The Satanic Rituals - Ura-linda.de

The Satanic Rituals - Ura-linda.de

The Satanic Rituals - Ura-linda.de


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<strong>The</strong> Rites ofLuciferOn the altar of the Devil up is down, pleasureis pain, darkness is light, slavery is freedom,and madness is sanity. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> ritual chamberis die i<strong>de</strong>al setting for the entertainment ofunspoken thoughts or a veritable palace ofperversity.Now one of the Devil's most <strong>de</strong>voted disciplesgives a <strong>de</strong>tailed account of all the traditional<strong>Satanic</strong> rituals. Here are the actual texts of suchforbid<strong>de</strong>n rites as the Black Mass and <strong>Satanic</strong>Baptisms for both adults and children.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> <strong>Rituals</strong>Anton Szandor LaVey<strong>The</strong> ultimate effect of shielding men fromthe effects of folly is to fill the world withfools.-Herbert Spencer- CONTENTS -INTRODUCTION 11CONCERNING THE RITUALS 15

THE ORIGINAL PSYCHODRAMA-Le Messe Noir 31L'AIR EPAIS-<strong>The</strong> Ceremony of the Stifling Air 54THE SEVENTH SATANIC STATEMENT-Das Tierdrama 76THE LAW OF THE TRAPEZOID- Die elektrischenVorspiele 106NIGHT ON BALD MOUNTAIN- Homage toTchort 131PILGRIMS OF THE AGE OF FIRE- <strong>The</strong> Statementof Shaitan 151THE METAPHYSICS OF LOVECRAFT-<strong>The</strong> Ceremony of the Nine Anglesand <strong>The</strong> Call to Cthulhu 173THE SATANIC BAPTISMS-Adult Rite andChildren's Ceremony 203THE UNKNOWN KNOWN 219<strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> <strong>Rituals</strong>INTRODUCTION<strong>The</strong> rituals contained herein represent a <strong>de</strong>gree of candor

shapes, sizes and inclinations. <strong>The</strong> names are used with <strong>de</strong>liberateand appreciative awareness, for if one can pull asi<strong>de</strong> thecurtain of fear and enter the Kingdom of Shadows, the eyeswill soon become accustomed and many strange and won<strong>de</strong>rfultruths will be seen.If one is truly good insi<strong>de</strong> he can call the names of theGods of the Abyss with freedom from guilt and immunity fromharm. <strong>The</strong> resultant feeling will be most gratifying. But there isno turning back. Here are the Rites of Lucifer ... for thosewho dare remove their mantles of self-righteousness.Anton Szandor LaVey<strong>The</strong> Church of Satan25 December VI Anno SatanasCONCERNING THE RITUALSFantasy plays an important part in any religious curriculum,for the subjective mind is less discriminating about thequality of its food than it is about the taste. <strong>The</strong> religious ritesof Satanism differ from those of other faiths in that fantasy isnot employed to control the practitioners of the rites. <strong>The</strong>ingredients of <strong>Satanic</strong> ritual are not <strong>de</strong>signed to hold thecelebrant in thrall, but rather to serve his goals. Thus, fantasyis utilized as a magic weapon by the individual rather than bythe system. This is not meant to imply that there are not, northere will not exist, those who will claim <strong>de</strong>dication to Satanismas an i<strong>de</strong>ntity while continuing to be manipulated unknowinglyfrom without.<strong>The</strong> essence of <strong>Satanic</strong> ritual, and Satanism itself, if takenup out of logic rather than <strong>de</strong>speration, is to objectively enterinto a subjective state. It must be realized, however, that humanbehavior is almost totally motivated by subjective impulse. It isdifficult therefore, to try to be objective once the emotions haveestablished their preferences. Since man is the only animal whocan lie to himself and believe it, he must consciously strive forsome <strong>de</strong>gree of self-awareness. Inasmuch as ritual magic is<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt upon emotional intensity for success, all manner ofemotion producing <strong>de</strong>vices must be employed in its practice.<strong>The</strong> basic ingredients in the casting of a spell can becategorized as <strong>de</strong>sire, timing, imagery, direction, and balance.Each of these is explained in the author's prior work, <strong>The</strong><strong>Satanic</strong> Bible. <strong>The</strong> material contained in this volume representsthe type of <strong>Satanic</strong> rite which has been employed in the past forspecialized productive or <strong>de</strong>structive ends.It will be observed that a pervasive element of paradoxtuns throughout the rituals contained herein. Up is down,pleasure is pain, darkness is light, slavery is freedom, madnessis sanity, etc. In keeping with the very semantic and etymologicalmeanings of Satan, situations, sensations and values areoften inverted and reversed. This is not inten<strong>de</strong>d solely toserve as blasphemy-on the contrary, it is used to make it ap-

parent that things are not always as they seem and that nostandard can or should be <strong>de</strong>ified, for un<strong>de</strong>r the proper conditionsany standard can be changed.Because <strong>Satanic</strong> Ritual so often exerts such change, bothwithin the chamber and as an aftermath in the outsi<strong>de</strong> world,it is easy to assume that the upsi<strong>de</strong>-down cross and the Lord'sPrayer recited backwards* usually linked with the Black Massare also synonymous with Satanism. This generalization iscorrect in theory, since Satanism in<strong>de</strong>ed represents the oppositeviewpoint, and as such acts as a catalyst for change. <strong>The</strong> fact is,throughout history a "bad guy" has been nee<strong>de</strong>d so that thosewho are "right" can flourish. It was to be expected that thefirst Messes Noirs would institute reversals of existing liturgy,thus reinforcing the original blasphemy of heretical thought.Mo<strong>de</strong>rn Satanism realizes man's need for an "other si<strong>de</strong>,"and has realistically accepted that polarity-at least within theconfines of a ritual chamber. Thus a <strong>Satanic</strong> chamber can serve-<strong>de</strong>pending upon the <strong>de</strong>gree of embellishment and the extentof the acts within-as a meditation chamber for the entertainmentof unspoken thoughts, or a veritable palace of perversity.Ceremonies such as the German Wahsinn <strong>de</strong>r Logischactually weld the concepts of Satanism and the manifestationsof insanity into a total assumption of the role of nee<strong>de</strong>d socialadversary. This phenomenon has been eloquently <strong>de</strong>fined by* Inaccurate assumption; the traditional Messe Noir employsa parody of Matthew 6:9 rather than a word-or<strong>de</strong>r inversion.psychiatrist Thomas S. Szasz in <strong>The</strong> Manufacture of Madness.Wherever this polarity of opposites exists, there is balance,life, and evolution. Where it is lacking, disintegration, extinctionand <strong>de</strong>cay ensue. It is high time that people learned that withoutopposites, vitality wanes. Yet opposite has long been synonymouswith bad. Despite the prevalence of adages like "Variety isthe spice of life."-"It takes all kinds . . ."-'<strong>The</strong> grass isalways greener . . ." many people still automatically con<strong>de</strong>mnwhatever is opposite as "evil"Action and reaction, cause and effect, are the bases ofeverything in the known universe. Yet when automobiles aregenerally large, it is said "no one will ever drive a small car,"or when hem lines go up, "they'll never wear long dressesagain," etc. <strong>The</strong> mere fact that the smugness-and boredomofthe populace rests on the mantra, "It'll never happen!"indicates to the magician that he must avoid such thinking. Inmagic the unexpected occurs-with such regularity, in fact, thatit is safe to say that to dwell on anything too long is to consumeit.Magic is a push/pull situation, like the universe itself.While one is pushing, he cannot pull. <strong>The</strong> purpose in ritual isto "push" the <strong>de</strong>sired result within a unique span of time andspace, then move away and "pull" by divorcing oneself fromall thoughts and related acts previously ritualized.<strong>The</strong> productions contained here fall into two distinctcategories: rituals, which are directed towards a specific end that

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<strong>The</strong> difference between prayer and magic can be comparedto the difference between applying for a loan and writing out ablank check for a <strong>de</strong>sired amount. A man applying for a loan(prayer) may have nothing but a job as collateral and mustkeep working and pay interest, should the loan be granted.Otherwise he will wind up with bad credit (purgatory). <strong>The</strong>man (magician) who writes the <strong>de</strong>sired amount on the blankcheck, assumes there will be <strong>de</strong>livery of the merchandise, andhe pays no interest He is in<strong>de</strong>ed fortunate-but he had betterhave sufficient funds (magical qualities) to cover the amountwritten, or he may wind up in far worse straits, and have hiscreditors (<strong>de</strong>mons) out looking for him.Magic, like any other tool, requires a skilled hand. Thisdoes not mean that one need be a magician's magician or anadvanced scholar of occult teachings. But it requires an applicationof principles-principles (earned through study and experience.Life itself <strong>de</strong>mands application of certain principles. Ifone's wattage (potential) is high, and the proper principles areapplied, there is very little that cannot be accomplished. <strong>The</strong>more readily one can apply the principles nee<strong>de</strong>d to effect aproficiency in Lesser Magic, the greater one's chances of attainmentthrough the use of ritual-or ceremonial-magic.<strong>Satanic</strong> Ritual is a blend of Gnostic, Cabbalistic, Hermetic,and Masonic elements, incorporating nomenclature and vibratorywords of power from virtually every mythos. Though therituals in this book are representative of different nations, itwill be easy to perceive a basic un<strong>de</strong>rcurrent through the culturalvariants.Two each of the rites are French and German, their prepon<strong>de</strong>ranceaccountable to the rich wealth of <strong>Satanic</strong> dramaand liturgy produced by those countries. <strong>The</strong> British, althoughenamored of ghosts, hauntings, pixies, witches, and mur<strong>de</strong>rmysteries, have drawn most of dieir <strong>Satanic</strong> repertoire fromEuropean sources. Perhaps this is because a European Catholicwho wanted to rebel became a Satanist: an Englishman whowanted to rebel became a Catholic-that was blasphemyenough! If most Americans' knowledge of Satanism is gleanedfrom the tabloid press and horror films, the average Briton canboast of "enlightenment" from the pens of three of theirwriters: Montague Summers, Dennis Wheatley and RolloAhmed. <strong>The</strong> notable British exceptions to what historian ElliotRose terms die "anti-Sadducee" school of literary probing intoSatanism, are that author's bold work, A Razor for a Goat;and Henry T. F. Rho<strong>de</strong>s' comprehensive study, <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong>Mass.Approximately half of the rites contained in this volumecan be performed by four or less persons, thereby eliminatingproblems or failures which can arise if quantity takes prece<strong>de</strong>nceover quality in the selection of dramatis personae. Where groupsolidarity and singleness of purpose exists, ceremonies such asDas Tierdrama, Homage to Tchort and <strong>The</strong> Call to Cthulhu,can be celebrated effectively by a larger number of participants.For the most part, the rites should be begun and en<strong>de</strong>dwith the procedures standard to <strong>Satanic</strong> liturgy. <strong>The</strong>se are

presented in <strong>de</strong>tail in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible, and are indicatedwherever the term standard sequence, or customary manner (ordie equivalent), appears in the present text. Accoutermentsnecessary to all rites, as well as the Enochian Calls, are likewisegiven in the Bible.As to the pronunciation of the names involved (<strong>de</strong>spitesome occultists who insist, "You can't expect help from theforces you call upon if you can't pronounce their names right,"),assume that the forces, <strong>de</strong>mons, or elementals have enoughinsight to judge a caller's worthiness on more profound criteriathan his glib tongue or expensive shoes. Pronounce the namesas they sound best to you, but don't assume that you have thecorrect pronunciation, exclusive of all others. <strong>The</strong> "vibratory"rate of the names is only as effective as your own ability to"vibrate" while saying them, neither of which terms is to beconfused with vibrato.<strong>The</strong> success of magical operations is <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt uponapplication of principles learned rather than the amount of datacollected. This rule must be stressed, for ignorance of this factis the one most consistent cause of magical incompetency-andthe least likely to be consi<strong>de</strong>red as the reason for failure. <strong>The</strong>most successful individuals throughout history have been thepeople who learn a few good tricks and apply them well, ratherthan those with a whole bag full who don't know which trickto pull out at the right time-or how to use it once they get itout!Much magical curricula is pad<strong>de</strong>d beyond belief withpseudo-esoteric data, the purpose of which is: (a) to make ittougher to learn, since no one places any cre<strong>de</strong>nce in whatcomes too easy (though they constantly seek shortcuts, giveawaysand miracles); (b) to provi<strong>de</strong> many things that can gowrong, so that if a ritual doesn't work it can be said that thestu<strong>de</strong>nt was <strong>de</strong>linquent in his studies; (c) to discourage all butthe most idle, bored, talentless, and barren (translation=introspective,mystical, spiritual) persons. Contrary to popular assumption,esoteric doctrines do not discourage nonachieversbut actually encourage them to dwell in loftier ivory towers.Those with the greatest <strong>de</strong>gree of natural magical ability areoften far too busy with other activities to learn the "finer"points of the Sephiroth, Tarot, I Ching, etc.This is not inten<strong>de</strong>d to suggest that there is no value inarcane wisdom. But, just because one memorizes every name ina telephone directory it does not mean he is intimately acquaintedwith each person listed.It is often said that magic is an impersonal tool and thereforeneither "white" nor "black," but creative or <strong>de</strong>structive,<strong>de</strong>pending upon the magician. This implies that-like a gunmagicis as good or bad as its user's motivations. This, unfortunately,is a half-truth. It presumes that once a magician activateshis magical weapon it will serve him according to his ownpropensities.If a magician were <strong>de</strong>aling with only two elements-himselfand his magical force-this theory could be valid. But un<strong>de</strong>rmost circumstances, human actions and events are influenced

and carried out by other human beings. If a magician wants toeffect a change according to his will (personal) and employsmagic as a tool (impersonal), he must often rely on a humanvehicle (personal) to carry out his will. No matter how impersonala force magic is, the emotional and behavioral patternof the human vehicle must be consi<strong>de</strong>red.It is too often assumed that if a magician curses someonethe victim will meet with an acci<strong>de</strong>nt or fall ill. This is an oversimplification.Often the most profound magical workings arethose which engage the assistance of other unknown humanbeings in or<strong>de</strong>r to effect the magician's will. A magician's<strong>de</strong>structive wish toward another may be justified by all laws ofnatural ethic and fair play, but the force that he summons maybe wiel<strong>de</strong>d by a mean, worthless person-one whom the magicianhimself would <strong>de</strong>spise-in or<strong>de</strong>r to complete the working.Oddly enough, this manner of operations can be employed forbenevolent or amorous-rather than <strong>de</strong>structive-ends withequal success.<strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible states that the magician should treat theentities he calls upon as friends and companions, for even an"impersonal" <strong>de</strong>vice will respond better to a conscientious andrespectful user. This principle is accurate for operating automobilesand power tools, as well as <strong>de</strong>mons and elementals.It will be apparent to some rea<strong>de</strong>rs that <strong>Satanic</strong> rites ofthe type contained in this book can act as catalysts for the actionsof great numbers of people, and in<strong>de</strong>ed they have-acting,in the words of Lovecraft, as the mind that is held by no head.Whenever reference in this book is ma<strong>de</strong> to a priest, therole may also be taken by a woman who can serve in the capacityof priestess. It must be clarified, however, that the essence ofSatanism-its dualistic principle-necessarily imposes an active/passive dichotomy upon the respective roles of celebrant andaltar. If a woman serves as a celebrant, then for all intents andpurposes she represents the masculine principle in the rite.<strong>The</strong> pervasive theme of active/passive (Yin/Yang) inhuman relations cannot be stifled, <strong>de</strong>spite attempts to creatematriarchal, patriarchal, or unisexual societies. <strong>The</strong>re will alwaysbe those who "might as well be men" or "might as well bewomen," <strong>de</strong>pending upon their endocrinological, emotionaland/or behavioral predilections. It is far soun<strong>de</strong>r, from amagical standpoint, for an ego-driven or forceful woman toconduct a ritual, rather than a shy, introspective man. It mightprove awkward, however, to cast a passive man in the role ofEarth-Mother-as the altar-unless his appearance conveyedthe image of a woman.An exclusively homosexual group can often conduct morefruitful rituals than a group with both heterosexual and homosexualparticipants. <strong>The</strong> reason is that each person in an aflhomophilegroup is usually more aware of the individualactive/passive propensities of his associates, and this ensuresaccurate role casting. It must be stressed that both male andfemale principles must be present, even if the same sex portraysboth.With few exceptions the rituals and ceremonies in this

ook have been written to meet existing conditions and requirements.Because a workable format <strong>de</strong>pends on fairly recentstandards of language, readily-un<strong>de</strong>rstandable rubrics and emotion-producinglitany cannot be set down without a certain<strong>de</strong>gree of "<strong>Satanic</strong> license." <strong>The</strong>re are virtually no <strong>Satanic</strong>rites over one hundred years old that elicit sufficient emotionalresponse from today's practitioner, if the rites are presented intheir original form. When the rites were initially conceived,they were amply provocative to the wizards who practiced them,of course. In short, one no longer reads a Victorian romancefor sexual titillation.No single element of a magical rite is quite as importantas the words which ate spoken, and unless the litany of a ritualis stimulating to the speaker, silence is far more <strong>de</strong>sirable. <strong>The</strong>celebrant or priest conducting a rite must serve as a soundingboard for the emotions of those in attendance. Through thestrength of his words, his listeners' potential charge of magicalenergy can be inspired to peak intensity or wane to lethargy outof sheer boredom. However, many people are bored by anylitany, no matter how meaningful or eloquent, so it behoovesthe magician to select his co-workers with care. Those who areperennially bored are usually stupid, insensitive, unimaginativeindividuals. <strong>The</strong>y are <strong>de</strong>adwood in any ritual chamber.Naturally, there is a reasonable level of possible emotionalresponse which must be un<strong>de</strong>rstood when selecting a litany tohe used for ceremonial purposes. A wizard or cultist of 1800may have thrilled at his words when speaking of "waiting at thedarkness visible, lifting our eyes to that bright Morning Star,whose rising brings peace and salvation to the faithful andobedient of the human race." Now he may say, "standing atthe gates of Hell to summon Lucifer, that he might rise andshow himself as the harbinger of balance and truth to a worldgrown heavy with the spawn of holy lies," in or<strong>de</strong>r to engen<strong>de</strong>rthe same emotional response.<strong>The</strong> guiding thoughts behind <strong>Satanic</strong> rituals past and presenthave emanated from diverse minds and places, yet alloperate on much the same "frequency." Many people whonever conceptualized their personal philosophies discover thatthe principles of Satanism are an unequalled vehicle for theirthoughts; hence the title of "Satanist" is now being claimed byits rightful owners. Those who disagree with the non-Christian<strong>de</strong>finition of Satanist, as set forth in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible, shoul<strong>de</strong>xamine the basis of that disagreement. It surely stems fromone of two sources: "common knowledge" or scripturallyfoun<strong>de</strong>d propaganda."Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, ashe has kept it in business all these years!"-the Ninth <strong>Satanic</strong>Statement-is not limited just to the religious organization referredto as "the church." How convenient an enemy the Devilhas been for the weak and insecure! Crusa<strong>de</strong>rs against theDevil maintained that Satan, even if accepted on an anthropomorphicbasis, was neither so evil nor so dangerous that hecould not be personally vanquished. And so Satan has existedas a convenient enemy to be employed when nee<strong>de</strong>d-one who

could be beaten by any lily-livered popinjay who could find thetime to arm himself with a barrage of scriptural rhetoric! ThusSatan has ma<strong>de</strong> cowards into heroes, weaklings into gladiators,and wretches into nobles. That was so simply because his adversarieswere able to tailor the rules of the game to suit their ownneeds. Now that there are avowed Satanists, who make theirown standards, the rules of the game change. If a substance isharmful, its poisonous effects will speak for it. If Satanists arepowerfully evil, then their foes have valid fears.<strong>The</strong> "godly," have toughened Satan in his role of scapegoat,while keeping him nourished and handy for their needs. Nowit is they who have weakened and atrophied while Satan breakshis bonds. Now Satan's people can speak for Him, and theyhave a weapon calculated to annihilate the feeble and insipidmournings of the pulpit poun<strong>de</strong>rs of the past. That weaponis logic.<strong>The</strong> Satanist can easily invent fairy tales to match anythingcontained in holy writ, for his background is the very childhoodof fiction-the myths immemorial of all peoples andall nations. And he admits they are fairy tales. <strong>The</strong> Christiancannot-no, dares not-admit that his heritage is fairy tales,yet he <strong>de</strong>pends on them for his pious sustenance. <strong>The</strong> Satanistmaintains a storehouse of avowed fantasy gathered from allcultures and from all ages. With his unfettered access to logicas well, he now becomes a powerful adversary of Satan's pasttormentors.Those who have <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d on fighting the Devil to displaytheir "goodness" must discover a new adversary-onewho is helpless, disorganized, and easily vanquished. But theworld is changing fast and such a recruitment will prove difficult,... so difficult, in fact, that witch-hunters and <strong>de</strong>vilfin<strong>de</strong>rs may be forced to seek their quarry in the most impenetrableof jungles-themselves.NoteIn rituals where a foreign language is presented, theEnglish translation usually follows after a brief space.Wherever both languages are so presented, only one shouldbe employed. To reiterate a statement in an alternate languagebreaks the flow of the original statement.If the foreign text is used, the English translation shouldbe studied beforehand, so the meaning of the foreign text willbe fully un<strong>de</strong>rstood.LE MESSE NOIR

THE ORIGINAL PSYCHODRAMA<strong>The</strong> Black Mass is a valid <strong>Satanic</strong> ceremony only if onefeels the need to perform it Historically, there is no ritualmore closely linked with Satanism than the Black Mass. Ithas long been consi<strong>de</strong>red the principal elective of Satanists, whowere assumed never to tire of trampling on crosses and ofstealing unbaptized infants. If a Satanist had nothing else todo, and was in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly wealthy, newer and more blasphemousversions of the Messe Noir would be invented in or<strong>de</strong>r tonourish his ja<strong>de</strong>d existence, the theory went. Though a titillatingconcept to many, it is without validity, and as <strong>de</strong>void of logicas the assumption that Christians celebrate Good Friday everyWednesday afternoon.Although the Black Mass is a ritual that has been performedcountless times, the participants often were not Satanists,but would act solely on the i<strong>de</strong>a that anything contradictoryto God must be of the Devil. During the Inquisition,anyone who doubted the sovereignty of God and Christ wassummarily consi<strong>de</strong>red a servant of Satan and suffered accordingly.<strong>The</strong> Inquisitors, needing an enemy, found one in theguise of witches who supposedly were subject to <strong>Satanic</strong> controlWitches were created in wholesale lots by the churchfrom the ranks of the senile, sexually promiscuous, feeblemin<strong>de</strong>d,<strong>de</strong>formed, hysterical, and anyone who happened to beof non-Christian thought or background. <strong>The</strong>re was only aminute percentage of actual healers and oracles. <strong>The</strong>y were likewisepersecuted.<strong>The</strong>re have been recent attempts to assess great numbers of"witches" of antiquity as rebels against the Christian Churchwho held Dianic "esbats" with furtive regularity. This presentsa charming picture. But it is folly, because it bestows a <strong>de</strong>greeof intellectual sophistication on people who were essentiallyignorant, and who were willing to go along with whatever formof worship the opinion makers gave them.At any rate, during the period when accounts of the BlackMass were employed as propaganda against "heretical" sectsand or<strong>de</strong>rs, few cared about the finer points differentiating thewitch from the Satanist. Both were as one in the eyes of theInquisitors, although it is safe to say that unlike the majoritywho bore the label of witch, those who conducted themselves"<strong>Satanic</strong>ally" often earned their stigma. This is not meant tocondone the actions of the Inquisitors against such freethinkersand rebels, but to conce<strong>de</strong> that they were a very real threat tothe holy fathers. Such men as Galileo and da Vinci, accusedof traffic with the Devil, most certainly were <strong>Satanic</strong> in thesense that they expressed i<strong>de</strong>as and theories <strong>de</strong>stined to breakdown the status quo.<strong>The</strong> supposed high point of the Black Mass, alleged tobe the offering to Satan of an unbaptized human child, was

not quite the way the collectors of baptism fees gloatinglytold it.Catherine Deshayes, known as LaVoisin, was a seventeenthcentury French businesswoman who peddled drugs andperformed abortions. LaVoisin arranged "rituals, charms andspells" for her clients, all of whom wished to retain the safetyof the Church, but whose ineffectual prayers drove them to seekdarker magic. This sort of <strong>de</strong>sperate miracle seeking is as prevalenttoday as it was then. In the performance of one of hermore popular productions, a clan<strong>de</strong>stine, highly commercialinversion of the Catholic mass, LaVoisin provi<strong>de</strong>d "authenticity"by actually engaging willing Catholic priests as celebrantsand sometimes using an aborted fetus as a human sacrifice(Records indicate that she performed over two hundredabortions.)<strong>The</strong> priests who supposedly celebrated the Black Mass forher supplied the holy propagandists with more material. If ordainedpriests were occasionally prone to take part in hereticalrites, it is un<strong>de</strong>rstandable when one consi<strong>de</strong>rs the social conditionsat the time. For centuries in France many men becamepriests because they were from upper class families and thepriesthood was <strong>de</strong> rigeur for at least one son of cultured orwell-to-do parents. <strong>The</strong> first son became a military officer orpolitician, and the second was sent off to a religious or<strong>de</strong>r. Socontroversial was this arrangement that it produced a catchphrase: "Le rouge et noir."If one of the young men happened to be of intellectualbent, which was often the case, the priesthood provi<strong>de</strong>d virtuallythe only access to libraries and avenues of higher learning.It was to be expected that the Hermetic principle of "as above,so below" and vice versa would apply to gifted and intelligentindividuals. An inquiring, well-<strong>de</strong>veloped mind could often bedangerously skeptical and subsequently irreverent! Thus therewas always a supply of "<strong>de</strong>praved" priests ready and willingto celebrate <strong>Satanic</strong> rites.History has, in fact, produced entire sects and monasticor<strong>de</strong>rs that fell into humanistic and iconoclastic fever. Thinkabout it; you personally may have known of a priest or ministerwho wasn't quite what he should have been ... ! Today, ofcourse, in Christianity's <strong>de</strong>ath throes, anything goes in theclergy, and priests once tortured and executed for "vile heresies"(Urban Grandier, for example) would seem like BoyScouts by current standards of pastoral conduct. <strong>The</strong> seventeenthcentury priests who celebrated the Black Mass need nothave been intrinsically evil: heretical, most certainly; perverse,<strong>de</strong>finitely; but harmfully evil, probably not.<strong>The</strong> exploits of LaVoisin, which have been recounted insuch a sensational manner, if simplified reveal her as a beautician,midwife, lady pharmacist, abortionist, who had a flair fortheatrics. Nevertheless, LaVoisin gave the Church what itnee<strong>de</strong>d: a real honest-to-Satan Black Mass. She provi<strong>de</strong>d muchsubstance for their anti-heretic propaganda machine. LaVoisinput the Black Mass on the map, so to speak, and so succee<strong>de</strong>din working some very real magic-magic far more potent than

the spells she concocted for her clients. She gave people an i<strong>de</strong>a.Those who leaned to the i<strong>de</strong>as expressed by LaVoisin'srites nee<strong>de</strong>d little encouragement to attempt to duplicate therites. For those persons the Black Mass provi<strong>de</strong>d a setting forvarious <strong>de</strong>grees of perversity, ranging from harmless and/orproductive psychodrama to actual heinous acts that would substantiatethe chroniclers' wil<strong>de</strong>st fantasies. Depending on individualpredilection, those who received inspiration from thelikes of LaVoisin could either effect a therapeutically validform of rebellion, or fill the ranks of the "Christian Satanists"-miscreants who adopt Christian standards of Satanism. Onefact is irrefutable: for every unborn baby offered up "in thename of Satan" during LaVoisin's clan<strong>de</strong>stine playlets, countlessthousands of living babies and small children have beenslaughtered in wars fought in the name of Christ.<strong>The</strong> Black Mass which follows is the version performedby the Societe <strong>de</strong>s Luciferiens in late nineteenth and early twentiethcentury France. Obviously taken from prior Messes Noir,it also <strong>de</strong>rives from the texts of die Holy Bible, the MissaleRomanum, the work of Charles Bau<strong>de</strong>laire and Charles Marie-George Huysmans, and the records of Georges Legue. It is themost consistently <strong>Satanic</strong> version this author has encountered.While it maintains the <strong>de</strong>gree of blasphemy necessary to makeit effective psychodrama, it does not dwell on inversion purelyfor the sake of blasphemy, but elevates the concepts of Satanismto a noble and rational <strong>de</strong>gree. This ritual is a psychodramain the truest sense. Its prime purpose is to reduce or negatestigma acquired through past indoctrination. It is also a vehiclefor retaliation against unjust acts perpetrated in the name ofChristianity.Perhaps the most potent sentence in the entire mass followsthe <strong>de</strong>secration of the Host: "Vanish into the void of thyempty Heaven, for thou wert never, nor shall thou ever be."<strong>The</strong> possibility that Christ was a total invention has occurred toinvestigators with increasing frequency. Many once existingsocial ramifications might have ma<strong>de</strong> this feasible. Perhaps therecent last ditch "Christ, the man" stand is an attempt to sustaina dying myth through use of a single reinforcing element-onewith which all can i<strong>de</strong>ntify-that shows him afallible human being!Requirements for PerformanceParticipants consist of a priest (celebrant), his immediateassistant (<strong>de</strong>acon), a secondary assistant (sub<strong>de</strong>acon), a nun,an altar, an illuminator who holds a lighted candle wherenee<strong>de</strong>d for reading, a thurifer, a gong-striker, an additionalattendant and the congregation.Hoo<strong>de</strong>d black robes are worn by all participants excepttwo: a woman dressed as a nun, wearing the customary habitand wimple, and the woman who serves as the altar, who fanu<strong>de</strong>. <strong>The</strong> priest conducting the mass is known as the celebrant.Over his robe he wears a chasuble bearing a symbol ofSatanism-the Sigil of Baphomet, inverted pentagram, in-

verted cross, symbol of brimstone or black pine cones. Thoughsome versions of the Black Mass were performed in vestmentsconsecrated by the Roman Catholic Church, records indicate thatsuch garments were the exception rather than the rule. <strong>The</strong>authenticity of a consecrated host seems to have been far moreimportant.<strong>The</strong> woman who serves as the altar lies on the platformwith her body at right angles to its length, her knees at itsedge and wi<strong>de</strong>ly parted. A pillow supports her head. Her armsare outstretched crosswise and each hand grasps a candlehol<strong>de</strong>rcontaining a black candle. When the celebrant is at the altar,he stands between the woman's knees.<strong>The</strong> wall over the altar should bear the Sigil of Baphometor an inverted cross. If both are employed, the Sigil of Baphometmust take the uppermost or prominent position, the crossoccupying the space between the lower halves of the altar's legs.<strong>The</strong> chamber should either be draped in black or in someway approximate the atmosphere of a medieval or gothic chapel.Emphasis should be placed on starkness and austerity, ratherthan finery and glitter.All implements standard to <strong>Satanic</strong> ritual are employed:bell, chalice, phallus, sword, gong, etc. (see <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible for<strong>de</strong>scriptions and use). In addition a chamber pot, thurible (censer)and incense boat are used.<strong>The</strong> chalice containing wine or liquor is placed betweenthe altar's thighs, and on it is a paten holding a round waferof turnip or of coarse black bread. <strong>The</strong> chalice and patenshould be shrou<strong>de</strong>d with a square black veil, preferably of thesame fabric as the celebrant's chasuble. Immediately in frontof the chalice is placed an aspergeant or phallus.<strong>The</strong> ritual book is placed on a small stand or pillow sothat to is on the celebrant's right when he faces the altar. <strong>The</strong>illuminator stands at the si<strong>de</strong> of the altar near the ritual book.Opposite him, on the other si<strong>de</strong> of the altar, stands the thuriferwith a thurible that holds ignited charcoal. Next to himstands the attendant holding the boat of incense.Music should be liturgical in mood, preferably played onthe organ. <strong>The</strong> works of Bach, <strong>de</strong> Grigny, Scarlatti, Palestrina,Couperin, Marchand, Clerambault, Buxtehu<strong>de</strong> and Franck aremost appropriate.LE MESSE NOIR[When all are assembled the gong is soun<strong>de</strong>d and thecelebrant, with the <strong>de</strong>acon and sub<strong>de</strong>acon preceding him,enters and approaches the altar. <strong>The</strong>y halt somewhat shortof the altar, the <strong>de</strong>acon placing himself at the celebrant'sleft, the sub<strong>de</strong>acon at his right. <strong>The</strong> three make aprofound bow before the altar and commence the ritualwith the following verses and responses.}

CELEBRANT:In nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanas. Introibo ad altareDomini Inferi.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Ad eum qui laefificat meum.CELEBRANT:Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini Inferi.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Qui regit terram.CELEBRANT:Before the mighty and ineffable Prince of Darkness, and in thepresence of akl the dread <strong>de</strong>mons of the Pit, and this assembledcompany, I acknowledge and confess my past error.Renouncing all past allegiances, I proclaim that Satan-Luciferrules the earth, and I ratify and renew my promise to recognizeand honor Him in all things, without reservation, <strong>de</strong>siring inreturn His manifold assistance in the successful completionof my en<strong>de</strong>avors and the fulfillment of my <strong>de</strong>sires.I call upon you, my Brother, to bear witness and to do likewise.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Before the mighty and ineffable Prince of Darkness, andin the presence of all the dread <strong>de</strong>mons of the Pit, and thisassembled company, we acknowledge and confess our past error.Renouncing all past allegiances, we proclaim that Satan-Luciferrules the earth, and we ratify and renew our promise to recognizeand honor Him in all things, without reservation, <strong>de</strong>siringin return His manifold assistance in the successful completionof our en<strong>de</strong>avors and the fulfillment of our <strong>de</strong>sires.We call upon you, His liege-man and priest, to receive thispledge in His name.CELEBRANT:Domine Satanas, tu conversus vivificabis nos.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Et plebs tua laetabitur in te.CELEBRANT:Osten<strong>de</strong> nobis, Domine Satanas, potentiam tuam.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Et beneficium tuum da nobis.CELEBRANT:Domine Satanas, exaudi meam.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:

Et clamor meus ad te veniat.CELEBRANT:Dominus Inferus vobiscum.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Et cum tuo.CELEBRANT:Gloria Deo, Domino Inferi, et in terra vita hominibus fortibus.Laudamus te, benedicimus te, adoramus te, glorificamuste, gratias agimus tibi propter magnam potentiam tuam:Domine Satanas, Rex Inferus, Imperator omnipotens.Offertory[<strong>The</strong> chalice and paten, on which rests the wafer of turnipor coarse black bread, are uncovered by the celebrant. Hetakes the paten into both hands, and raises it to aboutbreast level in an attitu<strong>de</strong> of offering, and recites theoffertory words.]CELEBRANT:Suscipe, Domine Satanas, hanc hostiam, quam ego dignusfamulus tuus offero tibi, Deo meo vivo et vero, pro omnibuscircumstantibus, sed et pro omnibus fi<strong>de</strong>libus famulis tuis: utmihi et illis proficiat ad felicitatem in hanc vitam. Amen.[Replacing the paten and wafer, and taking the chalice intohis hands, he raises it in like manner, reciting:]CELEBRANT:Offerimus tibi, Domine Satanas, calicem voluptatis carnis, utin conspectu majestatis tuae, pro nostra utilitate et felicitate,placeat tibi. Amen.[He replaces the chalice upon the altar and then, withhands exten<strong>de</strong>d, palms downward, recites the following:]CELEBRANT:Come, O Mighty Lord of Darkness, and look favorably on thissacrifice which we have prepared in thy name.[<strong>The</strong> thurible and incense boat are then brought forwardand the celebrant thrice sprinkles incense upon the burningcoals while reciting the following:]CELEBRANT:Incensum istud ascendat ad te, Domine Inferus, et <strong>de</strong>scendatsuper nos beneficium tuum.[<strong>The</strong> celebrant then takes the thurible and proceeds toincense the altar and the gifts. First he incenses the chaliceand wafer with three counterclockwise strokes, after which

he makes a profound bow. <strong>The</strong>n he raises the thurible threetimes to the Baphomet (or to the inverted cross), andbows again. <strong>The</strong>n, assisted by the <strong>de</strong>acon and sub<strong>de</strong>acon,he incenses the top of the altar, then the si<strong>de</strong>s of the platform,if possible by circumambulation. <strong>The</strong> thurible isreturned to the thurifer.]CELEBRANT:Dominus Inferus vobiscum.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Et cum tuo.CELEBRANT:Sursum corda.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Habemus ad Dominum Inferum.CELEBRANT:Gratias agamus Domino Infero Deo nostro.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Dignum et justum est.[<strong>The</strong> celebrant then raises his arms, palms downward, andsays the following:]CELEBRANT:Vere clignum et justum est, nos tibi semper et ubique gratiasagere: Domine, Rex Inferus, Imerator Mundi. Omnes exercitusinferi te laudant cum quibus et nostras voces ut admitti jubeas<strong>de</strong>precamur, dicentes:[celebrant bows and says:]Salve! Salve! Salve![gong is struck thrice]Dominus Satanas Deus Potentiae. Pleni sunt terra et inferigloria. Hosanna in excelsis.<strong>The</strong> CanonCELEBRANT:<strong>The</strong>refore, O mighty and terrible Lord of Darkness, we entreatYou that You receive and accept this sacrifice, which weoffer to You on behalf of this assembled company, upon whomYou have set Your mark, that You may make us prosper infullness and length of life, un<strong>de</strong>r Thy protection, and maycause to go forth at our bidding Thy dreadful minions, forthe fulfillment of our <strong>de</strong>sires and the <strong>de</strong>struction of our enemies.In concert this night we ask Thy unfailing assistance in

this particular need. (Here is mentioned the special purposefor which the mass is offered).In the unity of unholy fellowship we praise and honor first<strong>The</strong>e, Lucifer, Morning Star, and Beelzebub, Lord of Regeneration;then Belial, Prince of the Earth and Angel of Destruction;Leviathan, Beast of Revelation; Abaddon, Angel of theBottomless Pit; and Asmo<strong>de</strong>us, Demon of Lust. We call uponthe mighty names of Astaroth, Nergal and Behemoth, of Belphegor,Adramelech, and Baalberith, and of all the namelessand formless ones, the mighty and innumerable hosts ofHell, by whose assistance may we be strengthened in mind,body and will.[<strong>The</strong> celebrant then extends his hands, palms downward,over the offerings on the altar and recites the following:][<strong>The</strong> gong is soun<strong>de</strong>d]CELEBRANT:Hanc igitur oblationem servitutis nostrae sed et cunctae familiaetuae, quaesumus, Domine Satanas, ut placatus accipias; diesquenostros in felicitate disponas, et in electorum tuorum jubeasgrege numerari. Shemhamforash!CONGREGATION:Shemhamforash!CELEBRANT:Enlightened Brother, we ask a blessing.[<strong>The</strong> sub<strong>de</strong>acon brings forth the chamber pot and presentsit to the nun, who has come forward. <strong>The</strong> nun lifts herhabit and urinates into the font. As she passes water, the<strong>de</strong>acon addresses the congregation:]DEACON:She maketh the font resound with the tears of her mortification.<strong>The</strong> waters of her shame become a shower of blessing in thetabernacle of Satan, for that which hath been withheld pourestforth, and with it, her piety. <strong>The</strong> great Baphomet, who is inthe midst of the throne, shall sustain her, for she is a livingfountain of water.[As the nun completes her urination, the <strong>de</strong>acon continues:]DEACON:And the Dark Lord shall wipe all tears from her eyes, for Hesaid unto me: It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginningand the end. I will give freely unto him that is athirstof the fountain of the water of life.[<strong>The</strong> sub<strong>de</strong>acon removes the font from the nun and holdsit before the <strong>de</strong>acon, who dips the aspergeant into the fluid.

<strong>The</strong>n, holding the aspergeant against his own genitals, the<strong>de</strong>acon turns to each of the cardinal compass points, shakingthe aspergeant twice at each point, and says:]DEACON:(facing south) In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this,the symbol of the rod of life.(facing east) In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this,the symbol of the rod of life.(facing north) In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this,the symbol of the rod of life.(facing west) In the name of Satan, we bless thee with this,the symbol of the rod of life.<strong>The</strong> Consecration[<strong>The</strong> celebrant takes the wafer into his hands and, bendinglow over it, whispers the following words into it:]CELEBRANT:Hoc est corpus Jesu Christi.[He raises the wafer, placing it between the exposed breastsof the altar, and then touching it to the vaginal area. <strong>The</strong>gong is struck. He replaces the wafer on the paten whichrests on the altar platform. Taking the chalice into hishands, he bends low over it, as with the wafer, and whispersthe following words into it:]CELBBRANT:Hic est caliz voluptatis carnis.[He then raises the chalice above his head, for all to see.<strong>The</strong> gong is struck, and the thurifer may incense it withthree swings of the thurible. <strong>The</strong> chalice is then replaced,and the following is recited:]CELEBRANT:To us, Thy faithful children, O Infernal Lord, who glory inour iniquity and trust in Your boundless power and might,grant that we may be numbered among Thy chosen. It is everthrough You that all gifts come to us; knowledge, power andwealth are Yours to bestow. Renouncing the spiritual paradiseof the weak and lowly, we place our trust in <strong>The</strong>e, the God ofthe Flesh, looking to the satisfaction of all our <strong>de</strong>sires, andpetitioning all fulfillment in the land of the living.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Shemhamforash!CELEBRANT:Prompted by the precepts of the earth and the inclinations of theflesh, we make bold to say:Our Father which art in Hell, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom is come, Thy will is done; on earth as it is inHell!We take this night our rightful due, and trespass not onpaths of pain.Lead us unto temptation, and <strong>de</strong>liver us from false piety, forThine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever!DEACON AND SUBDEACON:And let reason rule the earth.CELEBRANT:Deliver us, O Mighty Satan, from all past error and <strong>de</strong>lusion,that, having set our foot upon the Path of Darkness andvowed ourselves to Thy service, we may not weaken in our resolve,but with Thy assistance, grow in wisdom and strength.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:Shemhamforash![Celebrant recites the Fifth Enochian Key from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong>Bible.]<strong>The</strong> Repudiation and Denunciation[<strong>The</strong> celebrant takes the wafer into his hands, extends itbefore him, and turns to face the assembled company,saying the following:]CELEBRANT:Ecce corpus Jesu Christi, Dominus Humilim et Rex Servorum.[<strong>The</strong> celebrant raises the wafer to the Baphomet. He continuesin great anger ... ]CELEBRANT:Et toi, toi, qu'en ma qualité <strong>de</strong> prêtre, jeforce, que tu le veuilles ou non, à <strong>de</strong>scendredans cette hostie, à t'incarner dans ce pain,Jésus, artisan <strong>de</strong> supercheries, larrond'hommages, voleur d'affection, écoute!Depuis le jour où tu sortis <strong>de</strong>s entraillesambassadrices d'une Vierge, tu as f ailli àtes engagements, menti a tes promesses;<strong>de</strong>s siècles ont sangloté, en t'attendant, Dieufuyard, Dieu muer! Tu <strong>de</strong>vais rédimer leshommes et tu n'as rien racheté; tu <strong>de</strong>vaisapparaitre dans ta gloire et tu t'endors! Va,mens, dis au misérable qui t'appelle:"Espère, patiente, souffre, 1'hôpital <strong>de</strong>sâmes te recevra, les anges t'assisteront,le Ciél s'ouvre"-Imposteur! tu sais bienque les anges dégoûtés <strong>de</strong> ton inerties éloignent!-Tu <strong>de</strong>vais être le Truchement<strong>de</strong> nos plaintes, le Chambellan <strong>de</strong> nos pleurs,

tu <strong>de</strong>vais les introduire près du Père et tu ne1'as point fait, parce que sans doute cetteintercession dérangeait ton sommeild'Eternité béate et repue!Tu as oublié cette pauvreté que tu prêchais,vassal énamouré <strong>de</strong>s banques! Tu as vusous le pressoir <strong>de</strong> 1'agio broyer les faibles,tu as entendu les râles <strong>de</strong>s timi<strong>de</strong>s perclus parles famines, <strong>de</strong>s fernmes éventrées pour un peu<strong>de</strong> pain et tu as fait répondre par la Chancellerie<strong>de</strong> tes Simoniaques, par tes représentants <strong>de</strong>commerce, par tes Papes, <strong>de</strong>s excusesdilatoires, <strong>de</strong>s promesses évasives, Basochien<strong>de</strong> sacristie, Dieu d'affaires!Monstre, dont 1'inconcevable férocité engendrala vie et 1'infliegea à <strong>de</strong>s innocents que tuoses concamner, au nom d'on ne sail quelpéché originel, que tu oses punir, en vertud'on ne sait quelles clauses, nous voudrionspourtant bien te faire avouer enfin tes impu<strong>de</strong>ntsmensonges, tes inexpiables crimes!Nous voudrions taper sur tes clous,appuyer sur tes épines, ramener le sangdouloreux au bord <strong>de</strong> tes plaies séches!Et cela, nous le pouvons et nous allons lefaire, en violant la quiétu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> ton Corps,profanateur <strong>de</strong>s amples vices, abstracteur<strong>de</strong>s puretés stupi<strong>de</strong>s, Nazaréen maudit,roi fainéant, Dieu lâche!Vois, grand Satan, ce symbole <strong>de</strong> la chair<strong>de</strong> celui qui voulait purger la Terre <strong>de</strong>plaisir et qui, au nom <strong>de</strong> la "Justice"chrétienne, a causé la mort <strong>de</strong> millions<strong>de</strong> nos frères honorés. Nous plaçons surtoi notre malédiction et nous salissons tonnom.O Majesté Infernale, condamne-le à 1'Abîme,pour qu'il souffre éternellement une angoisseinfinie. Frappe-le <strong>de</strong> ta colère, ô Prince<strong>de</strong>s Ténêbres, et brise-le pour qu'il connaisse1'etendue <strong>de</strong> ta colère. Appelle tesLégions, pour qu'elles observent ce quenous faisons en Ton Nom. Envoie tesmessagers pour proclamer cette action, etfais fuir les sbires chrétiens, titubant vetsleur perdition. Frappe-les à nouveau, ôSeigneur <strong>de</strong> Lumière, pour faire tremblerd'horreur ses Anges, ses Chérubins et sesSéraphins, qui se prosterneront <strong>de</strong>vant toi

et respecteront ton Pouvoir. Fais ques'écroulent les portes du Paradis, pourvenger le meurtre <strong>de</strong> nos ancêtres!Thou, thou whom, in my capacity of Priest, Iforce, whether thou wilt or no, to <strong>de</strong>scend intothis host, to incarnate thyself into this bread,Jesus, artisan of hoaxes, bandit of homages,robber of affection-hear! Since the day whenthou didst issue from the complaisant bowelsof a false virgin, thou hast failed all thyengagements, belied all thy promises. Centurieshave wept awaiting thee, fugitive god,mute god! Thou wast to re<strong>de</strong>em man and thouhast not; thou wast to appear in thy glory, andthou steepest. Go, lie, say to the wretch who appealsto thee, "Hope, be patient, suffer; thehospital of souls will receive thee; angels will succour thee;Heaven opens to thee." Imposter! Thou knowestwell that the Angels, disgusted at thy inertness,abandon thee! Thou wast to be the interpreterof our plaints, the chamberlain of our tears;thou was to convey them to the cosmos andthou hast not done so, for this intercessionwould disturb thy eternal sleep of happy satiety.Thou has forgotten the poverty thou didstpreach, vassal enamoured of banquets! Thouhast seen the weak crushed beneath the press ofprofit while standing by and preaching servility!Oh, the hypocrisy!That man should accept such woe unto himself istestimony to his blindness-that very afflictionthou didst credit thyself to cure. O lasting foulnessof Bethlehem, we would have thee confess thy impu<strong>de</strong>ntcheats, thy inexpiable crimes! We woulddrive <strong>de</strong>eper the nails into thy hands, press downthe crown of thorns upon thy brow, and bringblood from the dry wounds of thy si<strong>de</strong>s.And this we can and will do by violating thequietu<strong>de</strong> of thy body, profaner of the amplevices, abstractor of stupid purities, cursedNazarene, impotent king, fugitive god!Behold, great Satan, this symbol of the fleshof him who would purge the Earth of pleasureand who, in the name of Christian "justice" hascaused the <strong>de</strong>ath of millions of our honoredBrothers. We curse him and <strong>de</strong>file his name.O Infernal Majesty, con<strong>de</strong>mn him to the Pit,evermore to suffer in perpetual anguish. BringThy wrath upon him, O Prince of Darkness, and

end him that he may know the extent of Thy anger.Call forth Thy legions that they may witness whatwe do in Thy name. Send forth thy messengersto proclaim this <strong>de</strong>ed, and send the Christianminions staggering to their doom. Smite himanew, O Lord of Light, that his angels, cherubim,and seraphim may cower and tremble with fear,prostrating themselves before <strong>The</strong>e in respectof Thy power. Send crashing down the gates ofHeaven, that the mur<strong>de</strong>rs of our ancestorsmay be avenged![<strong>The</strong> celebrant inserts the wafer into the vagina of the altar,removes it, holds it aloft to the Baphomet and says]CELEBRANT:Disparais dans le Néant, toi le sot parmiles sots, toi le vil et détesté, prétendantà la majesté <strong>de</strong> Satan! Disparais dans leNéant du <strong>de</strong>l vi<strong>de</strong>, car tu n'as jamaisexisté, et tu n'ezisteras jamais.Vanish into nothingness, thou fool of fools,thou vile and abhorred preten<strong>de</strong>r to themajesty of Satan! Vanish into the void of thyempty Heaven, for thou wert never, notshalt thou ever be.[<strong>The</strong> celebrant then raises the wafer and dashes it to thefloor, where it is trampled by himself and the <strong>de</strong>acon andsub<strong>de</strong>acon, while the gong is struck continually. <strong>The</strong> celebrantthen takes the chalice into his hands, faces the altar,and before drinking recites the following:]CELEBRANT:Calicem voluptatis carnis accipiam, et nomen Domini Inferiinvocabo.[He drinks from the chalice, then turns toward the assembledcompany, the chalice exten<strong>de</strong>d before him. He presentsthe chalice with the following words:]CELEBRANT:Ecce calix voluptatis carnis, qui laetitiam vitae donat.[<strong>The</strong> celebrant then presents the cup to each of themembers of the assemblage, first to the <strong>de</strong>acon, followedby the sub<strong>de</strong>acon, then the others in or<strong>de</strong>r of rank and/orseniority in the Or<strong>de</strong>r. In administering the cup to each, heuses the following words:]CELEBRANT:Accipe calicem voluptatis carnis in nomine Domini Inferi

[When all have drunk, the drained chalice is replaced onthe altar, the paten placed on top of it, and the veil placedover both. <strong>The</strong> celebrant then extends his hands, palmsdownward, and recites the concluding statement:]CELEBRANT:Placeat tibi, Domine Satanas, obsequium servitutis meae; etpraesta ut sacrificuum quod occulis tuae majestatis indignusobtuli, tibi sit acceptabile, mihique et omnibus pro quibus illudobtuli[He then bows before the. altar and turns to give theblessing of Satan to the assemblage, extending his left handin the Cornu (Sign of the Horns) and says:]CELEBRANT:Ego vos benedictio in nomine Magni Dei Nostri Satanas.[All assembled company rise, face altar and raise arms inthe Cornu.]CELEBRANT:Ave, Satanas!All:Ave, Satanas!CELEBRANT:Let us <strong>de</strong>part; it is done.DEACON AND SUBDEACON:So it is done.[<strong>The</strong> celebrant, <strong>de</strong>acon, and sub<strong>de</strong>acon bow toward thealtar, turn and <strong>de</strong>part. <strong>The</strong> candles are snuffed and allleave the chamber.]Epilogue<strong>The</strong> Invention, Development, and Prognosis of Christ1. Year 1 c.e. An i<strong>de</strong>a2. Year 100 c.e. <strong>The</strong> Son of God3. Year 1800 c.e. <strong>The</strong> acme of human perfection4. Year 1900 c.e. A great teacher5. Year 1950 c.e. A revolutionary6. Year 1970 c.e. A fallible, representative man7. Year 1975 c.e. A symbolic image, representative of ahuman type.8. Year 1985 c.e. A <strong>de</strong>scriptive word with an interestingorigin.9. Year 2000 ce. A well-known folk myth.

Along the shore the cloud waves break,<strong>The</strong> twin suns sink behind the lake,<strong>The</strong> shadows lengthenIn Carcosa.Strange is the night where bla<strong>de</strong> stars rise,And strange moons circle through the skies,But stranger still isLost Carcosa.Songs that the Hya<strong>de</strong>s shall sing,Where flap the tatters of the King,Must die unheard inDim Carcosa.Song of my soul, my voice is <strong>de</strong>ad,Die thou, unsung, as tears unshedShall dry and die inLost Carcosa.-Robert W. Chambers"Casilda's Song" from <strong>The</strong> King in YellowL'AIR EPAISTHE CEREMONY OF THE STIFLING AIR<strong>The</strong> Ceremony of the Stifling Air is the the which wasperformed when entering the sixth <strong>de</strong>gree of the Or<strong>de</strong>r of theKnights Templar. It celebrates a reawakening of the flesh and arejection of past self-<strong>de</strong>nials, and symbolic rebirth is attainedthrough a contrived entombment. <strong>The</strong> ceremony originated inthe thirteenth century. In its original form it was not the historicalparody into which it later <strong>de</strong>veloped. Accounts of theperformance of L'Air Epais ultimately strengthened the chargesof King Philip IV of France in his campaign to abolish therich or<strong>de</strong>r, which was banished in 1331.<strong>The</strong> Templars had been exposed to the dualistic conceptsof the Yezidis in the Near East <strong>The</strong>y had seen pri<strong>de</strong> glorifiedand life praised as never before, when they entered the Courtyardof the Serpent and the Sanctuary of the Peacock, whereindulgence became tantamount to greater power. As a result,they <strong>de</strong>veloped what was <strong>de</strong>stined to become one of the mostsignificant rites of Satanism. Martyrdom, once believed <strong>de</strong>sirable,was consi<strong>de</strong>red with disgust and ridicule, and fierce pri<strong>de</strong>was to become the Templars' last image to the world.<strong>The</strong> philosophy of Sheik Adi and the Yezidis, applied tothe already acquired wealth and physical resources of theTemplars, might have eventually drawn the Western worldaway from Christianity if not stopped. Even with the banishmentof the Templars, their combination of pri<strong>de</strong>ful, life-adoringprinciples joined with Western goal-oriented materialismdid not wholly succumb, as borne out by any history of post-

Templar fraternal or<strong>de</strong>rs.As the Templars had gained power, they had become morematerialistic and less spiritual min<strong>de</strong>d. Rites such as <strong>The</strong>Stifling Air, therefore, presented timely and compatible statementsto men who had turned from their earlier heritage ofself-sacrifice, abstinence and poverty.<strong>The</strong> fraternal attainment conferred by L'Air Epais wouldcorrespond to the thirty-fourth <strong>de</strong>gree of Freemasonry, if sucha gra<strong>de</strong> existed. <strong>The</strong> present Scottish Rite ends at the Thirtysecond<strong>de</strong>gree (Master of the Royal Secret), with an additional<strong>de</strong>gree conferred un<strong>de</strong>r honorary circumstances. Correspondinglyexalted status is attained in York Rite Masonry at itstenth gra<strong>de</strong>, which carries the title of Knight Templar.<strong>The</strong> original Templars' rite of the Fifth <strong>de</strong>gree symbolicallygui<strong>de</strong>d the candidate through the Devil's Pass in themountains separating the East from the West (the Yezididomain). At the fork of the trail the candidate would makean important <strong>de</strong>cision: either to retain his present i<strong>de</strong>ntity, orstrike out on the Left-Hand Path to Schamballah, where hemight dwell in Satan's household, having rejected the foiblesand hypocrisies of the everyday world.A striking American parallel to this rite is enacted withinthe mosques of the Ancient Arabic Or<strong>de</strong>r of the Nobles of theMystic Shrine, an or<strong>de</strong>r reserved for thirty-second <strong>de</strong>gree Masons.<strong>The</strong> Nobles have gracefully removed themselves from anyimplication of heresy by referring to the place beyond theDevil's Pass as the domain where they might "worship at theshrine of Islam."L'Air Epais is impossible to perform without an indiscreet<strong>de</strong>gree of blasphemy toward the Christian ethic, hence its exclusionfrom Masonic ritual, thereby halting any further progressionbeyond the Thirty-third <strong>de</strong>gree Scottish Rite andTenth gra<strong>de</strong> York Rite level. <strong>The</strong> Or<strong>de</strong>r of the Rosy Crossof Aleister Crowley's magic curriculum provi<strong>de</strong>d an interestingcomparison in its Seventh <strong>de</strong>gree (A<strong>de</strong>ptus Exemptus). Inthat rite, the alternative to taking the Left-Hand Path wasto become a Babe of the Abyss, which is not as contradictoryand confusing as it sounds, if one consi<strong>de</strong>rs Crowley's ofttimesMachiavellian modus operandi. Crowley, nobody's fool, simplyset up a magical maze so that stu<strong>de</strong>nts whose conscienceswould only allow them to tread the Right-Hand Path wouldnevertheless wind up on the Left. Fortunately, precious few ofCrowley's disciples progressed as far as the gra<strong>de</strong> of A<strong>de</strong>ptusExemptus, thus neatly preventing problems that might havearisen from such ru<strong>de</strong> spiritual awakenings.<strong>The</strong> overtly anti-Christian sentiments of <strong>The</strong> Ceremony ofthe Stifling Air classified it as a "Black Mass," according tothe accounts that were employed to indict the Templars.Upon assuming the Sixth <strong>de</strong>gree, a candidate renouncedall life-<strong>de</strong>nying spirituality and acknowledged an un<strong>de</strong>rstandingof the material world as a prerequisite to higher planes ofexistence. This is a ritual of the <strong>de</strong>ath-<strong>de</strong>fiant and allowsany unconscious <strong>de</strong>ath motivations to be exorcised. It is astatement of rebirth, of the <strong>de</strong>lights of life as opposed to the

negation of <strong>de</strong>ath. <strong>The</strong> celebrant in the original version ofL'Air Epais is represented as a saint, martyr, or other paragonof selflessness. This is done to emphasize the transition fromself-<strong>de</strong>nial to self-indulgence.<strong>The</strong> ceremony of rebirth takes place in a large coffin. <strong>The</strong>coffin contains an unclad woman whose task is to awaken lust inthe "<strong>de</strong>ad" man who joins her. L'Air Epais can serve a twofoldpurpose; as a rejection of <strong>de</strong>ath and a <strong>de</strong>dication to life, or ablasphemy against those who crave misery, distress, and negation.A celebrant who is basically life loving can release all needsfor self-abasement by willingly "dying," thereby exorcising theself-<strong>de</strong>structive motivations he might be harboring.L'Air Epais is a ceremony through which one might getthe i<strong>de</strong>a of <strong>de</strong>ath over with and out of his system, while turning<strong>de</strong>ath's accouterments into instruments of lust and life.<strong>The</strong> coffin, the principle <strong>de</strong>vice, contains the manifestation ofthe force that is stronger than <strong>de</strong>ath, the lust that produces newlife. This is similar to the coffin symbolism that, with a euphemisticveneer, is found in most lodge rituals.If the celebrant is patently masochistic, he can, throughtransference, become a surrogate for members of the congregationwho may harbor the same propensity. He suffers a fateworse than <strong>de</strong>ath when, within the coffin, instead of experiencingthe hoped-for spiritual reward, he is confronted with unexpectedpassions from which he has long abstained. (If a homophileportrays the celebrant, the coffin should contain another male.In all aspects of the ritual, the element of pleasure should bewhatever would most likely be <strong>de</strong>nied in the celebrant's life.)<strong>The</strong> gravest punishment is always incurred by one whose abstinencehas become his indulgence. Thus be warned: to thechronic lover of distress, ruin arrives through the bestowal ofindulgence. This, then, can function as a literal interpretationof the phrase, "to kill with kindness."When a "man of God" is portrayed by the celebrant, asin the later commemorative version of L'Air Epais, the ritualwill serve to weaken the collective structure of the organizationhe represents. This factor introduces an element of the MesseNoir into the rite, as mentioned by Lewis Spence and otherwriters.<strong>The</strong> title Stifling Air refers both to the tension producedby the contrivedly oppressive atmosphere during the early segmentsof the ceremony, and the closeness within the coffin.When the performance of L'Air Epais was resumed in1799, it served as a celebration of the successful curse placedupon Philip and Pope Clement V by Jacques <strong>de</strong> Molay, thelast Grand Master of the Templars, who had been con<strong>de</strong>mnedto <strong>de</strong>ath along with his Knights. <strong>The</strong> present text employs theactual curse leveled against the King and the Pope by <strong>de</strong>Molay. Though the dialogue of the Priest of Satan, theKing, and the Pope are presented in mo<strong>de</strong>rn French prose,the statements of <strong>de</strong> Molay have been retained in their actualstilted <strong>de</strong>livery.James Thompson's diabolical litany of the nineteenthcentury, <strong>The</strong> City of Dreadful Night, has long been employed

as the Denunciation. It is doubtful that any words could bebetter suited to the occasion. Portions of the text appear inRaynouard's drama of 1806, Les Templiers.<strong>The</strong> numerous manifestations of Satanism in Masonicritual, for instance, the goat, the coffin, the <strong>de</strong>ath's-head, etc,can easily be euphemized, but the rejection of certain values<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d by L'Air Epais cannot be cloaked in acceptedtheologies. Once the celebrant has taken this <strong>de</strong>gree, he embarksupon the Left-Hand Path and chooses Hell in place ofHeaven. Besi<strong>de</strong>s being both ritual and ceremony, <strong>The</strong> StiflingAir is a memento mori carried to its highest power.Requirements for Performance<strong>The</strong> chamber must either be black, or mirrored. A mirroredchamber provi<strong>de</strong>s greater confrontation for the celebrant,making him hyperconscious of his role. Mirrors also serve to"rob the soul" according to old tradition. An austere chair isprovi<strong>de</strong>d in which the celebrant sits during the first part of theritual. <strong>The</strong> coffin may be of any type, although a traditionalhexagonal style is recommen<strong>de</strong>d, as this is the type <strong>de</strong>pictedin the actual sigil of the Sixth <strong>de</strong>gree of the Templars and,combined with the skull and crossbones, is retained in Masonicsymbology. <strong>The</strong> coffin must be large enough to accommodatetwo persons, hence special construction or modification is likelyto be necessary.<strong>The</strong> usual <strong>de</strong>vices of <strong>Satanic</strong> ritual are all employed. Additionalaccouterments inclu<strong>de</strong> a cat-o'-nine-tails with which toscourge the celebrant, a cruet for the Wine of Bitterness, and agoblet<strong>The</strong> celebrant (Pope) is attired in tattered and <strong>de</strong>cayingvestments. <strong>The</strong> King is represented as counsel for the celebrant;he wears rags and a miserable crown ma<strong>de</strong> out of cardboard.De Molay is dressed in <strong>Satanic</strong> splendor, with the mantle ofthe Templars and the symbols of his office. He carries a sword.<strong>The</strong> woman in the coffin should be sensually appealingand seductive, the opposite of the wan, pale concept usuallyassociated with <strong>de</strong>ath.For music suitable to this ritual, refer to Le Messe Noir,or employ Berlioz 1 "Funeral and Triumphal Symphony."Procedure for Performance<strong>The</strong> ceremony begins in the customary manner, as <strong>de</strong>scribedin <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible. <strong>The</strong> Twelfth Enochian Key isread, and the Tribunal begins. After the accusations have beenma<strong>de</strong>, and the King allowed to interce<strong>de</strong> on occasion, judgmentis passed and the priest reads the Denunciation (City of DreadfulNight). Stopping halfway through the Denunciation, thepriest signals that the Wine of Bitterness be proffered to thecelebrant who, accepting his last drink, listens while the litanyis completed, after which the priest signals to make ready forthe final abasement and joy for the celebrant. <strong>The</strong> lictors

(guards) remove the celebrant from his seat and place him,face downward, on the coffin's lid. <strong>The</strong> priest then reads Biblicalpassage, Hebrews 1:6-12.After the scourging, the celebrant is lifted from the lidof the coffin. <strong>The</strong> priest then knocks three times on the coffinwith a staff or the pommel of the sword A scream is heardfrom within the coffin, and the lid lifts from insi<strong>de</strong>. <strong>The</strong> occupant'sarms beckon seductively. <strong>The</strong> celebrant is lowered intothe coffin by the lictors, who leave him to his doom or renewal,as the case may be. As the infusion takes place in thecoffin, the priest reads the Thirteenth Enochian Key. Whenthe infusion is complete, the woman within shouts "Assez!"(Enough!), and the celebrant is removed from the coffin anddirected by the priest to speak. <strong>The</strong> celebrant proclaims hishomage to Satan, and, showing his new allegiance, casts asi<strong>de</strong>his symbols of martyrdom.<strong>The</strong> priest calls for the King, ostensibly to pursue his case.It is discovered that the King has disappeared. He has beenbanished to the place of eternal in<strong>de</strong>cision and regret, where hemust stand in a humorless wind, his tatters blowing, with noneto see ... forever.<strong>The</strong> priest presents his final proclamation and the ceremonyis closed in the standard manner.L'AIR EPAIS<strong>The</strong> Tribunal[<strong>The</strong> priest introduces the participants: his High Courtconvenes tonight, he says, to heat the case of Pope Clementand the King of France, Philip, who are accused of conspiracy,mur<strong>de</strong>r, and treason. He then asks Clement tojustify his actions:]POPE:Je ne puis comprendre ce mystère.Un malédiction d'une énorme puissanceest attachée à ma personne et à mes

actes. Les Templiers se sout vengés;Ils ont <strong>de</strong>'touit le Pape, ils ont <strong>de</strong>'touitle Roi. Leur pouvoir n'est-il pasarrêté par la mort?Why am I here? What is the meaningof this? I cannot comprehend the mysteryof my presence in this place. It is as if astrange and overpowering summons intru<strong>de</strong>supon my rest. A curse must be upon meyet, for even after <strong>de</strong>ath, the torment ofthe Templars is not still <strong>The</strong>y have <strong>de</strong>stroyedthis Pope, and with me they havetaken the King. Yet here am I as it was incenturies past. Will not their power stopwith <strong>de</strong>ath?KING:La question est vieille et oubliée.<strong>The</strong> matter is old and should be forgotten.PRIEST:La question ne peut pas être oubliée.Beaucoup d'hommes moururent,partni les plus braves <strong>de</strong> France.<strong>The</strong> matter cannot be forgotten. Manymen died, among the bravest in France.POPE:Ce n'est pas moi qui les ai condamnés.Leur Roi, Phillipe, connaisait lesactions <strong>de</strong>s Templiers: il obtient <strong>de</strong>sinformatious. Il considère leur fortune,leur pouvoir, leur arrogance,et leurs rites étranges, sombres etterribles. Il les condamné ... a mort!I did not con<strong>de</strong>mn them. <strong>The</strong> King,Philip, con<strong>de</strong>mned them when he was informedof their indiscretions. He obtaineddamning evi<strong>de</strong>nce against the Templars. Hehad no choice, when confronted with the evi<strong>de</strong>nce.<strong>The</strong>y had wealth beyond their station,and power as welL <strong>The</strong>y had become arrogantin their manner towards the guardiansof <strong>de</strong>cency. <strong>The</strong>y conducted strange, darkrites, unholy and terrible, which violatedthe precincts of the Church. So he con<strong>de</strong>mnedthem to <strong>de</strong>ath. It was only right.DE MOLAY:Mais en a-t-il le droit? Quel titre le

lui donne? Mes chevaliers et moi,quand nous avons juré d'assurer lavictoire à I'étendard sacré, <strong>de</strong> vouernotre vie et notre noble exemple aconquérir, défendre et protéger leTemple, avons-nous à <strong>de</strong>s rois soumisnotre serment?What right did he have to con<strong>de</strong>mn men to<strong>de</strong>ath for such reasons? What ti<strong>de</strong> gave himthe privilege? My Knights and I swore toinsure victory for our sacred banner-to <strong>de</strong>dicateour lives to the protection of our Templeyetwith it we submitted our pledge to the Kingthat our power would be his to wield.PRIEST:L'autorité <strong>de</strong> Philippe était celle d'unprofane. Il tenta d'ignorer la forcesupérieure, le pouvoir <strong>de</strong>s Magiciensqui ont en ce jour convoqué notreHaute Cour.Philip only had the authority of a profaneruler, and he tried to ignore the superiorforce, the power of the Magicians who todayhave called forth this High Court.[Philip whispers something to the Pope.]POPE:Philippe était leur Roi, il était leurchef. Mais aussi leur gui<strong>de</strong>, leurgui<strong>de</strong> spirituel. Les Templiersfurent arrogants, ils se prétendirentsupérieurs à toute loi Il fallait lesécraser, il fallait qu'ils apprennent laleçon <strong>de</strong> I'humilité dans les cachots<strong>de</strong> leur Roi.Philip was their King, he was their ruler.But he was also their gui<strong>de</strong>, their spiritualgui<strong>de</strong>. <strong>The</strong> Templars were arrogant, theyclaimed to he above all the laws. <strong>The</strong>y hadto be crushed, they had to discover the lessonof humility in the jails of their King.DE MOLAY:Vous direz done au Roi qui nouschargea <strong>de</strong> fers que loin <strong>de</strong> résisternous nous sommes offerts on peutdans les prisons entraîner 1'innocence;Mais rhomme géneréux, armé <strong>de</strong> saconstance sous le poids <strong>de</strong> ses fers

n'est jamais abattu.You will inform the King, whose shackles,bound us, that we offered ourselves to hiscause, yet he wished to find us unworthy and<strong>de</strong>emed us anathema because we had ourTemple, and did not wish to sacrifice ourbeliefs-our beliefs which gave us innerstrength. One can drag an innocent man intoa prison cell, but if he is armed with innerstrength and is truly generous, he is not <strong>de</strong>basedby the weight of his shackles.KING:Cela est vrai, Molay. Votre couragene feut pas amoindri par la prison etla torture. Mais vous avez avoué, vousavez reconnu vos crimes, et ceux <strong>de</strong>votre Ordre.That may be true, Molay. Though yourcourage was not lessened by imprisonmentand torture, you did in fact confess yourheresies, your evil crimes and those of yourOr<strong>de</strong>r-your unholy acts.PRIEST:Vous les avez torturés! Vous aveztraité ces chevaliers, qui toute leurvie out combattu pour proteger votretrône, comme vous auriez traité <strong>de</strong>smeurtriers ou <strong>de</strong>s voleurs!You tortured them! You treated the Knightsof the Temple, who, in their strength and allthat lives, fought to protect your throneas you would have treated mur<strong>de</strong>rers orthieves!DE MOLAY (to Philip) :Sire, lorsque me distinguant parmitous vos sujets, vous répandiez surmoi d'honorables bienfaits; De jour oùf obtenais 1'illustre préferénce <strong>de</strong> nommer<strong>de</strong> mon nom le fils du Roi <strong>de</strong>France, aurais-je pu m'attendre à1'affront solennel <strong>de</strong> paraître à vos yeuxcomme un vil criminel?Your Majesty, when distinguishing me amongall your subjects, you showered me with honor.I refer to the day when I received the illustriousdistinction of bestowing my name on the son ofthe King of France. Little could I have expected

the solemn insult of appearing later before youas a vile criminal.PRIEST:<strong>de</strong> Molay, décrivez à la Cour la mort<strong>de</strong>s Templiers.<strong>de</strong> Molay, please tell the Court how theTemplars died.DE MOLAY:Un immense bûcher, dressé pourleur supplice, s'élève en échafaud,et chaque chevalier croit mériterI'honneur d'y monter le premier:mais le Grand-Maître arrive; Ilmonte, il les <strong>de</strong>vance. Son front estrayonnant <strong>de</strong> gloire et d'espérance:"Français, souvenez-vous <strong>de</strong> nos<strong>de</strong>rniers accents: nous sommes innocents,nous mourons innocents.L'atrêt qui nous condamne est unarrêt injuste. Mais il existe ailleursun Tribunal auguste que le faible oppriméjamais n'implore en vain, etj'ose try citer, ô Pontife Romain!Encore quarante jours! . . . Je t'y voiscomparaître!"An immense pyre, prepared for torture,rises as a scaffold. Each Knight won<strong>de</strong>rsif he will have the honor of being the firstto climb it. But the Grand Master arrivesthehonor is reserved for him-and he proceedsto climb while his Knights look on.His face radiates glory and vision of whatwill come far beyond that moment. He speaksto the crowd: "People of France, rememberour last words: we are innocent; we die asinnocents. <strong>The</strong> verdict that con<strong>de</strong>mns us isan unjust one, but elsewhere an august Tribunalexists-one which the oppressed never implorein vain, for its judgments are without piety.I dare to cite you before that tribunal, OPope of Rome! Another forty days shall passand then you shall appear before it!"Chacun en frémissant écoutait leGrand-Maîitre. Mais quel étonnement,quel trouble, quel effroi, quand il dit:"O Philippe! O mon Maître! O monRoi! Je te pardonne en vain, ta vieest condamnée; Au même tribunal jet'attends dans 1'année." De nombreux

spectateurs, émus et consternésversent <strong>de</strong>s pleurs sur vous, sur cesinfortunés. De tous côtés s'etend laterreut, le silence. Il semble quesoudain arrive la vengeance. Lesbourreaux interdits n'osent plus approcher;Ils jettent en tremblant le feusur le bûcher, et détournent la tête ...Une fumée épaisse entoure I'échafaud,roule et grossit sans cesse; Tout àcoup le feu brille: à 1'aspect du trépasces braves chevaliers ne se démententpas ...Everyone in the crowd was trembling, andshud<strong>de</strong>red at the pronouncement of the GrandMaster. But even greater shock and fearswept o'er the crowd when he continued tospeak: "O Philip, my Master, my King!Even if I could forgive you, it would be in vain,for your life is con<strong>de</strong>mned. Before the sametribunal, I expect you within a year!"Numerous spectators moved by the GrandMaster's curse are shedding tears for you,Philip, and terror spreads through the silentthrong. It seems the very semblance ofthat future vengeance moves into the crowd!<strong>The</strong> executioners are terrified and sud<strong>de</strong>nlyhave no power to come close. Tremblingly,they throw their torches on the pyre, andquickly turn away. Thick smoke surroundsthe scaffold, growing into billows. Sud<strong>de</strong>nlyflames appear and leap up, yet in the sightof <strong>de</strong>ath, these brave knights do not betraythemselves . . .PRIEST:Assez!Enough!<strong>The</strong> DenunciationPRIEST:O sad Fraternity, do I unfoldYour dolorous mysteries shrou<strong>de</strong>d from of yore?Nay, be assured; no secret can be toldTo any who divined it not before:None uninitiate by many a presageWill comprehend the language of the message,Although proclaimed aloud of evermore.And yet a man who raves, however mad,

Who bares his heart and tells of his own fall,Reserves some inmost secret good or bad:<strong>The</strong> phantoms have no reticence at all:<strong>The</strong> nudity of flesh will blush though tameless,<strong>The</strong> extreme nudity of bone grins shameless,<strong>The</strong> unsexed skeleton mocks shroud and palL<strong>The</strong> vilest thing must be less vile than ThouFrom whom it had its being, God and Lord!Creator of all woe and sin! abhorred,Malignant and implacable! I vow"That not for all Thy power furled and unfurled,For all the temples to Thy glory built,Would I assume the ignominious guiltOf having ma<strong>de</strong> such men in such a world."As if a Being, God or Fiend, could reign,At once so wicked, foolish, and insane,As to produce men when He might refrain!"<strong>The</strong> world rolls round for ever like a mill:It grinds out <strong>de</strong>ath and life and good and ill;It has no purpose, heart or mind or will."While air of Space and Time's full river flow<strong>The</strong> mill must blindly whirl unresting so:It may be wearing out, but who can know?"Man might know one thing were his sight less dimThat it whirls not to suit his petty whim,That it is quite indifferent to him."Nay, does it treat him harshly as he saith?It grinds him some slow years of bitter breath,<strong>The</strong>n grinds him back into eternal <strong>de</strong>ath."What men are they who haunt these fatal glooms,And fill their living mouths with dust of <strong>de</strong>ath,And make their habitations in the tombs,And breathe eternal sighs with mortal breath,And pierce life's pleasant veil of various errorTo reach that void of darkness and old terrorWherein expire the lamps of hope and faith?<strong>The</strong>y have much wisdom yet they are not wise,<strong>The</strong>y have much goodness yet they do not well(<strong>The</strong> fools we know have their own Paradise,<strong>The</strong> wicked also have their proper Hell);<strong>The</strong>y have much strength but still their doom is stronger,Much patience but their time endureth longer,Much valor but life mocks it with some spell.<strong>The</strong>y are most rational and yet insane:

An outward madness not to be controlled;A perfect reason in the central brain,Which has no power, but sitteth wan and cold,And sees the madness, and foresees as plainly<strong>The</strong> ruin in its path, and trieth vainlyTo cheat itself refusing to behold.And some are great in rank and wealth and power,And some renowned for genius and for worth;And some are poor and mean, who brood and cowerAnd shrink from notice, and accept all <strong>de</strong>arthOf body, heart and soul, and leave to others<strong>The</strong> boons of life: yet these and those are brothers,<strong>The</strong> sad<strong>de</strong>st and the weariest men on earth.[Wine of Bitterness is proffered to celebrant.]<strong>The</strong> hours are heavy on him and the days;<strong>The</strong> bur<strong>de</strong>n of the months he scarce can bear;And often in his secret soul he praysTo sleep through barren periods unaware,Arousing at some longed-for date of pleasure;Which having passed and yiel<strong>de</strong>d him small treasure,He would outsleep another term of care.And now at last authentic word I bring,Witnessed by every <strong>de</strong>ad and living thing;Good tidings of great joy for you, for all:<strong>The</strong>re is no God; no fiend with names divineMa<strong>de</strong> us and tortures us; if we must pine,It is to satiate no Being's gall.We bow down to the universal laws,Which never had for man a special clauseOf cruelty or kindness, love or hate;If toads and vultures are obscene to sight,If tigers burn with beauty and with might,Is it by favor or by wrath of fate?All substance lives and struggles evermoreThrough countless shapes continually at war,By countless interactions interknit:If one is born a certain day on earth,All times and forces ten<strong>de</strong>d to that birth,Not all the world could change or hin<strong>de</strong>r it.I find no hint throughout the UniverseOf good or ill, of blessing or of curse;I find alone Necessity Supreme;With infinite Mystery, abysmal, dark,Unlighted even by the faintest spark,For us the flitting shadows of a dream.

O Brothers of sad lives! they are so brief;A few short years must bring us all relief:Can we not bear these years of laboring breath?But if you would not this poor life fulfil,Lo, you are free to end it when you will,Without the fear of waking after <strong>de</strong>ath.How the moon triumphs through the endless nights!How the stars throb and glitter as they wheel<strong>The</strong>ir thick processions of supernal lightsAround the blue vault obdurate as steel!And men regard with passionate awe and yearning<strong>The</strong> mighty marching and the gol<strong>de</strong>n burning,And think the heavens respond to what they f eel.[Ceremony follows progression <strong>de</strong>scribed in Procedure forPerformance.][Priest closes ceremony in standard manner.]THE SEVENTH SATANIC STATEMENTDAS TIERDRAMAShould the subduing talisman, the Cross, break, then willcome roaring forth the wild madness of the old champions,that insane Berserker rage, of which the northern poetssing. That talisman is brittle, and the day will come whenit will pitifully break. <strong>The</strong> old stone gods will rise from thelong-forgotten ruin and rub the dust of a thousand yearsfrom their eyes; and Thor, leaping to life with his gianthammer, will crush the Gothic cathedrals!-Heinrich Heine, 1834<strong>The</strong> Devil holds a unique place in German magical tradition.He, or his personification, always triumphs. No matterhow methodically he may be relegated to infamy, he invariablywinds up the popular favorite. As the inspirer of werewolves,he drove the Goths and Huns to their victories in Europe; asthe final protagonist in the Nibelungensaga, he <strong>de</strong>stroyedValhalla and established his own reign on earth. He became thehero, or at least the roguish and consi<strong>de</strong>rate villain, of themiracle plays. Throughout the Christian era he has held hisown in German literature and drama better than any othercharacter <strong>de</strong>rived from the Bible.Dramas in which the Devil appeared in short scenes allowedhim increasingly lengthy roles, until in many cases hehad taken possession of almost the whole play! He was, to besure, almost always <strong>de</strong>feated and driven back to Hell with

great tumult and uproar, probably to satisfy the sense ofrighteousness of the public.Especially since Faust, Satan is no longer consi<strong>de</strong>red asthe personification of unmitigated eviL In Faust, though bestill quests for human souls, he pities man-as does Nietzsche'sZarathustra-and is <strong>de</strong>pressed that those poor earthborncreatures are so narrow-min<strong>de</strong>d and <strong>de</strong>rive so little pleasurefrom life. Shaw was to echo these sentiments in Man andSuperman, in which a very obliging Devil does all he can to seeto the comforts of his guests in Hell.Like Shaw's Satan, the German <strong>de</strong>vil is often seen as thecatalyst of enlightened and polite behavior, optimistically <strong>de</strong>sertingthe misanthropic role of Mephistopheles in Faust. <strong>The</strong>image that eventually was to serve as the basis of contemporaryGerman <strong>Satanic</strong> ritual can be seen in Carducci's Hymn toSatan, in which Satan is lau<strong>de</strong>d as the spirit of progress, theinspirer of all great movements that contribute to the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof civilization and the advancement of mankind. He isthe spirit of revolt that leads to freedom, the embodiment of allheresies that liberate. He wins the undivi<strong>de</strong>d admiration of man,and finally superce<strong>de</strong>s Jehovah as the object of worship.Of the two German rites inclu<strong>de</strong>d here, the Tierdrama isthe ol<strong>de</strong>r. <strong>The</strong> lessons taught by Aesopian allegory are the firstessays to instruct man on the pragmatic importance of appliedpsychology. Aesopian parable, which was recor<strong>de</strong>d as early as1500 B.C in Egypt, was late to appear in a German interpretation.As a result, when Gotthold Lessing produced the parablesin the eighteenth century, diey were readily assimilated into theheretical philosophy that consi<strong>de</strong>rs the human animal as <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>dlyinferior in many respects to his all fours cousins.<strong>The</strong> substance of the Tierdrama is the admission of one'squadruped heritage. <strong>The</strong> purpose of the ceremony is for theparticipants to regress willingly to an animal level, assuminganimal attributes of honesty, purity and increased sensory perception.<strong>The</strong> priest who pronounces the Law maintains theca<strong>de</strong>nce and or<strong>de</strong>r nee<strong>de</strong>d to remind each participant thatthough he is an animal, he is still a man. It is this that givesthe Tierdrama its profound effect<strong>The</strong> rite was originally performed by the Or<strong>de</strong>r of theIlluminati, foun<strong>de</strong>d in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt as an extensionof existing Masonic ritual Ten years earlier, GottholdLessing had influenced many Germans' opinions on the limitsof die arts with his critical treatise, Laocoõn. <strong>The</strong> intellectualclimate in Germany had reached the point of controversy thatin England gave rise to the Hell Fire Club. Passing off theBavarian Illuminati as a society with a purely political base is ablun<strong>de</strong>r often ma<strong>de</strong> by those who naively think that politics andmagic ritual do not mix. Masonic or<strong>de</strong>rs have contained themost influential men in many governments, and virtually everyoccult or<strong>de</strong>r has many Masonic roots.<strong>The</strong> rites of the Illuminati became the basis of the curriculumof the later Ordo Templi Orientis, foun<strong>de</strong>d in 1902 byKarl Kellner and Adolf Wilbrandt A similar curriculum, withstrong Rosicrucian overtones, was in the English Or<strong>de</strong>r of the

Gol<strong>de</strong>n Dawn in 1887.<strong>The</strong> teachings of the Illuminati hold that all is material,that all religions are of human invention, that God is man, andman is God, and the world is his kingdom. <strong>The</strong> Tierdramareinforces this message. It was first performed by Dieter Hertelin Munich, 31 July 1781; the present manuscript dates from1887.Many authors have written segments of the Litany intoliterature and drama. It is apparent that a great many writerswere members of the Or<strong>de</strong>r, or of groups which <strong>de</strong>veloped fromit Vivid examples are to be found in the works of ArthurMachen, W. B. Yeats, Robert W. Chambers and JamesThompson. Works notable for their reflections of the Tierdramaare H. G. Wells's most <strong>Satanic</strong> work, <strong>The</strong> Island oj Dr.Moreau, which employs portions of the Litany in a masterfulsequence; J. V. Widmann's Der Heilige und die Tiere, a bitterdiatribe on the animals' behalf against the Christian god; CarlHauptmann's Krieg, ein Te<strong>de</strong>um, in which the animals portraythe heads of various European powers, and behave no differentlythan humans in the long run; and of course George Orwell'sAnimal Farm and Aldous Huxley's Ape and Essence. It islikely that Aelister Crowley was familiar with the ceremony, ashis Book of the Lav bears a subtle hint in its ti<strong>de</strong> to the credoof the Tierdrama, the Litany of the Law.<strong>The</strong> message of Nietzsche's Zarathustra, that advises ani<strong>de</strong>ntification with the beast as a prerequisite to the role ofGod-man, is eloquently ritualized in the Tierdrama's Law ofthe Jungle. It is a lesson too often neglected by "civilized" man.Requirements for PerformanceParticipants consist of a priest who opens the ceremony,three assistants, an altar, an invocator, and participants. <strong>The</strong>priest acts as master of the ceremony and presi<strong>de</strong>s over the entirerite. His assistants are an illuminator to supply light for reading,a gong-striker, and a lictor.<strong>The</strong> priest wears a black robe with open hood attached.His assistants wear black robes with closed hoods. <strong>The</strong> lictorholds a large bullwhip in his right hand, which is gloved inblack leather. His left hand is encased in black velvet or satinand there is a ruby on the first finger. A nu<strong>de</strong> female altar sitsfacing the gathering in the "Bast enthroned" position: uprighton a platform against the wall, her legs fol<strong>de</strong>d crosswise un<strong>de</strong>rher. <strong>The</strong> invocator and the participants wear black robes withopen hoods revealing masks in the likenesses of various animals.Entire animal heads ma<strong>de</strong> of papier-mache or other materialcan heighten the effectiveness. Masks should be as representationalas possible, the only exception the invocator, who appearsas a lycanthropic half-man, half-beast He carries a heavy staffwhich he pounds on the ground when emphasizing portions ofthe Litany.Robes are mandatory: they represent a formal transitionbetween beast and man.<strong>The</strong> ceremony is performed in a chamber with an open area

large enough for all of the participants to gather in a semicircle.<strong>The</strong> priest and his assistants stand to either si<strong>de</strong> of the altarduring the Litany. This rite can be performed out-of-doors,i<strong>de</strong>ally in a clearing in the woods or some area where theparticipants can enter through the foliage at the required time.If it is performed outdoors, die woman who serves as the altarshould sit on an elevated boul<strong>de</strong>r or log, so that her exaltedposition will be clearly stated. Torches may be employed outdoors,though it is not required. Where there is fire hazard tofoliage or wildlife the entire purpose of the rite is <strong>de</strong>feated, socaution is mandatory.Inci<strong>de</strong>ntal music for the Tierdrama must be perfectlyscored to the Litany and action or it will <strong>de</strong>tract from ratherthan add to the mood. Without a doubt, Richard Strauss'sAlso sprach Zarathustra is most appropriate, if properly cued,and Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps. In addition to thegong, a <strong>de</strong>ep-toned drum can be ad<strong>de</strong>d.As the ceremony opens, only the priest, his assistants, andthe altar are present. A mouse in a cage is placed near the altar,in view of the participants.DAS TIERDRAMA[<strong>The</strong> ceremony is begun according to the standard sequence.<strong>The</strong> lictor stands in front and to the left of thealtar, the gong-striker in front and to the right. <strong>The</strong>illuminator is behind the priest, who stands insi<strong>de</strong> the diamond,thus formed while he performs the opening rubrics.<strong>The</strong> Second Enochian Key is employed. <strong>The</strong> chalice isnot completely drained. Names are called which haveanimal counterparts: Bast, Typhon, Fenriz, Midgard,Behemoth, Pan, etc. When the priest conclu<strong>de</strong>s the preliminaryinvocation, he retires to the periphery of theclearing and the invocator enters. After gazing aroundthe clearing, he stands in the centre and motions to theilluminator, who steps forward with his light He is aboutto summon the beasts. <strong>The</strong>y will enter single file if the riteis performed within a chamber, or if outdoors, throughopenings in the foliage around the clearing. <strong>The</strong> gait ofeach participant should suggest the movements of the

east he represents. <strong>The</strong> invocator begins the Litany andthe gong is heard softly, as if calling with the invocator. Ashe chants, the beasts appear, gradually gathering roundhim.]INVOCATOR:Ich bin <strong>de</strong>r Sprecher <strong>de</strong>s Gesetzes. Hiersind alle, die neu sind um das Gesetz zulernen. Ich stehe im Dunkeln und sprechedas Gesetz. Kein entkommen! Grausamist die Strafe für solche, the das Gesetzbrechcn. Kein entkommen! Für je<strong>de</strong>n istdas Wollen schlecht. Was Du willst, witwissen es nicht. Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n es wissen!Manche wollen <strong>de</strong>n Dingen folgen, die sichbewegen aufpassen, schleichen, warten,springen um zu töten und zu beissen, beissetief und reichlich, sauge das Blut. Manchewollen mit <strong>de</strong>n Zähnen weinen und die Dingemit <strong>de</strong>n Hän<strong>de</strong>n aufwühlen und sich in dieEr<strong>de</strong> hinein kuscheln. Manche klettern aufdie Bäume, manche kratzen an <strong>de</strong>n Gräben<strong>de</strong>s To<strong>de</strong>s, manche kampfen mit <strong>de</strong>r Stirn,<strong>de</strong>n Füssen o<strong>de</strong>r Klauen, manche beissenplätzlich zu ohne Veranlassung! DieBestraffung ist streng und gewiss. Deswegenlerne das Gesetz. Sage die Wörter! . . . Sagedie Wörter! Sage die Wörter!I am the Sayer of the Law. Here come allthat be new, to learn the Law. I stand inthe darkness and say the Law. None escape!Cruel are the punishments of those whobreak the Law. None escape! For everyone the want is bad, what you want of us,we know not, yet we shall know. Somewant to follow things that move, to watchand slink and wait and spring, to kill andbite, bite <strong>de</strong>ep and rich, sucking the blood!Some want to tear with teeth and hands intothe roots of dungs, snuffing into the earth!Some go clawing trees; some go scratchingat the graves of the <strong>de</strong>ad; some go fightingwith foreheads or feet or daws; some bitesud<strong>de</strong>nly without giving warning. Punishmentis sharp and sure, therefore learnthe Law. Say the words! Learn the Law.Say the words! Say the words!INVOCATOR:Nicht auf allen Vieren zu gehen: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?

Not to go on all fours: that is the Law. Arewe not men?BEASTS:Nicht auf allen Vieren zu gehen: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to go on all fours: that is the Law. Arewe not men?INVOCATOR:Nicht die Rin<strong>de</strong> o<strong>de</strong>r Bäume zu zerkratzen:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to claw bark or trees:that is the Law. Are we not men?BEASTS:Nicht die Rin<strong>de</strong> o<strong>de</strong>r Bäume zu zerkratzen:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to claw bark or trees: that is the Law.Are we not men?INVOCATOR:Nicht zu murren und zu brüllen: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to snarl or roar: that is the Law.Are we not men?BEAST:Nicht zu murren und zu brüllen: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to snarl or roar: that is the Law.Are we not men?INVOCATOR:Nicht unsere Fangzähne im Zorn zu zeigen:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to show our fangs in anger: that is theLaw. Are we not men?BEASTS:Nicht unsere Fangzähne im Zorn zu zeigen:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to show our fangs in anger: that is theLaw. Are we not men?INVOCATOR:Nicht unsere Zugehörigkeit zu zerstoren:

das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to <strong>de</strong>stroy our belongings: that is theLaw. Art we not men?BEASTS:Nicht unsere Zugehörigkeit zu zerstoren:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to <strong>de</strong>stroy our belongings: that is theLaw. Are we not men?INVOCATOR:Nicht zu töten ohne zu <strong>de</strong>nken: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to kill without thinking: that is the Law.Are we not men?BEASTS:Nicht zu töten ohne zu <strong>de</strong>nken: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to kill without thinking: that is the Law.Are we not men?INVOCATOR:Der Mensch ist Gott.Man is God.BEASTS:Der Mensch ist Gott.Man is God.INVOCATOR:Wir sind Menschen.We are men.BEASTS:Wir sind Menschen.We are men.INVOCATOR:Wir sind Götter.We are Gods.BEASTS:Wir sind Götter.

We are Gods.INVOCATOR:Gott ist <strong>de</strong>r Mensch.God is Man.BEASTS:Gott ist <strong>de</strong>r Mensch.God is Man.INVOCATOR:Sein ist das Haus <strong>de</strong>s Schmerzes.His is the house of pain.BEASTS:Sein ist das Haus <strong>de</strong>s Schmerzes.His is the house of pain.INVOCATOR:Sein ist die Hand die SchafftHis is the hand that makes.BEASTS:Sein ist die Hand die Schafft.His is the hand that makes.INVOCATOR:Sein ist die Hand die verletztHis is the hand that wounds.BEASTS:Sein ist die Hand die verletzt.His is the hand that wounds.INVOCATOR:Sein ist die Hand die heilt.His is the hand that heals.BEASTS:Sein ist die Hand die heilt.His is the hand that heals.INVOCATOR:Sein ist <strong>de</strong>r leuchten<strong>de</strong> Blitz.

His is the lightning flash.BEASTS:Sein ist <strong>de</strong>r leuchten<strong>de</strong> Blitz.His is the lightning flash.INVOCATOR:Sein ist die tiefe See.His is the <strong>de</strong>ep salt sea.BEASTS:Sein ist die tiefe See.His is the <strong>de</strong>ep salt sea.INVOCATOR:Sein sind die Sterne und <strong>de</strong>r HimmeLHis are the stars in the sky.BEASTS:Sein sind die Sterne und <strong>de</strong>r HimmeLHis are the stars in the sky.INVOCATOR:Sein sind die Gesetze <strong>de</strong>s Lan<strong>de</strong>s.His are the rulers of the land.BEASTS:Sein sind die Gesetze <strong>de</strong>s Lan<strong>de</strong>.His are the rulers of the land.INVOCATOR:Sein ist <strong>de</strong>r Oft genannt HimmeLHis is the place called Heaven.BEASTS:Sein ist <strong>de</strong>r Ort gennant Himmel.His is the place called Heaven.INVOCATOR:Sein ist <strong>de</strong>r Ort genannt Hölle.His is the place called Hell!BEASTS:

Sein ist <strong>de</strong>r Ort genannt Hölle.His is the place called Hell!INVOCATOR:Sein ist was ist unseres.His is what is ours!BEASTS:Sein ist was ist unseres.His is what is ours!INVOCATOR:Er ist was wir sind.He is what we are!BEASTS:Er ist was wir sind.He is what we are!INVOCATOR:Ich bin <strong>de</strong>r Sprecher <strong>de</strong>s Gesetzes. Hiersind alle, die neu sind um das Gesetz zulernen. Ich stehe im Dunkeln und sprechedas Gesetz. Kein entkommen!I am the Sayer of the Law. Here come allthat be new, to learn the Law. I stand inthe darkness and say the Law. None escape!BEASTS:Kein entkommen!None escape!INVOCATOR:Grausam ist die Strafe für solche, die dasGesetz brechen. Kein entkommen!Cruel are the punishments of those whobreak the Law. None escape!BEASTS:Kein entkommen!None escape!INVOCATOR:Für je<strong>de</strong>n ist das Wollen schlecht Was Duwillst, wir wissen es nicht. Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n

es wissen!For every one the want is bad, what youwant of us, we know not, yet we shall know.BEASTS:Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n es wissen!We shall know!INVOCATOR:Manche wollen <strong>de</strong>n Dingen folgen, die sichbewegen aufpassen, schleichen, warten,sprigen urn zu töten und zu beissen, beissetief und reichlich, sauge das Blut, Manchewollen mit <strong>de</strong>n Zähnen winen und die Dingemit <strong>de</strong>n Hän<strong>de</strong>n aufwühlen und sich in die Er<strong>de</strong>hinein kuscheln. Manche klettern auf dieBäume, manche kratzen an <strong>de</strong>n Gräben <strong>de</strong>sTo<strong>de</strong>s, manche kämpfen mit <strong>de</strong>r Stirn, <strong>de</strong>nFüssen o<strong>de</strong>r Klauen, manche beissen plätzlichzu ohne Veranlassung! Die Bestraffung iststreng und gewiss. Deswegen lerne dasGesetz. Sage die Wörter! . . . Sage dieWörter! Sage die Worter!Some want to follow things that move, towatch and slink and wait and spring, to killand bite, bite <strong>de</strong>ep and rich, sucking theblood! Some want to tear with teeth andhands into the roots of things, snuffing intothe earth! Some go clawing trees, some goscratching at the graves of the <strong>de</strong>ad; somego fighting with foreheads or feet or daws;some bite sud<strong>de</strong>nly without giving warning.Punishment is sharp and sure, thereforelearn the Law. Say the words! Learn theLaw. Say the words! Say the words!INVOCATOR:Nicht auf allen Vieren zu gehen: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to go on all fours: that is the Law. Arewe not men?BEASTS:Nicht auf allen Vieren zu gehen: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to go on all fours: that is the Law. Arewe not men?INVOCATOR:

Nicht die Rin<strong>de</strong> o<strong>de</strong>r Bäume zu zerkratzen:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to claw bark or trees: that is the Law.Are we not men?BEASTS:Nicht die Rin<strong>de</strong> o<strong>de</strong>r Baume zu zerkratzen:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to claw bark or trees: that is the Law.Are we riot men?INVOCATOR:Nicht zu murren und zu brüllen: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wit nicht Menschen?Not to snarl or roar: that is the Law.Are we not men?BEASTS:Nicht zu murren und zu brüllen: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wit nicht Menschen?Not to snarl or roar: that is the Law.Are we not men?INVOCATOR:Nicht unsere Fangzähne im Zorn zu zeigen:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to show our fangs in anger: that is theLaw. Are we not men?BEASTS:Nicht unsere Fangzähne im Zorn zu zeigen:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to show our fangs in anger: that is theLaw. Are we not men?INVOCATOR:Nicht unsere Zugehörigkeit zu zerstoren:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to <strong>de</strong>stroy our belongings: that is theLaw. Are we not men?BEASTS:Nicht unsere Zugehörigkeit zu zerstoren:das ist das Gesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to <strong>de</strong>stroy our belongings: that is theLaw. Are we not men?

INVOCATOR:Nicht zu töten ohne zu <strong>de</strong>nken:das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to kill without thinking: that is the Law.Are we not men?BEASTS:Nicht zu töten ohne zu <strong>de</strong>nken: das ist dasGesetz. Sind wir nicht Menschen?Not to kill without thinking: that is the Law.Are we not men?INVOCATOR:Der Mensch ist Gott.Man is God.BEASTS:Der Mensch ist Gott.Man is God.INVOCATOR:Wir sind Menschen.We are men.BEASTS:Wir sind Menschen.We are men.INVOCATOR:Wir sind Götter.We are Gods.BEASTS:Wir sind Götter.We are Gods.INVOCATOR:Gott ist <strong>de</strong>r Mensch.God is Man.BEASTS:Gott ist <strong>de</strong>r MenschGod is Man.

INVOCATOR:Sein ist das Haus <strong>de</strong>s Schmerzes.His is the house of pain.BEASTS:Sein ist das Haus <strong>de</strong>s Schmerzes.His is the house of pain.INVOCATOR:Sein ist die Hand die schafft.His is the hand that makes.BEASTS:Sein ist die Hand die schafft.His is the hand that makes.INVOCATOR:Sein ist die Hand die verletztHis is the hand that wounds.BEASTS:Sein ist die Hand die verletzt.His is the hand that wounds.INVOCATOR:Sein ist die Hand die heilt.His is the hand that heals.BEASTS:Sein ist die Hand die heilt.His is the hand that heals.INVOCATOR:Sein ist <strong>de</strong>t leuchten<strong>de</strong> Blitz.His is the lightning flash.BEASTSSein ist <strong>de</strong>r leuchten<strong>de</strong> Blitz.His is the lightning flash.INVOCATORSein ist die tiefe See.

His is the <strong>de</strong>ep salt sea.BEASTSSein ist die tiefe See.His is the <strong>de</strong>ep salt sea.INVOCATORSein sind die Sterne and <strong>de</strong>r Himmel.His are the stars in the sky.BEASTS:Sein sind die Sterne und <strong>de</strong>r Himmel.His are the stars in the sky.INVOCATORSein sind die Gesetze <strong>de</strong>s Lan<strong>de</strong>s.His are the rulers of the land.BEASTSSein sind die Gesetze <strong>de</strong>s Lan<strong>de</strong>s.His are the rulers of the land.INVOCATORSein ist <strong>de</strong>r Ort genannt Himmel.His is the place called Heaven.BEASTSSein ist <strong>de</strong>r Ort genannt Himmel.His is the place called Heaven.INVOCATORSein ist <strong>de</strong>r Ort genannt Hölle,His is the place called Hell.BEASTSSein ist <strong>de</strong>r Ort genannt Hölle.His is the place called Hell.INVOCATORSein ist was ist unseres.His is what is ours.BEASTSSein ist was ist unsers.

His is what is ours.INVOCATOREr ist was wir sind.He is what we are.BEASTS:Er ist was wit sind.He is what we are.[<strong>The</strong> invocator drops his staff and slouches forward to thealtar, gazing at it with admiration and longing, but proudlyexhibiting control and <strong>de</strong>corum. As he stands, the priestcomes forward with the chalice, proffering it to the invocator,who accepts it, raising it in homage to the altar. <strong>The</strong>invocator drains the chalice noisily but with great solemnity.<strong>The</strong> priest relieves him of the chalice. <strong>The</strong> invocator stepsforward, raises his arms in a yearning manner, and ten<strong>de</strong>rlystrokes the altar's flesh. He steps back and, in reverie,is presented with the sword by the priest As the beast(invocator) accepts the sword, he studies its symmetry andgleaming length, then grasping it in both paws, raises iton high. <strong>The</strong> other beasts lift their arms, some attemptingto make the Cornu-the Sign of the Horns.]INVOCATORDer Mensch ist Gott.Man is God.BEASTS:Der Mensch ist Gott.Man is God.INVOCATORWir sind Menschen.We are Men.BEASTSWit sind Menschen.We are Men.INVOCATORWir sind Götter.We are Gods.BEASTS

Wir sind Götter.We are Gods.INVOCATORGott ist <strong>de</strong>r Mensch.God is Man.BEASTSGott ist <strong>de</strong>r Mensch.God is Man.INVOCATORHEIL, SATAN!HAIL, SATAN!ALL:HEIL, SATAN!HAIL, SATAN![<strong>The</strong> invocator lowers the sword and the priest takes itfrom him. <strong>The</strong> invocator goes to the caged mouse andreleases it.]INVOCATORMeine Ezählung ist zu En<strong>de</strong>. Dort läufteine Maus; wir immer sie fängt, magsicheine riesige Mütze aus ihrem Pelzrnachen.My tale is done. <strong>The</strong>re runs a mouse:whoever catches her may make a great,great cap out of her fur.[As the mouse runs off, the beasts start to drop on allfours, then restrain themselves and solemnly shuffle out ofthe clearing, the invocator being last to leave. When all isquiet, the priest moves to the altar and closes the rite inthe standard manner.]

THE LAW OF THE TRAPEZOIDDIE ELEKTRISCHEN VORSPIELESturm, Sturm, Sturm, Sturm, Sturm, Sturm!Läutet die Glocken von Turm zu Turm!Läutet, dass Funken zu sprühen beginnen ...-Dietrich EckartIf the Tierdrama's theme could be found in much of theliterature and theatre drama of the nineteenth century, Dieelektrischen Vorspiele's theme could be seen in the sciencefantasycinema of the early twentieth century.<strong>The</strong> principle of utilizing electrical and magnetic energyto effect magical ends is sorely neglected by most occult scholars,yet is employed with almost maniacal gusto by the contemporaryGerman school of <strong>Satanic</strong> magic. As practical applications ofelectrical energy increased at the turn of the nineteenth century,so did opportunities for neo-promethean innovation in the fieldof ritual magic.<strong>The</strong> German societies Vril, Thule, Freun<strong>de</strong>n van Lucifer,Germania, and Ahnenerbe, while maintaining the basic magicrepertoire of the earlier Illuminati, became what has been loosely<strong>de</strong>fined as the Schvartze Or<strong>de</strong>n-the Black Or<strong>de</strong>r-whichflourished during the period between the two World Wars.Paradoxically, though Freemasonry became anathema during theNazi regime, virtually every rite of the Black Or<strong>de</strong>r employedMasonic principles.In addition to some rites of the German Ordo TempliOrientis which utilized sexual energy as a means of magicaltransmission, the Black Or<strong>de</strong>r rites also used concepts ofgeometry, utilized reflective planes, paradoxical sound frequencies,and atmospheric ionization. Ritual chambers looked likesets from the Schauerfilmen of the period, and in<strong>de</strong>ed theyshould have, for they were often <strong>de</strong>signed by the same architects.Angles of non-Euclidian inci<strong>de</strong>nce and Lovecraftian aspectwere prime visual ingredients.Ceremonies like Das Wahsinn <strong>de</strong>r Logisch (<strong>The</strong> Madnessof Logic) were Marat/Sa<strong>de</strong> type playlets in which the craziestpatients became the asylum heads, using their standards ofbehavior as criteria in selecting those they <strong>de</strong>emed mad enoughto be safely released into society. <strong>The</strong> lunatic became a magicinfluence on those outsi<strong>de</strong> the asylum, and controlled people'sactions from the safety of confinement. <strong>The</strong> principles wereemployed for real-life ends by real-life Caligaris and Mabuses. . . and still are.Flashing lights producing stroboscopic effects, electrostaticgenerators, electric organs with controllable harmonics, scanners,and a mental discipline and emotional response that can temporarilyleave its Alpha waves outsi<strong>de</strong> the chamber and strivetowards Gamma, the ultimate goal: these are the ingredientsrequired for the creation of the is-to-be, as <strong>de</strong>fined in the ritualof the Electrical Prelu<strong>de</strong>-Die elektrischen Vorspiele.Many of the rite's principles relate to the experiments

of Wilhelm Reich, a name to be reckoned with in the magic ofthe future. <strong>The</strong> procedure is to "charge" the chamber in amanner that allows the celebrant to "draw" energy from itwhile at the same time he adds his own strength of will. <strong>The</strong>celebrant's intensity of purpose is further stimulated by the relatedlitany. Upon "peaking," the celebrant enters the reflectiveplanes that will multiply and send forth his will. He remainswithin the enclosure until he and the chamber itself is <strong>de</strong>voidof all energy, and a negative ionization and <strong>de</strong>ozonization (orin Reichian terminology, DOR) ensues.Requirements for Performance<strong>The</strong> ritual may be atten<strong>de</strong>d by several persons: however,the essential working is confined to a single celebrant, who actsas the catalyst. Although additional persons can benefit fromparticipation, the celebrant can effectively perform alone. Itshould be stressed that groups performing Die elektrischenVorspiele did so with a single purpose, and the presence ofseveral persons therefore ad<strong>de</strong>d to the effectiveness. <strong>The</strong> rite, aspresented here, was inten<strong>de</strong>d to alter an existing social climateand establish far-reaching change.<strong>The</strong> rite is best performed in a relatively small enclosure,as a large chamber necessitates excessively heavy amounts ofelectrical discharge in or<strong>de</strong>r to attain sufficient ionization.Essentially, the chamber acts as an electrical vacuum tube, withthe participants insi<strong>de</strong> it serving as oscillators. A Van <strong>de</strong> Graaffgenerator, Tesla coil, or other electrostatic generator, withenough power to influence the atmosphere within the chamber,is nee<strong>de</strong>d. <strong>The</strong> <strong>de</strong>vice must be exposed, not contained withinits own enclosure, hence extreme care must be exercised thatbodily contact is not ma<strong>de</strong> with the <strong>de</strong>vice. It is best placed inan area of the chamber that is inaccessible to persons present toavoid the danger of serious injury or electrocution.<strong>The</strong> electrostatic generator should produce electrical dischargewhich is readily visible, a lightning display that is controlledby the celebrant during the first part of the ritual. Inthis way he is "dressing" the chamber according to his ownemotional responses. <strong>The</strong>re is no arbitrary span of time for thissegment, as the duration of the preliminary charging period is<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt upon the size of the enclosure, the extent of electricaldischarge, and the human response factor. <strong>The</strong> lightning iscontrolled from a console or control panel so placed that therecan be a change of operators. <strong>The</strong> celebrant must be able toleave his station, with an assistant to continue at the console, ormake beforehand arrangements tot an automated progression.New <strong>de</strong>velopments in audio-actuated controls make this a relativelysimple procedure.Lighting is supplied by argon and neon gas filled tubes withthe transformers shiel<strong>de</strong>d to prevent extraneous sound frequencies.Sound is supplied by some instrument on which notonly pitch and intensity may be controlled, but individual harmonics,as well, while producing an expanding (sine) wave for

the basic tonal pattern. <strong>The</strong> now-extinct Compton Electroneand Schil<strong>de</strong>r Klavilux were admirably suited, as are largermo<strong>de</strong>l Hammond organs and the Moog Synthesizer. Soundsmust fluctuate between 60 cps and 11,000 cps-preferably"pure" tones, although "resultants" are permissible. Beneathand above these frequencies should prevail a continuousemission of "black" and "white" sound, lasting through theentire rite.<strong>The</strong> chamber should be <strong>de</strong>signed with what might best be<strong>de</strong>scribed as "expressionistic" <strong>de</strong>cor, so that all visual imagesmay add to the out-thrusting quality of the ritual. An altarplatform at one end of the chamber should be utilized foe allnecessary artifacts. <strong>The</strong> unclad woman who customarily servesas a living altar is not required in Die elektrishen Vorspiele. Inher place, a human skull (totenkopf) rests opon a scarletcushion. In this ritual as in all other satanic rites, the skullserves as a remin<strong>de</strong>r of the material, flesh-and-bone godheadthat is man, rather than as a symbol of mortality. It also representsthe vault of wisdom from whence all hitman i<strong>de</strong>as and<strong>de</strong>velopments emerge, the temple of invention, both materialand "spiritual." A candlestick bearing a black candle is placedat each si<strong>de</strong> of the skull. <strong>The</strong> chalice rests directly in front ofthe skull, with the bell and phallus to either si<strong>de</strong>. <strong>The</strong> swordrests parallel to the front edge of the platform. <strong>The</strong> wall abovethe altar displays the Sigil of Satan.A pentagonal enclosure, the insi<strong>de</strong> of which is mirrored,serves to receive the celebrant. <strong>The</strong> pentagon must be largeenough in diameter and with walls high enough to receive thecelebrant's prone body, yet easy to enter and leave. To bepractical, the walls of the pentagon should be no higher thantwo feet above the surface of the floor, or if sunken, the floorof the pentagon should be no more than that <strong>de</strong>pth beneath thenormal floor level. <strong>The</strong> top edge of the pentagon carries theneon tubing mentioned previously, to mark its boundaries andilluminate its occupant.Directly above the pentagon hangs an open, regular trapezoid,suspen<strong>de</strong>d by strong but lightweight cord, so that theslightest force sets it in motion. <strong>The</strong> hanging trapezoid, constructedof lightweight material, is wound like an inductioncoil and can be charged just before the ritual begins. <strong>The</strong> lengthof the base of the trapezoid is equal to the length of eachsegment of the pentagon.A stroboscopic light is used to illuminate the celebrantwithin the pentagon, and the frequency of flash should bewhatever is most conducive to the celebrant's nee<strong>de</strong>d response.In the past, an arc light with a revolving shutter was used,augmented by a continuous image of flames, projected throughthe principle of the Lobsterscope. However, now there are vastlyimproved electronic flash units insofar as controlled frequenciesare concerned.Participants wear black ceremonial robes and hoods. <strong>The</strong>celebrant is barehea<strong>de</strong>d.When Die elektrischen Vorspiele was performed in NaziGermany (circa 1932-35) by the intellectual element of the

udding Sicherheitsdienst RFS, the banners and symbols ofthe time were used as an integral part of the <strong>de</strong>cor. Participantswere garbed in full dress, whether uniformed or not. Topicalmusic was ad<strong>de</strong>d-usually Morgenrot at the beginning andUnsre Fahne Flattert uns Voran as a closing anthem. <strong>The</strong>sewere played by the organist or on a gramophone. Music byRichard Wagner may be used instead at the opening and closingof the ritual.<strong>The</strong> litany spoken by the celebrant paraphrases the EighthEmerald Tablet of Thoth (Hermes Trismegistus), in whichthe Einsteinian time/space continuum is advanced througharcane Greek and Egyptian verbiage.<strong>The</strong> windows to the fourth dimension are mirrored planeswhich multiply the image of the single being. Small won<strong>de</strong>rthat the looking glass has had the reputation as a tool ofLucifer, for beyond its use as the most obvious plaything ofpri<strong>de</strong>, it is a tool to find light where none is thought to exist.<strong>The</strong> principles of this rite have been recor<strong>de</strong>d in many waysallsimilar, yet with nuances unique to each particular or<strong>de</strong>r.Versions of the litany in print have catered to the standards oftheologically acceptable prose, avoiding what might be offensiveto the metaphysically min<strong>de</strong>d. So far as this author has beenable to discover, German lodges have kept secret the rites whichaccompany the spoken hypothesis. It is known that certainindividuals have stumbled upon these procedures, employingand expanding upon them to great advantage, but, as might beexpected, little has been divulged. <strong>The</strong> instructions given herewill serve as a useful key to those who can extract the mostviable principles and apply them to their own ends.DIE ELEKTRISCHENVORSPIELEProcedure for PerformanceInasmuch as the litany is recited without interruption afterthe celebrant enters the pentagon, the working procedure isgui<strong>de</strong>d almost entirely by rubrics.

1- <strong>The</strong> ritual begins in the standard manner, with the purification,opening invocation, calling of suitable Infernal Names,partaking of the chalice, invocation of the Four Elements,benediction with phallus, and calling of the Sixth Enochian Key.2- Celebrant takes his place at the console, turns on bothblack and white sound signals which continue until end of ritual.3- Begin alternating audible sound at one second intervals(60/11,000 cps).4- Celebrant activates electrostatic generator until sufficientozonization and ionization occurs and atmosphere is fullycharged.5- Celebrant activates neon tubing, leaves console.6- Assistant takes his place at the console, and maintainsaudible sound at one minute intervals during the celebrant'sinvocation.7- Celebrant steps into pentagon and <strong>de</strong>livers invocation,turning counter clockwise very slowly as he speaks. When hecompletes his invocation, an assistant relieves him of his textand presents the ceremonial sword or dagger. As the celebranttakes the sword in hand, the assistant at the console reactivatesthe electrostatic generator, combines both audible frequencies inchording, bringing the volume to full intensity, and activatesthe stroboscopic illumination.8- Celebrant holds sword on high, turning slowly counterclockwise, pausing at each reflective plane, until nine planeshave been confronted.9- Celebrant lowers himself into pentagon, sword in hand,and assumes the hakenkreuz position while lying on left si<strong>de</strong>,sword in right hand. At that moment the electrostatic generatoris turned off, but sound is maintained at full intensity andlights are left flashing. Celebrant remains prostrate within thepentagon until his vision has been cast.10- Celebrant rises to his feet insi<strong>de</strong> pentagon. Assistant atconsole turns off strobelight, stops 11,000 cps note completelywhile maintaining heavy intensity on a sound of combined30/45/60 cps frequencies, approximating thun<strong>de</strong>r. Celebrantfaces east, lifts sword, and begins the Proclamation, to whichthe congregants respond, arms upraised in the Sign of theHorns.11- All lower arms and celebrant or assistant closes ritualin the usual manner, with all console controls off, leaving onlycandlelight, and closing musical anthem played during pollutionary.

Die elektrischen VorspieleCELEBRANT:Die Feuer <strong>de</strong>r Hölle sind gegeben unddie Gedanken gewinnen die Oberhand.Offnet die Portale zur Dunkelheit. Ohgrosser Wegbereiter. Erscheine in diesemKreis. Wehe durch die Tore <strong>de</strong>s glänzen<strong>de</strong>nTrapezohedron für das Blut, welches dargebotenwur<strong>de</strong>!<strong>The</strong> fire of Hell doth provi<strong>de</strong> and thethoughts from within doth prevail. Openthe portals of darkness, O Great Openerof the Way. Come forth into this cycle.Blast ye forth through the gates of theshining Trapezohedron, for the blood hathbeen offered!Erscheine unter <strong>de</strong>n Menschen und sei nichtlänger zurückgedrangt. Komm, wehe undkrieche ein in die grossen Konzile ohneDich und been<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>n Weg <strong>de</strong>rer, die unsaufhalten. Ich sage <strong>de</strong>r Glanz muss gesteigertwer<strong>de</strong>n, offenbare das Gesicht <strong>de</strong>r Schlange.Bei <strong>de</strong>m Klang wet<strong>de</strong>n wir das Gesicht <strong>de</strong>rSchlange sehen, so-lerne die Wörter gut,die nut ein Mensch verkün<strong>de</strong>n kann. Seht,ich habe <strong>de</strong>n Schleier <strong>de</strong>r Schlange und sen<strong>de</strong>ihn unter die Menschen. Oh höre! DieSchlange lebt, an einem Platz, <strong>de</strong>r offenist für die Welt.Appear among men and be driven back nolonger. Come forth and creep into thegreat councils of those without, and stopthe way of those who would <strong>de</strong>tain us. I<strong>de</strong>cree that the glamour be lifted, revealingthe face of the Serpent. By the sounds yeshall see the face of the Serpent, so learnwell the word that only a man can pronounce.Thus, I lift the veil from the Serpent and casthim forth among men. Oh hear! <strong>The</strong> Serpentliveth, in a place that is open at times tothe world.Unsichtbar geht sie mitten unter uns und

so beschleichen wir die Nacht unsichtbarso gut wie möglich und neu durch die Winkelmögen wir sichtbar sein und für jene, dieNicht sehen, seien die Augen geblen<strong>de</strong>tdurch die Mühtsteine <strong>de</strong>r Gerechtigkeit.Ich sage zu <strong>de</strong>nen, die mit unverständlicherZunge re<strong>de</strong>n: Ich weiss sehr wohe, wasEuch zurückhält diesen Kreis und verlassen.Die flüchtigen Jagdhun<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>r Grenze wartengeduckt auf die Seelen <strong>de</strong>r Gerechtigkeit,Sie sind die Wächter <strong>de</strong>s Kreises und sieliegen versteckt auf <strong>de</strong>r Schwelle zur Zeitund ihre Zeitraumpläne bewegen sich überihren, sie verstecken sie gut. Sie bewegensich neu durch die Winkd, obgleich sie freisind von gekrümmten Abmessungen. Fremdund entsetzlich sind die Jagdhun<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>rGrenze, sie folgen im Bewusstsein <strong>de</strong>rBegrenzung zum Zeitraum. Unsichtbargehen sie mitten unter uns, an jenen Orten,wo <strong>de</strong>r Ritus gesprochen wur<strong>de</strong>.Unseen they walk amongst us, and as we dothjoin them, so we stalk the night unseen as well,for only through the angles can we be seen,and those without see not; for their eyes areblin<strong>de</strong>d by millstones of righteousness. Isay unto thee who speaketh with, garbled tongue:I know well that which holds ye from leavingthis cycle. I have glimpsed the Hounds ofthe Barrier, lying in wait for the souls of therighteous. <strong>The</strong>y are the guardians of thecycles, and they lurk at the threshold of time,and their space-planes move about them,hiding them well. <strong>The</strong>y move only throughangles, though free are they not of the curveddimensions. Strange and terrible are theHounds of the Barrier, follow they consciousnessto the limits of space. Unseen they walkamong thee, in places where the Rites havebeen said.Manche nehmen die Gestalt <strong>de</strong>r Menschenan, nicht wissend was sie tun und wenn Blutvergossen wur<strong>de</strong>, ziehen sie sich nochmalszurück in die Grotte <strong>de</strong>s Satans, nehmendie Form an die ich gut keene. Manchescheinen zu warten und breiten ihre grossenFlügel, wissen ganz sicher, dass ich sienochmals hervorrufe!Some take the semblance of men, knowingnot what they do, and when the blood hath beenspilled, retreat they once more into the grotto

of Satan, taking the forms I know well. Someseeth as they wait, and preen their greatwings, knowing full well that once again Ishall call them forth!Und die Finsteren <strong>de</strong>r Nacht wer<strong>de</strong>n sichducken unter ihren Klauen, die mächtigenJagdhun<strong>de</strong> liegen und warten darauf zurWelt zurückzukehren. Glaube nichtMensch mit verdorbenen Gehirn, dass Du<strong>de</strong>r grossen Bestie entkommen kannstdurch Beschreiten Deines Altar's, siefolgen schnell durch alle Winkel und siesind im Innern <strong>de</strong>s Trapezoid. Ich kennesie, da ich einer <strong>de</strong>r ihren bin und diegrosse Schranke erreicht habe und diezeitlosen Ufer gesehn, sowie die monopolitischenGestalten <strong>de</strong>r Grenz jagdhun<strong>de</strong>.And the night-gaunts shall ri<strong>de</strong>, and, crouchingat their talons, the great hounds lie a-waiting to leap forth into the world. Thinknot, o men of mil<strong>de</strong>wed minds, that ye canescape the great beasts by entering thyshrines, for they follow fast through angles,and they lurk within the Trapezoid. I knowthem for I am as one with them, and I haveapproached the great Barier, and seen onthe shores where time exists not the monolithicforms of the Hounds of the Barrier.Ha! Ich fand sie versteckt in <strong>de</strong>n Abgrun<strong>de</strong>n<strong>de</strong>r Zeit weit voraus, sie witterten michvon Weitem, erhöhten sich, gaben <strong>de</strong>ngrossen durchdringen<strong>de</strong>n Schrei von sich,<strong>de</strong>r von Kreis zu Kreis gehört wird.Verweile ich <strong>de</strong>nn im Lager <strong>de</strong>s wil<strong>de</strong>nTieres, entfernt vom Menschen, an <strong>de</strong>ngrauen Ufern <strong>de</strong>r Zeit, jenseits <strong>de</strong>sWeltran<strong>de</strong>s, wenn sie sich mit mir bewegten,durch Winkel die niemand kennt. Sieducken sich an <strong>de</strong>r dunkeln Schwelle, ihreRachen sind heisshunggrig und gefrassignach <strong>de</strong>n Seelen <strong>de</strong>rer, die keine haben!Yea! Hiding in the abyss beyond time Ifound them, and they, scenting me afar off,raised themselves and gave the great bellcry that can be heard from cycle to cycle.Dwelt I then, in lairs remote front man,on the gray shores of time, beyond the world'srim, and ever with me they moved, in anglesnot known to man. On that dark thresholdthey crouch, their jaws agape and ravening

for the souls of those who are without!Ich komme zurück durch die Winkel un<strong>de</strong>isern folgten sie mir. Hal Die Verschlingerfolgten und somit wur<strong>de</strong> ich<strong>de</strong>r Marschall <strong>de</strong>r Wirte <strong>de</strong>r Hölle, jenewelche mir folgten und sie Hun<strong>de</strong> führten,ritten durch <strong>de</strong>n Wirbelwind <strong>de</strong>r Nacht, umdie Er<strong>de</strong> zu reinigen und das Eis zumSchmelzen zu bringen!Returned I through angles back, and hard byme they followed. Yea! <strong>The</strong> <strong>de</strong>vourersfollowed and thus I was and have becomethe marshal of the hosts of Hell, andthose who follow me and walk the Houndsand ri<strong>de</strong> the whirlwinds of the night, becomean army out from Hell to scourge the earthand melt the ice!Durch das Innere <strong>de</strong>r Prismer-Arbeit und<strong>de</strong>r Dämmerung <strong>de</strong>r Grotte spreche ichdurch die Winkel gespiegelt durch Sinnund Höhergestelltes. Oh, lerne das Gesetz,mein Bru<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r Nacht-das Grosse Gesetzund das Niedrige Gesetz. Das Grosse Gesetzbringt das Gleichgewicht, ist beharrlich ohneBarmherzigkeit. Das Niedrige Gesetzverbleibt als Schlussel und <strong>de</strong>r schimmern<strong>de</strong>Trapezoid ist die Tür!From prisms wrought within the twilit grottoI speak through angles mirrored with thoughtssenescent and supreme. O learn the Law,my brothers of the night-the Great Lawand the Lesser Law. <strong>The</strong> Great Law bringsthe balance and doth persist without mercy.<strong>The</strong> Lesser Law abi<strong>de</strong>th as the key, and theshining Trapezoid is the door!O mein Bru<strong>de</strong>r, studiere gut <strong>de</strong>n Stein <strong>de</strong>sFluges, unerkkannt für jene ohne ihn, innenwarten die grell schimmern<strong>de</strong>n Antlitze<strong>de</strong>r Jagdhun<strong>de</strong> die Welt zu entflammen!Sind die Winkel klein und ruhig o<strong>de</strong>r gigantischin ihrer brüllen<strong>de</strong>n Gewalttätigkeit,es ist in <strong>de</strong>r Weise, die wir so gut kennen.An dieser grimmigen, grauen Küsteherscht <strong>de</strong>r Obelisk und fässt su mit seinenvier Klauen nach <strong>de</strong>m Ring <strong>de</strong>s Fafnir-Führer, diese Verkörperung kommt,welche uns vergrössert und schlägt jene,die gegen uns sind.

O my brothers, study well the stone withplanes unrecognized by those without, forwithin those glaring facets the Hounds awaitthat set the world aflame! Be the anglessmall and still or gargantuan in their roaringoutrage, the form is that which we know sowell. On the grim, gray shore, the monolithprevails, and clutched within the fourfoldtalons of the ring which Fafnir guards,that shape remains to bring forth that whichgives us increase and smites those whowould oppose us.Oh, schwaches Mensch, höre meineWarnung, versuche nicht gewaltsamdas Tor zur Zukunft su öffnen. Wenigehatten Erfolg die Schranke zu passierenzu <strong>de</strong>r grossen Dämmerung. Grotte, dievorauscheint. Ich kenne sie, verweilst Dujemals in <strong>de</strong>n Abgrün<strong>de</strong>n suchen sie nachDeiner Seele und halten sie in ihrer Gewalt.Höre Mensch, mit vernebeltem Gehim undbeherzige, meine Warnung; versuche nicht Dich in <strong>de</strong>nWinkeln zu bewegen, o<strong>de</strong>r Krümmungen, während<strong>de</strong>r Körper frei ist, hört man das Bellen<strong>de</strong>r Hun<strong>de</strong> durchdringend klar und glockengleich,fliehe, wenn Du kannst und ergrün<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>n Nebel nicht länger!O puny man, heed ye my warning, seek notto break open the gate to beyond. Fewthere are who have succee<strong>de</strong>d in passingthe Barrier, to the greater twilit grottothat shines beyond. For know ye well, thatthe dwellers in the Abyss hunt souls likeunto thine to hold in their thrall. Listen Oman of clou<strong>de</strong>d brain and heed ye my warning:move ye not in angles, but curved dimensions,and if while loose from thy bodythou hearest the sound like the bay of houndsclamoring increasingly through thy being,retreat, if thou art nimble, to thy body throughcycles and penetrate the veil no more!Ich kenne alle dieim Licht <strong>de</strong>r erklärten Rechmässigkeitverweilen, dass an<strong>de</strong>re, die die Schlüsseland Winkel kennen das Tot geöffnet habenund für eine Rückkehr ist es zu spät. Ihrhabt <strong>de</strong>n Schlüssel erhalten, aber EureGehirne sind klein und begreifen nicht dasWort. Deswegen hört <strong>de</strong>n Klang, <strong>de</strong>ngrossen Glockenklang <strong>de</strong>r bellen<strong>de</strong>n Hun<strong>de</strong>.Sie sind hattnückig und ausdauernd und

sie kommen durch <strong>de</strong>n grossen, flammen<strong>de</strong>nTrapezoid ihre Augen glühen mit <strong>de</strong>nFeuern <strong>de</strong>r Hölle!Know ye, all who dwell in the light of professedrighteousness, that others who know the keysand the angles have opened the gate, andfor turning back there is not time. Thouhast been given the key, but thy minds aresmall and grasp not the word. <strong>The</strong>refore,list to the sounds, o ye out there, the greatbell sounds of the baying of the Hounds. <strong>The</strong>yare gaunt and unquenched, and through thegreat blazing Trapezoid they come, theireyes aglow with the fires of Hell!Treibewenn du kannst in die AussmasseDeine äussersten Bewusstseins und siegefangen für immer. Du weisst nichtsüber die Grundlage Deiner Schöpfung. Ichheisse Euch willkommen im Namen Set,alle wer<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong>n Mächtigen Teufel sehen,die grundlos aushalten in Verzweiflung.Wir bereiten einen behaglichen Platz umzu verweilen, über <strong>de</strong>r Qual erhaben.Drift if ye will, into the dimensions ofyour outer consciousness, and be trappedforever. Ye know not the substance ofyour creation. I welcome ye in the nameof Set, all ye who <strong>de</strong>light in great eviland sustain thyselves in miseries unfoun<strong>de</strong>d.We prepare a place of comfort for ye todwell in torment sublime.Ringe nicht mit <strong>de</strong>n Affen, die die Tore<strong>de</strong>r Hölle bewachen, dort liegt das Paradiesund Anubis ist Wegbereiter.Wrestle not the apes who guard the gates ofHell, for there lies Paradise, and Anubisis the Opener of the Way.Und wir sprechen mit schlangengleichenZungen, <strong>de</strong>m Bellen <strong>de</strong>r Hun<strong>de</strong>, <strong>de</strong>mgrossen glockenklang, <strong>de</strong>r die Schrankendurchbricht-und mächtig sind wir dieregieren, und gering sind die, die lei<strong>de</strong>n.And we speak with the tongues of serpents,and the baying of the Hounds, and the greatbell sound that cracks the barrier-and greatare we who rule, and small are ye who suffer.Der Tag <strong>de</strong>s Kreuzes und <strong>de</strong>s Dreiecks

ist geschaffen. Ein grosses Rad mitWinkeln in unerkannten Ausmassen,gerettet für die Kin<strong>de</strong>r <strong>de</strong>r Set, füllt dieLeere und wird zur Sonne am Firmament<strong>de</strong>r Verachtung!<strong>The</strong> day of the cross and the trinity is done.A great wheel with angles in dimensions unrecognized,save for the children of Set,fills the void and becomes as the sun inthe Firmament of Wrath!ProclamationCELEBRANT:Siehst Du im Osten das Morgenrot!See the red sunrise in the East!Wir wollen die Macht!We <strong>de</strong>sire Power!ALL:Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n die Macht haben!We shall have Power!CELEBRANT:Wir wollen das Reichtum!We <strong>de</strong>sire Wealth!ALL:Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n das Reichtum haben!We shall have Wealth!CELEBRANT:Wir wollen das Wissen!We <strong>de</strong>sire Wisdom!ALL:Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n das Wissen haben!We shall have Wisdom!CELEBRANT:Wir wollen die Annerkennung!We <strong>de</strong>sire Recognition!

ALL:Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n die Annerkennung haben!We shall have Recognition!CELEBRANT:Wir wollen die Anhänger!We <strong>de</strong>sire Followers!ALL:Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n die Anhänger haben!We shall have Followers!CELEBRANT:Was wir wollen, wer<strong>de</strong>n wir haben!Wir wer<strong>de</strong>n haben, was wir wollen!Das Zwielicht ist Hier-Die Götterdämmerung ist Hier-Siehst Du im Osten das Morgenrot!Der Morgen <strong>de</strong>r Magei ist Hier!Die Welt ist ein-Feuer!Loki Lebt auf <strong>de</strong>r Er<strong>de</strong>!<strong>The</strong> Twilight is come-<strong>The</strong> Twilight of the Gods-<strong>The</strong> dawn breaks in the east!It is the morning of magic!<strong>The</strong> world is afire!Loki lives upon the earth!Heil, Loki!Hail, Loki!Ave, Satanas!PARTICIPANTS:Ave Satanas!CELEBRANT:Rege Satanas!PARTICIPANTS:Rege Satanas!CELEBRANT:Heil, Satan!PARTICIPANTS:Hail, Satan!

A NIGHT ON BALD MOUNTAINHOMAGE TO TCHORTHow much more precious to man is a small piece of breadthan a large ship! But how much money is required for aship! He that can un<strong>de</strong>rstand, let him un<strong>de</strong>rstand.-Grigory Yefimovitch RasputinFew scholars have explored the existence of Devil worshipin Russia during the hundreds of years its pagan spirit was inthrall to the Orthodox Church. If questions were asked, theanswer was invariably that Russian black magic was either nonexistentor a discipline cloaked in Christian euphemism. <strong>The</strong>latter assumption is, of course, the most accurate.<strong>The</strong>re is no culture more steeped in dark forces and <strong>de</strong>itiesthan the Slavonic in general and the Russian in particular.<strong>The</strong> proportion of <strong>Satanic</strong> entities in Slavonic mythology farexceeds the usual quota. What is remarkable is that, unlikedie shunned forces of darkness so often encountered in mythologyand religion, Russian <strong>de</strong>vils were regar<strong>de</strong>d with greatreverence and/or enjoyment. For this reason, the ChristianChurch had a very difficult time fighting the Devil in itsEastern rite. <strong>The</strong> persistence of Satan, especially among themuzhiks (peasants), in the early days of Russian religious orthodoxyrequired a revamping of the old gods that ma<strong>de</strong> RomanChristian transitional techniques pale by comparison.Unable to banish the old gods of Russia by simply turningthem into <strong>de</strong>vils (most were benevolent <strong>de</strong>vils, to beginwith), the Christian policy makers supplied their own tailorma<strong>de</strong>Satan as a sort of catchall evil force. <strong>The</strong> old Russiangods of wrath and pleasure were relieved of any implementswith which they might cause trouble, given innocuous tasks,and assigned a day during which they might be allowed a perfunctorygreeting. Some were forcibly "forgotten."Pyerun, the Formidable One, whose Martian image gavestrength and power to those in battle, wiel<strong>de</strong>d the thun<strong>de</strong>rboltby which warriors pledged themselves. His comra<strong>de</strong>, Volos, theShaggy One, was the god of the beasts. His snorting stallionsand roaring tigers gave inspiration to their two legged brethren.<strong>The</strong> gentle Christians confiscated Pyerun's chariot and gave hima mill wheel to drag about. His last remaining altar was torndown and thrown into the Dnieper in 988, when PrinceVladimir of Kiev <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong>d to convert to Byzantine Orthodoxy.Volos suffered the indignity of being turned into a barnyardwatchman and simple shepherd, and was assigned the new nameof St Vlas.

Volkh, the Werewolf King, was the personification of sorcery,and was called upon by pagan Russians to <strong>de</strong>fend theirland in times of need. <strong>The</strong> Cult of Kupala worshipped the magicalpowers of water. <strong>The</strong> fern, sacred to the followers of Kupala,like the peacock of the Yezidis, possessed power over riches,beautiful women and wisdom.<strong>The</strong> Cult of larilo refused to die out even as late as theeighteenth century, when the Bishop of Voronezh abolished itspractices, which inclu<strong>de</strong>d organized festivities and "<strong>Satanic</strong>games." Iarilo, the Russian equivalent of Pan, provi<strong>de</strong>d fecundityand was particularly honored in spring during the initialsowing.Zorya, patroness of warriors, ro<strong>de</strong> out on her black honeaccompanying Pyerun, and offered protection and invisibilitybeneath her long veil as it trailed in the wind-the wind provi<strong>de</strong>dby Stribog, who was also a wrathful <strong>de</strong>ity.Though the dualistic principles common to most primitivemythology were present in pre-Christian Russian myths,the dark si<strong>de</strong> (Tchomibog) distinctly predominated. <strong>The</strong>White God, Byelobog (not an enemy of the Black God, inci<strong>de</strong>ntally;both were consi<strong>de</strong>red essential), found greatestfavor in White Russia, where his gentle attributes-he gui<strong>de</strong>dlost travelers and helped weary peasants with their work in thefields-were welcome.As was to be expected, the Christians worked overtime tostamp out all such beliefs, thereby placing both the simplemuzhik, who cherished the good old <strong>de</strong>vils, and the educated,in mortal fear of any remnant of dark forces. Thus a <strong>Satanic</strong>un<strong>de</strong>rground that was carefully cloaked in Christian trappingswas bound to <strong>de</strong>velop in Russia. Those who entered such sectswere either driven by emotion alone (the followers) or by emotionand reason (the lea<strong>de</strong>rs).By the nineteenth century, religious severity had reachedits zenith, with virtually all of Russia adhering to the OrthodoxChurch. But the Old Gods were preparing a vehicle of retaliation:the men of "God" were revealed, as in other countries, asthe real villains, but they were so steeped in their holy selfrighteousness,they were unable to imagine their own disintegration.Out of the morass of "goodness" flickered an occasionalsecular spark of "wickedness." <strong>The</strong>se flickerings kept theOld Ones alive.Known erotic religious sects existed in Russia during theeighteenth and nineteenth centuries, <strong>de</strong>spite the prevailing Orthodoxclimate. Evi<strong>de</strong>nce indicates they were led and directedby men whose visionary abilities, practices, and goals revealedthem as Satanists of the first or<strong>de</strong>r. <strong>The</strong> sect of the Khlysty<strong>de</strong>monstrates this more than any other. <strong>The</strong>ir wise men knewthat the passions will always win out. On the surface, the "holy"justification of lust and life provi<strong>de</strong>d by the priests of theKhlysty seems hypocritical, but it was clearly pragmatic whenone un<strong>de</strong>rstands the religious climate of Russia un<strong>de</strong>r theCzars.<strong>The</strong> Russian religious response has always been known forovert sensualism, and reversals of emotion. Extravagance in

itual has consistently played a substantial role for Russians.And the pattern of roaring, drunken <strong>de</strong>bauch followed by contriteand anguished repentence was often outsi<strong>de</strong> Westerncomprehension.What were the Khlysty and from where did they come?<strong>The</strong>y first appeared in Russia about the same time as theirantagonistic "separated" brethren, the Skoptsi or "castrators"(circa 1500). <strong>The</strong>ir ritual, though Russian, also containedsome foreign adaptation. <strong>The</strong>y celebrated in name and <strong>de</strong>edsuch ancient gods and pre-Christian divinities as the Rusalki,and Iarilo, who were the personifications of passion and lust,and the Domovoy, or house genii. <strong>The</strong> Khlystys invoked Biblicalgods of pleasure, as well as dark, forboding <strong>de</strong>mons likeBalaam, and Persian <strong>de</strong>ities like Kors. In the ritual of these"seekers after joy" their whirlings and circumambulations, followedby frenzied sexual release, were virtually indistinguishablefrom the ecstatic flailing about of the Dervishes.Undoubtedly the strongest testimony to the influence offoreign sects upon the Khlysty was their dogma of "repentancethrough sin"-the proposition that physical intercourse with a"divine" or chosen one (one in whom a god or the flame ofgod dwelt) would abolish and transform sin into virtue. Thisdoctrine has overt resemblance to and varies only slightly fromone preached by the Brethren of the Free Spirit in France,Germany and Czechoslovakia in the fifteenth and sixteenthcenturies. <strong>The</strong> Brethren of the Free Spirit was a sect of dissi<strong>de</strong>ntsthat miscarried from the womb of its Mother RomanChurch. <strong>The</strong>y taught that within each human being theredwelt a little divine spark (Fünklein). <strong>The</strong>y believed that asimple recognition of this magical essence within each man wasenough to liberate one from any restrictions whatsoever, whethersocial, sexual or intellectual.<strong>The</strong> Russian has been, throughout history, predominantlyreceptive, though sometimes quixotic And <strong>de</strong>spite the contemporarymyth of classlessness, he can easily find his placeand remain reconciled to it. Intrigue and change have alwayshailed from alien spheres. <strong>The</strong> doctrine of the little flame was,therefore, easily adapted to fit the Russian "soul." Instead offifty lesser gods of a congregation realizing their divinity, onehuman lea<strong>de</strong>r became divine. To this master, or lea<strong>de</strong>r, allbowed with <strong>de</strong>votion. He was the one who would <strong>de</strong>liverthem from sin! Along with this went the use of a transmogrifiedOrthodox liturgical format, persistently forming a crosscurrentin the rituals.Associated with this phenomenon is the Russian Masterand convenient villain, Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin, the "MadMonk" who, through the strength of his personality, and incantationsof a rather dubious nature, succee<strong>de</strong>d in assuagingthe hemophilic attacks of the Czarevich, thereupon ingratiatinghimself into the inner workings of the Czar's court <strong>The</strong>Khlysty have received much of their notoriety through the supposedassociation with Rasputin. Though scores of books havebeen written about him, only one, the perceptive biographyby Colin Wilson, seems to paint an accurate picture. If one has

sufficient insight, the published memoirs of Rasputin's daughter,Maria, also prove enlightening. <strong>The</strong> qualities Rasputinpossessed will one day become the very stuff from which controlledhuman greatness will be sought-the sort of greatnessthat moves man forward in his evolutionary <strong>de</strong>velopment. InRasputin some saw that greatness and felt its effect in ways theycould not un<strong>de</strong>rstand, ways that summoned the pain of theirown ina<strong>de</strong>quacy. Because he used this inner mechanism, thisbuilt-in "ina<strong>de</strong>quacy <strong>de</strong>tector," Rasputin ma<strong>de</strong> many enemies,along with many sycophants.It is significant to note that the persons who broughtRasputin to St. Petersburg and introduced him to court wereno mean or feeble occultists, but prominent members of Churcharistocracy and urban intelligentsia. Dilettantes and saints(notably, John of Cronstadt) alike hailed him as a holy manwith powers from God (Yet after his <strong>de</strong>ath they con<strong>de</strong>mnedhim as a <strong>de</strong>vil.) Accounts of his outré propensities and hispowers flourished. It was claimed that a bluish emanation wasseen to issue from his lips. He was credited with an uncannyability to perceive the thoughts and hid<strong>de</strong>n emotions ofothers. This is borne out by his own words, which also refutethe claims of his discreditors who often inclu<strong>de</strong> thievery amonghis "vices." His daughter, Maria, recalls him saying, "I neverdared to steal or pilfer the smallest thing. I used to believethat everybody would at once see that I had stolen something,since I myself was aware of it as soon as one of my comra<strong>de</strong>shad stolen."His accomplishments in healing were recognized and wi<strong>de</strong>lyknown, yet not his methods, for Rasputin's was not the usualshamanism of the faith healer. His supposedly extravagant <strong>de</strong>baucheryand libidinous life have been the subject of countlessprurient ravings, as has his non-existent role in the Khlystyas lea<strong>de</strong>r-re<strong>de</strong>mptor of throngs of living bodies. That Rasputinbecame involved in a political cabal is not to be doubted. Hewas compelling and outgoing, yet unaffected, in spite of histheatrics, and probably had a high level of natural intelligence.Little is known, however, of the secret meetings held on "specialnights" of the year, to which only a few select members, bothnoble and peasant, were summoned-those evenings that areallu<strong>de</strong>d to but never quite discussed, when Rasputin was "theflame in red" and the "great working" was done.When Alexandra, the Empress of Russia, was executedin the cellar of the Ipatiev house in 1918, two years after thecruel mur<strong>de</strong>r of her batiuska Grigori, the guards ma<strong>de</strong> a uniquediscovery. While searching for jewels among her possessions,they found sewn into her bodice a pair of small emerald greendragons given to her by Rasputin many years before. Could hehave trafficked with the odd hermetic or<strong>de</strong>r which fringed theRussias, <strong>The</strong> Green Dragon? <strong>The</strong>re are also many speculationsabout the true motivations of the fin <strong>de</strong> siècle Khlystymovement.Oral communication and fraternal legacy have ma<strong>de</strong> thefollowing rite available.

Requirements for PerformanceParticipants consist of a priest (celebrant), the womanwho serves as altar, two acolytes, an illuminator, a gong-striker,and the congregation.<strong>The</strong> priest wears a red robe with full sleeves. His assistantsare garbed in black robes with red cinctures around the waist.<strong>The</strong> altar is nu<strong>de</strong> and wears only a metal crown with fourlighted candles around its edge. Male congregants wear Russianstyle tunics over black trousers tucked into black boots. Femalecongregants wear diaphanous fabric of muted hues, representingthe misty veils of the Rusalki.A chained thurible with which to cense the altar and theartifacts is required, as is a large brazier. A small vial offlash pow<strong>de</strong>r is placed next to the brazier. <strong>The</strong> pow<strong>de</strong>r is throwninto the brazier according to the rubric. A human arm orleg bone is used as an aspergeant, in honor of Kashchey, theskeleton god. All other <strong>de</strong>vices common to <strong>Satanic</strong> ritual areemployed.<strong>The</strong> altar sits in a semicircle of ferns, arranged in a faneffect. <strong>The</strong> chamber is lighted by candles and is <strong>de</strong>corated inByzantine motif.Musical background should be carefully cued to theservice, using either Russian folk instruments or suitable recordings.<strong>The</strong> tiny bells typical of Russian liturgical ceremonyshould be used wherever appropriate to the rite, and playedin the rhythm associated with the Obikhod. If in doubt, Mo<strong>de</strong>steMussorgsky or Walt Disney can be your gui<strong>de</strong>s.HOMAGE TO TCHORT[<strong>The</strong> ceremony opens with the purification of the air andbenediction of the chamber with the phallus. <strong>The</strong> chaliceis filled, but not presented <strong>The</strong> Four Principal Names areinvoked to the compass, followed by the calling of theThird Enochian Key (from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible). <strong>The</strong> priest(celebrant) then addresses the altar, who is in the "Bastenthroned" (seated upright) position. <strong>The</strong> priest beginshis invocation with arms upraised:]CELEBRANT:

In the name of he who reigns in the firmament of fire and ice... arise, ye minions of Tchort die Lord! O mount the blizzardsacross the steppes and answer to our beckoning! My lips<strong>de</strong>lighteth in Thy praise, O Tchornibog! I am a creature ofThy creation, spawn of Thy flame, craze of Thy mind, carrierof transition! Let comets hail the advent of Thy coming, whenwe, Thy sons, await on Triglav's heights the omens of Thy will!<strong>The</strong> glowing coals of ancient sacrifice give birth to spectralshadows who live again as gods of wine and joy![Celebrant lowers arms]CELEBRANT:Arise and call the Bones! <strong>The</strong> living bones upon the Throne!Slava, Slava yevo silye! Slava!Kashchei! Kashchei! Immortal man of madness! Slava Tchortu!PARTICIPANTS:Kashchei! Kashchei! Slava Tchortu!CELEBRANT:Invoke the dancing God<strong>de</strong>ss, with Pshent of flame. Her yearningknows no bounds; this is Her night to lure the multitu<strong>de</strong>swho sit in judgment of Her lust!Morena! Morena! Morena! Vyelikaya Mats! Noch eta nasha![Congregation performs a metanea (brief bow with righthand lowered to ground), then remains standing. Priestmoves to altar and places a kiss upon her body, thensteps back and motions for thurible. Acolyte presentsthurible to priest, who censes altar first, then congregation.He then returns thurible to acolyte and resumeshis invocation:]CELEBRANT:Come forth from out the gorge of night! Take flight onleathern wings and soar above the mountain's summit. Cast Thyshadows o'er the earth in answer to our call!Knyazyam Idut! Dorogu im!ExaltationTchort! Slovye nye abeé myeny!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:Balaam! Slovye nye sogliya dayémi!PARTICIPANTS:(response)

CELEBRANT:Pyerun! Seela nye posti zneé maya!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:Kors! Mudrostye nye domislí maya!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:Dracula! Pravilnoye vos krye syé niye!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:Kashchei! Gospodstvo nye eez chét noye!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:Iarilo! Tsarstvo nye pobye <strong>de</strong>é moye!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:Sabazios! Krcpaste viso cháy shaya!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:Morena! Vlastye vyéch naya!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:Svarog! Vladichestvo Byeko nyéch noye!PARTICIPANTS:(response)CELEBRANT:SLAVA TCHORTU!PARTICIPANTS:SLAVA TCHORTU!

[Priest receives chalice, places it in front of altar, censesit, and blesses it with the mudra of the flame (closed fingertipsof both hands held together, forming an upwardpoint). He raises the chalice to honor the altar, then drainsthe chalice, which acolyte removes.]<strong>The</strong> Lesser Litany of DesireCELEBRANT:Calling to mind the seekers after joy, who have, at the handsof unnatural and perfidious virtue, perished, we, Thy brothers,ar<strong>de</strong>ntly <strong>de</strong>sire:Dominion o'er the teeming lands beneath the darkened sky,above the watery sea!PARTICIPANTS:Groznoye Bozhe Tchornava ogniapadai seela!Dread Lord of the Dark Flame givepower!CELEBRANT:Rearing turrets and massive domes with iron walls and courtsof stone!PARTICIPANTS:Groznoye Bozhe Tchornava ogniapadai krepost!Dread Lord of the Dark Flame givestrength![Priest receives bone from acolyte, holds it on high, and,facing congregation:]CELEBRANT:Thou art a tower of strength and power, and we, Thy brothers,proclaim <strong>The</strong>e Lord unto all ages![Priest turns to altar, holding bone aloft:]CELEBRANT:SLAVA TCHORTU!PARTICIPANTS:SLAVA TCHORTU![Priest returns bone to acolyte. Other acolyte steps forwardand censes priest, who then faces the altar:]

<strong>The</strong> Self-GlorificationCELEBRANT:At once I ri<strong>de</strong> upon a sweeping wind, through opalescent skiesto the bright place of my <strong>de</strong>sires. I enter hid<strong>de</strong>n worlds throughcraters in the steppe's great vastness. <strong>The</strong>re, beneath the cringingthrongs, midst whirling fife and thun<strong>de</strong>ring timpan, thejoys of life are mine to taste. <strong>The</strong>re, amidst Rusalkis' languidsong, a life of lust is mine to bear; to loll alone in wantonsloth in crimson halls of dissipation ... for savage man am I!At once I am removed and feel the reckoning of my twofoldcompletion. My mind is lofty with the enlightenment of Thycreation! My feet are as the mountain's base, firm and one withthe house of joy. My eyes are as a pinnacle that views thescattered multitu<strong>de</strong>s of fools who grope for things celestial; whobow and scrape to wan and sallow gods, the spawn of shallowmin<strong>de</strong>d men, forsaking life terrestrial while creeping to theirgraves. I gaze upon the massive hoards that suffocate, likePeter's fish pulled from the lake of life's sweet waters. Toperish in Heaven's foul vapors shall be their doom! <strong>The</strong> fate offools is justice!I am the tempter of life that lurks in every breast and belly;a vibrant, torpid cavern, nectar la<strong>de</strong>n, with sweetest pleasuresbeckoning.I am a thrusting rod with head of iron, drawing to me myriadnymphs, tumescent in their craving!I am rampant carnal joy, an agent borne of ecstasy's madflailing!Through jagged ice, my father leers with cavernous eyes, belowthe sphere of earth that is my mother, moist and fertile whoreof barbarous <strong>de</strong>lights!My body is a temple, wherein all <strong>de</strong>mons dwell. A pantheon offlesh am I![Priest receives bone from acolyte and places it in an uprightposition between altar's thighs. Priest performsmetanea to altar. Congregation follows suit. <strong>The</strong> brazieris brought forward and placed before the altar.]<strong>The</strong> Greater Litany of DesireCELEBRANT: (facing brazier)Great One, hear us now as we invoke Thy blessing:

In the pleasures of the flesh and the tranquility of the mind ...ALL:SUSTAIN US, DARK LORD!CELEBRANT:In bold covetousness, <strong>de</strong>siring all that might be kept with dignityand grace . . .ALL:SUSTAIN US, DARK LORD!CELEBRANT:In pri<strong>de</strong> in everything we do, display, or are, that shows us notas fools . . .ALL:SUSTAIN US, DARK LORD!CELEBRANT:For riches yet unclaimed by minds or hands . . .ALL:GRANT US, DARK LORD!CELEBRANT:For wisdom to be sown in fields which bear great harvest . . .ALL:GRANT US, DARK LORD!CELEBRANT:For leisure time in pleasure's own pursuit, in which we may allthings eschew that speak of vile necessity . . .ALL:SUSTAIN US, DARK LORD!CELEBRANT:For Thou art a mighty Lord, O Tchort, and unto <strong>The</strong>e is allpower, honor, and dominion. Let our bright visions be transformedinto reality and our works be enduring. For we arekindred spirits, <strong>de</strong>mon brothers, children of earthly joy, whowith one voice proclaim:SO BE IT! SLAVA TCHORTU![Priest lifts arms high with fingers spread (incendi):]CELEBRANT:Arise, invoke the blasphemous Name<strong>The</strong> Lord of Sodom, <strong>The</strong> God of Cain

Joy to the Flesh forever!OGON! TY TCHORTU OGONYOK! RAZGORAISAPOSKOREI![Priest empties pow<strong>de</strong>r into brazier, instantaneous to strikingof gong, and shouts:]SABATAN![Congregation gives the sign of shunning (hand lifted,palm forward, to shield eyes) and responds:]PARTICIPANTS:SABATAN![<strong>The</strong> brazier is removed and the priest moves to altar,hands upraised, and, softly but with great <strong>de</strong>liberation, repeatsthe Exaltation. <strong>The</strong> congregation stands in silence.Priest then removes the bone from the altar's lap and stepsback from the altar, leaving sufficient room for the congre0gants to pass before her. All congregants come forwardindividually, stop before the altar, and bow low. Uponrising, each congregant receives the tip of the bone uponhis brow, administered by the priest, who says:]CELEBRANT:Ya Tsyebyeh dayu padarok Tchorta. (<strong>The</strong> gift of Tchort bewith you.)[After the congregation has reassembled, the priest pointsthe bone towards the Sigil of Baphomet and, turning tothe congregation, says:]CELEBRANT:Forget ye not what was and is to be!Flesh without sin, world without end![<strong>The</strong> priest closes the ceremony according to the standardprocedure.]PILGRIMS OF THE AGE OF FIRECependant que persisteLa splen<strong>de</strong>ur à côté,Du plumage bleutéDe 1'orgueil qui s'attristeD'un paon jadis vainqueur

Au jardin du coeur.-Verlaine"Too true, too soon" might be the closing statement ofthe little band of heretics who survived eight centuries of cruelChristian and Moslem persecution-the Yezidis.From their mecca-the tomb of their first lea<strong>de</strong>r, SheikAdi-situated on Mount Lalesh near the ancient city of Nineveh,the Yezidi empire stretched in an invisible band approximatelythree hundred miles wi<strong>de</strong> to the Mediterranean junctionof Turkey and Syria on one end, and the mountains of theCaucasus in Russia on the other. At intervals along this stripwere seven towers-the Towers of Satan (Ziarahs)-six ofthem trapezoidal in form, and one, the "center" on MountLalesh, shaped like a sharp, fluted point. Each tower was toppedby a brilliant heliographic reflector, and was inten<strong>de</strong>d to serveas a "power house" from whence a <strong>Satanic</strong> magician could beamhis will to the "<strong>de</strong>scendants of Adam," and influence humanevents in the outsi<strong>de</strong> world.Like the Watchers-the fallen angels of the Book ofEnoch-the Yezidis claimed to be the <strong>de</strong>scendants of Azazel.<strong>The</strong> Yezidis believed in a counterpart of the story of Lucifer,i.e. the manifestation of pri<strong>de</strong> banished. Like the legendarylost tribes of Israel, the Yezidis broke away from their roots asa result of unresolved conflicts, and felt a strong justificationand purpose because of their unique heritage, which theologicallyisolated them from all other peoples.<strong>The</strong> Yezidis' legend of their origin is no longerfantastic, by scientific standards. It allu<strong>de</strong>s to the creation ofthe first male and female of the tribe through the principleslater set down by Paracelsus for the creation of a homunculus;viz. encapsulation of sperm in a container where it gestates andassumes a human embryonic form.<strong>The</strong> Yezidi provi<strong>de</strong>d a link between Egypt, Eastern Europe,and Tibet. <strong>The</strong> language of the Yezidis was Kurdishsimilarin sound to Enochian, the language supposedly spokenby the Watchers.Shortly before Sheik Adi (full name: Saraf ad-Din Abu-l-Fadail, Adi ben Musafir ben Ismael ben Mousa ben Marwanben Ali-Hassan ben Marwan) died in 1163, he dictated whatwas to become one of the most legendary manuscripts of alltime-the Al-Jilwah (revelations). <strong>The</strong> Al-Jilwah, combinedwith the Mashaf Rei, which was compiled in the followingcentury, became known as the Black Book-the words spokenby Satan to his people. <strong>The</strong> Black Book not only contains thecredo of the Yezidi, but their rites as welL<strong>The</strong> Yezidis entered their temples through portals bearingthe images of a lion, snake, double si<strong>de</strong>d axe, man, comb,scissors, and mirror. <strong>The</strong> lion represented strength and dominion;the snake, procreation; the axe, potential for good orharm; the man, the god; and the comb, scissors and mirror representedpri<strong>de</strong>. But greater as a symbol of pri<strong>de</strong>, however, wasthe form taken by Satan in the Yezidi liturgy-the peacock.Because they could not utter the name of Satan (Shaitan) for

fear of persecution, the name Melek Taus (Peacock King)was used. So great was the risk of outsi<strong>de</strong> persecution, thateven words that soun<strong>de</strong>d vaguely like the name Satan wereforbid<strong>de</strong>n.<strong>The</strong> vestiges of Yezidi culture that remain today have,as might be expected, met with not only maudlin "un<strong>de</strong>rstanding"but, worse yet, attempts to whitewash the religion and<strong>de</strong>ny that it was Devil worship. After eight centuries of harmingno one, minding their own business, and maintaining thecourage of their convictions-<strong>de</strong>spite wholesale massacres oftheir men, women, and children at the hands of the self-rightous-theYezidis have finally been granted a sickeningly charitableform of acknowledgment from theologians. It is nowpatronizingly asserted that the Yezidis were "actually nobleand highly moral people," and therefore could not actuallyhave worshipped the Devil! It is difficult to assess this asanything other than the most blatant form of selective inattention!Each time an important Yezidi ritual was to take place,a brazen figure of a peacock (called a sanjak) was removedfrom a secret hiding place by a priest and carried to thetemple. It was placed on a pe<strong>de</strong>stal around which a runningspring of water played into a small pooL This served as theshrine and icon towards which homage was directed. <strong>The</strong>water supposedly came from an un<strong>de</strong>rground stream whichflows through subterranean caverns in a network opening un<strong>de</strong>reach Tower of Satan. <strong>The</strong> point of origin of these streamswas thought to be the miraculous well of Islam known asZamzam. <strong>The</strong> caverns supposedly terminated at the place ofthe Masters-Schamballah (Carcosa).In or<strong>de</strong>r to establish proper perspective, in addition tothe Yezidis' own beliefs concerning the caverns and the effectsof the Towers of Satan, the conjectures of outsi<strong>de</strong>rs must bementioned here. It has long been assumed that the Towerswere not limited to the Yezidi geography, but loomed in unrecognizedforms in various parts of the world as diverse structures-witheach serving as a surface marker for an entrance,allegorical or otherwise, to the nether world. Thus consi<strong>de</strong>red,the Yezidi Towers and the <strong>Satanic</strong> influence they containedbecome a microcosm of a far more portentous network ofcontrol.<strong>The</strong> "clans" of the Yezidis consisted of: Sheikan, atMount Lalesh; Sinjar (Eagle's Lair), in Kurdistan; Halitiyeh,in Turkey; Malliyeh, on the Mediterranean; Sarahdar, inGeorgia and Southern Russia; Lepcho, in India and Tibet;and the Kotchar, who, like the Bedouins, moved about with nopermanent sector.<strong>The</strong> Yezidi interpretation of God was in the purest <strong>Satanic</strong>tradition. <strong>The</strong> i<strong>de</strong>a, so prominent in Greek philosophy, thatGod is an existence absolute and complete in himself, unchangeable,outsi<strong>de</strong> of time and space, did not exist in Yeziditheology. Also rejected was the theocratic Judaic concept ofJehovah, and also the Mohammedan God: the absolute ruler.<strong>The</strong> notion, unique to Christians, that God is Christ-like in

character was totally absent. If there was any semblance of apersonal manifestation of God, it was through Satan, whoinstructed and gui<strong>de</strong>d the Yezidi toward an un<strong>de</strong>rstanding ofthe multifaceted principles of Creation, much like the Platonici<strong>de</strong>a that the Absolute was itself static and transcen<strong>de</strong>ntal. Thisconcept of "God" is essentially the position taken by themore highly evolved Satanists. Prayer was forbid<strong>de</strong>n, in thestrictest <strong>Satanic</strong> tradition. Even daily expressions of faith werereferred to as "recitals."Few outsi<strong>de</strong>rs had ever penetrated the sanctuaries of theYezidis. <strong>The</strong> exceptions have been almost exclusively withinthe past century when, unfortunately, the sect was waning asan organized movement. Fewer had glimpsed the sacred sanjaksor seen the manuscript of the Black Book, for they werecarefully guar<strong>de</strong>d from the <strong>de</strong>scendants of Adam, whoseprogeny had filled the world with mindless clay. Only fourtexts of the Black Book exist, other than the original. One isin Arabic (called the Carshuni text), two are in Syriac (withrespective French and Italian translations), and the Church ofSatan's present text, translated from the Arabic manuscript ofDaud as-Saig by Isya Joseph.During the early 1920's writer William Seabrook venturedinto the <strong>de</strong>sert and climbed Mount Lalesh, recording hisjourney (Adventures in Arabia) with an objectivity thatproved him to be a brave yet compassionate man. At a timewhen it was literary fashion to trounce the Devil for goodmeasure, regardless of his attributes, Seabrook's affinityfor Satan was visible in all his writing as surely as ifhe had been a Bierce, Shaw, Twain, or Wells. He was oneof the few outsi<strong>de</strong>rs who, for the first time in the Yezidi history,showed sympathy for their Devil.By now the Yezidis have largely been absorbed into theworld of "those without," but their influence has takeneffect. That influence has been manifest, throughout Satanism'sun<strong>de</strong>rground period, in the procedures of virtually every secretbrotherhood since the Knights Templar, and in countless literaryworks. Now, after the often tragic epic of the Yezidis hasbecome history, it is safe to pronounce the Dread Name.THE STATEMENT OF SHAITANAND WORDLESS RITE OF DEDICATION<strong>The</strong> rite begins one hour after sunset.

<strong>The</strong> congregants enter the chamber and seat themselveson pillows placed on the floor in a semicircle facing the shrineof Melek Taus. <strong>The</strong> water runs over the rocks surroundingthe sanjak and into a pool at their base. Incense burns inbraziers at each si<strong>de</strong> of the shrine. <strong>The</strong> kawwals (musicians)stand against the rear wall of the temple, playing a prelu<strong>de</strong> onflutes, drums, and tambourines. (Note: As emotional responseis essential during certain segments of the rite, Europeans andAmericans may require music of a modified form. <strong>The</strong>re ismuch to be recommen<strong>de</strong>d in the works of Borodin, Cut, Rimsky-Korsakoff, Ketelbey, Ippolitov-Ivanov, etc., <strong>de</strong>spite the sneers of"purists.")<strong>The</strong> priest enters, followed by his assistants, all wearingblack robes and red cinctures of brai<strong>de</strong>d cord. <strong>The</strong> priest standsbefore the shrine, his assistants on either si<strong>de</strong>. <strong>The</strong> priest'shead is shaven. <strong>The</strong> razor used for this was first washed in themagical waters of Zamzam.All music stops, and the gong is struck once. <strong>The</strong> fluteresumes playing, very slowly and softly, and the priest invokesthe Third Enochian Key (from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible). When hehas finished, the flute stops, and, following a pause, the gongis again struck.<strong>The</strong> flute begins to play, as before, and the priest recitesfrom the Al-]ilwah, the Black Book.AL-JILWAHPRIEST:Before all creation, this revelation was with Melek Tâ'ûs, whosent 'Abd Tâ'ûs to this world that he might separate truthknown to his particular people. This was done, first of all,by means of oral tradition, and afterward by means of thisbook, Al-Jilwah, which the outsi<strong>de</strong>rs may neither read notbehold.(pause, gong is struck)I

I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominion overall creatures and over the affairs of all who are un<strong>de</strong>r the protectionof my image. I am ever present to help all who trust inme and call upon me in time of need. <strong>The</strong>re is no place inthe universe that knows not my presence. I participate in allthe affairs which those who are without call evil because theirnature is not such as they approve. Every age has its own manager,who directs affairs according to my <strong>de</strong>crees. This office ischangeable from generation to generation, that the ruler ofthis world and his chiefs may discharge the duties of theirrespective offices, every one in his own turn. I allow everyone tofollow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes mewill regret it sorely. No god has a right to interfere in myaffairs, and I have ma<strong>de</strong> it an imperative rule that everyoneshall refrain from worshiping all gods. All the books of thosewho are without are altered by them, and they have <strong>de</strong>clinedfrom them, although they were written by the prophets and theapostles. That there are interpolations is seen in the fact thateach sect en<strong>de</strong>avors to prove that the others are wrong andto <strong>de</strong>stroy their books. Truth and falsehood are known to me.When temptation comes, I give my covenant to him that trustsin me. Moreover, I give counsel to the skilled directors, for Ihave appointed them for periods that are known to me. I remembernecessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teachand gui<strong>de</strong> those who follow my instruction. If anyone obeyme and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, <strong>de</strong>light,and comfort.(Pause, gong is struck.)III requite the <strong>de</strong>scendants of Adam, and reward them withvarious rewards that I alone know. Moreover, power and dominionover all that is on earth, both that which is above andthat which is beneath, are in my hand. I do not allow friendlyassociation with other people, nor do I <strong>de</strong>prive them that aremy own and that obey me of anything that is good for them.I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have triedand who are in accord with my <strong>de</strong>sires. I appear in divers mannersto those who are faithful and un<strong>de</strong>r my command. I giveand take away; I enrich and impoverish; I cause both happinessand misery. I do all this in keeping with the characteristicsof each epoch. And none has a right to interfere with my managementof affairs. Those who oppose me I afflict with disease;but my own shall not die like the sons of Adam that are without.None shall live in this world longer than the time set byme and if I so <strong>de</strong>sire, I send a person a second or a thirdtime into this world or into some other by the transfer of will.(Pause, gong is struck.)IIII lead to the straight path without a revealed book; I direct

aright my beloved and my chosen ones by unseen means. Allmy teachings are easily applicable to all tunes and all conditions.Now the sons of Adam do not know the state ofthings that is to come. For this reason they fall into manyerrors. <strong>The</strong> beasts of the earth, the birds of heaven, and thefish of the sea are all un<strong>de</strong>r the control of my hands. Alltreasures and hid<strong>de</strong>n things are known to me, and as I <strong>de</strong>sire,I take them from one and bestow them upon another. I revealmy won<strong>de</strong>rs to those who seek them, and in due time mymiracles to those who receive them from me. But those whoare without are my adversaries, hence they oppose me. Nor dothey know that such a course is against their own interests, formight, wealth, and riches are in my hand, and I bestow themupon every worthy <strong>de</strong>scendant of Adam. Thus the governmentof the world, the transition of generations, and the changesof their directors are <strong>de</strong>termined by me from the beginning.(Pause, gong is struck.)IVI will not give my rights to other gods. I have allowed thecreation of four substances, four times, and four corners, becausethey are necessary things for creatures. <strong>The</strong> books ofJews, Christians, and Moslems, as of those who are without,accept in a sense, so far as they agree with, and conformto, my statutes. Whatsoever is contrary to these they havealtered; do not accept it. Three things are against me, and Ihate three things. But those who keep my secrets shall receivethe fulfillment of my promises. It is my <strong>de</strong>sire tht all myfollowers shall unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are withoutprevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followedmy commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachingsand sayings of such as are without. I have not taught theseteachings, nor do they proceed from me. (Do not mention myname nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not knowwhat those who are without may do.) *(Pause, gong is struck.)*No longer mandatoryVO ye that have believed in me, honor my symbol and my image,for they remind you of me. Observe my laws and statutes.Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate toyou of the hid<strong>de</strong>n things.(Pause, gong is struck.)

Chand-il-manhatie sobayaka rosh halatie.Hatna Mesarmen dou jaladie, meskino raba.My un<strong>de</strong>rstanding surrounds the truth of things,And my truth is mixed up in me,And the truth of my <strong>de</strong>scent is set forth by itself,And when it was known it was altogether in me.And all the habitable parts and <strong>de</strong>serts,And everything created is un<strong>de</strong>r me,And I am the ruling power preceding all that exists.And I am he that spoke a true saying,And I am the just judge and the ruler of the earth.And I am he that men worship in my glory,Coming to me and kissing my feet.And I am he that spread over the heavens their height.And I am he that cried in the beginning.And I am he that of myself revealeth all things,Verily the All-Merciful has assigned unto me names,<strong>The</strong> heavenly-throne, and the seat, and the heavens, and theearth.In the secret of my knowledge there is no God but me.<strong>The</strong>se things are subservient to my power.O mine enemies, why do you <strong>de</strong>ny me?O men, <strong>de</strong>ny me not, but submit.In the day of judgment you will be happy in meeting me.Who dies in my love, I will cast himIn the midst of Paradise, by my will and pleasure;But he that dies unmindful of meWill be thrown into torture in misery and affliction.I say I am the only one and the exalted;I create and make rich those whom I will.Praise it to myself, for all things are by my will,And the universe is lighted by some of my gifts.I AM THE KING THAT MAGNIFIES HIMSELF,AND ALL THE RICHES OF CREATION ARE AT MYBIDDING.I have ma<strong>de</strong> known unto you, O people, some of my ways.(Pause, gong is struck.)So saith Shaitan.<strong>The</strong> priest and his assistants leave the chamber while thekawwals take up their instruments and resume playing.<strong>The</strong> congregants remain seated, allowing themselves to

absorb the essence of what has been said and the atmospherewhich prevails.Individually, the congregants silently respond to their innermostfeelings, not speaking to another.Each, when his fulfillment has been effected, leaves thechamber as unobtrusively as possible.THE METAPHYSICS OF LOVECRAFTEven to his most intimate acquaintances, Howard PhillipsLovecraft (1890-1937) remained frustratingly enigmatic. Fromthe pen of this ingenious New Englan<strong>de</strong>r came a collectionof the most convincing and thoroughly terrifying works ofmacabre fiction in mo<strong>de</strong>rn times. His tales were uniquely embellishedwith painstaking pseudo-documentation and meticulous<strong>de</strong>scription of character and setting. It is frequently saidthat, once one has read Lovecraft, one disdains the efforts ofthe competition. This statement has been consistently difficultto refute.As might be expected, Lovecraft was lionized and extensivelyimitated by a number of writers whose imaginationswere sparked by his celebrated "Cthulhu mythos"-a term commonlygiven to a series of stories based upon a supernaturalpantheon of Lovecraft's own invention. He had a firm convictionthat reference to the classical mythologies would un<strong>de</strong>rminethe atmosphere of cyclic and spatial disorientation hesought to create. Lovecraft created his own beings, whose prehistoricactivities on Earth set in motion the forces of man'scivilization and genius, as well as the horrors of his educatedimagination. While Freud and Einstein wrestled with theirrespective disciplines in the isolation of aca<strong>de</strong>mic specialization,Lovecraft was <strong>de</strong>scribing the astonishing influence of physicaland geometric law on the psyche. While he might have hesitatedto style himself a master of scientific speculation, he ano less <strong>de</strong>serving of that title than are Asimov and Clarke.What has puzzled many of Lovecraft's admirers is theauthor's almost casual attitu<strong>de</strong> towards his work. He repeatedlyreferred to it as a mere means of financial subsistence. To peoplewho suspected that he entertained a private belief in themythos, he would reply that an objective <strong>de</strong>tachment from one'smaterial was necessary for effective writing. He was wont tomention the most nightmarish of his narratives with a levitybor<strong>de</strong>ring upon scorn, as though he did not consi<strong>de</strong>r them ofgenuine literary substance. As an author, Lovecraft enjoys anestablished reputation, but what of Lovecraft the philosopher?

Perhaps the most significant clues to the philosophy in theCthulhu mythos <strong>de</strong>rive from the author's fascination with humanhistory, particularly that of the classical eras. That muchof his work used material taken from Egyptian and Arabianlegends is well known. <strong>The</strong>re is evi<strong>de</strong>nce that he was acutelyaware of civilization's effects upon mankind-both educationaland repressive. His tales constantly remind the rea<strong>de</strong>r thathumanity is but a short step from the most <strong>de</strong>praved andvicious forms of bestiality. He sensed man's drive towardknowledge, even at the risk of sanity. Intellectual excellence,he seemed to say, is achieved in concert with cataclysmic terror-not in avoidance of it.This theme of a constant interrelationship between the constructiveand <strong>de</strong>structive facets of the human personality is thekeystone of the doctrines of Satanism. <strong>The</strong>ism argues that theintegrity of the individual can be increased by a rejection ofthe carnal and an obedience to morality. Lovecraft recor<strong>de</strong>dbis aversion to conventional religious dogma in <strong>The</strong> SilverKey, and he regar<strong>de</strong>d with a similar scorn those who, rejectingreligion, succumbed to a controversial substitute, i.e. the popularnotion of witchcraft. <strong>The</strong> concept of worship per se is strikinglyabsent from the Cthulhu mythos. Nyarlathotep, Shub-Niggurath, Yog-Sothoth and Cthulhu are all honored throughbizarre festivals, but their relationship to their followers is invariablythat of teacher to stu<strong>de</strong>nts. Compare the <strong>de</strong>scriptionof a Lovecraftian ceremony to that of a Christian mass or aVoodoo rite, and it is clear that the element of servility is<strong>de</strong>finitely lacking in the first.Lovecraft, like the Miltonian Satan, chose to reign inHell rather than to serve in Heaven. His creatures are neverconclusive stereotypes of good or evil; they vacillate constantlybetween beneficence and cruelty. <strong>The</strong>y respect knowledge, forwhich the protagonist of each story abandons every pru<strong>de</strong>ntrestraint Critics who consi<strong>de</strong>r the Old Ones as Aristotelianelementals-or as a collective influence of malignancy whichman must <strong>de</strong>stroy if he is to prevail-suggest a philistine disposition.Lovecraft, if he tolerated such analyses, can hardlyhave been impressed by them.Assuming that Lovecraft was an advocate of <strong>Satanic</strong>amorality, what might have been the content of the ritual observancesin Innsmouth, R'lyeh, or Leng? In his work he onlygoes as far as an occasional lurid line from some "namelessrite" or "unspeakable orgy" celebrated by grotesque apparitionsamidst sulphurous caverns of fluorescent, <strong>de</strong>caying fungi, oragainst titanic monoliths of disturbing aspect. Perhaps hethought un<strong>de</strong>rstatement to be more effective in freeing theimaginations of his rea<strong>de</strong>rs, but clearly, he had been influencedby very real sources. Whether his sources of inspiration wereconsciously recognized and admitted or were a remarkable"psychic" absorption, one can only speculate. <strong>The</strong>re is nodoubt that Lovecraft was aware of rites not quite "nameless,"as the allusions in his stories are often i<strong>de</strong>ntical to actual ceremonialprocedures and nomenclature, especially to those practicedand advanced around the turn of the last century.

<strong>The</strong> Innsmouths and Arkhams of Lovecraft have theircounterparts in seasi<strong>de</strong> hamlets and forlorn coastal areas allover the world, and one has but to use his senses to spotthem: the Land's End sector of San Francisco; Mendocinoon the Northern California coast; from the Hamptons toMontauk in New York; between Folkestone and Dover on theEnglish Channel; the Cornish coast west of Exmouth, andnumerous points along the coast of Brittany in France. <strong>The</strong> listis endless. Where men have stood at earth's end contemplatingthe transition from sea to land with mingled fear and longingin their hearts, the lure of Cthulhu exists. Any offshore oildrilling platform or "Texas tower" is a potential altar to theSpawn of the Watery Abyss.Lovecraft seems to have correlated the monsters of thecanvasses of a hundred Pickmans-the great Symbolist paintersof the 1890's-into a twentieth century scenario. His fantasiesmay well have been a conscious projection of the i<strong>de</strong>a expressedso eloquently by Charles Lamb in his Witches andOther Night Fears:"Gorgons, and Hydras, and Chimeras may reproducethemselves in the brain of superstition-but they werethere before. <strong>The</strong>y are transcripts, types-the archetypesare in us, and eternal."One cannot help speculating upon a reality suggested bythe fantasy-the possibility that the Old Ones are the spectresof a future human mentality. It is as the result of such speculationthat <strong>The</strong> Ceremony of the Nine Angles and <strong>The</strong> Callto Cthuihu are presented. One emphasizes potential: theother reflects the dimness of an almost forgotten past. As forthe phonetics, they bear no linguistic given name. <strong>The</strong> translationis as accurate as contemporary methods permit.CEREMONY OF THENINE ANGLES[This ceremony is to be performed in a closed chambercontaining no curved surfaces whatsoever. No open flamesare to be in the chamber except for a single brazier orflame pot. General illumination is provi<strong>de</strong>d through controlledstarlight or moonlight, or via concealed ultraviolet<strong>de</strong>vices. Above and behind the altar platform should appearthe outline of a regular trapezoid. <strong>The</strong> celebrant and participantsall wear masks or headpieces to blur or distortthe true facial features.

All participants assemble in a half-hexagonal formationfacing the large trapezoid emblem. <strong>The</strong> celebrant standsbefore the altar, facing the participants. He raises his lefthand in the Sign of the Horns:]CELEBRANT:N'kgnath ki'q Az-Athoth r'jyarhwh'fagh zhasa phr-tga nyena phragn'glu.Let us do honor to Azathoth, withoutwhose laughter this world should notbe.[Participants answer the gesture.]PARTICIPANTS:Ki'q Az-Athoth r'jyarh wh'faghzhasa phr-tga nyena phragn'glu.Honor to Azathoth, without whoselaughter this world should not be.CELEBRANT:Kzs'nath r'n As-Athoth bril'nwesza'g elu'khnar rquorkwe w'ragumfancgh' tiim'br vua. Jsnuf awrugh kod'rf kpra kybni sprn'akaty'knu El-aka gryenn'h krans huehn.Azathoth, great center of the cosmos,let thy flutes sing unto us, lullingus against the terrors of thy domain.Thy merriment sustains our fears, andwe rejoice in the World of Horrors inthy name.PARTICIPANTS:Ki'q Az-Athoth r'jyarh wh'faghzhasa phr-tga nyena phragn'glu.Honor to Azathoth, without whoselaughter this world should not be.[Celebrant lowers hand, then ren<strong>de</strong>rs the Sign of theHorns with his right hand. All participants echo the gesture.]CELEBRANT:N'kgnath ki'q Y'gs-Othoth r'jyarhfer'gryp'h-nza ke'ru phragn'glu.Let us do honor to Yog-Sothoth, with-

out whose sign we ourselves should not be.PARTICIPANTS:Ki'q Y'gs-Othoth r'jyarh fergryp'h-nzake'ru phragn'glu.Honor to Yog-Sothoth, without whosesign we ourselves should not be.CELEBRANT:Kh'run-mnu kai Y'gs-Othoth hrn-njiqua-resvn xha drug'bis pw-nga s'jensni'ka quraas-ti kno'g nwreh sbo-jrgy-namanth El-aka gryenn'h. Ky'rhhan'treh zmah-gron't k'renb phronyehfha'gni y'g zyb'nos vuy-kin'ehkson wr'g kyno.Yog-Sothoth, master of dimensions,through thy will are we set upon theWorld of Horrors. Faceless one, gui<strong>de</strong>us through the night of thy creation,that we may behold the Bond of theAngles and the promise of thy will.PARTICIPANTS:Ki'q Y'gs-Othoth r'jyarh fergryp'h-nzake'ru phragn'glu.Honor to Yog-Sothoth, without whosesign we ourselves should not be.[Celebrant raises both arms away from him at a sharpangle. Participants do likewise.]CELEBRANT:Z'j-m'h kh'rn Z'j-m'h kh'r Z'jm'hkh rmnu. Kh'rn w'nh nyg hsyhfha'gnu er'ngi drg-nza knu ky crystr'hn'knu. Ou-o nje'y fha'gnuqurs-ti ngai-kang whro-kng'h rgh-iszhno zyu-dhron'k po'j nu Cth'n.I'a ry'gzengrho.<strong>The</strong> Daemons are, the Daemons were,and the Daemons shall be again. <strong>The</strong>ycame, and we are here: they sleep,and we watch for them. <strong>The</strong>y shallsleep, and we shall die, but we shallreturn through them. We are theirdreams, and they shall awaken. Hailto the ancient dreams.PARTICIPANTS:

I'A ry'gzengrho.Hail to the ancient dreams.[<strong>The</strong> celebrant now tarns to face the altar.]CELEBRANT:Kh'rensh n'fha'n-gnh khren-kan'gN'yra-l'yht-Otp hfy'n chu-siwhr'g zyb'nos thu'nby jne'w nhiquz-a.I call now to the unsleeping one, theblack herald, Nyarlathotep, who assureththe bond between the livingand the <strong>de</strong>ad.PARTICIPANTS:I'a N'yra-l'yht-Otp.Hail, Nyarlathotep.CELEBRANT:Kh'rengyu az'pyzh rz'e hy'knoszhri ty'h nzal's za naagha hu'hnbyjne'w nhi quz-al hjru-crusk'edzund dkni-nyeh ryr'ngkain-ikhring's naaghs pyz'rn ry'gzynrgy-namanth El-aka gryenn'h tkof'unga l'zen-zu dsi-r p'ngathfha'gnu nig-quz'a i'a N'yra-l'yht-Otp.O dark one, who ri<strong>de</strong>th the winds ofthe Abyss and cryeth the nightgaunts between the livingand the <strong>de</strong>ad, send to us the Old Oneof the World of Horrors, whose wordwe honor unto the end of the <strong>de</strong>athlesssleep. Hail, Nyarlathotep.PARTICIPANTS:I'a N'yra-l'yht-Otp.Hail, Nyarlathotep.CELEBRANT:I'as urenz-khrgn naaghs z'h hlyefer-zn cyn. I'as aem'nh ci-cyzbvyni-weth w'ragn jnusf whrengojnusf'wi klo zyah zsybh kyn-tal-ohuz-u kyno.Hail to thee, bla<strong>de</strong> prince from the

grotto whose charge we bear. Hailto thee and to thy fathers, within whosefane thou laughs and screams in terror andin merriment, in fear and in ecstasy, inloneliness and in anger, upon the whim ofthy will.PARTICIPANTS:I'a N'yra-l'yht-Otp urz'n naagha.Hail, Nyarlathotep, prince of the Abyss.CELEBRANT:V'hu-ehn n'kgnath fha'gnu n'aem'nh.Kzren ry'gzyn cyzb-namanth El-akagryenn'h kh'renshz k'rahz'nhuzyb'nos y'goth-e vuy-kin'eh nalszyh.In thy name let us behold the father.Let the Old One who reigneth upon theWorld of Horrors come and speak withus, for we would again strengthen thebond that liveth within the angles ofthe Path of the Left[<strong>The</strong> celebrant stands directly before the altar, clenchingboth fists and crossing the left hand over the right againsthis chest.]CELEBRANT:I'a Sh'b-N'ygr'th aem'nh El-akagryenn'h. I'a aem'nh kyl-d zhem'n.I'a zhem'nfni n'quz n'fha'n-gn kiquahu-ehn zyb'nos.Hail, Shub-Niggurath, father of theWorld of Horrors. Hail, father of thehornless ones. Hail, ram of the Sunand <strong>de</strong>athless one, who sleepest notwhile we honor thy name and thy bond.PARTICIPANTS:I'a Sh'b-N'ygr'th.Hail, Shub-Niggurath.[<strong>The</strong> Goat of a Thousand Young appears. All participantsclench their fists after the fashion of the celebrant.]CELEBRANT:I'a aem'nh.Hail, father.

PARTICIPANTS:I'a aem'nh.Hail, father.SHUB-NIGGURATH:Phragn'ka phragn. V'vuy-kin'e f'ungnkyl-d zhem'n k'fungn zyb'nos Z'j-m'hkyns el-kran'u. F'ungnu'h zyb-kaizyb'nos rohz vuy-kh'yn.I am that I am. Through the angles Ispeak with the hornless ones, and Ipledge anew the bond of the Daemons,through whose will this world is cometo be. Let us speak the Bond of theNine Angles.CELEBRANT AND PARTICIPANTS:I'a aemn'h urz'vuy-kin w'hren'jEl-aka gryenn'h. F'ung'hn-kaizyb'nos rohz vuy-kh'yn n'kyew'ragh zh'sza hrn-nji qua-resvnk'ng naagha zhem v'mhneg-alz.Hail, father and lord of the angles,master of the World of Horrors. Wespeak the Bond of the Nine Anglesto the honor of the flutes of thelaughing one, the master of dimensions,the herald of the barrier, andthe Goat of a Thousand Young.ALL:V'ty'h vuy-kn el-ukh'nar ci-wraghzh'sza w'ragnh ks'zy d'syn.From the First Angle is the infinite,wherein the laughing one doth cry andthe flutes wail unto the ending oftime.V'quy'h vuy-kn hrn-nji hyl zaan-ivyk d'phron'h El-aka gryenn'h v'jnusfyhwhreng'n.From the Second Angle is the masterwho doth or<strong>de</strong>r the planes and theangles, and who hath conceived theWorld of Horrors in its terror andglory.V'kresn vuy-kn k'nga d'phron'g

kr-a El-aka gryenn'h p'nseb quer-hgaphragn uk-khron ty'h-qu'kre vuykin'erohz.From the Third Angle is the messenger,who hath created thy power to beholdthe master of the World of Horrors,who giveth to thee substance of beingand the knowledge of the Nine Angles.V'huy vuy-kn zhem'nfi d'psy'hdy-tr'gyu El-aka gryenn'h f'ungneisi'n si-r'a s'alk d'hu'h-uyerohz.From the Fourth Angle is the ram ofthe Sun, who brought thy selves to be,who endureth upon the World of Horrorsand proclaimeth the time that was, thetime that is, and the time that shall be;and whose name is the brilliance ofthe Nine Angles.V'cvye vuy-kn kh'ren-i kyl-dzhem'n lyz-naa mnaa r'cvyev'y-kreZ'j-m'h gryn-h'y d'yn'khe cyvaal'kh'y-cvy-rohz.From the Fifth Angle are the hornlessones, who raise the temple of the fivetrihedrons unto the Daemons of creation,whose seal is at once four and five andnine.V'quar'n vuy-kn fha'gn Z'j-m'hki-dyus dyn-jn'ash cvy-knu ukr'nhy-rohz.From the Sixth Angle is the sleep ofthe Daemons in symmetry, which dothvanquish the five but shall not prevailagainst the four and the nine.V'try'v vuy-kn djn'sh dys-u n'fha'gnirZ'j-m'h r'n hy-kre'snvy'k kr'nquar.From the Seventh Angle is the ruinof symmetry and the awakening of theDaemons, for the four and the nineshall prevail against the six.V'nyr vuy-kn hrn-njir vu'a lyz-naamnaa r'nyrv'y Z'j-m'h gry-h'y d'yn-

khe cyvaal'k h'y-cvy-rohz.From the Eighth Angle are the Mastersof the Realm, who raise the temple ofthe eight trihedrons unto the Daemonsof creation, whose seal is at once fourand five and nine.V'rohz vuy-kn i'inkh-v zy-d'synur'bre-el hy'j whreng'n nakhreng'hyh'whreng'n kyenn'h.From the Ninth Angle is the flame ofthe beginning and ending of dimensions,which blazeth in brilliance and darknessunto the glory of <strong>de</strong>sire.SHUB-NIGGURATH:K'fung'n zyb'nos Z'j-m'h kyns elgryn'hy.I pledge the bond of the Daemons,through whose will this world hathcome to be.CELEBRANT AND PARTICIPANTS:Ki'q zyb'nos k'El-aka gryenn'h.We honor the bond upon the World ofHorrors.SHUB-NIGGURATH:Ki-iq kyl-d zhem'n.Hail to the hornless ones.CELEBRANT AND PARTICIPANTS:Ki-iq Sh'b-N'ygr'th aem'nh El-akagryenn'h.Hail to Shub-Niggurath, father of theWorld of Horrors.SHUB-NIGGURATH:Zhar-v zy-d'syn.Unto the beginning and the endingof dimensions.CELEBRANT:Zhar-v zy-d'syn.Unto the beginning and the ending.of dimensions.

[<strong>The</strong> Goat of a Thousand Young no longer appears. <strong>The</strong>celebrant faces the participants.]CELEBRANT:Ty'h nzal's kra naaghs n'ghlasjzsyn'e ty'h nzal's za'je oth'ekyl-d zhem'n f ungh'n. Nal Y'gs-Othoth krell N'yra-1'yht-Otp.I'a Y'gs-Othoth. I'a N'yra-l'yht-Otp.<strong>The</strong> gaunts are loose upon the wold,and we shall not pass; but the timeshall come when the gaunts will bowbefore us, and man shall speak withthe tongues of the hornless ones. <strong>The</strong>way is Yog-Sothoth, and the key isNyarlathotep. Hail, Yog-Sothoth. Hail,Nyarlathotep.PARTICIPANTS:I'a Y'gs-Othoth. I'a N'ya-1'yht-Otp. I'a S'ha-t'n.Hail, Yog-Sothoth. Hail, Nyarlathotep.Hail, Satan.THE CALL TO CTHULHU[This ceremony is to be performed in a seclu<strong>de</strong>d locationnear a major body of water-a large river, lake, or ocean.<strong>The</strong> i<strong>de</strong>al site for the proceedings would be a natural stonecavern at the water's edge, but a grove of trees or a concealedinlet will serve.<strong>The</strong> ceremony must take place at night, preferably at atime when the sky is heavily overcast and the water istempestuous. No special articles of attire-such as robesor<strong>de</strong>corative paraphernalia are to be used. <strong>The</strong> singleexception is that all participants must wear the medallionthat bears the Seal of Satan: it may be dangerous todisregard this provision.

A large bonfire is kindled. <strong>The</strong> celebrant-who willassume the presence of Cthulhu-stands above and apartfrom the participants, holding aloft a torch which hasbeen treated to yield a blackish-blue glare. <strong>The</strong> celebrantis not present at the beginning of the ceremony.All participants light the bonfire and assemble in a jaggedcircle about it <strong>The</strong>ir eyes are directed toward the blazefor the duration of the ceremony.]PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANTS:My brothers and sisters of the ancient blood, we are gatheredto pronounce the Call to Cthulhu. I cry again the word of theAbyss-that great void of the dark waters and shrieking windswhere we lived in ages past. Hear the <strong>de</strong>athless ones, and saywith me the call to the Eternal Serpent who sleeps that we maylive.ALL:Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn.PRINCIPAL PARTICIPANT:I'a k'nark Cthulhu kyr'w qu'ra cylth drehm'n El-ak. U'gnyalkraayn: (Hail, great Cthulhu, who art known to all races ofthe <strong>de</strong>ep ones who walk upon and beneath the earth. Hear thyhonored names:)ALL:KRAKEN - POSEIDEN - SABAZIOS - TYPHON- DAGON - SETHEH - NEPTUNE - LEVIA-THAN - MIDGARD - CTHULHU! Ph'nglui mglw'nafhCthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. I'a Cthulhu.[<strong>The</strong> figure of Cthulhu appears.]CELEBRANT:Ph'reng-na Y'gth El-aka gryenn'h w'yal'h-ji kyr dy-tral's k'heh.PARTICIPANTS:From Yuggoth I am come to the World of Horrors, here toabi<strong>de</strong> and to rule for all eternity.CELEBRANT:V'kresn vuy-kn grany'h arksh ty'h nzal's naaghs wh'rag-nglaoth'e tryn-yal El-aka gryenn'h.PARTICIPANTS:Through the Third Angle I journeyed, casting forth the jackalsof time and singing with the men who gamboled upon theWorld of Horrors.CELEBRANT:Yal'h-el kh'rgs-th'e w'raghs-tryn'h gh'naa-wragnhi. R'nkal ngh'-

na ka-ii gh'na-nafh fhtag's.PARTICIPANTS:I walked upon the earth, and I taught the men to laugh and toplay, to slay and to scream. And for them I died not, but formyself I died and have slept.CELEBRANT:W'ragh zh'sza kz'yelh naa-g naaghs hu-glyzz jag'h gh'an cyvevuy-k'nh v'quar.PARTICIPANTS:<strong>The</strong> flutes of the laughing one shriek through the chasms of theAbyss, and the darkness boils with the perishing of the fiveangles in the sixth.CELEBRANT:Y'trynh na'gh'l w'raghno'th vR'lyeh ngh''na fhtagn-w'gah kr'hylzaan-i vyk'n.PARTICIPANTS:I danced and killed, and I laughed with the men, and in R'lyehI died to sleep the dreams of the master of the planes and theangles.CELEBRANT:M'khagn w'ragnhzy dys-n'gha k'dys-n'ghals k'fungn-akel zaht'hk'halrn ghr-kha n'fhtagn-gha.PARTICIPANTS:Hear me, for I cry the end of the god of <strong>de</strong>ath, and of the godof dying, and I speak of the laws of life that you may rejectthe curse of the <strong>de</strong>ath without sleep.CELEBRANT:K'aemn'h kh'rn K'aemn'h kh'r Kaemn'h kh'rmnu. N'ghan-kafhtagni-kar'n gha'l. Vnaa-glyz-zai v'naa-glyz-zn'a cylth.PARTICIPANTS:<strong>The</strong> Old Ones were, the Old Ones are, and the Old Ones shallbe again. I am <strong>de</strong>ad, but I sleep and am therefore not <strong>de</strong>ad.From the <strong>de</strong>pths of the waters I come, and from the <strong>de</strong>pths the<strong>de</strong>ep ones also have come.CELEBRANT:V'szel kh'ra-fhtagn k'bahl'dys-n'gha yga'h-h'j n'fhtag'h z'aht.V'glyzz k'fungn cylth-a v'el cylth-Cthulhu k'fungn'i.PARTICIPANTS:For ages you also have slept through the reign of the god of<strong>de</strong>ath, and now you have awakened to life. From the sea I callto the <strong>de</strong>ep ones, and from the earth the <strong>de</strong>ep ones call toCthulhu.

CELEBRANT:N'kys ka-naaghs v'prh-gh'nya k'K'aemn'h az'zl-inkh'v naaghsk'zhem'nfi k'zhe-t'h ur-geyl n'el k'fungn i-inkh'v k'nga y'ilth-kai.PARTICIPANTS:Forget neither the abyss of origin, nor the Old Ones whobrought to you the flame of the Abyss, nor the ram of theSun, nor the Eternal Serpent who raised you upon the earthand <strong>de</strong>livered to you the flame from the messenger.CELEBRANT:P'garn'h v'glyzz. (Go now from the sea.)[<strong>The</strong> celebrant casts the torch into the bonfire. He retreatsto the darkness.]CELEBRANT:Vuy-kin'e glyz-naaghs y'kh'rain k'r'heyl vuy-kin'el s'nargh'scylth. (<strong>The</strong> angles of the watery Abyss are no more, but otherangles there are for the <strong>de</strong>ep ones to command.)PARTICIPANTS:V'yn'khe rohz v'schm'h v'ragsh kyr-reng'ka w'nath-al y'keldv'fnaghn K'aemn'hi. I'a Cthulhu! I'a Sha-t'n! (By the Seal ofNine and by the Shining Trapezoid, let none hazard thy wrath,for we are known to the Old Ones. Hail, Cthulhu! Hail,Satan!)THE SATANIC BAPTISMSSince the formation of the Church of Satan, many personswishing to solemnize their newly acknowledged <strong>de</strong>dication to<strong>Satanic</strong> principles have requested a "baptismal" rite, wherebythey might utilize an established form of religious observancefor more compatible beliefs. As a result, two distinct ceremonieshave been created, one for infants and the other for adults whohave reached the legal age of consent.Of course any ceremony performed for an infant is notreally performed for the child, but for the parents. With thisthought in mind, a baptism in the traditional sense could serveno productive purpose by <strong>Satanic</strong> standards. A child's "baptism"according to <strong>Satanic</strong> tenets must, therefore, be in thenature of a celebration, rather than a purification. In this sense,a <strong>Satanic</strong> "baptism" for children becomes a Christian baptismin reverse. Instead of cleansing the infant of "original sin" and

preparing him for a life of blind <strong>de</strong>votion to an existing faith,the <strong>Satanic</strong> "baptism" pays homage to the miracle of the child'screation, his capacity for unbefouled <strong>de</strong>velopment and his freedomfrom hypocrisy.<strong>The</strong> children's ceremony inclu<strong>de</strong>d here is inten<strong>de</strong>d forchildren un<strong>de</strong>r the age of four; beyond that age i<strong>de</strong>as alien to<strong>Satanic</strong> <strong>de</strong>velopment have been absorbed into the child's mind,via the formal teachings of ol<strong>de</strong>r and often unwiser humans.Once that process has begun, only the individual can thereafterrightfully choose a credo for himself and formalize it. Hence,the need for a <strong>Satanic</strong> "baptismal" rite for adults."Legal age of consent" is essential to the adult's ceremony,because of the double-edged sword that term provi<strong>de</strong>s. Environmentallegislation contends-rightly or otherwise-that when aperson reaches a certain chronological age he is capable ofmanaging his own affairs and making his own <strong>de</strong>cisions. It isassumed that any such <strong>de</strong>cisions are a by-product of his mentaland emotional <strong>de</strong>velopment, the result of both heredity an<strong>de</strong>nvironment. This behavioral composite is also influenced bywhat is referred to as "proper guidance" or "improper guidance,"<strong>de</strong>pending upon who is speaking. Attainment of legalage enables one to "misgui<strong>de</strong>" himself as he sees fit, and toassume the blame or take the credit for his own actions.Inasmuch as all Satanists would be consi<strong>de</strong>red "misgui<strong>de</strong>d"by the pious, we have no wish to offend further the sensibilitiesof the self-righteous by luring apple-cheeked boys and girls into"unholy rites and unspeakable orgies." Virtually every unsuccessful(usually <strong>de</strong>servedly so) contemporary sect or cultwhich has <strong>de</strong>viated from established Christian dogma has fallenbecause the pious majority has been outraged by said cult'straffic with un<strong>de</strong>raged persons. Admittedly, many of these cultshave been little more than confi<strong>de</strong>nce games, or sexual outlets,cloaked in white-light spirituality. While we concur that age isno proof of sound judgment, we recognize the importance ofworking within the legal framework of society.<strong>The</strong>re is nothing inherently wrong with morality: in factit is necessary for the great enjoyment which comes with controlled,rational, and harmless immorality. What is objectionable,though, is a morality based on obsolete and exhaustedprinciples. <strong>The</strong> children's "baptism" set forth here rejoices inthe infant's intrinsic freedom from such expendable principles.<strong>The</strong> adult's baptism celebrates the individual's rejection ofthose precepts and his subsequent adherence to <strong>Satanic</strong> ethic.What, it will be asked, will young rea<strong>de</strong>rs, whose ages fallbetween the two baptisms, do to commit themselves to Satanism?<strong>The</strong> answer is that whether you are right or wrong, yourbeliefs will not be held valid by those outsi<strong>de</strong> unless money canbe ma<strong>de</strong> on them. If enough of you believe in the principles ofSatanism, they will find ways of making money on your faith.<strong>The</strong>n, without realizing it, they will have contributed toLucifer's rise by making popular what once was shunned as evil.Your faith in Satanism need not be formalized by baptism inor<strong>de</strong>r to work its magic Your faith need only be outspokenlystated. That is what you can do.

THE SATANIC "BAPTISM"Adult RiteParticipants inclu<strong>de</strong>: the priest or acting priest, theinitiate(s), any assistants who may be required by thepriest, and other selected witnesses present by invitation ofthe initiate, but whose presence is not a prerequisite for theperformance of this ceremony.Accouterments are all those standard to <strong>Satanic</strong> Ritualas <strong>de</strong>scribed in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible, plus a receptacle withearth and one with sea water, and a brazier and charcoal,and incense. Participants are appareled in the customarymanner, i.e. black ceremonial robes and (except for priest)peaked, full-faced hoods, and amulets bearing the Symbolof Baphomet. <strong>The</strong> ceremony commences with the initiatebarefoot, robed in white, wearing no un<strong>de</strong>rgarments. Anadditional black robe and Baphomet amulet will be nee<strong>de</strong>dfor the initiate later in the ceremony and therefore shouldbe prepared and placed nearby.Before formally entering the chamber, participants donappropriate vestments, arrange artifacts and implementsconveniently but without sacrifice of magical correctitu<strong>de</strong>:the brazier, the initiate's chair or stool, and the receptaclescontaining soil and sea water are placed near altar. Lightthe altar candles and the candle to be used by the priestduring the ceremony (Black Flame), ignite charcoal, andcomplete all other preparations. <strong>The</strong>n begin appropriatemusic.Upon entering the chamber, the priest (or celebrantacting in that capacity) assumes his position before thealtar. <strong>The</strong> initiate and the other participants stand toeither si<strong>de</strong>, with the priest's assistants positioned as theirrespective roles require. Preliminary functions of ritual areperformed in customary or<strong>de</strong>r. <strong>The</strong> initiate is then calledforward and kneels before the priest, who recites the FirstEnochian Key (from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible) and proceeds toaddress the initiate.PRIEST:In the majestic light of un<strong>de</strong>filed wisdom, awake and enter intothe Arcadian Wood wherein all thy lingering falsehoods shallbe as <strong>de</strong>ad bark, stripped from thy trunk: where thy futilehypocrisies, known and unknown, shall no longer envelop thee

in mind and body.Cast off thy white robe of lies and confront thy Prince, revealedas thee once began life, undraped and unashamed. Thou mayestbreathe again that first breath now as night winds freshen fromthe far reaches of Belial.[Initiate arises, disrobes, and sits in the chair provi<strong>de</strong>d, hisfeet supported by a footstool. Celebrant passes flame ofcandle four times un<strong>de</strong>r soles of initiate's feet. As he doesso, he speaks:]PRIEST:Through this, the Black Flame of Satan, thou walketh in Hell.Thy senses are awakened to the joy of rebirth. <strong>The</strong> Gates areflung wi<strong>de</strong> and thy passage is heral<strong>de</strong>d by the <strong>de</strong>athless criesof His guardian beasts. His searing brand shall be evermoreemblazoned on thy consciousness: its fiery meaning shall makethee free.[Priest gestures with his hands in recognition of the Air ofEnlightenment as he pours incense into brazier. Heintones:]PRIEST:We bring of Thy Gar<strong>de</strong>n, O Mighty Lucifer, the fragranceswhich abound therein. Vapors of millennia which Thou hastshared with Thy chosen flock are rekindled now to fill thischamber with Thy presence. We toll the bell in Thy name andthereby summon the whispering voices of won<strong>de</strong>r from all theregions of Thine Empire.Breathe of His breath, O brother of the night, and nourish thywarning brain.From the <strong>de</strong>spair and agony of thy former direction, thy newpath is tonight set forth in all the brilliance of Lucifer's flame.His zephyrs now gui<strong>de</strong> thy steps into the ultimate power whichknowledge brings. <strong>The</strong> blood of those who fail is eternallybright on the jaws of Death, and the hounds of night pursuetheir hapless quarry relentlessly.<strong>The</strong>y who walk amongst us who bear <strong>de</strong>ceit: verily they shallperish in blindness. Turn thy back on the vile and <strong>de</strong>spisethem: follow the Black Flame to unending beauty in mindand body.[Priest removes some earth from container and, whilepressing the soil back and forth against the initiate's solesand palms, speaks:]PRIEST:Now, as before, when the Mother of us all cushioned out pathswith the pure pagan silt of ages, She offers Herself anew. As

thy true role of Earth-child emerges and perva<strong>de</strong>s thy being,return for this and all time thy feet to Her bosom. Revel in theshimmering glow from the hearth of thy heart, and make thypact of <strong>de</strong>votion with all Her children whose paws have trackedand learned the way of Belial. Seek and be glad, for infinityspeaks only to those of self-realization, who know, and hear,and heed <strong>The</strong> Law.[Priest anoints the initiate with water from the sea, andspeaks:]PRIEST:From the arid wastes and bleaching bones and nothingness thoucometh into our midst. With parched and swollen lips, withears thirsting for words of truth, thy quest has led thee to theshrou<strong>de</strong>d and misty subterranean caves of Leviathan.It is from this brine that all life springs forth. Within theeflows remnant saline seas, maintaining thy kinship with the<strong>de</strong>nizens of the <strong>de</strong>ep, nameless creatures of Dagon who, borneupon eternal ti<strong>de</strong>s, shall sustain thee as they have sustainedtheir land dwelling brethren in aeons past. Take comfort in thybriny heritage.Arise now, and wrap thyself in the mantle of darkness, whereinall secrets abi<strong>de</strong>.[Initiate stands and dons the black robe. Priest then placesamulet around initiate's neck, while saying:]PRIEST:I place the amulet of Baphomet upon you, and therewith sealthy eternal commitment to Satan, Lord of thy chosen realm,and thy unyielding loyalty to the wondrous or<strong>de</strong>r of Hiscreation.Raise thy right hand in the Sign of the Horns and receive this,thine oath:Thou, who have forsworn the divine mindlessness, do proclaimthe majesty of thine own being amongst the marvels of theuniverse. Thou rejecteth oblivion of self, and accepteth thepleasure and pain of unique existence. Thou art returned from<strong>de</strong>ath to life, and <strong>de</strong>clareth thy friendship with Lucifer, Lordof Light, who is exalted as Satan. Thou receiveth the Sigil ofBaphomet and embraceth the black flame of cherished enlightenment.Thou hath assumed this Infernal commitment of thineown volition, without let or hindrance: this act being donewithout coercion and of thine own <strong>de</strong>sire and according to thywill.[Priest faces initiate and, with sword in hand, <strong>de</strong>scribeswith its point an inverted pentagram. It is traced in the airdirectly in front of the initiate's chest and the newly consecratedamulet. Priest and initiate face altar and present

the Sign of the Horns.]PRIEST:Hail, Satan!Initiate:Hail, Satan![Priest tolls bell: Pollutionary. He then extinguishes blackflame, and intones:]PRIEST:So it is done.THE SATANIC "BAPTISM"Children's CeremonyTo Zeena and OrwellParticipants consist of a priest, an assistant, the childwho is to be glorified, and the child's parents. Othercongregants may be present at the invitation of the child'sparents.Black robes are worn by all participants except thechild, who wears a bright red gown with open-faced hood.<strong>The</strong> talisman of Satan is suspen<strong>de</strong>d by a chain or ribbonworn around the neck on the outsi<strong>de</strong> of the red gown.<strong>The</strong> child is seated (or lain, if a very young infant) uponthe altar platform before the symbol of Satan, <strong>de</strong>picted onthe west wall of the chamber.In addition to the accouterments standard to <strong>Satanic</strong>Ritual (see <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible), earth and sea water, andan appropriate receptacle for each, will be nee<strong>de</strong>d. It shouldbe noted that incense is not employed in this rite. <strong>The</strong> useof incense is so firmly entrenched in secular religious procedure-anaspect of life not yet known to the child-thatestablishing such an i<strong>de</strong>ntification with <strong>Satanic</strong> rite in thechild's mind is unmagical. Though adults seem to requireit, children don't. If scents are to be present within thechamber, they should be odors for which the child has displayedfavorable or elated response, such as chocolate,warm milk, or other favorite food, an animal pet, etc.Background music must be carefully selected, as smallchildren are epicurean in their choice of tonalities. <strong>The</strong>author has found that the themes of Edvaard Grieg's"Hall of the Mountain King" and Gabriel Pierné's "Entranceof the Little Fauns," when played at a slow an<strong>de</strong>ven tempo, are i<strong>de</strong>al.Archaic English (thee, thy, etc.) has been eliminatedfrom this rite because of the possibility of confusion to the

child, for it is reasonable to assume he is unaccustomedto such verbiage at the age of his taking the rite. If thechild's parents are ma<strong>de</strong> happier by archaic usage, substitutionscan be ma<strong>de</strong>.<strong>The</strong> priest stands direcdy in front of the altar, hisassistant to his left, and the child's parents to his right.<strong>The</strong> ceremony is begun in the standard manner. <strong>The</strong> priestreads the First Enochian Key (from <strong>The</strong> <strong>Satanic</strong> Bible),then proceeds with the glorification:PRIEST:In the name of Satan, Lucifer, Belial, Leviathan, and all the<strong>de</strong>mons, named and nameless, walkers in the velvet darkness,harken to us, O dim and shadowy things, wraith-like, twisted,half-seen creatures, glimpsed beyond the foggy veil of timeand spaceless night. Draw near, attend us on this night offledgling sovereignty. Welcome a new and worthy sister(brother), (child's name) , creature of ecstatic, magic light.Join us in our welcome. With us say: welcome to you, childof joy, sweet passion's daughter (son), product of the darkand musk filled night, ecstasy's <strong>de</strong>light. Welcome to you,sorceress (sorcerer), most natural and true magician. Your tinyhands have strength to pull the crumbling vaults of spuriousheavens down, and from their shards erect a monument to yourown sweet indulgence. Your honesty entitles you to well-<strong>de</strong>serveddominion o'er a world filled with frightened, coweringmen.[<strong>The</strong> acolyte hands a lighted black candle to the priest,who passes the flame four times un<strong>de</strong>r the child's feet,saying:]PRIEST:In the name of Satan, we set your feet upon the Left-HandPath. Four times above the flame you pass, to kindle lust andpassion in your heart, that the heat and brightness ofSchamballah's flame may warm you, that your feelings an<strong>de</strong>motions may burn bright and passionate, to work your magicas you wish. (name) , we call you, as your namegleams forth within the flame.[<strong>The</strong> priest returns the candle to the acolyte, who thenpresents the priest with the bell. <strong>The</strong> priest rings the bellsoftly about the child, intoning:]PRIEST:In the name of Lucifer, we ring about you, brightening the airwith sounds of tinkling wisdom. As your eyes receive enlightenment,so shall your ears perceive the truth, and separate life'spatterns, that your place will be found. We call your name intothe night: O hear sweet (name)'s magic name.[Returning the bell to the acolyte, the priest is given theearth jar. He removes a small amount of earth and lightly

ubs it against the child's hands and feet (palms andsoles), saying:]PRIEST:In the name of Belial, we place His mark upon you, tosolemnize and etch in memory the dark, moist planet-the Pitfrom whence you came-the jetting stream of manhood fertilizingMother Earth. Thus was it always and to time's end willit be. (name) , we call you, that your power, too, maylast unending, always strong as man and earth, for they areone with thee.[Returning the earth jar, the priest takes up the vessel ofsea water and anoints the child's hands and feet, saying:]PRIEST:In the name of Leviathan, and with the great salt sea, we dressyour being in the substance of creation. May all the dwellersin the watery abyss smile upon you, (name), andswirl about you lovingly. May the oceans surge an anthem toyour glory, O little spawn of briny heritage.[<strong>The</strong> priest returns the vessel to the acolyte and, takingup the sword, places its tip upon the child's brow, saying:]PRIEST:By all the images set forth for childhood's fancy, by all thingsthat creep and shuffle through the faerie fane of night, by all thesilken rustles on the wind and croakings in the dark, O frogsand toads and rats and crows and cats and dogs and bats andwhales and all you kith and kin of little ones like she (he)who rests before you: bless her (him), sustain her (him), forshe (he) is of that which needs no purification, for she (he),like all of you, is perfection in what she (he) is, and the mindthat dwells within this head is moved by your god, the Lord ofIS, the All-Powerful Manifestation of Satan.[<strong>The</strong> priest lifts the sword from the child's forehead and,as part of the same gesture, raises its tip up to the Sigil ofBaphomet, above and behind the child. All others presentface the altar and lift their right arms in the Sign of theHorns.]PRIEST:HAIL, (name) !ALL OTHERS:HAIL, (name) !PRIEST:HAIL, SATAN!ALL OTHERS:HAIL, SATAN!

[<strong>The</strong> ceremony is conclu<strong>de</strong>d in the usual manner.]THE UNKNOWN KNOWNDespite others' attempts to i<strong>de</strong>ntify a certain number withSatan, it will be known that Nine is His number. Nine is thenumber of the Ego, for it always returns to itself. No matterwhat is done through the most complex multiplication of Nineby any other number, in the final equation nine alone will standforth.<strong>The</strong> true ages of time are cast in the likeness of Nine, withall cycles obedient to its Law. All matters of terrestrial concernmay be evaluated by the infallible resolution of Nine and itsoffspring. Action and reaction relative to humanity's tribalneeds are contained within successive nine-year periods: thetotal of both (eighteen years) is called a Working. <strong>The</strong> beginningand end of each Working is called a Working Year, an<strong>de</strong>ach midway point between the Working Years displays azenith of intensity for the Working which has been broughtabout.Nine eighteen-year Workings equal an Era (162 years).Nine Eras equal an Age (1,458 years), which has been mistakenlycalled a millennium. Nine Ages equal an Epoch(13,122 years).Each Age (1,458 years) alternates as Fire or Ice, eachdiffering in the means by which the Control presents its dictum.During an Age of Ice, man is taught to refrain from his pri<strong>de</strong>and to retreat from himself; then he will be good. During anAge of Fire, man is taught to indulge himself and to tearhimself open and look insi<strong>de</strong>; then he will be good. Duringan Ice Age, God is above. During a Fire Age, God is beneath.Throughout each Age, big things occur each eighteen years, forthe Control must maintain a cycle of action and reaction withinthe greater cycle of Fire and Ice.Meaningful and portentous messages are cast forth eacheighteen years, and are acted upon for the eighteen years whichfollow, at the end of which a new statement appears. <strong>The</strong> IceAge from which we recently emerged began in the year 508"A.D." Just as the zenith of passion for what each Workinghas inspired occurs halfway between the Working Years, so thegreatest intensity of each Age's message occurs at its midpoint.Thus in the year 1237 "A.D." man's fervor for what the lastIce Age represented had reached its summit. That Age en<strong>de</strong>din 1966, and the new Age of Fire was born.<strong>The</strong> twentieth century has prepared us for the future andthe coming of the Age of Fire was well heral<strong>de</strong>d in the lastWorking Years of the Ice Age. <strong>The</strong> peoples of the Earth havebeen touched by the vehicles of 1894, 1912, 1930, and 1948,

and communication has been well wrought. <strong>The</strong> new <strong>Satanic</strong>Age was born in 1966, and that is why His Church was built.<strong>The</strong> infant is learning to walk, and by the first WorkingYear of his age-that is to say 1984-he will have steadied hissteps, and by the next-2002-he will have attained maturity,and his reign will be filled with wisdom, reason and <strong>de</strong>light.REGE SATANAS!AVE, SATANAS!HAIL, SATAN!

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