Individual Development Plan for District Managers Sample - nasca

Individual Development Plan for District Managers Sample - nasca

Individual Development Plan for District Managers Sample - nasca


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INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 1 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSSUBJECT: CARTOGRAPHYA. Accuracy on Aerial Photos1. Measurement of Land Area fromAerial Photo, Scale Conversion,Digital <strong>Plan</strong>imeterB. Relief1. Contours2. Form lines3. Vertical control4. ProblemsC. Standard Drawing Sizes andBlank Standard FormsSUBJECT: ENGINEERINGA. Measurement of HorizontalDistances1. Pacing2. Wheel (measuring)B. Differential Leveling1. Principles of leveling2. Types of levelsa. duapyb. abneyc. clinometerd. locke3. Care of Instrument4. Hand signals5. Proper method of keeping notes6. Note reduction7. Computations8. Note plottingC. Practice Installation & Inspection1. Policies & Procedures2. As-Built Notes3. Certification documentation1. USGSQuadrangleOJTFormal CourseOJTFormal CourseOJTFormal Course1. Part 541 NEM OJTFormal CourseSelf1. Chapter 1, EFM;Surveying Texts1. Chapter 1, EFM;SurveyingTexts1. TR6s, Part 541NEM1. ManualAssisting ASCSCost Share2. Eng. ApprovalOJTSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTDist. EngineerFormal Courses asavailablePROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 2 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSSUBJECT: HYDROLOGYA. Rainfall1. Distribution2. Duration3. Frequency4. RecordsB. Watersheds1. Delineation2. Soils Hydrologic groups3. Slopes4. Cover complexes5. ShapeC. Runoff1. RCN2. Total runoff3. Peak rates of runoffSUBJECT: PRINCIPLES OF EROSIONA. Erosion Control1. Principles and methods oferosion controla. Sheet erosionb. gully erosionc. ephearal erosiond. streambank erosionMemoranda3. Discussions withF.O. Dist.Personnel4. Sect. IV Tech.Guide1. NEH Section 42. EFM Chapter 23. NS Tech.Papers4. USGS Quads5. TR’s 16, 551. HydrologyNote-1OJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelf1. Chapter 2 EFM OJTFormal CourseSelf1. NationalHandbook ofConservationPractices2. Ag Handbook5373. TechnicalGuides4. Technical Notes5. AgronomyManual6. Sec. 1 & 3 Tech.OJTFormal CourseSelfPROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 3 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSGuideSUBJECT: SOIL SURVEYSA. Soil Qualities & Characteristics 1. Basic Soil1. Soil IdentificationTextbookB. Soil Identification1. Published Soil1. Texture ClassificationSurveya. unified system2. Technical Guideb. AASHTO system3. SCS Selfc. USA systemTaught SlideModulesC. How to use the Soil Survey 1. Published SoilSurveyD. Interpretative Groupings1. Principles2. Kinds of groupingsa. land capability classb. land capability sub-classc. land capability unitsd. suitability groupingse. soil engineeringinterpretationsf. nonagriculturalg. interpretative mapsh. agricultural productivity ratings1. SoilInterpretationsRecord2. Ag Handbook2103. NationalForestryHandbook4. EFM Chapter 45. Published SoilSurveySUBJECT: FIELD OFFICE TECHNICAL GUIDEA. Introduction 1. Technical GuideSection 1B. Soil Survey and Interpretations 1. Technical GuideC. Land Use and ResourceManagement SystemD. Practice Standards andSpecificationsSection 21. Technical GuideSection 31. Technical GuideSection 4OJTSelfOJTSelfOJTSelfFormal CourseOJTSelfFormal CourseOJTFormal CourseOJTFormal CourseOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfPROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 4 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSSUBJECT: RESOURCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMSA. Conservation <strong>Plan</strong>ning and1. NCPMApplication (individual)1. <strong>District</strong> coop agreements2. <strong>Plan</strong>ning land use and conservationtreatment with cooperatora. soils map and interpretationsb. site invest.c. report of cooperator’s decisionsd. inventory and evaluatione. conservation alternatives to beconsidered by cooperatorf. conservation plan mapg. job sheetsh. records and reports3. Layout and servicinga. assistance to cooperator asneeded to meet his objectivesand standards of the districtb. records and reports4. Follow througha. scheduling of future assistanceb. minor revisions of planc. records and reportsB. Water Quality1. Surface water2. Ground waterC. Waste Management1. Principles1. GNIBO1. NCPM2. Tech Guide1. Tech Guide1. Soil Survey1. NCPM2. Tech Guide1. NCPM2. Tech Guide1. NCPM2. Tech Guide1. NCPM2. Tech Guide1. State Lists1. NCPM2. GM3. NationalReporting CodesHandbook1. EFM2. Tech Guide1. NRCH1. NCPM1. NCPM2. Tech Guide3. Slide Set fromSCS1. EFM2. SCS WasteOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CoursePROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 5 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTS2. Elements of planninga. site investigationb runoff and water collectionstoragec. storaged. waste utilization3. Designs4. Construction5. State and local regulations6. Manure Spreader Calibration7. Regulations <strong>for</strong> ManureManagement8. Manure Storage Safety, Designand Use9. Poultry and LivestockManagement10. Septic & Sewage SludgeApplication11. Barnyard Runoff ManagementSUBJECT: SAFETYManagementManual3. PA DEP ManureManagementManualPA Bay ProgramAnimal WasteMgmt. TechnicalNote No. 4PA DEP ManureMgmt. ManualSection 1, P.1-5PA DEP ManureMgmt. ManualSection 2, 3, 1-4PA DEP ManureMgmt. ManualPoultry, Dairy, andSwine SectionsPA DEP SewageSludgeRegulations; PSUSpecial Circular255 & 257, BradyP. 643-646PA Bay ProgramAnimal WasteMgmt. TechnicalNote No. 2; PADEP Manure Mgmt.Manure DairySection 6, P. 1-6PROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)Self

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 6 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSA. Utilities Check Sheet (SCS-ENG-5) 1. New Part 503 OJTSelfB. Construction Safety 1. OSHAHandbookFormal CourseOJTC. Field Equipment 1. GM OJTSUBJECT: AGRONOMYA. Soil and Water <strong>Plan</strong>t Relationship1. Fertilization2. Organic Farming3. <strong>Plan</strong>t Physiology4. <strong>Plan</strong>t Identification5. Tillage Practices6. Tillage Equipment7. Pesticides8. Crop Rotation9. Soil Chemistry & Fertility10. Soil Testing11. Crop Production12. Manure Management1. Tech Guide2. AgronomyHandbook3. StateHandbooks89-90 Penn StateAgronomy Guide,P. 4-10, 22, PSUAgronomy FactsNo. 3, 12-14, 16,Brady P. 175-181,284-313, 328-361Brady, Nyle C., TheNature andProperties of soils89-90 Penn StateAgronomy Guide P.10-16, PSUAgronomy FactsNo. 1789-90 Penn StateAgronomy Guide P.2, 28-34, 58, 62-63,78-80, 88-103, 122-13189-90 Penn StateOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTPROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 7 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTS13. Fertilizer Materials14. <strong>Plan</strong>t Tissue AnalysisSUBJECT: LAND USEA. Cropland1. Types of cropland2. Management systems3. Conservation measuresB. Pastureland1. Pasture management2. Conservation measuresC. Wildlife Land1. Wildlife management2. Conservation measuresAgronomy Guide P.19-22; PA DEPManure Mgmt.Manual FieldApplication Section;PSU Pub. No. ST-10 Use of Manure,Brady P 632-63989-90 Penn StateAgronomy Guide P.16-19; PSUAgronomy FactsNo. 6, Brady P.592-603, 605-610,612-61989-90 Penn StateAgronomy Guide P.16; PSU SamplingInstruct.1. Tech Guide2. Tech Notes3. AgronomyManual1. Tech Guide2. Tech Notes3. Penn StateAgronomy Guidepg. 111-1201. Tech Guide2. Biology ManualFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSelfOJTFormal CourseSUBJECT: COMMUNICATION SKILLSA. Written CorrespondenceCoursePROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 8 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSOJTSelfB. Verbal Formal CourseOJTSelfC. Salesmanship OJTFormal CourseD. Conflict Management OJTFormal CourseSUBJECT: BASIC COMPUTER ORIENTATIONA. MicrocomputersB. Operating SystemsC. Word Processing PackagesD. Spreadsheet PackagesE. Data Base ManagementF. Special Application Programs(Manure Management)(EFM Chap. 2)(TR 55)SUBJECT: PA CHESAPEAKE BAY PROGRAMA. Statement of Policy PA Bay ProgramAdmin. ManualAppendix EB. Best Management Practices PA Bay ProgramAdmin. ManualSection VC. Nutrient Management Guidelines &FormsPA Bay ProgramAdmin. ManualSection IVD. <strong>District</strong>/Landowner CBP Forms PA Bay ProgramAdmin. Section III,C. 1-7E. Pollution Problems of theChesapeake BayBasin to Bay – Pub.Of the PA Leagueof Women VotersPROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 9 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSF. Farmer Interview <strong>for</strong> Manure,Fertilizer and Cropping PracticesFarm Visit and Useof Initial FarmConditions FormG. Balancing Farm Nutrients Write NutrientManagement <strong>Plan</strong>sH. Mobile Nutrient Lab Review Equipment,Capabilities, & LabManual, ConductTestsI. Bay Program Structure Chesapeake BayProgramOrganization ChartJ. Program Acronym Definitions PA Bay ProgramAdmin. ManualAppendix AK. Overall Program Administration PA Bay ProgramAdmin. ManualSUBJECT: SOIL MECHANICSA. Soil Classification & Identification1. Unified System2. USDA System1. SM-1 Module Formal CourseOJTB. Construction Uses of Soils 1. EFM Chpt. 42. Soil MechanicsTraining Guide(WISC)Formal CourseOJTSelfSUBJECT: BIOLOGYA. Policy1. Assistance to LandownersB. Classification and Identification ofWetland Types & Regulations1. GM Part 410,190Ecol Sci1. USDA Circular392. USFWS/OBS79/31Formal CourseOJTFormal CourseOJTPROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 10 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSC. Application of ConservationPractices1. Tech Guide Formal CourseOJTSelfSUBJECT: GOVERNMENT STRUCTURE AND PROGRAMSA. Conservation <strong>District</strong>sAct 2171. Philosophy underlyingAct 148Conservation <strong>District</strong>sC.D. Long Range2. How CDs are organized and Programs & AnnualoperatedWork Program3. Applicable CD lawsA Resource4. <strong>District</strong> program and work plans Agenda <strong>for</strong> the5. State Assoc. of CDs2000s6. National Assoc. of CDsB. PA DEP Structure1. State Conservation Commission2. Bureau of Water QualityProtection3. DEP Bureaus and theirresponsibilitiesC. Relations with Others:1. Soil Conservation Service2. ASCS3. FmHA4. U.S. Forest Service5. Extension Service6. State agencies7. Public schools8. Rural <strong>Development</strong>9. Bureau of Forestry10. PennDOT11. TownshipsDepartmentOrganizationalChart and ProgramDescriptions, AUser’s Guide toDEP Permits, FlowCharts, Chap. 105Clean StreamsLaw, Joint PermitBookMemo ofUnderstandingOJTSelfOJTOJTSelfD. Town and Borough Structure Municipal Code DCAPROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 11 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSBookE. County Government1. Commissioners Office2. <strong>Plan</strong>ning Commission3. Assessment Off4. Ag Preservation BoardF. State and Federal Legislators PACD –Conservationthrough LegislationG. State and Federal Legislation “How a BillBecomes a Law”SUBJECT: DISTRICT OPERATIONSA. Obligations, responsibilities, andprivileges of <strong>District</strong> employees:1. Hours of work2. Pay3. Position description andclassification4. Standard of Per<strong>for</strong>mance5. Training program – opportunitiesand obligations6. Career program7. Employee conduct8. Incentive Awards9. Identification Cards10. Employee Benefits:a. Group health insuranceb. Group life insurancec. Leaved. Retirement11. Safety and Health12. Travel13. Equipment use andmaintenance14. Legal assistance15. EEO, including FWP and SSPCounty or <strong>District</strong>Handbooks orRegs.Township AssociationOJTOJTOJTOJTPACDLocal Legislator’sOfficeOJTSelfPROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 12 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSB. Communications:1. Technical Guides, Handbooks,etc.2. Channeling of Correspondence3. Requests <strong>for</strong> Assistance4. Records management and filingC. Recording Time andAccomplishments:1. Timekeeping system2. Program reporting system3. Accomplishment recordsD. <strong>District</strong> Meetings 1. <strong>Plan</strong>ning theProgram &Managing theMeeting2. Guiding GroupDiscussion &ParliamentaryProcedure <strong>for</strong>Common Use3. PACDCommittee<strong>Plan</strong>ningWorkshopHandoutE. <strong>District</strong> Committees 1. Jobs ofMembers,Officers &F. Accounting1. Basic Accounting2. State RequirementsCommittees1. BasicAccountingHandbook2. CD AllocationFund GuidelinesOJTSelfOJTSelfSUBJECT: PHOTOGRAPHYA. Use of 35MM Camera 1. Basic OJTExtension PACDExec. Council StaffConferenceExtension PACDExec. CouncilFormal CourseSelfField Rep.BWQPPROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNAME: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX POSITION: <strong>District</strong> Manager LOCATION: Anytown, PA COMPLETION DATE: 4/12/00 PAGE NUMBER 13 OF 10EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT PROFICIENCY MODEL ACTION PLAN EVALUATIONSUBJECTREFERENCEMATERIALAVAILABLE TRAININGMETHODSLEVELPRESENTLEVELPLANNEDTRAINER ORFACILITYDATECOMPLETEDLEVELACHIEVEDSELECTEDTRAININGMETHODSDATE & INITIALSSUPERVISOR ORTRAINERCOMMENTSPhotographybookSUBJECT: EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAMA. In<strong>for</strong>mation and Education Chap. 102PA Clean StreamsLawOJTDEP TrainingSessionsE&S AdministrativeManualB. <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>Development</strong> and Review Chap. 102 OJTFormal Train. CourseDEP Train. SessionsC. Complaint Handling and VoluntaryComplianceE&S AdministrativeManualOJTDEP Train. SessionsD. Permit Handling E&S Administrative OJTManualE. Site Inspection Chap. 102E&S AdministrativeManualDEP Train. SessionsOJTDEP Train. SessionsSUBJECT: PACDA. Organization PACD By-Laws Exec. Council Mtg.B. Policy PACD Policy BookC. Committee Make Up PACD By-Laws Exec. Council Mtg.PROFICIENCY LEVELS (1 = Aware, 2 = Understand, 3 = Per<strong>for</strong>m with Supervision, 4 = Apply Independently, 5 = Proficient and Can Train Others)

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