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Saint Anthony Catholic Church Frankfort, Illinois - St. Anthony ...

Saint Anthony Catholic Church Frankfort, Illinois - St. Anthony ...


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Page Two—August 8, 2010<strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>LIVINGtheWORDScriptureReflectionsfor theAssumptionof the BlessedVirgin MarySunday,Aug. 15, 2010Looking Good By Living WellThe Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary intoheaven foretells what will happen to all of us at theend of time, that we will be taken up into heaven bodyand soul. In the resurrection of the dead we receivea glorified body that will not be subject to thelimitations of our present mortal body.• FIRST READINGA woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath herfeet (Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab).This reading speaks of the birth of Jesus upons the earth. Onanother level, it presents an image of the <strong>Church</strong> makingChrist present in each day. Like the woman in this passage,Mary gave birth to a child who was immediately endangeredby the evil one who wanted to devour him. God protectedthe child and destroyed the power of the serpent. But in thisaccount the woman also represents the <strong>Church</strong>. She isconstantly being attacked by the forces of evil, yet shemakes Christ present in the world. It is appropriate that theimage would stand both for Mary and for the <strong>Church</strong>. Mary isthe model of the <strong>Church</strong> and the true example of what the<strong>Church</strong> should be, for she made the word of God incarnate.• SECOND READINGChrist, the firstfruits; then those who belong to him(1 Corinthians 15:20-27).Jesus is described as being the firstfruits of those who havefallen asleep. The firstfruits are generally known for twothings: they are known for being the best and second, theyare the promise of more that will shortly arrive. Jesus is thebest of those who have been risen from the dead, and he isalso a promise to us that we will one day rise from the deadto live with him in heaven.• GOSPELThe Almighty has done great things for me: he has raisedup the lowly (Luke 1:29-56).The Gospel present the story of the visitation of Mary to hercousin Elizabeth. The child that Elizabeth is carrying giveswitness to the presence of Jesus in their midst. The first personwho ever recognized the presence of Jesus in the worldwas an unborn child. Typically, it is those whom societywould evaluate as insignificant who are able to respond toGod’s call. Elizabeth is filled with the Holy Spirit and thus isable to greet Mary with the phrase that we still use in the“Hail Mary.” The Holy Spirit is important throughout the writingof Luke. Mary is especially blessed for her trust in thewords of the Lord. She was generous and willing to placeherself at the disposition of God. Mary responds to this remarkablegreeting with the hymn that we call the“Magnificat” which expressed the feelings of the “anawim,”the poor ones of Yahweh. The poor were despised by thepowers that be. Jesus portrayed the exact opposite judgmentof the poor. He considered them to be the chosen of theFather. Mary is portrayed as a representative of the“anawim,” she was humble enough to respond lovingly toGod’s call to become the mother of His Son. When Godcalled her, she replied that she was the servant of the Lordand that it should be done unto her according to his will.• REFLECTIONThe celebration of the Assumption can challenge some of ourfears. First and foremost: the fear of death. The Assumptionof Mary calls us to trust that God who “raised the sinlessVirgin Mary... body and soul to the glory of heaven” will alsoraise us from the dead. “In Christ shall all be brought to life,”Paul writes (1 Cor 15:22). This solemnity can also challengethe fear of growing old, of aging, of seeing our body changeand weaken, losing its ability to do what it wants when itwants. Our culture puts a premium on “looking good,” whichbecomes equated with looking youthful and not showing ouryears. The idea of growing old, of maturing into a deeper,wiser, more fully human version of who God created doesnot seem to be on many agendas. We are called to focus onlooking good in the sense of reflecting the very goodness ofGod, living a life that embodies the grace of our relationshipwith God in Jesus Christ. We truly “look good” when our soul“proclaims the greatness of the Lord” by recognizing the importantgifts that God has given us: the gifts of faith in JesusChrist, hope in Jesus Christ, and the ability to love in JesusChrist. Life can be lived in response to our fears of dying,sickness, aging, fear of the loss of our physical, mental, andeven spiritual abilities. But looking good has more to do withthose qualities that show the Spirit of the Lord alive in us,shining through our words and deeds, or even through oursimply being.Mon., Aug. 9thEz 1:2-5, 24-28c28cMt 17:22-2727READINGS FOR THE WEEKTues., Aug. 10thWed., Aug. 11thThurs., Aug. 12th2 Cor 9:6-10Ez 9:1-7; 10:18-22Ez 12:1-12Jn 12:24-2626Mt 18:15-20Mt 18:15-20Fri., Aug. 13thEz 16:1-15, 15, 60, 63Mt 19:3-1212

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeAugust 8, 2010—Page ThreePrayers For Our FamilyFor the Newly BaptizedOur children were baptized by water and theHoly Spirit into our Community of Faith:Reece Julian Kras,son of Michael and Lindsey (Hart)Ava Rose Spear,daughter of George and Amy (Alexander)For the SickPlease pray for the sick of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>Community of Faith and their families:Bernice KonasJoseph LelloFor the DeceasedEternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, andmay perpetual light shine upon them.Susan BertolettiItalo Bruno BernardiSue Alice ParchemSUNDAY EVENING MASS FOR SUMMERWe have added a Sunday Evening Mass tobe celebrated at 6:30 p.m. through theremainder of the summer.Our Parish <strong>St</strong>ewardshipThank YouFor Your GenerosityAugust 1, 2010Saturday 5:00 PM $5,174.00Sunday 7:30 AM $4,624.50Saturday 9:00 AM $4,007.00Saturday 10:00 AM $4,134.0012:00 PM $2,517.00Saturday 6:30 PM $1,437.39Other (mail, etc.) $1,191.00$23,084.89Thanks to all of you who choose to useelectronic giving for Sunday contributions.Electronic giving is posted in the bulletinonce a month. If you are interested ine-giving, please call the Parish Office at815-469-3750 or complete and returnthe authorization form found on page 12of this bulletin.DATE DAY UPCOMING EVENTS TIME8 Aug SUN Wedding Mass of Daniel Hamilton and Meagan Phillips 3:00 PM10 Aug TUES Tuesday Morning Scripture Group 9:00 AM10 Aug TUES Protecting God’s Children Workshop 6:00 PM11 Aug WED Protecting God’s Children Workshop 6:00 PM13 Aug FRI Wedding Rehearsal 6:00 PM13 Aug FRI W.O.W. Group Ice Cream Social 7:30 PM14 Aug SAT Protecting God’s Children Workshop 9:00 AM14 Aug SAT Wedding Mass of Marc Molitor and Victoria Mensone 2:00 PM14 Aug SAT Reconciliation (Fr. Greg Skowron) 4-4:50 PM15 Aug SUN Baptism Ceremony 1:15PM

Page Four — August 8, 2010<strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK• MONDAY, AUGUST 9THST. TERESA BENEDICTA OF THE CROSS, VIRGIN/MARTYR8:00 AMMarcy Miller/Tom and C.C. NessingerFausto Contreras/Family• TUESDAY, AUGUST 10THST. LAWRENCE, DEACON/MARTYR8:00 AMTom Nessinger/John and Leigh Lazzarotto• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11THST. CLARE, VIRGIN8:00 AMEd and Lani Kirsch/Bertrand FamilyDr. Rajendra Shah/Wife, Mary and ChildrenRobert Schnieder/Family• THURSDAY, AUGUST 12THST. FRANCIS DECHANTAL, RELIGIOUS8:00 AMCommunion Service ‐ No Mass• FRIDAY, AUGUST 13THST. LAWRENCE, DEACON/MARTYR8:00 AMMichael Miller/Mike and Liz Fagan• SATURDAY, AUGUST 14THST. MAXIMILLIAN MARY KOLBE, PRIEST/MARTYRVIGIL MASS:THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY5:00 PMParish Family of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>Marie Zimmermann/DiCola FamilyRita Egan/Celia MurnighanElmer T. Evans/Dennis and Chris Bruno• SUNDAY, AUGUST 15THTHE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY7:30 AMParish Family of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>Neal and Ella VanderMeer/MargeKen and Eleanor VanderMeer/MargeTom Nessinger/Chester and Arthur BarnesMike Murphy/Lorraine Schroeder9:00 AMRobert Reicher/Reicher FamilyJohn Joseph Baron/Young FamilyPat Schultz/Roy and Joanne Corrigan10:30 AMEd and Lani Kirsch/Bertrand FamilyHelen Ziolowski/Mr. and Mrs. Peter Batinic12:00 PMJoseph Hardel/AnielaLoy Collingwood/McCahey FamilyPRAYERS FOR VOCATIONSVocation Prayer Calendar, Aug. 8-14th8 James Kelly (Deacon Candidate)9 Frs. Alfred Badawl & Brad Baker10 Thomas Dunn (Seminarian)11 Frs. John Balluff & John Barrett12 Srs. Patricia Kolas, Veronica Michalski, PHJCRita Anne Houlihan, Layra Koberlein,Catherine Trainor, rc, Thomas Leo Monahan, OP,Carlene Howell, OSF13 John Lindsey (Seminarian)Srs. Marlene Bemis, Dorothy Birk,Marian Keevan, Anseima Micka,Marie Francis Moson, Patricia Norton,Virginia Ruth Pendleton, Mary Jane Petzel, FCJM,Dcns. David Ritter, Richard Rosko,Roger Schmith, Ronald Searls, John Sebastian,Harry ScheafferSPECIAL ORDINATION MASSFor <strong>St</strong>even BorelloSaturday, Aug. 28thEveryone is invited to join BishopSartain at 11 a.m. on Saturday,Aug. 28 th at <strong>St</strong>. James the Apostle<strong>Church</strong> in Glen Ellyn, where thebishop will ordain <strong>St</strong>even Borello tothe transitional diaconate. Unlikethe permanent deacons who servein our parishes, <strong>St</strong>eve will only be a deacon until nextJune, when he will be ordained as a priest. <strong>St</strong>eve, age27, will spend his final year of major seminary preparingfor the priesthood.<strong>St</strong>eve grew up in Glen Ellyn and is a life-long, activeparishioner at <strong>St</strong>. James the Apostle. He graduatedfrom Glenbard South High School and holds an engineeringdegree from the University of <strong>Illinois</strong>. While incollege, <strong>St</strong>eve realized the Lord was asking him to enterthe seminary. Initially, he was a seminarian for theDiocese of Peoria, but ultimately <strong>St</strong>eve discerned thatGod was calling him to serve the people of the Dioceseof Joliet, where he was raised.Last year, <strong>St</strong>eve worked with the youth of our diocesein the Totus Tuus program and was an intern atVisitation Parish in Elmhurst. He is currently completinghis hospital chaplaincy training at Loyola Hospital.He will be attending Mundelein Seminary this next yearas he completes his training. Please join Bishop Sartainon this joyful occasion, and show your support forthis young man who has been called to lay down hislife for you! No tickets are required.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeAugust 8, 2010 — Page Five• Have you been thinking aboutbecoming a <strong>Catholic</strong>?• Do you need to complete yourSacraments of Initiation?(Eucharist or Confirmation)• Do you know someone in your family,a neighbor, or a friend, who couldanswer yes to one of these questions?R.C.I.A.RITE OFCHRISTIANINITIATIONFOR ADULTS<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> RCIA ProgramAPPLICATIONS ARE NOW BEING TAKEN for the <strong>St</strong>.<strong>Anthony</strong> RCIA Class (Rite of Christian Initiationfor Adults). The adult (age 18 and over) classeswill run most Tuesdays from 7-8:30 p.m. fromSept. 14th through the end of April in the <strong>St</strong>.<strong>Anthony</strong> Padua Center. If you have any questions,please contact Deacon Bill Boucek, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>RCIA Director at 815-469-4088 or call the <strong>St</strong>.<strong>Anthony</strong> Parish Office at 815-469-3750.Are you married for 25 years, 50 yearsor more? The Archdiocese of Joliet invitesyou to celebrate at a very special Mass...32nd Annual DiocesanWedding Anniversary MassCouples celebrating 25 years, 50years or more are invited to attendthe 32nd Annual Diocesan WeddingAnniversary Mass on Sunday, Aug.29th at 2 p.m. at the Cathedral of <strong>St</strong>.Raymond in Joliet. Couples willreceive certificates and will be led through ablessing ceremony by Bishop Sartain during theMass. Due to space limitations, there is not roomfor additional guests. However, if necessary, acaregiver/helper is very welcome to attend withthe couple. Pre-registration is required by Monday,Aug. 16th. To register or for more informationplease call The Center for Family Ministry inRomeoville at 815-838-5334.PARISH REGISTRATION FORMWELCOME TOST. ANTHONY CATHOLIC CHURCHOur warmest wishes to all who celebratewith us. Whether visitors, long timeresidents or newly arrived in the parish.If you are not registered at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> orare registered and need to make changes,please fill out the form below and place it inthe collection basket at Mass or mail to theparish office. You can also visit our websiteto download a registration format www.stanthonyfrankfort.com._________________________________________Name_________________________________________Address_________________________________________City_____________ ________________________<strong>St</strong>ateZip Code(____)___________________________________Phone_________________________________________Email Address( ) New Parishioner, please contact me( ) New Address or New Phone Number( ) Moving—Please remove from membership list( ) Email –Please add email address to your records.We are at 63% of our goal!2010 <strong>Catholic</strong> MinistriesAnnual AppealSo far, 499 parishioners haveparticipated in this year’s<strong>Catholic</strong> Ministries Annual Appeal.The pledged amount is$68,377.25 which brings us to63% toward meeting our goalof $109,211. Participating inthe life of our Diocesan <strong>Church</strong>through your contribution iskey to all our efforts. If youhave not joined with others ingiving to this important mission,please do so today! Thankyour for your generosity.

Page Six — August 8, 2010<strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> PreschoolNeeds Volunteersfor Beverage Tentat <strong>Frankfort</strong> Fall Fest<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Preschool will behosting a BEVERAGE TENTat the upcoming <strong>Frankfort</strong> FallFest. The beverage tent will beopen from Saturday, Sept. 4ththrough Monday, Sept. 6th.Anyone interested in donatinga few hours during thesedates, please contactKaren at 815-469-5147.Parish Rosary For LifeThe Parish Rosary for Life will take place tomorrow,Monday, Aug. 9th at 7 p.m. in the church.Come to pray for the voiceless and unborn.Respect LifePRO-LIFE REFLECTIONSEveryone shares responsibilityfor...developing...legislative initiatives that...will help build... a society that recognizes thedignity of every human being.— The Gospel of Life, 90REFLECTION:The law called the “Born Alive Infants ProtectionAct” states that babies born alive at any time ofgestation, even as a result of a failed abortion,are to be treated as persons under the law.Protecting unwanted babies after a failed abortionbrings us one step closer to protecting thembefore an abortion.PRAYER:Lord, please hasten the progress being made inour laws for the protection of life!<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Parish PicnicSunday, August 29th12 (Noon) MassPicnic immediately followingat the Padua CenterPARISH PICNIC UPDATELooking for donations of non-perishable baked goods to be droppedoff on Saturday, Aug. 28th between 10am and 12 (Noon) in the Parish Hall.Volunteer meeting to be held on Monday, Aug. 16th at 7 p.m. in the<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Padua Center.<strong>St</strong>ill looking for Children’s GamesChairperson and volunteers.Make your reservationsfor picnic after Masses on theweekends of Aug. 7th/8th, andAug. 14th/15th, Aug. 21st/22nd.Please contact Karen at815-469-3750.

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeAugust 8, 2010 — Page SevenSunny Day and Smiles for the <strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Anthony</strong> Second Annual Golf OutingFr. Greg and Deacon Bob CisloBill Kiehl and Matt BeckerDave Kaminski, Brian Willmer, Joe D'Ortenzio,and Bob KaminskiTim and Timmy Hanrahan & Tom and Matt KileyTom Kiley, Champion, Low Gross Score 78Matthew Juskie, Ken Juskie, Mark Poncer, Ben PoncerFr. Tri Van Tran, Chris Williamson, Patrick WilliamsonMilo Rusin, Mark Skowron, Paul Greenawalt

Page Eight — August 8, 2010<strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Thank you to all our loyal sponsors, players, volunteers and contributors!Maureen Clifford, Fr. Greg, Ron Mackey,and Jeanne MurphyKaren Kiley, Helen and Rita SzymanskiFr. Greg, Karen Kiley, and Patrick Williamson,(Winner of Prestwick foursome)Ray Bodnar, Fr. Greg and Carol BodnarRoger and Alexis Leggero, and Miki and <strong>St</strong>eve JarvieSharon Kiehl, Matt Becker, Fr. Greg,and Bill KiehlFr. Tri Van TranJeanne Murphy and Sophie Follenweider

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary TimeAugust 8, 2010 — Page Nine<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Church</strong> Religious Education Program News2010-2011 Registration is being accepted for Grades 1-8New families are welcome to register for next year’s REP program in the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> PaduaCenter on Monday through Thursday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or Friday from 9 a.m. to Noon.Please share your time and talent!Religious Education Grades 1-8Volunteers NeededParents of students and <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> parishionersare invited to share their time and talent as aReligious Education Catechist, Aide, SubstituteCatechist, Traffic Guard, Traffic Manager, <strong>St</strong>.Clare Chapel Adorer, <strong>St</strong>udent Chapel Leader,Prayer Catechist, Adult Child Care Supervisor,Youth Child Care Aide or Office Help.Sunday Session #1 7:45-8:50 a.m.Other Session Needs: Substitute Catechist,Youth Aide, Traffic Manager, Traffic Guard, HallMonitor, Adult Child Care Supervisor, Adorer in<strong>St</strong>. Clare Chapel, Leader of <strong>St</strong>udent Chapel Time,Prayer CatechistSunday Session #2 9-10:10 a.m.Catechist Needed for Grade 6Other Session Needs: Substitute Catechist,Youth Aide, Traffic Guard, Hall Monitor, Adorer in<strong>St</strong>. Clare Chapel, Leader of <strong>St</strong>udent Chapel TimeSunday Session #3 10:15-11:25 a.m.Catechist Needed for Grade 2Other Session Needs: Aide for Grade 5, YouthAide, Traffic Guard, Adorer in <strong>St</strong>. Clare Chapel,Leader of <strong>St</strong>udent Chapel Time, Prayer CatechistWednesday Session 4:30-5:45 p.m.Catechist Needed for Grades 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7Other Session Needs: Substitute Catechist,Youth Aide, Traffic Manager, Traffic Guard, OfficeHelp, Hall Monitor, Youth Child Care Aide, Leaderof <strong>St</strong>udent Chapel Time, Prayer Catechist, AideNeeded for Grade 4 and 7Attention ALL REP Volunteers!Protecting God’s ChildrenA Required WorkshopThe Diocese of Joliet requires all adults workingwith children to comply with the diocesan SafeEnvironment policies. One of these requirementsis to attend a Protecting God’s Children Workshop,after which you will receive a certificate inproof of your completion of the course. For yourconvenience, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> will host the workshopin the Padua Center in August as follows:Evenings (6-9 p.m.)Tuesday, Aug. 10thWednesday, Aug. 11thThursday, Aug. 19thMornings (9 a.m.-12 p.m.)Saturday, Aug. 14thYou only need to attend one date and only if youhave not previously attended the workshop. Toregister please call the REP Office at 815-469-6072 or contact elise@stanthonyfrankfort.com.Religious Education(Grades 1-8) 1Contact InformationOffice 815-469-6072Fax 815-806-9421• Kathleen Littleton, Director, x 143kathleen@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Sophie Follenweider, Director, x 144sophie@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Elise Pratt, Secretary, x 142elise@stanthonyfrankfort.com

Page Ten — August 8, 2010<strong>Saint</strong> <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>In an effort to promote our pilgrimage sitesestablished for Diocese of Joliet Year of theEucharist 2010-2011, Bishop Siegel has approveda decal designed to be displayed at eachpilgrimage site. It includes a beautiful renditionof our Blessed Mother and the Infant Jesuselevating the host and chalice. In thebackground we can see the spire of <strong>St</strong>. RaymondNonnatus Cathedral. The design also includes theofficial seal of the diocese for the year-longcelebration of the Eucharist. Look for thisbeautiful design at our pilgrimage sitesthroughout the Diocese of Joliet.Year of the EucharistPilgrimage <strong>Church</strong>esSr. Airman Lawrence Clark • Major Elizabeth DurbinCpl. Ryan L. Gower • Petty Officer William HartleyLCpl Michael Horbaczewski • Capt. Timothy HornikMajor Thomas John (T.J.) HornickLCpl Mason Kremer Hicks • Lt. John P. LadowiczLt. Timothy D. Ladowicz • LTC Alejandro LopezAirman 1st Class Matthew G. LussonLt. Cmdr. Daniel Papp • LTJG John Pierczynski1st Lt. Thomas Pierczynski • Sgt. James TalleySeaman Bridget Reynolds • Lt. Joseph P. <strong>St</strong>anekTech. Sgt. Michelle Shalloup • Lt. Thomas M. ZagerCpl. Timothy Sunzere• Corpsman Jonathan WatersKnights of Columbus Seek ConfirmandiVolunteers at Fall Fest Food Booth<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Knights of Columbus will once again behaving a Food Booth at the <strong>Frankfort</strong> Fall Fest.Confirmandi are invited to volunteer and earn servicehours. The Food Booth will be open on Saturday,Sept. 4th, Sunday, Sept. 5th, and Monday,Sept. 6th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Confirmandi canwork as few or as many hours as are open. To signup or for more information, please call 815-469-3787.<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Church</strong> is one of the parishesthat has been selected as a diocesanpilgrimage church in honor of the Year ofthe Eucharist. This is a place to go to pray,especially during times of Eucharisticadoration. That is when the BlessedSacrament is exposed and people can adoreChrist, who is truly present, Body, Blood,Soul, and Divinity, under the appearance ofthe consecrated Eucharistic host. Perpetualadoration takes place 24 hours a day, in ourPerpetual Adoration Chapel in the <strong>Church</strong>,except when Mass is celebrated.Friday,Aug. 13th7:30 PM<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> W.O.W.(Widow/Widowers)Ice Cream SocialThe <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> W.O.W.Group will meet onFriday, Aug. 13th in the<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Hall at7:30 p.m. (doors openat 7 p.m.) All widows orwidowers are welcome toour Ice Cream Social.Any questions, please callMary at 815-469-4351.

The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> KOC Council #9770invites all to theirKnights of ColumbusGolf OutingDeer CreekCountry Club25055 S. Western Ave.University Park, ILSunday,September12thIf you don’t have a foursome,we will complete one for you!9am Shotgun <strong>St</strong>artScramble Format$80 per personincludes greens fee and cart(8) drink ticketsfamily-style dinnerand PRIZES!Dinner only:$15 per personRegistration and Payment required by August 30th__________________________________________Team Leader____________________________Phone__________________________________________Golfer #2__________________________________________Golfer #3__________________________________________Golfer #4(For additional golfers, please write names on reverse side.)Please make checks payable to:<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> Knights of ColumbusPlease mail payment to:Bill Mech11 N. White <strong>St</strong>., <strong>Frankfort</strong>, IL 60423Questions?Contact Bill at 815-469-1403

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>’s <strong>Church</strong><strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> 7659 West <strong>Catholic</strong> Sauk <strong>St</strong>reet <strong>Church</strong>7659<strong>Frankfort</strong>,West SaukIL 60423Trail<strong>Frankfort</strong>, IL 60423Parishioner Authorization FormEffective date of authorization: ____________________________Type of Authorization:Last NameAddress New Authorization Change donation amount Change donation date Change Banking information Change Credit Card information Discontinue Electronic DonationFirst NameCity <strong>St</strong>ate ZipHome Phone:Email:Account InformationPlease choose either Banking information or Credit Card information. Provide information for one account only.Banking Information for Checking Account or Savings Account DebitsPlease debit my contribution from my (check one): Checking Account (attach a voided check) Savings Account (attach a savings deposit slip)Routing Number: _______________________________Valid Routing # must start with 0, 1, 2, or 3Account Number: _______________________________ Monthly on the 1 st Monthly on the 15 thDate of first contribution _____/_____/_____Amount Per Contribution $________________Credit Card Type Mastercard Visa Discover American ExpressCredit Card InformationCredit Card #:_______________________________Credit Card Exp. Date:________________________Date of first contribution _____/_____/_____Amount Per Contribution $__________________AGREEMENTI authorize <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>’s and The Cunneen Company to process debit entries to my account. I understand that thisauthority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization.Authorized Signature:_______________________________________________________________ Date:________________Reminder:For Checking Account Debit: Please attach your voided checkFor Savings Account Debit: Please attach deposit slipAugust 8, 2010—Page Twelve<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Church</strong>LITURGICALMINISTRYScheduleAugust14/155:00 p.m.Reconciliation 4-4:50pm7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m.6:30 p.m.Celebrant(subject to change)Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Greg Skowron Fr. Francis Tebbe Fr. Francis TebbeFr. Tri Van TranLectorsSr. M. BrizuelaR. Luster-BartzV. <strong>St</strong>asulasJ. MistinaL. Glancy L. MichudaC. BoukalJ. SajewichR. WilliamsEOMSr. EllaA. ThomasC. MurnighanL. PammerS. MatthewsA. BergeronM. JarvieS. JarvieR. GovertM. GuzyT. GuzyK. KernerT. ColclasureB. MurphyG. <strong>St</strong>epenskiM. DelsingJ. MoyleJ. Grady IIIV. DoubrawaL. HornikD. KocsisJ. <strong>St</strong>epenskiJ. KeaneW. LuffM. JohnsonJ. SuesL. PierzchalskiT. LaggerP. LaggerN. BrozovicA. WatorL. GrybasM. CliffordJ. McCarthyT. CarlsonS. CarlsonP. GreenawaltT. SchlottJ. SavageR. Deering, Jr.A. MaliwatT. CarlsonM. CanoyM. CrowleyJ. BuckK. KileyB. RiceK. RiceS. GrahanD. McHughC. BodnarR. BodnarMC B.J. Luster-Bartz W. Rubino A.J. Schlott M. PerozziAltarServersE. KarlM. DoyleK. MoraJ. SullivanA. PawliszA. GerkJ. AttarD. VanderpoolK. SchlottM. AmendolaM. AmendolaT. BudneyMusic Cantor Cantor Cantor Cantor Cantor

Welcome to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>!7661 West Sauk Trail • <strong>Frankfort</strong>, IL • 60423 • www.stanthonyfrankfort.comDaily Mass: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. (Morning Prayer: 7:45 a.m.)Saturday Mass: 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass: 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 NoonSUNDAY EVENING MASS IS CELEBRATED AT 6:30 P.M. THROUGH THE SUMMERMission <strong>St</strong>atementWe, the members of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, gather together to worship and celebrate the sacraments, especiallythe Eucharist, as we strive to live the Gospel in our daily lives, empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are called to invite,inform, inspire and ignite the community in our faith journey by fostering stewardship through sharing of our gifts oftime, talent and treasure. We are further called to share our faith through active evangelization and charitable outreach.Parish Office Contact Information (815-469469-3750)Religious Education (Grades 1-8) 1Contact Information• Rev. Greg Skowron, Pastor, x115Office 815-469-6072 • Fax 815-806-9421frgreg@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Kathleen Littleton, Director, x 143(for emergency 815-791-6073)kathleen@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Deacon Dan Danahey, Business-Facilities Manager, x 116 • Sophie Follenweider, Director, x 144• Deacon Joe Johnson, Pastoral Associatesophie@stanthonyfrankfort.com(cell) 815-922-9796, joe@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Elise Pratt, Secretary, x 142• Deacon Don Berkey, don@stanthonyfrankfort.comelise@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Deacon Richard Rosko, rich@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Deacon Bill BoucekAdult Faith Formation Contact Information (815-469469-6198)6198)• Paula Buccifero, Accountant, x 126• Tony Schlott, Director, x 149paula@stanthonyfrankfort.comtony@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Jeanne Murphy, Parish-Pastor’s Administrative Asst., x 110Preschool Contact Information (815-469469-5417)jeanne@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Karen Kiley, Principal, x 148• Beverly Regalado, Secretary, x 112karen@stanthonyfrankfort.combregalado@stanthonyfrankfort.com• Lindsay Fitzgibbon, Principal’s Asst., x 147• Lynette Rea, Music Ministry Director, x 122lindsay@stanthonyfrankfort.comlynette@stanthonyfrankfort.comSUMMER OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY-THURSDAY, 9:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. FRIDAY: 9:00 A.M. TO 12:00 (NOON)this week... at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> <strong>Church</strong>Classes start Sept. 14thand meet on TuesdaysSunday, August 29thbeginning at NoonSunday, Sept. 12thRegister now!Rite of ChristianInitiation for Adults<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>Parish Picnic5 6 11Knights of ColumbusGolf OutingDo you know someonewho is interested inbecoming <strong>Catholic</strong>?Do you need to completethe Sacraments ofInitiation (Eucharistor Confirmation)?See page fiveto learn more...The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong> ParishPicnic is just aroundthe corner! See page sixfor more details on howyou can help.And...Don’t forget toinvite your familyand friendsto the picnic!The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Anthony</strong>Knights of ColumbusCouncil #9770is acceptingregistrations fortheir annual golf outing.Informationandregistration forminside...• more inside this issue...

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