a feast and just sitback and enjoy the company of familymembers from near and far.Centrally located, easily accessibleand well established, Regency PlazaHotel Bintulu knows how to makecelebrating the New Rabbit Yeara fun place for family and friends.Always exciting and enjoyable withwide array of innovative New Yeardelicacies, this is definitely the placeto give everyone a celebration toremember!Check out their special packagesfor the Rabbit Year celebrations andbook early; after all it’s a once ayear affair so relax, enjoy and have afabulous time at Regency Plaza HotelBintulu this year!Relax by the poolside with drinks andwatch out for the fireworks to lightup the sky as that is the normal yearlypractice, then it’s back to enjoyingthe food. The Regency Rajah CourtHotel’s special Bunny Year Dine andStay packages give you and yourfamily members the opportunityto experience their hospitality andgive a new twist to the traditionalcelebration. This is a treat that youngand old alike will find enjoyable andrelaxing, fun and exciting, providingthe best start to the New Year!The BunnyYearfestivitieshaven!RAJAH COURT HOTELKUCHING • SARAWAK • MALAYSIAwww.theregency.com.myPLAZA HOTEL • BINTULUSARAWAK • MALAYSIAFor enquiries and reservations, contact us at The Regency Rajah Court Hotel • Lot 6115, Section 64, Jalan Tun Razak, 93450 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 484799, 484791 Fax: +6082 482750 Email: rihkch@yahoo.com (The White Rajah Restaurant opens daily from 6.30am to 1am)32 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011116, Taman Sri Dagang, Jalan Abang Galau, 97000 Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6086 335111 Fax: +6086 332742 Email: rihbtu@yahoo.comwww.theregency.com.myJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 33

Hotel360 Urban Resort Hotel – Tower A Opening Soon !HotelRates fromRM99.00 nett*Resortstyleliving360 Urban Resort Hotel – Tower Ais an all-new designer hotel that comeswith very affordable prices!A complete gym (situated in TowerB) is available for guests to keep inshape while staying here and to addto the experience, a swimming poolis also available. The poolside view isexhilarating as from here you can havea panoramic view of the city as well asthe Sarawak River. Shopping is equallyconvenient as the centre block of theHock Lee Centre is a shopping complexwith restaurant, convenience shopsand almost everything you want. Infact, all around the complex are shopsand specialty stores, banks and wholerange of services to satisfy every need.Facilitiesand Amenities:Rates from RM49.99 nett *Wisma Phoenix, Jalan Song Thian Cheok, 93100 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 236060 Fax: +6082 237070Email: reservation@360xpress.com.my <strong>Website</strong>: www.360xpress.com.myVisitors to Kuching City can nowexperience urban resort style hotelaccommodation at 360 UrbanResort Hotel, the latest addition(Tower A) to the existing 360 Hotelin the city. Located on the adjacentTower A of Hock Lee Centre, right inthe heart of the city, this new winghas 178 rooms comprising suites,deluxe and superior rooms. Designedand furnished as a 5-star resort hotel,it surprisingly comes with a 3-starprice (from as low as RM99 nett); allthe more reasons why your next stayin Kuching should be here!As usual in 360 Urban ResortHotel, complimentary use of wiredinternet services, coffee and teamaking facilities, 32” LCD TV, ironingboard, mini bar fridge, hair dryer,bottled water and luxurious bedsare part and parcel of their generousoffers. The minute you step into thespacious lobby area, you will feel thewarmth and refreshing atmosphereprovided by a flowing waterfall toprovide a soothing and relaxing feel tothe whole area. Open and spacious,the lobby is a natural attraction toeveryone. The hotel’s complimentaryshuttle service will also bring guests tothe city centre on a regular schedule,providing convenience and savings toguests. It beats walking under the hotsun or rain!A newly completed coffee housein Tower A will be part of the newexperience to 360 Hotel guestswhere snacks and assortment ofdrinks will be available. With WiFiconnectivity here (and also all lobbyareas), guests can connect to theworld while sipping their favouritedrinks in the coffee house. Alsonewly available are three seminarrooms with sitting capacity of 50 to100 to add to the convenience ofstaying in 360 Hotels.Come, experience resort style livingin an all-new hotel that promisesclean and affordable accommodationfor everyone! 360 Urban ResortHotel is the only name you need toremember when coming to KuchingCity.360 Urban Resort Tower B(Existing Operation)360 Urban Resort Tower A(Opening 1 st Quarter 2011)* terms & conditions apply.Hock Lee Centre, Hotel Tower, Jalan Datuk Abang Abdul Rahim, 93450 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 484888 Fax: +6082 484999 Email: reservation@360kuching.com <strong>Website</strong>: www.360kuching.com* terms & conditions apply.- Ensuite bathrooms- 24 hours reception- Complimentary use of airconditioning units- Complimentary use of hair dryer- Complimentary use of towels- Complimentary toiletries (soapand shampoo)- Complimentary use of minibarfridge- Complimentary use of wiredinternet access in every room- Complimentary use of wifi inhotel lobby- Complimentary use of washingmachines and dryers in laundryroom- 32”LCD TV with more than 20local, cable and satellites channels- Security room safe- Bottled drinking water- Luxury shower- 5 star beds and satin cottonsheets- Tea & coffee making facilities- Airport transfer (minimum charge)- RFID Security Door Locks34 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 35

HotelBorneo TropicalRainforest ResortThe place where Nature can beexperienced 24/7!The Paramount Hotel is thechoice hotel as its rooms feature areall specially theme with matchingcolours and excellent services.Strategically located along JalanKampung Dato, The ParamountHotel is in close proximity to government offices,business centres and entertainment outlets.The Paramount Hotel places emphasis on its foodoutlets with three distinct venues; The Valentine Café,Phoenix Court and Happy Valley Lounge, all designedwith guests in mind. Valentine Café serves local andwestern food while Phoenix Court is ideal for bigevents like anniversaries and weddings, family reunionsand year end parties for corporate clients. Happy ValleyLounge is the place to sing the night away with friendsand colleagues.Corporate events, seminars and conferences can becomfortably held in The Paramount Hotel as it hasa meeting room that easily sits 400 guests at any onetime. Participants of seminars and conferences in TheParamount Hotel will also get to enjoy their roomsas they all come standard with TV, IDD phone, fridge,beverage making facilities in clean and comfortablesurroundings.Check in to The Paramount Hotel for your next visitto Sibu; it is the hotel of choice.The center point withnewly refurbishedrooms in bustling SibuLocated right in the heart of the bustling town,Tanahmas Hotel is about as close to the centeras you can get here. Everything, from shoppingto entertainment, business to pleasure, is justaround the corner or mere walking distancesaway. Convenience is staying in this strategicallysited hotel!Adorned with awards for its facilities and services,Tanahmas Hotel is the choice for corporate andfamily visits with 120 newly refurbished deluxerooms to choose from and ample facilities,amenities to satisfy every needs! Check out thehotel at its website (www.tanahmas.com.my) orcall for reservations.Lot 277, Block 5, Jalan Kampung Nyabor, P.O. Box 240 96007 Sibu,Sarawak, Malaysia. Fax: 6 084 333288 Tel: 6 084 333188Email: tanahmas@streamyx.comwww.tanahmas.com.myOutdoor and nature lovers just cannotafford to miss Borneo Tropical RainforestResort Miri as one of their must-visitplaces in Sarawak. Tucked away in itsown nature’s paradise with lush greeneryall around the resort, you can be assuredthat this is one place that Nature is kingover everything else!Experience the early risers’ calls, ranging from gibbons to birdsand walk the trails to experience the cooling atmosphere ofthe forest canopy on a hot afternoon hike. Take time to spotthe range of trees and hosts of creatures that make the jungletheir home while keeping vigilant for mammals that may offerjust fleeting moments of exposure to hikers. Night-life is equallyexciting, if not more pronounced with the constant buzz ofinsects and creaking frogs and toads.Even better than just experiencing the sounds and sights ofNature here, the resort is well known for its team buildingadventure, having hosted international and nationalorganisations. The experienced and qualified team regularlyconducts such trainings for brand names in the corporate world,which will surely benefit your company when signing up withthem for such training discipline.Whatever your choice for coming to Borneo Tropical RainforestResort, you can be assured that this is one place where Natureis ever present and adding to your relaxation and heightenedsensation of serenity.No. 3, Lorong 9A, Jalan Kampung Dato, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6084 331122 Fax: +6084 338111Email: paramount_hotel@yahoo.comwww.paramountsibu.com36 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011KM36 Miri-Bintulu Road, Lot 15, Block 2,Sibuti Land District, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6085 407198, +6085 613888Fax: +6085 613808Email: info@borneorainforestresort.comMiri Office: Lot 101, Airport Road,98000 Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6085 613888 Fax: +6085 613808www.BorneoRainforestResort.com

ShoppingShoppingThe 1 st and the Largest inKota SamarahanSales office082 367777Sales booking012 8099348 Chen012 8877148 PAULINE012 8818880 ISABELLease booking012 8337448 DELIA012 8893448 LENADeveloperNo. 6 15831, Ground Floor & First Floor, Setia Commercial Centre, Off Setia Raja Road,Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 367777, 361000, 364848 Fax: +6082 367676Email: tetap.majumas@gmail.comwww.thesummermall.comLocality PlanMore returns to be expected99 years Lease Hold+ 3 years guarantee returns 18%+ Free Service Fee 4.15%Kota Samarahan’s first shopping mallwill soon become a reality with theSummer Shopping Mall, which isbound to be an exciting addition tothe booming, emerging division.Slated to open by the end of 2012, themall, developed by Tetap Majumas SdnBhd, will be a prominent architecturallandmark on Jalan Dato Mohd Musaadjacent to the mixed development ofresidential and commercial propertiesas well as the education hub of KotaSamarahan, catering to an estimatedcatchment of over 300,000 residents.The much-anticipated mall will covera lease/sale floor area of 500,000square feet over three retail floors,which includes a departmental storeand hypermarket as anchor tenant.Better thanSavingsUpon completion, there will be 234retail outlets comprising fashion, sports,bookstores, food court, karaoke timezone, eight-screen Cineplex and ampleparking space of approximately 1,400car park lots from the mall’s basementand open-space car parks.Committed and well underway todevelop a retail destination like noother in the area, the outlets arecurrently open for sale or lease withindividual shop lots ranging fromfew hundred square feet to fewthousand square feet with a 99-yearlease creating a platform for bothlocal and international brands toshowcase the latest trends.The Summer Shopping Mall isenvisioned as an iconic shopping havenfor Kota Samarahan and destinedto deliver the ultimate shopping,gastronomic and lifestyle experiencesthat beckon with every visit.AbsolutelyWorry Free !38 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 39

WA32H4EBCDHH1HHHHHJALANHHHHIHA TMHJHHIOVE RSEHHHHHHHHHHHHNATHMap360 Urban Resort Hotel360 Hotel Hock LeeCentreCrownSquareJALANPENDINGJ A L A N F O O C H O WKuching AreaShoppingJALAN DATUK ABANG ABDUL RAHIMDewanMasyarakatJUBILEERECREATIONGROUNDMBKSSwimming PoolR I VE RWet Market &Hawker CentreJALAN PETANAKC H E N G H OJ A L A N A N GJALAN PADUNGANJ A L A N D A T U KL IW I LMAJ A L A N L U M B A K U D AJALAN SEKAMAJALAN CH AWANS A R A W A KKhatuistiwaRiverbank SuiteGrand Magherita HotelRAHMANF R O N TABDULRiversideMajesticKuchingJALANWismaTing Pek KingChung HuaNo. 3 SchoolABELLCATStatueP A D U N G A NJ A L A NJALANPADUNGANCHEOKPullmanHotel &ResortsEJALAN SONG THIANBAN HOCKJALANJALAN DESHONSTelangUsan HotelSri ShanBatavia CafeSarawakPlazaCATStatueTop Spot Food CourtMalaysiaAirlinesSamersetGateway360XpressHindu TempleHotel GrandContinentalCentrepointShopping CentreTun JugahGreat Wall CrosswayCozziThiam MingSaramo HostelCarus WoodSCR at&a Home Ideas Sdn. Bhd.Secret RecipeChoon HuiCafeeverybreadLimetreeHotelPoliceStationHong Kong Pau CafeBedsTerminal OneLaungeFireStationCATStatueHockey StadiumJALAN CENTRAL TIMURJALAN ELLISJALAN SIMPANGTIGAKua NingTempleSarakraf PavilionMian AnnZestFrydaysChickenAtokKopitiam AbSolutelySayangKuching South CityCouncil (MBKS)PoliceStationGoodrichJALAN MENDUOpen for Rental NOW! Mall open in July 2011TUNLEGENDSSarawak TransportCo. StationAstanaROrchid GardenENew State LegislativeAssembly (DUN)R I VHotelsSKuching MatangTransportKA RFort MargheritaSquare TowerAJALAN GAMBIERIndia MosqueASarawakTourism ComplexINDIA STREETPEDESTRIAN MALLPoliceTourist BoothOpen Air MarketK UC H I N GRW A TJALAN MAIN BAZAARTextile MuseumLittle LebanonElectraHouseJALAN KHOO H UN YEANGMARKETSouvenirs ShopsSiang TiTempleLE B U HCARPENTER STREETChinese MuseumMr.D sAJIB AH ABOLBerambihLodgeDATUKJALAN2020JALAN W AWASANCHINA STREET ULU CHINA STREETDivisional MosquePoliceStationShoppingCentresChinLian LongResiden OfficeYayasan SarawakJA L A NL EBUH TEMPLELEBUH WAYANGJALAN MOSQUEHong San SiTempleHAJI OPENGPADANGMERDEKASikh TempleDormani HotelTua PekKong TempleMedanPelitaPoliklinikBARRACKH HJALAN McDOUGALLTAHAMerdeka PalaceHotel & SuitesA NTUN ABANGDewan Tun Abdul RazakMuzeumArts MuseumA LState & DBKULibraryJALAN HAJIFood Outlet / Restaurant/ Entertainment OutletPetra JayaTransportRed CrescentBuildingROld Sarawak MuseumAquariumIslamic MuseumRJALANJ A L A N R A M L E EChung HuaSchoolJ A L A NHopohShoppingCentreRadioTelevisionMalaysiaJALAN KULASAha OrganicTop Hill KitchenLodge 121HeroesMonumentIslamicGardenBankNegaraSyariahCourtSCRWisma SatokJALAN SATOKJALAN SATOKGeneralPost OfficeSarawakCraft CouncilRESERVOIRPARKJA L A NKopi O CornerTelekomMalaysiaRJ Ayam Penyet KopitiamBuhari CafeSUNDAYMARKETPasar TamuTABUANJALANSCR XpressTAMAN BUDAYAJALAN RUBBERBank / ATMParkLaneLodgeSt. Joseph ChurchSCRJALAN PARKAmphitheatreJALAN NANASSarawak Club(JALAN CENTRAL BARAT)JALAN BADRUDDINJALAN TAN SRI ONG KEE HUIJALAN BUDAYAJALAN BAMPFYLDEC ROOKSHANKTUN ABANG HAJI OPENGPolice ContingentHQTaxiStationSRB ChungHua No. 4Tunku PutraInternationalSchoolMosque Church TemplePlanetariumLand & SurveyDivisional Office IntanCivic CentreJALAN PALMJALANJALANMethodist ChurchJALAN PISANGGreen RoadSecondarySchool1. Sarawak Tourism Board2. Visitors’ Information Centre3. Sarawak Tourism Federation4. Tourism Malaysia OfficeGeneral HospitalBaptist ChurchStarMegaMallSibu’s new trend setting shopping areaAdvantageous location at Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Sibu’sfastest growth area with surrounding residential and commercialproperties, Star Mega Mall is destined to be the one stopshopping centre. With a hypermarket and departmental storeas anchor tenant, this is a natural attraction for everyone andconvenience of ample parking lots and service travelators makeit even more appealing for senior citizens.Modern amenities like Wifi, sound security and hosts of shopsselling range of goods and services, Star Mega Mall meets allyour shopping needs under one roof! For business enterprises,this is the opportunity to invest in Sibu’s latest attraction andshopping centre, the mall for all kinds of things.Other ENquiriesTourism Malaysia-Sarawak+6082 246575, 246775Infoline 1300-88-5050Sarawak Tourism Board+6082 423600MAS Office+6082 244144, 246622Air Asia+6082 283222KCH International Airport+6082-454255, 45424240 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Immigration Department+6082 245661, 230280Custom+6082 33313324-hour Public Service Line+6082 555999Taxi Service+6082 480000, 341818Police Station+6082 245522, 241222, 999Traffic Police+6082 241133• KUCHING •JPJ+6082 258811, 628700DBKU+6082 446688MBKS+6082 238080, 242311Telekom+6082 429191, 255994Post Office+6082 244141, 339937General Hospital+6082 230689, 257855JALAN GREENPadawan Council+6082 615566SESCO+6082 333111Kuching Water Board+6082 240371BOMBA (Fire Brigade)+6082 241033, 994, 417712Rescue 991+6082 256685JKR+6082 203100Daesim Management Sdn Bhd, 1 st Floor, 18 Central Road, sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.For more information, please contactTel: +6084 321261, 338012 H/P: +6019 8874399 (Mr Lau Ngie Hua), +6016 8837947 (Mr Lau Khian Chung) Fax: +6084 331887 Email: daesim@pd.jaring.myJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 41

ShoppingFurnitureforalltimes www.whbfurniture.comWHB Furniture expands its offerings withspecially designed furniture for cafes & eateriesMalaysia’s tropical climate is ideal foroutdoor activities and currently; thereis a surge in the number of cafes andeateries taking advantage of this ideaby putting tables outside premisesfor a breath of fresh air for guests.Main concern for many entrepreneursand business is the wear and tear onfurniture used outdoors; these tendto experience faster deterioration andhence loose their appeal to customersand some even rust or crack.“We know what are the problemsassociated with outdoor furniture,especially when it comes to businesspurposes and the good news is thatwe have many different varieties tochoose from,” said Nicholas Sia, themanager of WHB Furniture in Kuching,Sarawak. “All these stools, metaland wooden chairs to even thosewith cushion, are specially made forthe outdoor, including tables suchas the custom made marble tablesWEE HUA BOO TRADING SDN BHD • Lot 102, 2½ Mile, Rock Road, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 246641, 240775 Fax: +6082 240295 Email: enquiry@whbfurniture.comthat are heat and rust proof. Thecolours for the chairs and tables canalso be custom-made to client’s orderas we cater to such outdoor stylebusinesses. Certainly, they are alsoideal complements for swimmingpools and other business purposes thatneed to have furniture placed outdoorfor clients’ comfort,” he added.“Not only do we cater for qualityoutdoor furniture, indoor speciallydesigned café tables and chairs arealso in our range of products offered”,said Nicholas. Deven Design our mainsupplier for our range of cafes furnitureproducts provides up-to-date designswith quality. So customers can be restassured of getting the best for qualityand at the same time being costeffective too.” With this new rangeof design and materials used, everybusiness that cater to outdoor andindoor activities can now have speciallymade furniture that will be able tomeet the impact from the environmentand customers expectations.“Though we have only recentlyincorporate these indoor andoutdoor types of furniture for cafesand eateries in our range of goods,we have already received inquiriesand orders for them as smartbusinesses know that they will besaving on cost and maintenance withthese range of quality products thatwe offer,” Nicholas revealed.WHB Furniture is a supplier for all typesof indoor and outdoor furniture forhomes, businesses and also specialneeds like custom-designed pieces.Located in Kuching, the showroom isan ideal place for families and friendsto view the endless possibilities ofenhancing homes and rooms tooffices and businesses as they havecontinuously updated their stocks withnew ones.For more information on your home furnishing, come visit WHB Furniture at Rock Roadfor the latest in design and concepts or call for appointment.It’s the New Year and there’s no bettertime to bring in new things for thehouse or special gifts for corporateclients and unique friends! In Kuchingthe only place you need to visit isHome & Living at The Spring as here,the exclusive store has just abouteverything you need for the home andmore. Loyal and discerning customersof Home & Living know that thisstore only brings in quality wares withdistinct touch of class, which will standout in any home or office.Quality thatyou can trustHome & Living only selldistinctive productswith touch of classShopping“Over the years our customers have been with us andso we want to reward them with our special ‘Home &Living Fair’, which will end in February,” said Simon Wong,the proprietor. “The Fair is an annual event and uniqueas our valued suppliers bring in products at very lowprices as part of our joint promotion to reward our loyalclients. In fact, this season is usually a busy time for manycorporate clients to select special gifts for their customersand partners while homeowners showcase new productsduring the festive seasons. During the Fair we genuinelyhave very low prices as our suppliers work with us in thepromotion and there are no gimmicks; just fantastic dealsof limited number of selected brand products for homes tooffices,” Simon reiterated.Home & Living is unique for some of its products likeVantage ceramic wares, a Malaysian manufacturer witheighteen years experience and world-wide sales displayingtheir products at the only store in East Malaysia here.Goodrich is another international brand name specialisingin wall papers; a DIY (do it yourself) product with unlimitedrange of applications for just about any space from wallsto kitchen and bathrooms to bedrooms. For collectors,Kansai, the world renowned Japanese brand for lacqueredmulti-layer display trays and display boxes, the limitededition Rabbit Year designed items have been experiencingtremendous sales since they were made available here.“It is no secret that our products are very specially sourcedfrom reputable suppliers with impeccable backgroundas we only want to give the best to our customers. Theywant quality products with assurance and once they trustus, they have been our best promoters as their word ofmouth has given confidence to many of their friends andfamily members to shop here too,” Simon acknowledged.Walk into Home & Living and you will definitely see thedifference it has over other stores; there is no pressure tobuy as you are free to browse through and select the itemsat your leisure. Best part is there is an unlimited range ofproducts suited to every home or as special gifts for housewarming parties, birthdays or opening of new premises.Needless to say, many of these customers have becomemembers of the store and enjoy special discounts on topof those on display. At Home & Living, there is alwayssomething that’s just right for you!42 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Lot 101 - 103, 1 st Floor, The Spring Shopping Mall, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93300 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 243722 Fax: +6082 421722Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 43

ShoppingBLACKIS NOT ASECUREGUARDbecause you never knowwhen disaster will strike?specially designedSMART PARTNERSHIPwww.elkfurniture.com.myCOLOURand constructed tooffer protection ofvaluables, documentsand limited amountKL / SELANGORS. Star Furniture Design Sdn Bhd (Shah Alam) +603 - 7846 6903Lavino Home Centre Sdn Bhd (Puchong) +603 - 8070 0221Valencia Home Furnishing Sdn Bhd (Damansara) +603 - 6274 1171BJ Furniture Sdn Bhd (Gombak) +603 - 4024 2011Monzen Interior & Furniture (Semenyih) +6012 - 381 5069ELK Furniture Sdn Bhd (Klang) +603 - 3341 2688ELK Furniture Sdn Bhd (Ambang Botanic) +603 - 3324 2238of money againstfire and burglary.Recommended toJOHORU Casa Home (Segamat) +607 - 931 0539Home Life (J) Sdn Bhd (Johor Bharu) +607 - 353 9696TERENGGANUSyarikat Perniagaan Phua (K. Terengganu) +609 - 623 1808黑 • 不 是 颜 色suit the requirementof restaurants, petrolkiosk, retailsoutlets, offices,homes andthe alike.IDE Office System Sdn Bhd338, Lorong 7C, Off Jalan Ang Cheng Ho,93100 Kuching, Sarawak, MalaysiaTel: +6082 413428 Fax: +6082 240428email: ide99@streamyx.comwww.ide.com.myPERAKNg Company Taiping Sdn Bhd (Taiping) +605 - 808 3863Ikeano Ideal Furniture Sdn Bhd(Seri Manjung) +605 - 688 6559PAHANGPerabot Woon Wah (Kuantan) Sdn Bhd +609 - 567 2245Chan Furniture & Renovation (Jerantut) +609 - 266 6886KEDAHClassy Glory Furniture Sdn Bhd (Alor Setar) +604 - 732 2355PENANGEng Wah Home Center Sdn Bhd (Penang) +604 - 646 4298MELAKAHomeast Enterprise (Melaka) +606 - 317 1812KELANTANKedai Perabot Yakin Jaya (Kota Bharu) +609 - 766 6388SARAWAKWee Hua Boo Trading Sdn Bhd (Kuching) +6082 - 246 641Comfort Furniture Centre (Sibu) +6084 - 335 561Sin Siang Hai Trading Sdn Bhd (Miri) +6085 - 415 015SABAHChan Furniture (M) Sdn Bhd (K. Kinabalu) +6088 - 318 366Glory East Sdn Bhd (Tawau) +6089 - 762 466Casarano Miva (Sandakan) +6089 - 227 721( 493415-V )Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 45

FoodFoodDine and unwind at48 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011For some, a great eating outlet isone that offers a huge selectionof good food, ample seating,live entertainment and a greatatmosphere to match. Seven OnSeven is one such outlet.Located at Synergy Square in JalanMatang, Kuching, the outlet pullsin a huge crowd that consists offamilies from nearby residentialareas, regular customers from otherparts of Kuching, and even tourists.Getting there isn’t all that hard.As you drive along Jalan Matang,turn into the junction at SynergySquare, where Courts Mammoth is.Go straight then turn right towardsthe Farmer’s Market. Along the waythere you’ll see an orange and blackcoloured restaurant with plenty ofseats outside - that’s Seven On Seven.This modern contemporaryrestaurant is owned by Seven OnSeven Sdn. Bhd. and serves a varietyof Malay food, with over 60 Thaidishes included as well. And that’sjust from the main menu!There are 10 or so individual stalls setup at certain spots within the vicinityof the restaurant as well, each withdifferent offerings that serve to pleaseeveryone’s palate. There’s a stall servingup a variety of “roti” such as roti canaitelur and roti canai sardin, a Melanaucorner where customers can choosefrom unique dishes like linut (sago withsambal), tumpik (a batter mixture ofsago flour with grated coconut servedfresh from the hotplate) and umai (localstyle fresh fish/prawn salad). These arehot selling items from the Melanaustore. A western grill where marylandchicken, grilled rib eye steak and fish& chips await, a noodles corner withall its mouth-watering selections suchas sarawak laksa and mee bakso, andmany others.One of the interesting stations is theburger stall, with over 60 differenttypes of burgers to choose from.Not sure where to start? Havea taste of the burger special. Inbetween the burger buns you’ll getgrilled beef patty and fried egg,among other things. Also a musttryis the burger pattaya, whosepresentation is as unique as its taste.Of course you’ll also get the usualbeef or chicken burger, double beefwith cheese and more.Seven On Seven’s managing-partnerKhairel Anwar B. Abdul Wahab a.k.aAndy said that the dishes from themain menu are prepared by fourchefs, two of whom are brought infrom Thailand. The Thai chefs, hesaid, are responsible for preparingover 40 authentic Thai dishesout of more than 60 Thai cuisinesin the menu. Not to be missedof course is their hot and sour redor white tom yam soup... perfect forthose who love spicy food.After all that food, you would wantsomething to cool off with. Choosefrom a selection of fresh fruit juicesor any other cooling drinks off thedrink menu. But of course, if youprefer hot drinks, Seven On Sevenhas them as well.Most good restaurants have great foodand a relaxing atmosphere. Seven OnSeven has both plus something notmany other restaurants have – liveentertainment.Every weekend, from Friday toSunday, Seven On Seven features liveacoustic performances to serenadethe customers while they enjoy theirfood and drink. A special stage justenough for a two or three-pieceband is set up right outside therestaurant building, where everyonecan watch the live performances.“Here we want our customers tofeel relaxed as they enjoy their foodand drinks. The music really helpsbecause they’re soothing and easyon the ear,” Khairel enthused.“There’s not a lot of eating outletsin Kuching, especially in this area,that provide this kind of attraction.So, we’re really proud to be one ofthe few restaurants to provide liveentertainment,” he added.The décor at Seven On Seven isquite simple and straight to thepoint, yet modern and eyecatching.All together, 40 tablesare set up inside and outside therestaurant. Bright warm lightscreate a lively ambience outside therestaurant, bringing the place to livefrom evening till the midnight hour.Inside, customers can expect to dinein a comfortable air-conditionedsetting. But for those who prefer anopen air environment, the coveredarea outside the restaurant is just ascomfortable.Seven On Seven is also a perfectvenue for parties and smallfunctions. The restaurant alsoprovides catering and deliveryservices, among other things.huge selection of goodfood, ample seating, liveentertainment and a greatatmosphere to matchLot 93, Ground Floor, Block I, Synergy Square, Matang Jaya Commercial Center, Jalan Matang, 93050 Kuching, Sarawak, Sarawak. Tel: +6082 647117 (O)Opens daily from 5.30pm to 12.30amJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 49

FoodFoodFreshnessyou can tasteThose who frequent the popularopen-air food court Top Spot fromtime to time will surely be familiar withthe name Bukit Mata Seafood. Havingbeen operating for more than 10 years,Bukit Mata Seafood has now gathereda huge following - a clear indicationthat the outlet offers good foodserved halal. Fond of the delicious fareoffered, its customers come back timeand again to savour mouth-wateringfavourites such as the sweet, savoury,tangy, and absolutely delicious assamprawns, the spicy yet subtle fish curryand many others.For those who prefer to have their foodin an air-conditioned environment,here’s a piece of good news for you!Bukit Mata Seafood has opened itsnew branch on the top floor of thenew lifestyle mall, One Jaya, alongJalan Song in Kuching just threemonths ago.Simply named “Bukit Mata Seafood2”, according to its supervisor Ms Chai,customers can expect the same variety(and quality), of food at the One Jayaoutlet as the one at Top Spot. Themajor difference between the twooutlets, of course, is that fact that theOne Jaya outlet offers air conditioningand a rather nice view of the BDCresidential area right outside.The set-up of the outlet is quite simple.A stainless steel counter is set up nextto the cashier’s station just outside theglass-covered kitchen. On the counterare trays filled with fresh seafood suchas red snapper, garoupa, seabass,prawns, shellfish, squid and more.There’s even chicken and other meatsto choose from.Other fresh ingredients are alsoavailable (these are to be cookedtogether with the fresh seafoodand meats) such as a variety ofmushrooms, fresh homemade tofu,dried beancurd skin, fish balls andfish cakes among many others.Customers can also choose fromfresh vegetables such as cabbage,aubergine, okra, kailan, carrots, bokchoy and so much more. In a bigbright red container are live mudcrabs that you can have prepared foryou in a variety of cooking styles.The fact that the outlet occupies abouthalf of the space in the top floor ofthe mall means that there are plentyof seats for everyone. There are over40 tables available, with enough spacefor up to 10 persons on the biggerones, while the smaller tables canaccommodate up to 6 persons.A water feature near a set of glasspanels at the outlet creates a senseof serenity with the soothing soundsof cascading water and lighting thatis colourful yet easy on the eyes. Asfor the food, Ms Chai recommendsthe outlet’s best-sellers, includingthe aforementioned assam prawns,fish curry (for this dish, fresh kuraufish [treadfin, or its Chinese nametai mah yau yee] is used) and a dishcalled “Hit Crabs”, which is actuallygrilled mud crabs.Other than the best-sellers, otherseafood dishes worth trying aresteamed nyonya fish (either seabass,garoupa or red snapper is used),bamboo shells (otherwise known asrazor clams, and are either curried,steamed with ginger, stir-fried withdried chillies or ginger & soy sauce,or the occasional bamboo shells soupwith lemongrass), snails stir-fried withdried chillies, as well as mud crabsstir-fried with salted egg yolk amongothers.As for meats, customers can eithergo for the chicken or lamb dishes, orbe more adventurous and try venisoncooked in black pepper sauce, gingeror with dried chillies, and ostrichcooked in the same styles. Of course,these aren’t the only choices available.There’s plenty more to choose from.Just pick your favourite ingredientsfrom the counter and have themcooked for you á la minute.For lunchtime, Bukit Mata Seafood2 also serves a selection of setmeals, with various dishes such aslemon chicken rice, butter chickenrice, ginger chicken rice, fried riceand fried noodles to choose from.“Customers can also pick theirfavourite ingredients from thecounter and have them prepared asside dishes to go along with the setmeal,” quipped Ms Chai.As far as price is concerned, sheexplained: “Our pricing is similar tothat of any normal ‘kopitiam’ (coffeeshop) out there.” However, theseafood here is priced according tohow much they weigh. So the nexttime you come to One Jaya, be sureto take the escalators up to the topfloor and have a satisfying meal atBukit Mata Seafood 2.The outlet is open from 11am to 10pmeveryday except on Monday in themiddle of every month, as well as onChinese New Year, when the outletwill close for a few days. Bukit MataSeafood 2 also provides catering servicesfor various events and functions.50 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011One Jaya, Level 3, One Jaya, Jalan Song, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6014 6806608 (Ms Chai),+6016 8711062 (Evelyn) Fax: +6082 570372 Fax: +6082 570372 email: bukitmata25@yahoo.comOpens daily from 11am to 10pm except on Monday in the middle of every monthJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 51

FoodSince its debutin 1997,Secret Recipehas becomea householdname andsuccessfullyestablished itsbrand name notonly in Malaysia but also in Singapore,Indonesia, Thailand, China andmost recently, Australia, through itsdecadent fine cakes, fusion food anddistinctive service.Ten years later, the lifestyle café chainspread its wings to our shores with itsfirst outlet at Jalan Song Thian Cheok.Today, Secret Recipe Sarawak has eightoutlets across the state with the latestoutlet located at MJC while two morebranches are due to open in Jalan Songand Bintulu this year.Their extensive menu features maincourse meals and fusion food thatleave every diner spoilt for choice suchas the signature main course, irish lambstew where tender lamb shank is slowcookedwith seasonal vegetables andfresh herbs before finally served withbaked mashed potatoes.For those who love their food spicy,they can opt for either curry seafoodlaksa or noodle in tom yum kung, amust-try dish at Secret Recipe.The laksa dish arrives piping-hot withthick, round rice noodles blanched tillperfection, topped with sliced boiledeggs, tauhu pok (fried beancurd) andfresh seafood such as sotong andshrimp before spicy home-made currygravy is poured onto the ingredients.To enjoy this dish to the fullest, one canadd the accompanying sambal to thedish to give this dish the extra ‘oomph’.The latter on the other hand, isguaranteed to have you asking formore. The piquant dish comprises ofComfortfood at itsbestSecret Recipe @ Kuching, Sarawak181/182, Ground Floor, Jalan Song ThianCheok, Section 51, 93100 Kuching,Sarawak. Tel: +6082 244 968Opens Monday to Thursday 10am to 10pmFriday to Sunday 10am to 11pmsecretrecipe.com.myflat noodles in the ever-popular tomyum soup, generously topped withfresh king prawns, sliced mushroomsand florets of cauliflower. This dishdefinitely does not disappoint.As Secret Recipe strives to offer itscustomers with a wealth of diningchoices, the café constantly introducesnew dishes to create an interestingmenu. The latest additions oftantalising dishes to look out for arecurry mee, assam chicken with rice andthe ever-popular nasi lemak.Besides serving up an array of hotmeals, Secret Recipe is renownedfor its quality fresh cream cakes andcheesecakes including the infamousmarble cheesecake (smooth creamybaked cheese on crunchy oat nutbase), which is the signature creationthat propelled Secret Recipe intostardom amongst foodies all over Asia.The hottest cake to grace the cakemenu is the Pecan Butterscotch Cake, amoist sophisticated cake oozing sweetbutterscotch-soaked layers, whichmakes it perfect for afternoon tea.Cheesecake lovers are in for a treat aswell with the tangy lemon cheesecakeand white dark chocolate cheesecakebound to be a hot favourite withchocoholics. Just one bite is all it takesto fall in love with this heavenly cake.For those who are looking for a caketo celebrate a loved one’s birthday ora special occasion, Secret Recipe willsoon be introducing 3D cakes featuring20 whimsical designs that will leaveeveryone in awe.With outlets conveniently located allaround Sarawak, Secret Recipe is theperfect pit stop for a hearty lunch/dinner or a quick pick-me-up on alazy afternoon.It is only natural that when businessis good, every business enterprise willexpand vertically and horizontally,offering more varieties and increasingoutlets to serve customers. Alohadelicatessen bakery in Kuching City is agood example of one such business; ithas just recently completed renovation,adding more spaces to serve loyalcustomers with greater varieties.“Rather than expanding with a newlocation, we decided to expand ourexisting outlet as we know that ourcustomers really appreciate and likeour services and products here,” saidGoh Liang Huat the proprietor. “Infact some even commended us on notstarting another outlet as they fear thatthe service and touch may not be thesame in a new branch outlet. Now,we can give customers more varietiesof bread, pastries and biscuits as wehave added new machineries andequipment especially for such purposes.In addition, we now have the capacityto offer catering services as well as pre-packed snacks for events and functionswith unique taste and varieties.”The new Rabbit Lunar year in Februaryis a festive time for Chinese celebrantsand their friends. Aloha’s perennialfavourite are the various layer cakesmade to order especially for thisoccasion and as there are no artificialadditives used in the preparation,each order is freshly baked which iswhy many experienced customersalways make it a point to order inadvance. Pineapple tarts are always thefavourites for the Chinese New Yearcelebration joy from Aloha while manyvarieties of cookies are also availablefor orders. Also not to be missed isthe ever-popular chicken pies, whichare available too during the festivities,but pre orders are required. Health isan important consideration for Alohawhen it comes to making their productsso there is certainly less use of sugarand artificial additives as they believethat happy and healthy customersmake for better business sense.According to Goh the bakery businessin the city is becoming ever morecompetitive and hence innovation andgood products coupled with excellentservices will go a long way to ensuringsuccess. He strongly believes that AlohaFoodInnovationwithexcellentservicesmakesforsuccesshas established itself based on thesecriteria and is happy that customerstoo value these same principles. Asfor upcoming future offering, they areworking on their website which willeventually provide them with the abilityto offer delivery of products from thosewho make orders using the net. This istheir way of keeping up with the timesand by becoming innovative and in tunewith the latest developments, Aloha islooking positively towards the future!52 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Aloha delicatessen • bakery • Sublot 21, Ground Floor, Lot 10598, Jalan Song Commercial Centre, Jalan Song,93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel/Fax: +6082 456598 H/P: +6012 889 0598 Email: goh@alohadeli.com.my<strong>Website</strong>: www.alohadeli.com.my Opens Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 9pm and closed every MondayJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 53

FoodA new kopitiam along the bustlingstreets of Jalan Badruddin is fastgaining popularity among the workingcrowd here. As the only eatery in thearea, which offers a variety of popular‘kopitiam’ dishes, Nansang Kopitiamhas acquired a loyal following since itopened in November.One of the draws and most popularitem on the menu is the nasi gorengkampung. Though this fried rice dish,served with a handful of ikan bilis, friedegg, cucumbers and keropok, maylook simple at first glance, its aromaand taste is just irresistible.The best way to enjoy the nasi gorengkampung to the fullest is to eat everyspoonful with its accompanying sambalbelacan. The judicious blend of freshingredients such as belacan, ikan bilis,bird’s eye chilli and garlic are pounded dryand lastly given a squeeze of fresh limejuice to give the humble chilli condimenta balance of spicy, sweet and sourflavours that best complement the nasigoreng kampung.Simple,wholesomefoodOther dishes that are popular withcustomers are the chicken curry ricewhere the flavourful dish of tendermeat is served with some nasi kuningwhile the mee and beehon goreng isserved fried with generous toppings ofprawns, shredded chicken, crabsticks,fried egg, and dried beancurd.For breakfast Nansang Kopitiam offersa great selection of breakfast dishessuch as the hearty American breakfastand all-time Malaysian favourite nasilemak are available or during lunchtime when piping hot local dishes suchas ayam pansoh, ikan pansoh andmany more are available at the eatery’snasi campur (fastfood) section.To complete your hearty meal, washthem down with the eatery’s rangeof refreshingly cold drinks that alsoinclude the thirst-quenching bandungselasih and bandung cincau. This milkybeverages mixed with some rose syrupare added with selasih or cincau to givethe simple drink a refreshing twist.Apart from that, the eatery alsoprovides a one-stop catering servicefor special events such as birthdays,anniversaries, weddings, graduationsand many more.Nansang Kopitiam’s yummy selectionof food are definitely value-for-money,and its nasi goreng kampung and notforgetting its sambal belacan is worththe try.An island state like Sarawak isnaturally well poised for seafoodspecialties as it has all the ingredientsright at the doorstep, so to speak!Come and check out Ayiko, locatedat Lorong Song 4, Ground Floor L11442, SL18 Jalan Song, Kuching, fortheir Tomato Fish soup, ‘Yi Fu’ andfried fish skin amongst the numerousofferings here to understand why thisfamily run store that started in 2005is the talk of the town.“Here we do not use monosodiumglutamate or other artificialseasoning; only freshly cookedchicken broth and fresh ‘yellow tail’fish for fish balls,” assured JongSwee Leong, the proprietor. “Youare assured that there is no fishysmell in our dishes too as only thefreshest ingredients are used withthe right amount of spices and otherherbs. Healthy and good food is ouraim and similarly our drinks are alsofocused on giving health benefits likeour chestnut with sugarcane juice,herbal and chrysanthemum teas.”FoodWhere fishdishes are thetalk of thetownA fine blending of tomatoes with soyabeans slow cooked for minimum ofthree hours as the broth base withginger, salted vegetables, plum andassorted fishballs make up the highlyrecommended tomato fish soupthat comes with various choices ofKuching city’s Ayikois a popular food venuefor good reasonsnoodles. You can also ask for theother speciality, ‘Yi Fu’ in the soup asthis fried fillet fish with egg makes forwonderful dish when mixed together.Another tasty offering here is the friedfish skin rolled with fish meat spread;the rolled pieces are individually friedtwice before being served!When coming back for secondtime here, you should next try theirfresh milk fish head with bee hoon,salted vegetables, ginger, and milk;alternatively the teochew mixed soupis also another tempting choice.‘Fish head/fillet pot’ steamboat givescustomers choice of fish head or filletwith the combination of fried yam,long cabbage, fish maw and seaweed.Fish skin soup is made from shark’s skincooked in ginger and wine while thebraised fish cooked with soya sauce,sweet soya bean and beancurd isalways a joy to savour.“There are other choices like Tomyam and fish maw soup amongstour offerings which will easily fit intoanyone’s budget and there are manyothers,” Jong assured. The steadystream of customers here is a tell-talesign that the shop is a popular venuefor many city folks and where localsgo for their favourites, it is usually amust-try place!Nansang Kopitiam • Lot 160, Ground Floor, Section 20, KTLD, 9H, Jalan Badaruddin,93400 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. HP: +6019 816 5826 (Ms Catherina)Ayiko Food Centre • Lorong Song 4, Ground Floor L 11442, SL18 Jalan Song, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Opens Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 9pm and closed every MondayOpens daily from 7am to 2pm, 6.30pm to 9.30pm and closed on Monday54 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011 Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 55

Jalan AbellFoodeat,laugh,sharewithPizza HuthomedeliveryIn Borneo, the “best pizzas under oneroof” are found at Pizza Hut. Over theyears, the popular pizza restaurantchain has come out with a dazzlingarray of delicious cheesy pizzas.Pizza Hut is the biggest pizzarestaurant chain in East Malaysia with12 restaurants in Sarawak and 15 inSabah. They are fun places to chill out.They are cosy, intimate, warm, friendlyand ideal to relax, eat and enjoy anouting with family and friends. That’swhy its motto is “Eat, Laugh, Share”.“Sarawak and Sabah have a growingmiddle class now, people have moredisposable income, more women areentering the workforce and lifestylesare changing in an increasingly urbanand affluent environment,” saidMs. Ling Mee Jiuan, Senior GeneralManager of Pizza Hut Malaysia.“Everyone is so very busy. They haveless and less time to cook at home. So,the next best thing for them to do is totakeaway or order food from outsideto eat at home. What better meal toenjoy than our glorious pizzas!”To keep up with these trends,Pizza Hut is now in the process oftransforming its Home DeliveryService into a Home MealReplacement Service.Pizza Hut has invested over RM5.8million on a single number nationwidecall centre, including East Malaysia,that includes a new PABX and OrderTaking System and new hardware andsoftware at its customer service centreand restaurants.Customers just have to call 1300-88-2525 to have their pizzas deliveredto their homes or offices anywhere inthe country.According to the Malaysia Book ofRecords this is the first pizza deliveryservice with wireless credit/debit cardpayment facility in the country.Pizza Hut also has an online orderingservice. Just head to Pizza Hut’s websitewww.pizzabutonline.com.my,register and place your order. Theentire process takes less than fiveminutes, and once you click send,the order goes automatically to therestaurant nearest to your location.You will then receive an orderconfirmation email.There is a minimum order of RM10for online orders. Payment canbe done via Visa, MasterCard orMaybank2u.com.my.Ordering online also gets you freepizzas under the “Buy 1, get 1 free”promotion, as well as other attractiveonline-only deals.At Kuching,SarawakJalan Datuk Ajibah AbolJalan SatokJalan GambierSatokJalan Haji TahaJalan Khoo Hun YeangSaujanaJalan RubberJalan Raml eWisma HopohJalan Main BazaarCome to enjoy our finger lickin’ good succulentpieces of chicken. The flavorful blends of 11 herbsand spices give KFC’s delicious aroma. With thechicken’s natural juices sealed-in, giving a specialtaste that cannot be replaced. We pride ourselvesas a fast food restaurant that serves customersgreat tasting chicken and a selection of sidedishes and desserts to make a wholesome,complete and satisfying meal.Carpenter StreetJalan Wawasan 2020Jalan Tun Abang Haji OpengJalan McDougallJalan Tun Abang Haji OpengJalan BadruddinRiverside &Sarawak PlazaLebuh TempleJalan Tun Abdul RahmanJalan Dato Bandar MustaphaJalan PadunganJalan TabuanBoulevard MallJalan Sherip MasahorJalan Dato BandarMustaphaKiaat KuchingInternationalAirportMatangJalan MatangJalan StutongRock RoadJalan Tunku AbdulRahmanRock RoadJalan SheripMasahorJalan AstanaJalan SemariangJalan Datuk Tawi SiiJalan KeretapiJalan Tun JugahPremiere 101From SatokJalan Datuk Amar Kalong NingkanJalan SongJalan Tunku AbdulRahmanJalan Ban HockJalan ParkJalan BudayaJalan Song Thian Cheokto Jalan Penrisen (7 TH MILE)Jalan Batu KawahJalan LaksamanaChen HoJalan Tun JugahJalan Dato Bandar MustaphaJalan Urat MataJalan BakoJalan PadunganJalan TabuanBatu KawahJalan Wan AlwiThe SpringKota SamarahanTabuan Jayato Kota Samarahan (Samarahan Land District)Petra JayaPenrissenJalan DemakJalan Bayor BukitJalan CrookshankBakoDrive-thru56 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Pizza Hut Restaurants Sdn Bhd (113925-U)Level 20, Wisma KFC, No.17 Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, MalaysiaTel: +603 2026 3388 Fax: +603 2072 4408 <strong>Website</strong>: www.pizzahut.com.my

FoodInfoSabah’scontinentalrestaurantwithItalianflairAdventures inweightlossOur programmes ensure you lose atleast a kilo a week; successes thatcan motivate you to keep going.Can the other programmes claimthis feat? Losing three to four kilos aweek is common in our programmebut the rate of losing is dependingon individual’s health condition.Additionally our programme ensuresthat four critical areas are addressedholistically – personalise eating plan,nutritional supplementation, mindsetand emotion and the right physicalactivities. All these contribute to thesuccess of the programme.customised toindividual success!Kota Kinabalu, Sabahwww.littleitaly-kk.comThe one destination that every visitor should come for authenticpizza, made fresh and with mouth-watering crispy edgesoverflowing with cheese! Awarded by Sabah Tourism Board fortraditional home made recipes from pasta to grilled lamb, beefand array of fresh daily made food, it is Kota Kinabalu’s place forEuropean style cooking which means extra large portions.A cosy and warm atmosphere inside adds to the pleasureof dining here; it’s the venue for friends and families to gettogether for anniversaries and parties as well as for reunionsand merry making! Come one, come all, Little Italy is alwayswelcoming with open arms!Ground Floor, Hotel Capital, Jalan Haji Saman, 98813 Kota Kinabalu. • PO Box 146, 89407/Likas, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.Tel/Fax: +6088 232231 Email: emiliano.kl@gmail.com Opens daily from 10.30am to 11.00pm58 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Everyday thousands of people gothrough some kind of weight lossprogrammes with varying degrees ofsuccess. So just how do you knowwhich is suitable for you and youonly? Everyone is created uniqueand different from the next person;therefore a one solution programmefor weight loss is not going to workfor every individual! Why spendgood money on a programme thatis not tailor made for you specificallywhen you can do so with Adventuresin Weightloss professionals? Theirindividually customised programmeshave proven results!To know if the weight loss programmeis suited for you, ask the followingquestions and then decide which isthe right one for you; we are certainthat you will see why Adventures inWeightloss is the right choice!As weight loss is a medical issue,ask whether the programme has asound and proven medical recordand designed based on yourmedical history. Remember not allprogrammes are suited for everyone;each should be uniquely different.You certainly only want scientificallyproven and researched programme asit is your health at stake!Check on the success rate of theprogramme – not just for the durationof the programme but even yearsafter that. Our success rate of over80% which proves the programmeworks even years later!For more details on this personalised weight loss programme, please contact Adventures in Weightloss, Lot 2480-2, 2 nd Floor,Fortuneland Business Centre, 2½ Mile, Jalan Rock, 93200 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 420808 • call Ling Mio Ting at +6016 8893622www.adventuresweightloss.blogspot.comMedically trained personnel monitoryour daily progress with regularmedical tests in our programme aswe treat each person as an individualso each programme is specificallyonly for the individual. Furthermorethis programme works no matterwhere you are located as theattention and supervision is focusedspecifically on you individually sodistance is not a problem to gettingcustomised weight loss instructions.Follow ups will be done to ensurethat you maintain the ideal weightand continue to succeed in yourlife without having to worry aboutputting on the excess weight again!Adventures in Weightloss is amedically proven programme thatguides individuals on achieving theideal weight and maintaining it;the support provided is customisedto only that individual, (you!) toguarantee success! Call us today fora confidential discussion with trainedstaff about your needs.Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 59

InfoInfoLooking at Brunei fromthe vintage royal lineage tothe presentYayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal BolkiahFoundation ComplexHis Majesty Sultan Haji HassanalBolkiah is distinctly Brunei’s mostwell known personality around theworld as one of the richest men inForbes’s international list. As such,he certainly brings greater awarenessof the Kingdom of Brunei to peopleall over the world and has inspiredmillions to venture to Brunei fora glimpse of one of his majesticpalaces, mosques and ancientcultural artifacts from around theworld.Islam. Bruneians uphold the nation’sheritage in their utilisation of royaltitles, and regalia as well as Islamicarchitectural design. It has evenbeen said that Brunei’s mosques andother Islamic sites of importance areclear examples of Islamic arts outsidethe Arab world like the gildedHoly Koran, ceremonial items andintricate mosaics found on severalmonuments here.Jame’Asr Hassanal Bolkiah Mosquein downtown Brunei is often calledthe greatest example of Islamicarchitecture in Southeast Asia.Covered with 29 golden domes andornamented minarets, a landscapedgarden this is Brunei’s unforgettableand most revered cultural landmark.The Omar Ali Saifuddien Mosqueis probably Brunei’s most iconicmosque, with its Italian marble andgranite floors, stained glass andchandeliers with a lagoon completewith a replica of the royal barge init. In addition to these monumentallegacies, there is also the Arts andHandicrafts centre where a hostof traditional items are on display.Equally impressive is the BruneiMuseum where the historicalartifacts and religious itemsdisplayed the long history of theSultanate with its Islamic influencewith items like ceramics, glasswareand carpets.Brunei’s monarchy is unique anddistinctive as the oldest unbrokenreigning dynasty in the world; infact, it is today the only sovereignMalay Sultanate in the world! HisMajesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah,the 29 th ruler of his line, led Bruneito independence from the Britishin 1984, making Brunei as the onlysovereign nation on Borneo. Today,Brunei under his Majesty’s direction,has emerged as one of Asia’s mostdeveloped nations, enabling itscitizens to enjoy one of the higheststandards of living in Asia.Brunei’s culture has its roots in theMalay origins, emphasising on pietyand adats with reverence to theSultan and today these rich culturalheritage can be easily seen in the artand architecture of the nation whichare also distinctly influenced byRoyal ChariotFor further information, please contact BRUNEI TOURISM, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources, Jalan Menteri Besar, Bandar Seri BegawanBB3910, Brunei Darussalam. Tel: (673) 238 2822, 238 2832 Fax: (673) 238 2824 Email: info@bruneitourism.travelwww.bruneitourism.travel60 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 61

EducationContinuous Learningis a prerequisitefor SuccessThe hallmark of a good service provideris easy to spot; the institution is usuallythe preferred choice for both public andprivate sectors when such services arerequired. In Sarawak, CMM or Centrefor Modern Management is a primeexample of such a service provider, beingoriginally conceptualised in 1994 to bethe state’s main training provider for thestate civil service, it has now even caughtthe attention of the private sector for itsquality delivery.International Speaker for Asia HRD Congress July 2010The Centre for ModernManagement in Sarawakbelieves that service providersmust work diligently to achieveaims and visions“While we continue to be the preferredchoice for the state civil service trainingcentre, the board of management hasalways stressed on the need to go beyondsuch expectations for CMM; it shouldcompete to also win clients from the privatesector as a yardstick by which to measureits success or shortcomings,” stated SyeedMohd Hussien, CEO of CMM. “From theoriginal team that started CMM to today,the emphasis has always been on teamworkand together achieving success as it is onlywith everyone’s support and undividedcommitment will any organisation succeedand more importantly, continue to breaknew grounds by reaching new heightsin their services provided. Sustainability,viability is the business icon for anyorganisation to measure their continuoussuccess and CMM also place these values inour assessments to check on our progress.With these measurable yardsticks to chartMOU between CMM and Curtin SarawakHigh Performance TeamInduction Course 2010our growth and achievements, we can seewhere we need more emphasis, personnelor new models to keep up with changingtrends and expectations of both public andprivate sectors. Hence, regular upgradingof our own staff skills and capabilities is anintegral part of CMM’s vision to be A HighPerforming Learning Centre in ProvidingInnovative Human Capital Transformation,”he said. “Naturally, we cannot do everythingby ourselves as no organisation has suchcapabilities or resources and so our valuedpartners and associates in the public andprivate sectors, professional bodies andrenowned institutions of higher learningalso contributed to our continued success.”According to Tuan Syeed, the stategovernment’s vision of being a developedstate by 2020 and Sarawak Corridor ofRenewable Energy (SCORE) is still the maingoal for the centre to contribute to thatvision’s success while also looking beyondthe horizon.the reasons for success are providingpremium meals for participants based oncompetitive food quality and service level,facilities such as cyber room with internetaccessibility and infrastructure within andaround the centre’s premises.On operational excellence, CMM conformsto or exceeds ISO 9001 certification andhas even requested for recertification auditby Moody, the renowned internationalfirm. The whole exercise will involvethe entire staff of CMM as well aschanges to its programmed trainingmanagement software in various aspectslike IT peripherals, training classes, hostels,buildings, roads and utilities. All these areto be achieved without compromising on itsbottom line of being sustainable. Workingwithin such strict and set perimeters makefor prudence in all levels of the organisationand one of the main reasons for its success.“We are not a company that sits and waitsfor clients to come to us; we go out to sellour business to new potential customersand to also compare with competitorsmodels to ensure that we are always onour toes and looking for greater success.In the globalised world, competition iskeen and is always changing. If you are notready and unable to change to suit the newdemands and expectations, then you willbecome a dinosaur in the service industrylike ours,” the CEO stated clearly. Hence,CMM’s collaboration works with numerousorganisations are part of their overall plansto continued success in the years to come.Banquet HallEducationCEO, Tuan Syeed Mohd Hussien binWan Abd. RahmanRecreational Day January 2010Administrative Professionals Seminar2010 Special Appearance by Hafiz AF7Dinner Theme: Safari NiteTeam BuildingSoft launching of Banquet Hall by Chairman of CMMCMM takes pride in expressing its band ofloyal clients as well as stakeholders whocontinue to show appreciation for theircontributions. These attributes reflect onCMM’s mission of commitment to excel andcreate lasting relationships with customersand stakeholders through innovative learninginterventions and solutions, conducivelearning and working environment, strategicalliances and providing excellent customerservice. As their tag line reads ‘HighCommitment – High Performance,’ it clearlyshows the centre’s defining aim of onlyproviding the best for all its clients. AmongstWIFITraining RoomResource & LearningCentreRecreational RoomFitness CentreSarawak Chief Minister QualityAward and Civil Service SarawakConference 2010For further information, please contact Centre For Modern Management (CMM) at KM20, Jalan Kuching Serian,Semenggok, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 625166 Fax: + 6082 625966 Email: webmaster@cmm.com.mywww.cmm.com.my62 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011 Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 63

Education‘Every process of action is aproduction of something new, afresh act; but at the same timeall action exists in continuitywith the past, which supplies themeans of its initiation’ (Giddens,1979).• Stretching from China in thenorth to Indonesia in the south,Japan in the east, to Burma/Myanmarin the west, East Asia is one ofthe most dynamic and challengingregions of the globe. Understandingthis key region requires a variety ofskills and perspectives, a combinationof familiar and new forms ofknowledge, and the developmentof new networks. It also requiresan understanding of the Asianregion’s evolving political economyin global context taking into accountthe social, cultural, religious andhistorical character of the nations,states and civilizations in the region.• The Institute of East AsianStudies (IEAS) at UNIMAS, the firstof its kind to be set up in an ASEANcountry, promotes contemporaryresearch that will enhance anunderstanding of these processesof change, through a range ofInstitute of East AsianStudies,Where scientific64 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Unimas:thinking meets thechallenges ofregional andglobal changeby Dr. Ann Appletoninterdisciplinary programmes andactivities. One of the objectives ofthese initiatives is to foster researchand knowledge sharing throughlocal, regional and internationalaffiliations.• Close working linkagesare maintained with otherSarawak-based research-orientedorganizations - through sponsoredpublic seminars, lectures and jointinvestigative activities, as well aswith a wide range of researchorganizations and scholarsthroughout the world.• As Giddens reminds us, thepresent cannot be fully understoodwithout an understanding andappreciation of the past. Hence,along with the study of a numberof aspects facing contemporaryBornean and East Asian societies,research at the Institute also extendsto the history and rich traditions ofthe region and its peoples. The lossof aspects of traditional culture,including language, is often aninevitable consequence of socialchange. Where the opportunitypresents, effort is made to documentthese elements as a record for futuregenerations. The documentation ofpelatou, undertaken in 2007, is anexample.Pelatou is a traditional a-likouMelanau ritual conducted by ashaman in the wake of a death.It is rarely performed today, firstlybecause the majority of Melanauhave now converted to either Islamor Christianity and have givenup the old animist religion, andsecondly because there are only acouple of people still living who areable to perform pelatou. Howeversome elderly Melanau can still recallpelatou being a regular feature oflife in the Melanau villages sixtyyears ago.During pelatou the shaman, in trance,travels by boat to the land of thedead. The approach is two-pronged:the shaman returns with news of thedeceased for his/her family and oftenbrings news of the deceased relativesof other people in the audience as well;at the same time the shaman bringsback healing pijer (invisible flowers andstones from the afterworld), which he“implants” into the relatives of thedeceased to strengthen and heal them.By this process, any souls which haveThe shaman prepares to enter trance. Sitting on a woven mat, he drapes a sarong aroundhimself and begins to chant. Highly perfumed cologne, applied to the forehead, callsup the spirits and helps him to enter a trance state. (Sometimes, smoke from a bowl ofburning frankincense is also used for the same purpose)1263In trance, the shamanbegins his narrativejourney, chantinginterspersed withcommentary, as heexplains he is aboutto leave for ‘the otherland’. Gifts of foodand other items fordeceased relativesare sent with him,as a sign that thedeceased have notbeen forgotten bythe livingThe a-bayoh’s assistant,also in trance, joins himfor the journey. In timespast, assistants for thejourney were sometimesprepared by pressing ontheir carotid artery untilthey lost consciousness;as you can probablyimagine, there were fewvolunteers.4 The mat, now become a boat, is loaded withgifts. Pelatou is an opportunity for everyonein the village to make contact with lovedones who have passed on, though there isno guarantee that the shaman will necessarilycome across a particular deceased relative. Justas when you go to the local market, there isno guarantee whom you will meet there onany particular day, though you can pretty muchguarantee you will run into someone you know.5As they begin to unload theirboat, they see an elderly personapproaching and they sit downand share some betlenutwhile the reason for the visitis explained… they are heresearching for someone who waslost, and they have brought alonggifts and provisions for them.Family members are worriedabout the welfare of the deceasedand hoping for some reassurance.‘We were sent to seek closure’.While the elderly person goesoff to look for the deceased, theconversation continues as otherpersons arrive on the scene - someof whom turn out to be longdeceased relatives of people in theaudience. Names are mentionedand reminiscences exchanged.The elderly person arrives backwith the deceased and questionsare asked concerning theirwelfare as the gifts are handedover. There is light-hearted banterabout new acquaintances met inthe afterworld, evoking lots oflaughter from the audience.followed the deceased out of longingare returned to their true owners.Any death, and particularly a suddenor unexplained death, causes a certainamount of anxiety and potential forvulnerability in those left behind, andespecially so in a close-knit villagecommunity. The performance ofpelatou is aimed at reducing thesevulnerabilities and the anxietiesthey create. At the same time theperformance provides reassurance torelatives that the soul of the deceased7Having assured themselves - and theaudience, that the deceased is well caredfor, the shaman and his assistant setabout gathering pijer (invisible flowersand stones from the afterworld) tobring back as gifts for the family of thedeceased. As family members are calledforward by name, the pijer are insertedinto the nape of the neck and the navel,to restore courage and strength.has reached the afterworld safely.However, the mood of pelatou isvery different from the dignity andseriousness of the funeral rites. Pelatoudraws the bereaved back into life byengaging them in entertainment. Thereis a playfulness and lightness to pelatouthat allows the bereaved to get anotherperspective on death, most evident inthe collective lift of mood at the end ofthe performance.As everyone socializes overrefreshments it is apparent that aEducationThe shaman and his assistant setoff downriver, traversing the lengthof the room to the other end.Having reached their destination,they pull the boat onshore. It’sobvious from the leg and armslapping that there are lots ofmosquitoes in the land of the dead,just like in the Melanau villages.Jamien Bin Mikui: JebunganBefore leaving, the shamanand his assistant perform adance to entertain their hostsin the other world.healing has taken place and some ofthe sadness has been lifted for thebereaved family and the close-knitvillage community. An element ofclosure has been achieved.Learn more about the work of theInstitute of East Asian Studies at:http://www.ieas.unimas.my/• The expertise of IEAS ResearchFellows, Associates and visitingresearchers can also be made availablefor the benefit of the wider community.Institute of East Asian Studies • Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, 94300 Kota Samarahan, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6082 672191 Fax: +6082 672095www.ieas.unimas.my8Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 65

EducationEnglish language courses in the UKThe UK is the home of the English language and there isa long tradition of teaching English in the UK to speakersof other languages. Any school you choose will haveexperience of working with international students.UK English language courses are available at all levels.They provide as much or as little support as you need.Class sizes are small too, so teaching staff can pay closeattention to your learning needs.UKEducationandstudymethodsBeing independent when you study in the UK isn’t justabout living away from home. Whatever UK course youstudy, you will be encouraged to think for yourself andcreate your own ideas. A UK education will help yougain confidence in your own abilities and equip you withvaluable language, creative, analytical and research skillsthat employers look for.Close contact between students and tutors is aparticular strength of all UK courses. Institutions in theUK also provide excellent English language support forinternational students. Many offer English classes thatfocus on the language and study skills you will need tosuccessfully complete your main course.Postgraduate programmes in the UKIf you study as a UK postgraduate student, most of thework you do will be on your own initiative, which reallydevelops your thinking and research skills. On taughtcourses, postgraduate tutors and lecturers provide theframework of the course, but you are encouraged topursue your own interests. With postgraduate researchprogrammes, the principal teaching method is originalresearch, completed under academic supervision.66 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011www.educationuk.org.myMany UK postgraduate research programmes offerintroductory taught courses that provide trainingin research skills. This will help you prepare for theadvanced research you’ll need to do.MBA courses in the UKMaster of Business Administration (MBA) courses in theUK are a particularly intensive, challenging and rewardingform of taught postgraduate course. You’ll be expectedto work through a large amount of material, completeprojects and assignments and give regular presentations.Teaching methods characteristic of MBAs include casestudies, simulations and business games.UK undergraduate degree coursesUK degree programmes can be tailored to your interests.Although some core topics on your undergraduate degreewill be compulsory, you can also choose from optionalmodules. This gives you the opportunity to specialise in keyareas that could help you achieve your career goals.Lectures are an important part of UK undergraduatecourses, but you’ll spend most of your time in smalltutorial and seminar groups.Together with your tutor and fellow students, you willdiscuss and analyse pre-prepared topics. Here you willfind your ideas and opinions are very welcome.If you choose a technical undergraduate degree subjectin the UK, you are likely to spend a large portion of yourtime in supervised laboratory work. This is designed tohelp you develop necessary technical skills.You’ll be encouraged to communicate from the momentyou enter the classroom. The wide range of creativeteaching methods for English Language courses in theUK include:• games• role-playing exercises• problem-solving• group discussions.You will also be able to usetechnology and languagelaboratories to studyindependently.UK independent schoolsand collegesIndependent boarding schools in the UK are well-knownfor the quality of their teaching and excellent facilities.You can expect to be taught in a small group, where yourteacher will give you all the individual attention you need.Independence, sociability and a love of learning are allgained from studying at UK independent schools.UK career-basedand pre-university coursesWhen you study a career-based course in the UK youare encouraged to take responsibility for your ownstudies. You might find yourself working on projectswith other students, spending time in college libraries orbeing assessed through practical demonstrations. YourUK course will combine practical skills with a soundacademic underpinning, all geared towards a particularcareer or job.British CouncilRoom A15 & A16, Chung Hua Middle School No.1, Jalan Pending,93450 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.T: +6082 346044 F: +6082 342199 M: +6016 8095 392 (Gabriel Liew)email: gabriel.liew@britishcouncil.org.mywww.britishcouncil.org.my • www.ielts.orgEducation UK is brought to you byMeet us atUKInformationDayReceive free and professional adviceabout studying for a UK qualificationin the UK or in Malaysia20 Jan 20111pm to 6pm – Sibu RH Hotel22 Jan 20111pm to 6pm – Bintulu Everly Parkcity Hotel23 Jan 20111pm to 6pm – Miri Everly Parkcity HotelThe Borneo Post InternationalEducation Fair 201119 & 20 Feb 201111am to 7pm – Borneo Convention Centre KuchingEducation UK Exhibition 201124 March 20112pm to 7pm – Inti College Sarawak Multi Purpose Hallwww.educationuk.org.myOrganised byJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 67

EducationEducationWhat haveyou read?BuyingforyourLibrary?by Japri Bujang MasliSarawak State Library (PUSTAKA) • Jalan Pustaka, Off Jalan Stadium, 93050 Petra Jaya, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 442000 Fax: +6082 449944 E-mail: librarian@sarawaknet.gov.my <strong>Website</strong>: www.pustaka-sarawak.comTime flies. Not a while ago I was astudent myself going to school andbusy doing homework while alsopreparing for examinations. Whena group of National Service TrainingProgram participants (mainly postSPM students) visited the libraryand after the briefing every one ofthem came forward shaking myhands while bending forward andalmost “kissed” my hands, it reallytriggered my mind to asked myselfam I really that old? The studentswere physically much bigger than meand it was just like yesterday I hadmy own SPM.The year 2011 comes and we greeteach other Happy New Year yetagain. What has the year 2010brought us as a person and as anation? Reading from newspapersreports time and again we readabout accidents, crimes, tragediesand many more that happenedbefore and should be avoidable ifwe had learned something fromthe previous one. Comments bymany of us highlighted the factthat we talked about post mortem,introduced new mechanisms, andcame up with new regulations andetcetera each time these unfortunateevents happen. Some would say thatwe always failed at enforcement.Maybe it is true that history repeatsitself. So what is the big fuss as nomatter what history will repeatsitself. Or some says that the onlything we learned from history is thatwe never learn from it.The truth is, history happens onceand those that failed to learn fromit are doomed to repeat it again andagain. The keyword is learning. So,what have we learned from the year2010? Age is actually mitigated byour learning. If time passes by andwe learned nothing then we agedaccordingly. When we learn as muchthat we are able to adapt nicely withchanges that come with time we areas young as the generation we are insync with. Similarly those who fail tolearn will be as old as the generationhis or her knowledge is at par with.We humans are more a “spiritual”than a physical being (use of the wordspiritual here refers to the non physicalpart of human). That is why deathbeing defined as the loss of “spiritualelements”. A good human bodylacking evidence or sign that his or herspirit/ soul is still there will normally bedeclared dead. I am not trying to argueon the subject of death, so pleasebear with me mentioning this just toget to my point i.e. knowledge is acharacteristic of our spirit/soul.Of course physical aging is alsoimportant but that is not directly,there are some correlations, relatedto learning. Example of spiritualaspect as more important to aperson could be seen in the like ofStephen Hawking. His knowledgekeeps him active as a living humanbeing that enables him to contributemore as compared to many physicallyfit people. In fact, how best can wemeasure the existence of a personin this world if not from his or hercontributions to humanity? Thesecontributions collectively referred toas history or some people mention ashis story (her story also apply).Great stories of great personalitiesalways arise from their greatknowledge and skills upon whichcontributions to humanity areprofound. In fact many of thosewho contributed with great ideaswhich for hundreds of years stillinfluence millions people aroundthe world. They passed the test oftime and geography. People likeConfucius, Karl Marx, MahatmaGandhi, Tun Seri Lanang and manymore contributed tremendouslyto humanity and their sphere ofinfluence extend beyond theirlifetime. We can almost say that forthese people time almost stood still.So, Happy New Year 2011 andread more to contribute more. It isnot necessary for every one of usto contribute globally and touchthe lives of millions. If you learnedhow to fish and contributed to thelivelihood of your own family, thatis good enough. Just don’t stopthere, continue to learn new thingsand contribute more as time goesby. Then time will stand still as it isbeing translated into your stories.And never forget to learn from theseexperiences (the history) so that wecan avoid repeating them especiallythe not so good one.Whathave you readin 2010?• Government libraries, Universities & Corporate Resource Centre •Home base library for East Malaysia • Bulk purchase for conference• CSR projects for needy institutions •NOW is the time with the PERFECT deal!CORPORATE DISCOUNTNo minimum purchaserequiredConsultationwithinRegionMake an appointment to see our Corporate Manager;Ms Nora at 019 323 7068 or En. Saiful at 019 337 9883to check out the ideal offerMPH BOOKSTORES THE SPRING (46248-M)Lot 114, 1 st Floor, The Spring Shopping Mall, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 244 800 Fax: +6082 244 801 email: cls.spring@mph.com.myBusiness hour: 10.00am - 10.00pm68 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 69

A place for everyone tolive, play and enjoyPeopleExclusive, comfortableand with styleBlack is style that is what Asia Staris all about complete with comfort,personal cabin crew, special halaland vegetarian meals and drinks,video on demand, music, games,pillows, blankets and others onrequest.The latest addition to thetransportation scene Asia Starexclusive bus will operate fromKuching direct to Miri at acomfortable 12 hours comparativelyto the normal 15 hours journey. Itwill also travel from Kuching to Sibuand then Miri with its Kuching-Bintulu sector to be added on soon.For such comfort and servicesthe fare is at a good value withKuching-Miri sector at RM99 andKuching-Sibu at RM59 and Sibu-Miri also at RM59 all inclusive ofmeals and drinks.Asia Star bus is made from Swedenwith air suspension, automatic gear,high deck body and all businessclass 2+1 seats with a full capacityof 30 seats.BLACK • IS STYLEHotline +6082 411 111www.AsiaStar.myMiniShopaholicAuthor: Sophie Kinsella • ISBN: 9780812981889, 9780593059807Publisher: Dial Press Trade, Bantam PressRM69.90Becky Brandon thought motherhood would be a breeze - but it’strickier than she thought. Two-year-old Minnie has created havoceverywhere from Harrods to her own christening. She hires taxisat random, her favorite word is “mine,” and she already has apenchant for Balenciaga bags. Becky is at her wits’ end. On top ofthis, she and Luke are still living with her mom and dad, there’s abig financial crisis so everyone’s having to cut back - including allher personal shopping clients - and her husband Luke is feeling lowafter the death of his beloved stepmother. To cheer him up, Beckydecides to throw Luke a surprise birthday party - on a budget - andthat’s when things become really complicated. Becky tries to keepthe arrangements secret and soon she’s told so many fibs she can’tkeep track of them...TheConfessionAuthor: John GrishamISBN: 9780385528047Publisher: DoubledayRM89.90An innocent man is about to beexecuted. Only a guilty man can savehim. For every innocent man sent toprison, there is a guilty one left on theoutside. He doesn’t understand how thepolice and prosecutors got the wrong man, and he certainly doesn’tcare. He just can’t believe his good luck. Time passes and he realizesthat the mistake will not be corrected: the authorities believe in theircase and are determined to get a conviction. He may even watchthe trial of the person wrongly accused of his crime. He is relievedwhen the verdict is guilty. He laughs when the police and prosecutorscongratulate themselves. He is content to allow an innocent personto go to prison, to serve hard time, even to be executed.MPH BOOKSTORES THE SPRING • Lot 114, 1 st Floor, The Spring Shopping Mall,Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.Tel: +6082 244 800 Fax: +6082 244 801<strong>Website</strong>: www.mphonline.com Business hour: 10.00am - 10.00pmWe will offer these selected titles featured in this issue at 20%* discount to <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>readers. Readers to cut-out coupon from the magazine or download and print fromwww.enjoy365.com.my and present it at MidValley, Subang Parade,Megastore (1 Utama), Great Eastern Mall (Jalan Ampang), KLIA Airport, TheSpring to enjoy the special offer.• Only original coupon or downloaded coupon fromwww.enjoy365.com.my is accepted• This offer is valid at MPH Bookstores indicated above• Not valid with any other offers or promotions• This coupon is not exchangeable for cash• Valid until 31 st March 2011Padawan Council Chairman Lo Khere Chiang believesthe municipality has potential to grow with everyone’s supportPadawan Council is one of the threemunicipalities that make up the greaterKuching City area and it also happens tobe a prominent tourism area with culturaldelights, nature’s sanctuary, caving,canoeing and trekking adventure as well asculinary adventure all found here. Naturallythe area has now become one of thefastest growth areas in Kuching for housingand shopping centres which need properadministrative attention to ensure orderlyand conducive developments.“Padawan has grown tremendously overthe past few years with the strong supportfrom the government and people; it isimportant that these developments arecarried out orderly without adverselyaffecting the beauty and nature of thesurroundings,” said Lo Khere Chiang,Chairman of Padawan Council. “Since myappointment as Chairman in 2010, I havealways sought the views of local councillorswhen it comes to new projects proposalswith the aim of serving the greater good ofeveryone living here. Funding is always anissue for councils in Kuching as there are somany areas that need improvements as wellas development and Padawan has over 300square kilometers to manage which meanswe must be prudent and efficient in whereour resources go to. The diversity of ourpopulation here also needs special attentionwhen it comes to developments as we try tobe as balanced in our distribution of fundsto every area. All projects are now awardedon tender basis which means anyone cancompete but must be able to complete ontime and on budget.”Lo pointed out that road developmentsare crucial for the council to ensure futuregrowth as they provide the basis for otherdevelopments later. The council has alsobeen planning to provide bicycle tracksto local tourism spots which will enhancecloser contact with nature for visitorswho are more adventurous while furthersupporting local economies. Acknowledgingthe lack of adequate public transportationin some parts of the council’s area, thechairman noted that the private sector hasbeen innovative in meeting these needswith vans for hire and busing peoplearound. Another area the council constantlyscrutinises is hawkering as they can lead tohost of issues like rubbish collection,illegal activities and endangeringmotorists and pedestrians. Lo saidthat the council constantly lookfor the best way to accommodatethese mainly rural farmers likeproviding weekly market spotsand affordable rental areas forthem as they directly and indirectlycontribute to the economy of thecouncil and the state.“At the council, wewill do our bestto ensure thateveryone herebenefits from ourservices and atthe same timedevelop the areainto a thriving,clean, greenarea. To doall these wecertainlyneed thesupport ofthe people inevery corner ofthe municipalityas well as ourvisitors. Togetherwe can all makePadawan the prideof the state andnation!”Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 71

People360 Key team members: Top row from left Ar. Romulo Reyes - YDR Design ManilaPhilippines, Ng Yaw Hua – Director 360 hotels, Front row from 4th left Ar Yolanda DavidReyes YDR Design Manila Philippines, Datin Azerina Mohd Arip – Director 360 Hotels,Anriza Cordero - Director 360 hotels ), Steve Ng - Director 360 HotelsWorking on a team360 Hotel franchise, Steve Ng believes that eachmember of his team is just as important as thenext person in the whole organisationKuching City’s most strategicallylocated shopping mall, Hock LeeCentre is also home to a poshhotel on the upper floors, enjoyingpanoramic views of the city and themajestic Sarawak river all the way toSantubong, Bako and the South ChinaSea. The person and the team thatputs together all this is no strangerto luxurious style as Steve Ng, theconcepts person has a wealth ofexperience from his 26 years in Canadamanaging similar properties. In fact, histeam comprises planners, architects,managers who conceptualize, budget,design and assist owners converttheir properties into a hotel. To topit all off they integrate this togetherwith ongoing management of theproperties to make sure that theowners will benefit from the fullpotential of their properties.“Our most important asset is ourintegrity. We always do our best toensure we deliver a true and realisticpicture to all our clients when wepresent our concepts for development.As an integrated team of consultantsand construction managementcombined with professionalmanagement, we undertake everything,from the initial survey to construction,interior design details of the hotel orapartment, pre operational training andlong term management” Steve saidon the concept behind the successful360 Hotel brand. “For us, the 360 Hotelbrand is our signature providing the toprange of management, services andconcepts to the hotel owners and eachlocation will feature a different themeso guests can always expect and enjoya different experience in the various72 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011hotels and at very affordable rates. Allthis whilst ensuring owners get fairlyrewarded. Our team ensures that eachproperty has its own strengths, andcomplements the other locations in anexisting city.To provide guests with the quality ofservices and expectations, we alwaysgive our best effort when creating eachindividual property, whether it is a fivestar or three star property as guest’ssatisfaction is our focus and goal. Weneed to deliver a product that willensure they will repeatedly come backand stay with us and we hope thateventually they will identify 360 withour company slogan, ‘A ConstantlyEvolving Value Concept Hotel Brand’.While their flagship project, theupcoming shopping mall, PlazaMerdeka is well on schedule tocommence operations by mid 2012,Steve and his team have been keptbusy with property owners knockingon their doors on developing similarstyle hotels in Malaysia as well asother countries. They are presentlyengaged in the conversion of 72 unitsof flats into ‘Fully managed Luxurycondominiums’ at Jalan Ong Sum Pingin Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei. Aswell they have confirmed another 160room budget hotel in Kuching besidestheir flagship 360 waterfront hotel@ Plaza Merdeka and are currentlystudying other projects in KualaLumpur and Kota Kinabalu.To get away from the workenvironment, the father of three kidscycles to relax and recharge. He wouldchange after work into his bike gearand has a few set routes around thecity. Occasionally he together with hisgroup from the Rotary Club of KuchingCentral ventures out as far as Bako andDamai. He also said that riding giveshim a different perspective of the cityand a better feel of its pulse. For himwork means managing your own partwell and providing necessary supportto all of the other team members as hebelieves that each member’s expertise isunique to their particular field. Similarly,he deduced, you need different typesof bikes to get the best from differentterrain as each bike is built for aparticular purpose and intent.“Trust is an important aspect ofour organization; each individualis entrusted to provide the kind ofexpertise employed for and we do notneed to discuss details as each personknows what to do after the planningstage. When we all come together,it is just like a jigsaw puzzle wherewhen it is all put together you willsee the complete picture. Hence theimportance of hiring only people whowe know will be able to give the bestand be part of the team,” .Steve also emphasized. “Anotherarea that we strongly believe in andtake seriously is our Corporate SocialResponsibility. We need to ensurethat we give back to our society whatwe take. This includes supportingworthwhile programs by the RotaryClub of Kuching Central (of whichSteve is a member) like assisting thehardcore poor (regardless of religionor race) with the goal to equip themand their next generation with thetools to break their circle of poverty,sponsorship of health equipment forSarawak General Hospital, lendingongoing support to the Salvation Army,the wishing well project and providingsupport for the SSPCA. So what’s nextfor the team?“We are working on a few projectssimultaneously at the moment aswe together with our investors arecautiously bullish on our economyand the outlook for the foreseeablefuture is very positive. So the besttime to invest is when the economyis just starting to pick up as by thetime the projects are complete thedemand would enable the supply to beabsorbed.” he concluded.Senior Management staff: 360 Hotel franchise“My work is theembodiment of mydreams.” – William MorrisMy work as an architect for over30 years follows the conceptof “Tropical Architecture with aCultural Context”; conservingtraditional habitat, skills, natural andsustainable material and exploringcontemporary expressions, usageand innovation.I believe very much in research,documentation, education and ingiving the master craft artisans duerecognition for their work. I amonly the designer, but they ‘craft’my designs into reality! I like tocombine a touch of the ethnic andoriental with the contemporary;innovating traditional styles with anunusual creative twist.– Edric Ong -A symphony of colours best described EOfashion. Soft looking silk fashion or gentle,neutral colour of natural fibers stir yoursenses to remind you to take care of motherearth. Mystic dark tones intensify yourcuriosity, and then there are those vibrantcoloured ones which strongly demonstratecultural diversity. Even EO antique textileshave a peculiar intimacy as they are drapedaround and mould to the shape of thebodies.EDRIC ONG is no ordinary fashion designer.His successful blend of traditional andmodern characterizes his fashion, whichcontinues to amaze his audience ateach showing. It’s like looking at fashioncombined with other forms of art. Suddenlya woven basket becomes a headpiece andenhanced the fashion.His architecture background clearly showswith the attention he pays to detailsand forms. In 2009 he was awarded theMercedes Benz/STYLO Designer of the YearAward. In December 2010 he was the chiefjudge for the Piala Sri Endon, a prestigiousBatik Award in Kuala Lumpur.Edric OngDesign Philosophy– by Vicky Fong -PeopleBut his specialty is not just fashion.Although his base is in Kuching, in theisland of Borneo, his passion for the artshas taken him around the globe where hecontinues to curate numerous internationalexhibitions on textiles and crafts.The author of 2 definitive books on IbanTextiles and ‘Sarawak Style’ a coffee tablebook on the Arts and Crafts of SarawakMalaysia, Edric is also an internationalspeaker on Architectural Conservation,Crafts and Textiles. He is the Convener ofthe biennial World Eco-Fiber and Textile(WEFT) Forum since 1999.Edric Ong has received the prestigious Aidto Artisans Advocate Award 2006, and theHeritage Award 2008; and numerous otherinternational awards for his work in textiles,fashion and crafts.Jan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 73

Movies & ETCfilmPreviewTel: 6 082 234 077Tuesday | Ladies Day, Ticket only RM6(not applicable for male and public holiday)Wednesday | Movie Day, Ticket only RM5(not applicable for movie marked (“) and public holiday)FoodThe Green HornetGenre: Action, AdventureDirector: Michel Gondry Rated: PG-13In Cineplex: 27 th January 2011Synopsis:Based on the iconic radio serial, comicbook and television show of the same name, thislatest superhero movie adaptation chronicles theadventures of Britt Reid (Seth Rogen), a debonairnewspaper publisher by day and a crime-fightingmasked hero at night, along with his sidekick, Kato(Jay Chou). At one point, Hong Kong supremoStephen Chow was to either direct, produce orstar in the film as Kato but Taiwanese pop idol JayChou has filled in for the role now. The movie alsostars Nicolas Cage and Cameron Diaz.Mr. & Mrs. IncredibleGenre: ComedyDirector: Vincent Kok Rated: PG-13In Cineplex: 3 rd Febuary 2011Synopsis:In ancient China, superhero Huan(Louis Koo) falls in love with a femalesuperhero called Red (Sandra Ng). Theydecide to retire and move to a small villagefor the sake of starting a family. Five yearspasses and they now live a happy and quietlife until a martial arts competition is beingheld in the very village they live. They planto leave the village for good but end upbeing tangled in a conspiracy to murderthe champion. To find out the identity ofthe mastermind, Huan and Red must donsuperhero costumes one more time in thename of justice.DEFINING BALANCED LIVING ATSOMERSET GATEWAY, KUCHINGBEST AVAILABLERATES FROMMYR160++Set in the vibrant and culturally rich city of Kuching,Somerset Gateway towers 16 storeys above theheart of Sarawak’s Golden Triangle and CentralBusiness District. The well-appointed twin towercomplex integrates modern offices and servicedresidences, and is close to a myriad of major shops,international restaurants and entertainment centres.Because life is about living.For rates or bookings, please call (60-82) 250 958 or visitwww.somerset.comTerms and conditions apply.BeastlyGenre: Fantasy, RomanceDirector: Daniel Barnz Rated: PG-13In Cineplex: 18 th March 2011Synopsis:In this modern “Beauty And TheBeast” reupdate, Kyle Kingson (Alex Pettyfer)has all the looks, intelligence and wealthbut he has a cruel streak. Prone to mocking“aggressively unattractive” classmates,he zeroes in on Goth classmate KendraHilferty (Mary Kate Olsen), inviting her tothe school’s environmental bash. Kendraaccepts, and, true to form, Kyle blows heroff in savage fashion. She casts a spell thattransforms him into everything he despises.Now horrible-looking, he learns that theonly solution to the curse is to find someonethat will love him as he is. Repulsed by hisappearance, Kyle’s father (Peter Krause)banishes him to Brooklyn with a sympathetichousekeeper (Lisa Gay Hamilton) and blindtutor (Neil Patrick Harris).*All booked tickets must be collected 45 min before show times.The establishment of Japaneserestaurant, Sushi Tie, at FortuneCommercial Centre and at WismaSanyan in Sibu has paved the wayfor everyone to enjoy Japanesecuisine.Sushi Tie hasbuilt a name for itself as the onlyJapanese food outlet that managedto thrive and expand from itsoriginal location. ‘Tie’ pronouncedTi ye’ (pond in Chinese) is actuallya Foochow surname. Owned bySibu Foochows, Sushi Tie offers theheavenly gastronomical Japanesecuisine delights which will pleaseJapanese food lovers.While Sushi Tie at Wisma Sanyanmaintains much of the warm andfriendly atmosphere of the first SushiTie at Fortune Commercial Centre, itoffers a bigger area for more customercapacity. Sushi Tie offers a wideselection of Japanese cuisine based oncombining staple foods, typically riceand noodles, and dishes such as fish,meat, vegetable, tofu and more.These areflavoured withdashi, miso andsoy sauce, and islow in fat. Sushiis of course themost famous ofJapanese cuisineand is typicallyenjoyed duringspecial occasions. Astandard Japanesemeal generally consists of severaldifferent okazu accompanying a bowlof white Japanese rice (gohan), a bowlof soup and tsukemony (pickles).Noodles are also an essential part ofJapanese cuisine usually offered asan alternative to rice. Soba – thin,grayish-brown noodles containingbuckwheat and thick wheat noodles– are the traditional noodles servedhot or cold flavoured with soydashi.Chinese-style wheat noodlesserved in a meat stock broth knownas ramen has become extremelypopular over the last century.AnotherpopularJapanesedish isthe Udonnoodles madefrom wheatflour. Thickerthan soba, Udonis served eitherhot or cold withvarious toppings.5 % offfor all sushi on kaiten beltTerms & Conditions: Coupon must be presented. Valid for Sushi Tie restaurants in Sarawakand for Dine-In only. This offer is not valid with other offers or promotions. Strictly notexchangeable for cash. Prices subject to 5% service charge. Valid till 31 st March 2011.Flavours of JapanOther recommendeddishes at Sushi Tieis the chicken currydry ramen pricedat RM14.90. Thissumptuous dish ofchicken curry, boiledegg, pudding, sushi,miso soup andedamine is a musttry.Another greatdish is the NinnikyOyster set priced at RM13.90.Apart from the wonderful menuoffering, Sushi Tie is known for itslavish interior using tropical woodmaterial which makes dining there awholesome experience.Its chic and classy deco is dominatedby warm colours befitting a typicalJapanese restaurant. Added to this is theunique attire of the staff which makesone feel like they are dining in Japan!Drop by Sushi Tie to satisfy yourpalate with its delectable andtempting cuisine.5 % offfor all sushi on kaiten beltTerms & Conditions: Coupon must be presented. Valid for Sushi Tie restaurants in Sarawakand for Dine-In only. This offer is not valid with other offers or promotions. Strictly notexchangeable for cash. Prices subject to 5% service charge. Valid till 31 st March 2011.74 | <strong>BorneoTalk</strong>Jan-Mar2011Somerset Serviced Residence is managed by The Ascott Limited, a member of Capitaland. It isthe largest global serviced residence owner-operator in Asia Pacific, Europe and the Gulf regionmanaging the Ascott, Somerset and Citadines brands in over 60 cities across 22 countries.SUSHI TIE-TTS SDN BHD - No. 24, Lorong Chew Siik Hiong 1A, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6084 216975 Fax: +6084 212875 Email: sushitie@streamyx.com• Wisma Sanyan, Sibu - No.5.13, Level 5, Wisma Sanyan, No.1, Jalan Sanyan, 96000, Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel: +6084 342875 • Bintulu Outlet- No.210, Parkcity Commerce Square, Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi, 97008, Bintulu, Sarawak, Malaysia. Tel : +6086 338875 Opens daily from 11.30am to 9.30pmJan-Mar2011<strong>BorneoTalk</strong> | 75

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