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LowestHighestEconomies ranked by recovery rate, quintilesLowestHighestEconomies ranked by recovery rate, quintilesNote: Relationships are significant at the 1% level and remain significant when controlling for income per capita.Source: Doing Business database; World Bank, World Development Indicators database; World Bank Enterprise Surveys.FIGURE 11.3Higher recovery rates in economies with specialized courts and trusteesRecovery rate (cents on the dollar)50YES45403530NOAre there specializedbankruptcy courts?Source: Doing Business database.YESWho reformed in 2007/08?Four Eastern European economiesFIGURE 11.4joined Poland in streamlining bankruptcyprocedures. Latvia passed a newMost reforms in Eastern Europe & Central Asia and rich economiesPoland was the top reformer in closingNumber of reforms making it easier to close a businessa business in 2007/08 (table 11.3). by Its Doing Business insolvency report yearlaw in November 2007. NowLaw on Trustee Licensing DB2005 took DB2006 effect on DB2007 financially DB2008 distressed DB<strong>2009</strong> companies canEastern Europe& October Central Asia 10, 2007. The new law tightened choose to continue operating by pursuingreorganization. Like Poland, Latvia21(28 professional economies) requirements for administratorsto ensure they have the skills and also tightened the qualification stan-OECDhigh education incomeneeded to oversee bankruptcy dards for bankruptcy administrators. 19 So(24 economies)proceedings. Obtaining a trustee’s licenseAsia now requires passing an exam in Republic’s Insolvency Act took effect ondid Bosnia and Herzegovina. The CzechEast& Pacific6(24 economics, economies) law, finance and management.America The reform also limits trustees’ organization as the preferred method forJanuary 1, 2008. The law introduces re-Latin& pay Caribbean to 3% of the bankrupt estate’s 6value,resolving insolvency, mandates stricter(32 economies)down from 5%.deadlines, establishes an electronic insolvencyregister and sets new qualificationSub-SaharanAfricaThree economies in Latin America3(46 and economies) the Caribbean rank close behind standards for trustees.Middle Poland East & top reformers. Colombia, the Bulgaria passed 2 laws: the CivilNorth runner-up Africa reformer,2introduced 2 new Procedure Code and the Law for the(19 economies)insolvency proceedings: a reorganization Commercial Registry. The first specifiesSouth procedure Asia to restructure insolvent companiesand a mandatory liquidation proels:first before the court of appeals andthat appeals will now take place at 2 lev-(8 economies)1cedure. Note: A reform Its is counted new insolvency as 1 reform per reforming law tightenseconomy per year. then before the supreme court. Bulgaria’sSource: Doing Business database.time limits for negotiating reorganization supreme court will be the final arbiter,agreements. Before, the term allowed was with the discretion to decide whether6 months, with a possible extension of 8 or not to hear a case. Before, court decisionscould be appealed only before themonths. The new law limits the term to 4months, and the extension to 2.supreme court—which usually sent casesMexico amended its bankruptcy back to the district court—resulting inlaw. Now debtors and creditors may long delays. Another first for Bulgaria:enter into a reorganization agreement major decisions and rulings of the bankruptcycourt are posted on the commer-at any stage of the insolvency procedure.St. Vincent and the Grenadines enacted cial registry’s website.a bankruptcy law in 2007. The law is the In East Asia and Pacific, Hong Kongcountry’s first set of rules regulating the (China) and Cambodia were the onlybankruptcy of private enterprises since reformers. Hong Kong (China) issued theits independence.Bankruptcy Amendment Rules for 2007,NOAre there minimumqualifications for trustees?YESNOCan creditorsappoint trustees?CLOSING A BUSINESs 55FIGURE 11.2strengthening trustees’ role and powers.Rankings on closing a businessCambodia are based adopted on 1 subindicator the 2007 BankruptcyLaw, its first regulating the bankruptcy ofFunction of time, cost and other factorsprivate such as lending enterprises. rate and the The likelihood law introduces aof the company continuingreorganization procedure to restructureto operateinsolvent companies.Five OECD high-income economiesjoined the list of 100% reformers in 2007/08.Finland streamlined Recovery court-supervisedreorganization. Now ratea simple majorityof creditors can approve simplified reorganizationplans; before, unanimousconsent was required. Finland revisedNote: Time and cost do not count separately for the ranking.itsSeeRestructuringData notes for details.of Enterprises Act,accelerating hearings and making theentire process more flexible. Germanyamended its insolvency code to makeit FIGURE easier 11.5to maintain a debtor’s businessas Top a 5 going reform concern. features The in new law allowsthe closing insolvency a business court to suspend enforcementactions against assets essential toReforms including feature since DB2005 (%)continuing the business.29%Granted Portugal power to cut creditors the formality of publishinginsolvency notices in newspapers.28%It also introduced a fast-track procedureIntroduced or tightened statutory time limitsand streamlined appealsTable 11.2Where is bankruptcy the most 22% efficient—and Established where or the promoted least?reorganization procedureTime (years)16%FastestSlowestDeveloped the trustee professionIreland 0.4 Ecuador 5.3Japan 7% 0.6 Indonesia 5.5CanadaEstablished a first0.8bankruptcyHaitilaw5.7Singapore 0.8 <strong>Ph</strong>ilippines 5.7Note: A reform may include several reform features.Belgium 0.9 Belarus 5.8Source: Doing Business database.Finland 0.9 Angola 6.2Norway 0.9 Czech Republic 6.5Australia 1.0 Maldives 6.7Belize 1.0 Mauritania 8.0Iceland 1.0 India 10.0Cost (% of estate)LeastMostColombia 1.0 Micronesia 38.0Kuwait 1.0 <strong>Ph</strong>ilippines 38.0Norway 1.0 Samoa 38.0Singapore 1.0 Solomon Islands 38.0Bahamas, The 3.5 Vanuatu 38.0Belgium 3.5 Venezuela 38.0Brunei 3.5 Sierra Leone 42.0Canada 3.5 Ukraine 42.0Finland 3.5 Liberia 42.5Georgia 3.5 Central AfricanRepublic76.0Source: Doing Business database.(c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank

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