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AfricaSource: Doing Business database.incomeCentralAsia& CaribbeanNote: SePAYING TAXES 41ing the hotel tax, entertainment tax,consumption duty, stamp duty on receiptsand domestic and internationaltelecommunications surcharge. Uruguayabolished a tax on consumption. Mexicoabolished its asset tax. Colombia andHonduras made paying taxes easier byimplementing and improving online filingand payment systems. That cut thetime spent filing and paying taxes, especiallyin Honduras.In Africa 6 economies reformed.Three reduced their corporate incometax rate (table 8.3). Burkina Faso reducedits corporate income tax rate from35% to 30%, its dividend tax rate from15% to 12.5% and its property transfertax rate from 10% to 8%. Côte d’Ivoirereduced the corporate income tax ratefrom 27% to 25%. Madagascar reducedthat rate from 30% to 25% and abolished9 taxes, including the stamp duty anddividend tax. In Africa taxes other thanthe profit tax—such as stamp duties,property taxes and labor taxes—accountfor the largest share of the total tax rate.This is reflected in the large number ofFIGURE 8.4Most time in Latin America & CaribbeanSource: Doing Business database.#Number oftax paymentsOECDhigh income13183Middle East& North Africa 23216East Asia& Pacific 25252Time (hours per year)South Asia 32293Sub-SaharanAfrica 38312Eastern Europe& Central Asia46Latin America& CaribbeanFIGURE tax payments 8.5 African businesses must reformed. Aside from Malaysia, ChinaAmakethirdeachof reformsyear (figurein Eastern8.4).Europe & CentralmadeAsianotable reforms, reducing the corporatereport income year tax from 33.3% to 25%Number of reforms easing payment of taxesMozambique eased the filing and by Doing Businesspaying of taxes by introducing DB2006 electronic DB2007and unifying DB2008 accounting DB<strong>2009</strong> methods andEastern systems. Europe It also revised its tax code to criteria for tax deductions and exemptions.Meanwhile, online filing became& Central Asia44(28 make economies) necessary updates, remove ambiguitiesand strengthen tax compliance more prevalent. Thailand introducedSub-SaharanAfrica and collection. Zambia did the same. corporate 22 income tax exemptions for(46 economies)These changes should increase the effectivenesssmall companies, reduced the corporateof tax administration.income tax rate to 25% for newly listedOECDhigh income18(24 economies) In East Asia and Pacific 5 economies companies and reduced several propertytaxes by sizable rates. It also made onlineTable 8.3Latin America& Caribbean17Major cuts in corporate income tax rates in 2007/08filing and payments easier. Samoa loweredits corporate income tax from 29%(32 economies)Region Middle Reduction East in & corporate income tax rate (%)to 27%. Mongolia reduced social securityNorth Africa12OECD high income (19 Canada economies) from 22.1 to 19.5contributions paid by employers fromCzech Republic from 24 to 21East Asia19% to 11% of gross salaries.&DenmarkPacificfrom 28 to 257In the Middle East and North Africa(24 Germany economies) from 25 to 15only 2 economies reformed. MoroccoItaly from 33 to 27.5South AsiaNew Zealand from 33 to 30 6lowered the standard corporate tax rate(8 economies)from 35% to 30%. Tunisia made filingEast Asia & Pacific China from 33.3 to 25Note: A reform is counted as 1 reform per reforming economy per year.Malaysia from 27 to 25and paying taxes easier by expandingSource: Doing Business database.Samoa from 29 to 27electronic options. Although companiesThailand from 30 to 25have been able to file and pay taxes onlineEastern Europe & Central Asia Albania from 20 to 10since 2005, many have been reluctant toBosnia and Herzegovina from 30 to 10pay their taxes this way. To address theirLatin America & CaribbeanGeorgia from 20 to 15Macedonia, former Yugoslav Republic of,from 12 to 10Antigua and Barbuda from 30 to 25Dominican Republic from 30 to 25St. Vincent and the Grenadines from 40 to 37.5concerns while easing the administrativeburden, Tunisian authorities introducedan option for filing tax returns onlinewhile paying the taxes in person at a taxoffice. This is a practical intermediatestep toward a full online system.South Asia recorded no significantreforms.Sub-Saharan Africa Burkina Faso from 35 to 30Côte d’Ivoire from 27 to 25Madagascar from 30 to 25Middle East & North Africa Morocco from 35 to 30Source: Doing Business database.35388394FIGURETop 5ReformsReduceSimplifiRevised1Elimina14%ReduceNote: A reSource: Do(c) The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank

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