Midwest Shorthorn Spectacular - Dwyer Cattle Services

Midwest Shorthorn Spectacular - Dwyer Cattle Services Midwest Shorthorn Spectacular - Dwyer Cattle Services

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WR1 MARBLES CBT 924 xbd 05/21/2009 r/w heifer polled LE RE 9W2412STUDER’S PRINCE JAMES 99 x, roanBEPD NAJA COWBOY TROY *x, redJA GLAMOUR GIRL 4J42 ET *, roanWEPD NAAHL DOUBLE STUFF 306 *, roanYEPD NAQUAD T MARBLES 403 *, b/rCOMMERICAL ANGUS 2000MEPD NAShorthornPlus. Sells with two units of CF Primo semen. Wright Cattle Co.This heifer’s dam is a blue roan ShorthornPlus cow that wehad a lot of fun showing during her show career. We’re sure a young junior willhave lots of fun showing Marbles CBT. Gentle and broke to lead.Lot 14WR1 ROBIN 9W32 xbd 06/18/2009 heifer polled LE RE 9W3213CF TRUMP X *x, roanBEPD NACF PRIMO X ET *x, roanNPS DESERT ROSE 004 *, r/wWEPD NADF YANKEE 02L ET *x, whiteYEPD NADAF ROBIN RD15 *x, whiteDAF ROBIN 9D02 *x, r/wMEPD NAThis little dark neck roan heifer’s mother, DAF Robin Wright Cattle Co.RD15, was Champion Heifer for Dutch Acres at the 2006Kentucky Beef Expo. Sired by CF Primo (full sib to HD Bloodstone), this heiferis sure to have a bright future. Her pedigree goes back to Waukaru Robin andMerl Welch’s great Green Ridge Robin 195 cow. Look out Junior Nationals, thisheifer is going to be competitive. BW: 85 lbs.HFS MARGIES DREAMGIRL 924 *x4158807bd 06/18/2009 roan heifer polled LE RE 92414HS RODEO DRIVE 062WR *x, redBEPD 4.7HFS RICKY BOBBY DRIVE 604 ET *x, redWHR RT AUGUSTA PRIDE 1R69 ET *x, rwm WEPD (22.9)SULL GNCC SALUTE 532R ET *x, roan YEPD (39.0)HL MARGIE’S DREAM GIRL 7 *x, roanSH SHANNON MARGIE 304 x, roanMEPD 2.2Horton FarmsThis is one of the best Ricky Bobby heifers we have offered.She is a complete maternal package. Combining a soft made Shorthornsbody, extended front end, and a great amount of thickness, all while beingcorrect in her foot and leg. She is bred for maternal domination, whether it be inyour cow herd or in the show ring. BW: 73 lbs.6Lot 15Lot 16Lot 17SMF PaintRock ETTF ELEANOR 952 xbd 07/05/2009 heifer polled LE RE T952154D DOUBLE VISION 7/8 *, roanBEPD NAX RAY VISION ET *, roanKA’BA GWENDOLINE LS94 *, roanWEPD NACCS EQUITY’S CHARMER ET *x, rwmYEPD NATF MISS CORONA 216 *x, r/wTF OLIVIA 504 x, r/wMEPD NAWhoa! Looking for a stout female with all the trimmings? Truckenbrod FarmLook no further! Eleanor has tremendous rib, a big top andenough eye appeal to knock your socks off. Yes, we’re sure she’ll be a show ringfavorite, but we’ve got high hopes for her future as a cow, too. Since MissCorona is one of our top producing females, this little lady is sure to pay forherself! BW: 66 lbs.LORENZ’S BLACK SUMMER xbd 07/06/2009 heifer polled LE RE 290916HEATWAVE SONShorthornPlus. BW: 72 lbs.AF SL SIN CITY ET *x, whiteLORENZ’S SUMMER 07 *x, roanLORENZ’S SUMMER *x, roanBEPD NAWEPD NAYEPD NAMEPD NALorenzShorthornsCCS DAKOTA 91V *x4158665bd 09/01/2009 white heifer polled LE DC91V17X RAY VISION ET *, roanBEPD 4.5SMF PAINT ROCK ET *x, roanGS TOUCHE’S CARLY 8F *x, roanWEPD (16.2)JBS DUMBO *x, whiteYEPD (24.5)SMF DAKOTA 2 *x, roanGS SHEILA 2F *, roanMEPD 0.6One of the few daughters of the many times champion, SMF Don CagwinPaint Rock. She is young but will have a great show careerbeing able to show in the senior calf class this year and the junior yearling classnext year. Take a look, you will like what you see! BW: 85 lbs.

WRI MIRACLE’S GIRL 8W20 *x4150893bd 09/12/2008 roan heifer polled LE RE 8W2018STUDER’S PRINCE JAMES 99 x, roanBEPD 2.0JA COWBOY TROY *x, redJA GLAMOUR GIRL 4J42 ET *, roanWEPD (14.2)AF SL SIN CITY ET *x, whiteYEPD (22.9)WRI MERCEDES DREAM 6W30 *, roanLFS MERCEDES 303 *, rwmMEPD 2.7Sells with two units of CF Primo semen. We were unable Wright Cattle Co.to get good pictures because of our winter weather, but lookthis heifer up before the sale. We think you will be impressed with this big boned,deep bodied, dark neck roan heifer. She did really well in calf classes at the countyfairs this past summer, and we’re sure she will continue on next summer. After hershow career she will make a great foundation cow to build around. BW: 75 lbs.AF SL MIRAGE 825 *4147561bd 03/02/2008 roan bred heifer horned LE 82520KJG ERIKA’S ROSE 158U *x4159243bd 11/15/2008 roan bred heifer polled LE RE 158U21CF TRUMP X *x, roanCF PRIMO X ET *x, roanNPS DESERT ROSE 004 *, r/w4D DOUBLE VISION 7/8 *, roanKJG STAR GAZER *x, r/wKJG ERIKAS STAR *x, r/wBEPD 4.0WEPD (20.6)YEPD (34.7)MEPD 1.0AI’d 1/16 to Jake’s Proud Jazz. A big fronted, big boned, K. Justin Germanmassive roan heifer out of a Double Vision cow. This is thekind of cow that is easy keeping with great fleshing ability. This cow family throwsclubby steers and attractive heifers, and with her being bred to Proud Jazz imaginewhat the calf could be! We have several of these cows in our herd and their calvesrise to the top every time, every year. BW: 90 lbs. TH/PHA Free by parentage.KJG MISS HEATHER 120U ET *x4159242bd 12/10/2008 rwm bred heifer polled LE RE 120U22CF SOLUTION X ET *x, rwmSULL GNCC SALUTE 532R ET *x, roanWF EVERGREEN SABLE ET *x, roanDFS RED RIDER 925 ET *x, roanAF SL MIRAGE 266 ET *, roanNPS MIRAGE 544 ET *sx, roanAI’d 8/7/09 to WF Sonnys Tribute; pe’d from 9/13 to Walker Farms11/8/09 to Hot Commodity. Mirage is a 3/4 sister to CYTPure Power, 2008 Reserve National Champion Bull. Her pedigree includes thebreed’s best genetics. Do not miss the other breed standouts in this pedigreeincluding Improver 57, SR Red Rider’s Drive and Rose T90. BW: 90 lbs.TH/PHA Free.CF TRUMP X *x, roanCF PRIMO X ET *x, roanNPS DESERT ROSE 004 *, r/wNPS DURANGO 774 CBH ET *x, roanKJG MISTY’S ROSE DR02 *x, roanWAYMAR MISTY 7/8 *x, roanBEPD 5.4WEPD (27.7)YEPD (46.3)MEPD 4.5BEPD 2.7WEPD (23.6)YEPD (39.1)MEPD 1.9AI’d 1/16 to Jake’s Proud Jazz. Maternal sib to the bull lot K. Justin Germanwe have consigned, and future donor potential here. Thisheifer has the mass and volume needed to produce those fancy show heifers andbeing AI’d to Proud Jazz that could be just what you get. This heifer will make atremendous cow and will not disappoint you. BW: 90 lbs. TH/PHA Free.FH PATS 08 *4152107bd 10/13/2008 roan heifer horned LE 801619SBR 20/20 VISION *, roanBEPD 4.5FH MR MAGOO *x, roanHB TD MISTLETOE 33J *x, roanWEPD (23.1)FH BIG SHOW *x, redYEPD (38.0)FH PATS TD *x, roanCCS PATSY 102H x, roanMEPD 2.9A full sister to the heifer we sold at last year’s sale. A half Mark Tittsworthsister to our 2009 Senior Champion Female at the IllinoisState Fair Horned Show. Held open to fit in your spring calving program. BW:76 lbs. TH/PHA Free.Lot 20Lot 21Lot 22KJG FINAL COUNTDOWN 953U ET *x4150380bd 12/13/2008 roan bull polled LE RE 953U23CF SOLUTION X ET *x, rwmSULL-GNCC FINAL SOLUTION ET *x, rwmWHR LS DOLLY D 2116 *x, roanNPS DURANGO 774 CBH ET *x, roanKJG MISTY’S ROSE DR02 *x, roanWAYMAR MISTY 7/8 *x, roanA thick, Final Solution son out of one of our most maternaldonors. A standout since birth. This is the kind that will siresteers, heifers and bulls. Make sure to look him up sale day! BW: 90 lbs.TH/PHA Free.BEPD 3.9WEPD (27.8)YEPD (46.9)MEPD 1.9K. Justin GermanLot 237

WRI MIRACLE’S GIRL 8W20 *x4150893bd 09/12/2008 roan heifer polled LE RE 8W2018STUDER’S PRINCE JAMES 99 x, roanBEPD 2.0JA COWBOY TROY *x, redJA GLAMOUR GIRL 4J42 ET *, roanWEPD (14.2)AF SL SIN CITY ET *x, whiteYEPD (22.9)WRI MERCEDES DREAM 6W30 *, roanLFS MERCEDES 303 *, rwmMEPD 2.7Sells with two units of CF Primo semen. We were unable Wright <strong>Cattle</strong> Co.to get good pictures because of our winter weather, but lookthis heifer up before the sale. We think you will be impressed with this big boned,deep bodied, dark neck roan heifer. She did really well in calf classes at the countyfairs this past summer, and we’re sure she will continue on next summer. After hershow career she will make a great foundation cow to build around. BW: 75 lbs.AF SL MIRAGE 825 *4147561bd 03/02/2008 roan bred heifer horned LE 82520KJG ERIKA’S ROSE 158U *x4159243bd 11/15/2008 roan bred heifer polled LE RE 158U21CF TRUMP X *x, roanCF PRIMO X ET *x, roanNPS DESERT ROSE 004 *, r/w4D DOUBLE VISION 7/8 *, roanKJG STAR GAZER *x, r/wKJG ERIKAS STAR *x, r/wBEPD 4.0WEPD (20.6)YEPD (34.7)MEPD 1.0AI’d 1/16 to Jake’s Proud Jazz. A big fronted, big boned, K. Justin Germanmassive roan heifer out of a Double Vision cow. This is thekind of cow that is easy keeping with great fleshing ability. This cow family throwsclubby steers and attractive heifers, and with her being bred to Proud Jazz imaginewhat the calf could be! We have several of these cows in our herd and their calvesrise to the top every time, every year. BW: 90 lbs. TH/PHA Free by parentage.KJG MISS HEATHER 120U ET *x4159242bd 12/10/2008 rwm bred heifer polled LE RE 120U22CF SOLUTION X ET *x, rwmSULL GNCC SALUTE 532R ET *x, roanWF EVERGREEN SABLE ET *x, roanDFS RED RIDER 925 ET *x, roanAF SL MIRAGE 266 ET *, roanNPS MIRAGE 544 ET *sx, roanAI’d 8/7/09 to WF Sonnys Tribute; pe’d from 9/13 to Walker Farms11/8/09 to Hot Commodity. Mirage is a 3/4 sister to CYTPure Power, 2008 Reserve National Champion Bull. Her pedigree includes thebreed’s best genetics. Do not miss the other breed standouts in this pedigreeincluding Improver 57, SR Red Rider’s Drive and Rose T90. BW: 90 lbs.TH/PHA Free.CF TRUMP X *x, roanCF PRIMO X ET *x, roanNPS DESERT ROSE 004 *, r/wNPS DURANGO 774 CBH ET *x, roanKJG MISTY’S ROSE DR02 *x, roanWAYMAR MISTY 7/8 *x, roanBEPD 5.4WEPD (27.7)YEPD (46.3)MEPD 4.5BEPD 2.7WEPD (23.6)YEPD (39.1)MEPD 1.9AI’d 1/16 to Jake’s Proud Jazz. Maternal sib to the bull lot K. Justin Germanwe have consigned, and future donor potential here. Thisheifer has the mass and volume needed to produce those fancy show heifers andbeing AI’d to Proud Jazz that could be just what you get. This heifer will make atremendous cow and will not disappoint you. BW: 90 lbs. TH/PHA Free.FH PATS 08 *4152107bd 10/13/2008 roan heifer horned LE 801619SBR 20/20 VISION *, roanBEPD 4.5FH MR MAGOO *x, roanHB TD MISTLETOE 33J *x, roanWEPD (23.1)FH BIG SHOW *x, redYEPD (38.0)FH PATS TD *x, roanCCS PATSY 102H x, roanMEPD 2.9A full sister to the heifer we sold at last year’s sale. A half Mark Tittsworthsister to our 2009 Senior Champion Female at the IllinoisState Fair Horned Show. Held open to fit in your spring calving program. BW:76 lbs. TH/PHA Free.Lot 20Lot 21Lot 22KJG FINAL COUNTDOWN 953U ET *x4150380bd 12/13/2008 roan bull polled LE RE 953U23CF SOLUTION X ET *x, rwmSULL-GNCC FINAL SOLUTION ET *x, rwmWHR LS DOLLY D 2116 *x, roanNPS DURANGO 774 CBH ET *x, roanKJG MISTY’S ROSE DR02 *x, roanWAYMAR MISTY 7/8 *x, roanA thick, Final Solution son out of one of our most maternaldonors. A standout since birth. This is the kind that will siresteers, heifers and bulls. Make sure to look him up sale day! BW: 90 lbs.TH/PHA Free.BEPD 3.9WEPD (27.8)YEPD (46.9)MEPD 1.9K. Justin GermanLot 237

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